Philly Liberty Activist Kidnapped, Facing 10 Charges & $35k Bail, All Victimless Crimes

**UPDATE** 2013-02-13 9:37PM

Fernando has been released on bail and awaits trial for his charges. Here is a link to an ABC News report on Fernando’s victimization at the hands of the Camden County police: LINK

It’s a good thing the police violated Fernando’s rights when he refused the search. A parking infraction *is not* a probable cause to search a vehicle, but thank goodness they did or he might have blown up the police station with his signal flares and pepper spray. Lame. Now faces a decade in prison? Sounds like nj IS the prison.

Fernando Antonio Salguero is still in custody of the Somerdale Police Department, facing 10 charges and a bail of $35,000

The accused charges are:

(2C39-3A) 3 counts of possession of destructive devices

(2C39-3E) 1 count of possession of certain weapons

(2C39-5D) 3 counts of possession of a weapon

(2C39-9D) 3 counts of transportation of weapons

Time of arrest was around 1:30am. Bail is set at $35,000.

Information above according to Jason Laughlin (Cell: 609-820-7630) of the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office.

Somerdale Police: (856) 428-6324

Camden County Prosecutor’s Office (856) 225-8400

Fernando’s trial date is not known at this time. Check for future updates.

Charlie Sheen to Chris Dorner- Call Me, IBM Supercomputer Watson to Cure Cancer, & Sushi 4 Bitcoin

PNN #42 Show Notes:

Intro: Good news! This is Peace News Now. I’m DerrickJ. Today is Tuesday, February 12th 2013. Here’s what’s happening in the world of Peaceful Evolution:

First, news from the Shire:


Author: DerrickJ

As of yesterday, the Thelonious Monkfish, a Pan-Asian restaurant at 524 Massachusetts Ave. in Cambridge, Mass. is a real-life over-the-counter establishment that accepts Bitcoin as payment. As in this case, sometimes all it takes is a conversation with the owner. Try asking some establishments that you frequent, “Do you accept Bitcoin?”

Do you want Liberty in your lifetime? Move to New Hampshire & Join the Free Staters! It’s not a coincidence that the Sushi restaurant accepting bitcoin is close to FreeManchester in the Shire. Over 1000 early-movers have already arrived and are getting active enhancing liberty. Numbers make the critical difference. Combine your efforts with others to maximize your impact. Visit to get started.


Author: DerrickJ

Watson is the artificially intelligent supercomputer created by IBM. After years of fun winning against humans on Jeopardy by CHEATING and looking up all of its answers on Wikipedia, Watson took its million dollar prize money, went on vacation to the Cayman Islands, and is now finally ready to focus on something productive: Curing Cancer!!

When competing on Jeopardy! in 2011, Watson had access to 200 million pages of structured and unstructured content consuming four terabytes of disk storage, including the full text of Wikipedia, but was not connected to the internet during the game.

Today, Watson is sifting through some 600,000 pieces of medical evidence and two million pages of text from 42 medical journals and clinical trials in oncology research. The combination of Watson’s high-speed data processing, massive storage capacity, and artificial intelligence presents a unique opportunity to speed up the way data is analyzed to diagnose and treat cancer.

Watson, named after IBM founder Thomas Watson, can ingest tens of millions of pages of data in just seconds.

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AUTHOR: DerrickJ

Up until now, I have avoided mentioning Christopher Dorner, the former LAPD officer who is being hunted by police, feds, and drones, is now being hunted by actor Charlie Sheen. Before, the news was negative: a murderer being hunted by federal agents, police mistakenly killing multiple innocent victims, the first-ever American citizen to be sought and destroyed by drone. Finally, I get to report on this bit of news in a positive light. Charlie Sheen recently produced a short video in which he addressed Dorner, saying, QUOTE:

(“You mentioned me in your manifesto, so thank you for your kind words. I am urging you to call me. Let’s figure out together how to end this thing. Call me. I look forward to talking to you.”)

Sheen is not known for his calm rationality. But I applaud his attempt to speak reason with one of his fans who happens to be the object of a manhunt. He shows an understanding that talking problems out is the solution, not bullets and bodybags.

In related news, LL Cool J is refusing to leave the house for fear that the drone may mistakenly target him. LL Cool J should watch his back (for a drone)


AUTHOR: DerrickJ

A Hemp Bill was approved unanimously in a Kentucky Senate Committee, where Senator Rand Paul and Former CIA Director James Woolsey Testified. The bill is not a big sweeping step for freedom, but it is a baby step for industrial hemp, a crop which will provide a boon of economic activity to Kentucky farmers and their trade partners. The only vocal opponents of the bill were law enforcement, who speculated that some hemp farmers would also grow marijuana.

(No marijuana grower would hide marijuana plants in a hemp field. Marijuana is grown widely spaced to maximize flowers and leaves; hemp is grown tightly-spaced to maximize stalk and is usually harvested before it goes to seed. It is also the first place where law enforcement officials would look.)

Hemp is not marijuana. The two are different varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant. Most importantly, they have different tetrahydrocannabinol content, or THC. THC is derived from the flowering tops, and is the active ingredient responsible for marijuana’s medicinal and psychoactive qualities, with levels ranging from 15 percent to 20 percent. The hemp plant, harvested solely for its seed and stalk, not its low-THC flowers, contains less than 1 percent.

Hemp has been grown for at least 12,000 years for fiber (textiles and paper) and seed (food and fuel).

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp. Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper.

Hemp was grown commercially in the US until the 1950s. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics made it impossible to grow industrial hemp. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration, (the DEA), to this day still regards Industrial Hemp the same as marijuana.

In world news,


Author: DerrickJ

A website called is making waves by offering an open source person to person payment network. This has sparked an interesting discussion by users with the website’s creator. That’s happening in the Bitcoin Forums at (Link in this episode’s show notes)

Outro: That’s all the time we have for today. Links to these stories can be found in this episode’s show notes. Find PNN on YouTube, iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, & LiveLeak. For, I’m DerrickJ. Peace!

PorcFest, 3D Printed Magazine & Jurors Nullify Bad Laws

PNN #41 Show Notes:

Right-click this link to download this episode’s audio.


Intro: Drop in, and Opt out. I’m DerrickJ. You’re listening to Peace News Now, your daily 5-minute update on the growing peaceful evolution around the globe. Today is Monday, February 11th 2013. Here’s what’s happening in the world of Peace:

First, news from the Shire:


Author: DerrickJ

Do you want Liberty in your lifetime? Move to New Hampshire & Join the Free Staters! Over 1000 early-movers have already arrived and are getting active enhancing liberty. Numbers make a crucial difference. Combine your efforts with others to maximize your impact. Get started at .

The Porcupine Freedom Festival, endearingly referred to as PorcFest, is the Free State Project’s flagship annual summer gathering in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This year, it’s happening June 17th to 23rd. PorcFest is a gathering of over a thousand of the world’s finest freedom-lovers. The week-long event is safe, fun, and friendly, and is packed with parties, panels, classes, delicious food, children’s activities, and much more. A beautiful new website advertising the event just launched this week at, that’s Porc with a “C,” as in “PorCupine.” Buy your tickets before February 25th to qualify for an early bird discount of 30% off. I’ll be there. Will you join me?


Author: DerrickJ & Dave Ridley

A recent video by New Hampshire media man Dave Ridley highlighted the efforts of the peaceful people of FreeGrafton in the Shire. FreeGrafton is arguably America’s freest town, but it’s not exempt from Washington DC’s Police State or Drug Wars. Rather than address the so-called “representatives” of the District, some residents of FreeGrafton have proposed to their local town government a bill that would allow volunteers to mail pamphlets to all voters living in the town. Funds for the project would be raised voluntarily, and the pamphlets would include information about Juror’s rights–primarily, a juror’s right to nullify bad laws by voting his or her conscience.

It is the law in New Hampshire, and indeed it is natural law everywhere, that a person has the right to judge the LAW as well as the facts before them. These informational mailers would inform you that you have the right, as a member of a jury, to nullify a law which you deem immoral.

So, for example, if you were opposed to the war on drugs, and you were on the jury for a pot possession charge, even if you know that the evidence was abundant and clear that the accused person was indeed growing marijuana, an illegal act, you could STILL say he is NOT GUILTY because you disagree with the law itself. This act, called “Jury Nullification” has been utilized with success for some Free Staters and freedom-lovers across the continent. One recent example includes a New Hampshire man who grew 15 marijuana plants in his backyard, a crime which carries a penalty of decades in prison. The grower was released on a verdict of NOT GUILTY because the jury disagreed with the law. ( )

(Below is the text of the Grafton bill)
‘To see if the Town shall notify the voters of Grafton of their natural and historic right and responsibility as jurors, sitting on juries in all cases including grand juries, to judge the law as well as the facts before them, a right recognized by the State of New Hampshire with the passage of HB146 (Laws of 2012, c. 243) and codified as RSA 519:23-a, which states that ‘in all criminal proceedings the court shall permit the defense to inform the jury of its right to judge the facts and the application of the law in relation to the facts in controversy.” The information shall be sent by the Town to all voters individually via first-class mail, and shall be prepared entirely by volunteers, information which may include pamphlets prepared by the Fully Informed Jury Association, a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) organization. All costs shall be paid using voluntarily raised funds.’ ”
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In world news,


Author: Robert Beckhusen & DerrickJ

The 3-D printing gunsmiths at Defense Distributed are about to release blueprints for an upgraded magazine that won’t degrade even after you fire hundreds of rounds. According to the group’s founder, Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed fired a total of 342 rounds using the magazine in recent tests at a gun range near Austin, Texas, with no issues. Hilariously, Last month, Rep. Steve Israel of New York called for 3-D printed magazines to be banned. However, the 3-D printers used to make the magazines use layers of thermoplastics and computer-aided design files to construct everyday objects. The magazines and other gun parts can simply be printed from an unlimited internet database. Checkmate, gun control.

Outro: That’s all the time we have for today. Links to these stories can be found in this episode’s show notes. PNN is on YouTube, iTunes, Twitter, & Facebook. If you enjoyed this episode, share the peace with your friends. For, I’m DerrickJ. Peace!