Pentagon Provoking WWIII

Iranians report spotting ANOTHER one of the Pentagon’s Predator drones over the Persian Gulf this week. This time, two US Military aircrafts escorted the drone.

When an Iranian fighter jet flew within 16 miles of the drone, one of the US Army Pilots radioed over to the Iranian that he was to leave them alone or be killed. The Pentagon put it differently, quote, “The Iranian jet departed after a verbal warning.”

All this after December 2011, in which a CIA drone gathering intelligence on Iran’s nuclear program for the CIA was captured by Iranians after it crashed. Last November, an Iranian warplane fired on a Predator over the Gulf — exactly the same type of drone as was flying this week, in exactly the same place.

It is as if the CIA is trying to provoke an attack by the Iranians by flying over their airspace and taking invasive pictures with a Predator drone escorted by 2 Military aircrafts. Despite how this might appear, quote “Obama administration officials told CNN that the United States is concerned with Iranian intentions in incidents like this and whether such episodes could unintentionally trigger hostilities.”

Funny how it’s apparently the Iranians triggering hostilities simply by riding alongside the US Military while it spies on Iranians. How do you think the Pentagon would respond if Ahmadinejad were to fly military style spy planes accompanied by 2 Iranian military aircrafts over the US?

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