159 Female Schindler Saves 2500 Baby Jews

PNN #159 Show Notes http://bit.ly/12JysOt


Schindler Dies at 98:


Wake Forest 3D Prints Skin Cells to Burn Wounds


Teenage Intern Short-Circuits White House Press System with Simple Question


George Zimmerman Rescues Overturned Truck


Libertarian Mayor Remakes City


Hershberger Ice Cream Social


This is your Peace News for Tuesday, July 23rd 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 95 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.

This week a listener sent us a story about Irena Sendler, a female Schindler. In her lifetime, she successfully smuggled out over 2,500 Jewish babies and toddlers, helping them escape concentration camps by way of suitcases, ambulances, coffins, and sewer pipes. She kept hidden a meticulous record of all their real names and new identities so they might later be re-united with their families.

She had spirited them out of the heavily-guarded Jewish ghetto in Warsaw. She was beaten, tortured and sentenced to death by the Gestapo – who even announced her execution. But Irena survived, her secrets untold. She died just 5 years ago, in her modest Warsaw apartment, aged 98.

Modest about her achievements, she said, quote, “I was brought up to believe that a person must be rescued when drowning, regardless of religion and nationality. The term ‘heroine’ irritates me greatly. The opposite is true. I continue to have pangs of conscience that I did so little.”

A few months before she died, she said, quote, “After World War II, it seemed that humanity understood something, and nothing like that would happen again. Humanity has understood nothing. Religious, tribal, national wars continue. The world continues to be in a sea of blood.”

But she added: “The world can be better if there’s love, tolerance and humility.”

Using the government’s funny-money keeps the state afloat. Let them sink. Learn about the new currency Bitcoin. It’s stateless, just like you. Learn more at WeUseCoins.com.

Scientists at Wake Forest University’s Military Research Center have developed a method of 3D printing new skin cells onto burn wounds. The method is far superior to traditional skin grafts because regular grafts require skin from a donor site somewhere on the patient’s body. Taking skin from a donor site is painful and sometimes the patients don’t even have enough unburned skin to transplant.

First a laser scans the patient’s burn, and that information gets translated into a personalized plan for filling the wound up with cells. Then a modified inkjet printer lays down the cells individually, one layer at a time until the burned area is completely covered.

Speaking of new technologies, bitcoin is a new currency for moving money digitally. Store your bitcoins in a free & secure wallet at Blockchain.info.

This week, 16-year-old Daily Caller intern Gabe Finger was called upon to ask a question of White House press secretary Jay Carney, and he completely stumped him into stunned silence.  The question he asked was, “Because of the death threats being received by George Zimmerman and his parents, is the President going to take any action for their security, or are they on their own?” Kudos to Gabe for courageously questioning a powerful figure.

In a story that went instantly viral, George Zimmerman of the recent Trayvon Martin case came out of hiding yesterday to assist a man whose truck had turned over on the highway, saving his life.

Mayor Mike Dunafon of Glendale, Colorado was featured on the Blaze recently in an article which highlighted his Libertarian principles and how they have helped to rapidly change the landscape of Glendale from crumbling to thriving.

Refusing to have his marriage endorsed by the state, he met his stripper fiance when her successful stripclub was under attack by the local government. The mayor at the time said he’d rather see the 300 women on welfare, despite the fact that they wanted to keep their jobs. Dunafon was furious, and with just 31 days until the next election, he went door to door with strippers and beer registering voters. After winning a landslide victory, he sent half of city hall packing.

Dunafon said that his political philosophy is about deregulating our lives. “For instance,” he says, quote, “next month we’re taking a law off the books that precludes pool tables from bars in Glendale.  Now this was an obscure law we didn’t know existed.”

Speaking of deregulation, the government can’t control bitcoin. Learn about this empowering new currency at WeUseCoins.com.

In food freedom news, the Vernon Hershberger farm is holding a victory celebration and fundraiser on Saturday August 17th. To recognize their achievements peacefully resisting agents of the state earlier this year, the Hershberger Family is welcoming all their supporters to share in this day of celebration with real homemade ice cream made from their own cows’ raw milk. Come spend the day with the Hershberger’s and their supporters. Join special guests David Gumpert, Max Kane, The Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund Attorneys, members of the Jury, and a host of other local and national food freedom activists. RSVP on the facebook page, and if you can’t attend but want to support the Hershbergers, you can make a donation to their farm at http://VernonHershberger.com

Peace News brought to by friends of WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. If you enjoy the show, you can donate to keep it going, at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate. Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Ever Heard of the Female Schindler?

From DailyMail:


Irena Sendler was a female Schindler. In her lifetime, she successfully smuggled out over 2,500 Jewish babies and toddlers, helping them escape concentration camps by way of suitcases, ambulances, coffins, and sewer pipes. She kept hidden a meticulous record of all their real names and new identities so they might later be re-united with their families.

She had spirited them out of the heavily-guarded Jewish ghetto in Warsaw. She was beaten, tortured and sentenced to death by the Gestapo – who even announced her execution. But Irena survived, her secrets untold. She died 5 years ago, in her modest Warsaw apartment, aged 98.

Modest about her achievements, she said, quote, “I was brought up to believe that a person must be rescued when drowning, regardless of religion and nationality. The term ‘heroine’ irritates me greatly. The opposite is true. I continue to have pangs of conscience that I did so little.”

A few months before she died, she said, quote, “After World War II, it seemed that humanity understood something, and nothing like that would happen again. Humanity has understood nothing. Religious, tribal, national wars continue. The world continues to be in a sea of blood.”

But she added: “The world can be better if there’s love, tolerance and humility.”

158 Ballsy Activists Defy Prohibition Laws at Birthplace of Liberty

PNN #158 Show Notes http://bit.ly/1306hcV


Philly SmokeDown Prohibition 7


Americans Leaving Country, Joining Free State Project


Helen Thomas Dies at 92


Real Threat to Gold is Digital


This is your Peace News for Monday, July 22nd 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 91 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.

Final preparations by marijuana reform activists in Philadelphia are underway for Smoke Down Prohibition VII, the seventh in a series of monthly protests held at Independence National Historic Park.

After six successful rallies, The Panic Hour and Philly NORML, joint organizers of the event, will return to Independence National Historic Park, home of the Liberty Bell, to peacefully protest cannabis prohibition starting on July 26th.

Unlike previous editions of Smoke Down Prohibition, which were one-day demonstrations, this event begins at 4:20 pm on a Friday, and taking a page from last year’s Occupy movement, will continue for as long as necessary — even if it stretches for days, weeks, or months.

Organizers said, quote, “We ask you to join us and peacefully sit in at the Liberty Bell to stand up against cannabis prohibition.”  There will be speakers, activities, arts and crafts and workshops throughout the evening.

Previous protests began earlier in the day and climaxed with a 4:20 pm civil disobedience demonstration, with activists openly smoking cannabis, which led to the arrest of organizers and activists at Smoke Down Prohibition V in May.

This time around, organizers say, the “moment of marijuana reflection” will not be determined beforehand.  Previous protest were peaceful and without incident, until police converged on the park area just before 4:20 pm during May’s rally.

Organizers of the event have created a video, Guidelines for the Smoke Down Sit In, which includes such tips as how — and how not — to be arrested peacefully.

One peaceful way to take power back from the oligarchs who seek to control you is to trade in a decentralized currency. Learn about the rise of a new currency that is beyond government control. Go to http://WeUseCoins.com .

In other news, Angel Clark reports for Examiner that Americans are leaving the country in search of more freedom, and those who stay, move to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project.

Activist and expat George Donnelly from Shield Mutual said, quote, “I saw no future for myself there, among the Wacos, the OK cities, the taxes, permits and urban decay of Chicago. I decided to get out and see what kind of a life I could make for myself elsewhere. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I am thrilled that I found the courage to do it. It has changed my life in unforeseen ways. I am happier, healthier and wealthier today because of it. I wouldn’t trade my experiences of living in Japan and Colombia for anything.”

Farmer Frank W. Szabo from Freedom Orchard commented, quote “I left because I did not think that there was anything else that I could do which would make a real difference. I did not feel that my family, or our assets, were safe any longer.”

Traffic on websites that promote leaving America before it’s too late is way up. International Living and The Dollar Vigilante are popular sites and discuss the pros and cons of starting a new life overseas. Confidence in America’s politicians and government is at an all time low, and the conversation of expatriating is now a legitimate topic coming up at family dinner tables.

Many people and families who recognize the loss of freedoms are deciding to work for liberty in their lifetimes via the Free State Project. The Free State Project is an effort to have 20,000 peaceful liberty loving activists to move to New Hampshire to reduce the role of government in their lives. I endorse this option. Learn more at http://FreeStateProject.org .

This next story brought to you by friends of BlockChain.info . Go to Blockchain.info to download the free & secure wallet app that can sync with your smartphone. Blockchain.info.


In other news, CNN reports that trailblazing White House journalist Helen Thomas has died at age 92 after a long illness.


Starting with JFK in 1961, Thomas covered 10 presidents over half a century and became a legend in the industry.


She was a fixture at White House news conferences — sitting front and center late in her career — where she frequently exasperated government spokesmen with her pointed questions.


In other news of import, MarketWatch.com, a branch of the Wall St Journal, reported this week that the REAL threat to gold in the long term is digital currency such as bitcoin. Learn more about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com .


Peace News brought to by friends of WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. If you enjoy the show, you can donate to keep it going, at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate . Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

PNN Live #10 – Liz Reitzig, Food Freedom

Sunday’s episode

6532582001_aca9e0b341_zIn Sunday’s episode, I was joined by Danny Panzella of the Peaceful Streets Project (NYC) and Liz Reitzig of the Farm Food Freedom Coalition. I shared a story about a school down the street from Peace News Now studios, where the number of violent incidents at the school have been reduced 90% in a year since removing the metal detectors, barred windows, and hallway cops. Danny shared a story of his recent arrest in Penn Station for handing out information about a recent NYPD drill involving hazardous gas. Liz Reitzig shared a personal account from Bakers Green Acres Farm, where a pig farmer who is being attacked by the state was supported by over 300 people at a recent hearing. Listen to the latest episode below, and click here for the show notes (7/21).

PNN Live Sunday Show July 21, 2013

Peace News Now Live Sunday Show July 21, 2013 5-7p EST Show Notes:



Danny Panzella, http://PeacefulStreetsNYC.org

Liz Reitzig, http://FarmFoodFreedom.org


NE Philly School Ditches Metal Detectors, Violence Drops



Half of Detroit Property Owners Don’t Pay Taxes



Bankrupt US Cities



Illegal Bunnies, and the Bureaucratic Busybodies who Create Them





Is flashing your headlights free speech?



Check out this episode

157 School Violence Drops After Removing Cops

PNN #157 Show Notes http://bit.ly/18trce9


Philly School Goes Nonviolent


Half of Detroit Property Owners Don’t Pay Taxes


Is flashing your headlights free speech?


This is your Peace News for Sunday, July 21st, 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 89 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.

Jeff Deeny writes for the Atlantic about a school located down the street from the Peace News Now studios:

Last year when American Paradigm Schools took over Philadelphia’s infamous, failing John Paul Jones Middle School, they did something a lot of people would find inconceivable. The school was known as “Jones Jail” for its reputation of violence and disorder, and because the building, like many government schools, physically resembled prison. Situated in the Kensington section of the city, it drew students from the heart of a desperately poor hub of injection drug users and street level prostitution where gun violence rates are off the charts. But rather than beef up the already heavy security to ensure safety and restore order, American Paradigm stripped it away. During renovations, they removed the metal detectors and barred windows.

The police predicted chaos. But instead, new numbers seem to show that in a single year, the number of serious incidents fell by 90%.

The school says it wasn’t just the humanizing physical makeover of the facility that helped. Memphis Street Academy also credits the Alternatives to Violence Project (or AVP). AVP is a noncoercive, nonviolent conflict resolution regimen originally used in prison settings that was later adapted to violent schools. AVP, when tailored to school settings, emphasizes student empowerment, relationship building and anger management over institutional control and surveillance. There are no aggressive security guards in schools using the AVP model; instead they have engagement coaches, who provide support, encouragement, and a sense of safety.

In one school year serious incidents – drug sales, weapons, assaults, rapes – went from 138 to 15.

Top Comment for this story comes from Mike Waz, who says, quote “It’s amazing what happens when you stop telling kids they are monsters and start treating them like dignified human beings.”

This next story is brought to you by friends of BlockChain.info. Download the free & secure wallet app and sync your bitcoin wallet with all your mobile devices. Get it at Blockchain.info.

Christine McDonald and Mike Wilkinson report for the Detroit News:

Nearly half of the owners of Detroit’s 305,000 properties failed to pay their tax bills last year, exacerbating a punishing cycle of declining revenues and diminished services for a city in a financial crisis.

47 percent of the city’s taxable parcels are delinquent on their 2011 bills. About a quarter of a billion dollars in taxes and fees went uncollected.

Delinquency is so pervasive that 77 blocks had only one owner who paid taxes last year. Many of those who don’t pay question why they should in a city that struggles to light its streets or keep police on them.

“Why pay taxes?” asked Fred Phillips, who allegedly owes more than $2500 on his home. On his block, only 5 owners paid taxes. “Why should I send them taxes when they aren’t supplying services? … Every time I see the tax bill come, I think about the times we called, and nobody came.”

Detroit has the highest property taxes among big cities nationwide. Many houses are assessed at more than 10 times their market price.

Detroit relies on a shrinking sliver of businesses to pay the bulk of the bills. Just seven businesses paid nearly a fifth of all collected property taxes. The rich neighborhoods, representing about 2 percent of the city’s homes, paid about the same. In all, only 41 percent of people who received tax bills in Detroit paid anything.

Detroit’s delinquencies are so pervasive that some owners have been allowed to keep their property even if they don’t pay taxes. Wayne County treasury officials are so overwhelmed by foreclosures that they ignored about 40,000 delinquent Detroit properties that should have been seized last year and said they will look the other way on about 36,000 this year.

Payments in dollars may soon be a thing of the past. Learn about the new digital money that is quickly becoming the default currency of the internet. WeUseCoins.com.

When Michael Elli of Missouri flashed his headlights to warn other drivers of an upcoming speed trap, he didn’t think he was doing anything illegal.

After he received a ticket for obstruction of justice, which carried a $1,000 fine, he fought back, saying the warning was protected free speech. Eventually prosecutors in Missouri dropped the charges, but now Elli and the American Civil Liberties Union have filed a class action lawsuit against the city for issuing such tickets in the first place.

Tony Rothert with the ACLU said, quote, “Those who use their First Amendment rights to warn others to drive cautiously should not be punished for their message. After all, the purpose of traffic laws is to promote safety, not generate revenue.”

Florida, Utah, Tennessee, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania have all deemed that warning other drivers with a flicker of your high beams is protected by the first amendment. Alaska and Arizona have laws strictly forbid headlight flashing in any situation.

Peace News brought to by friends of WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. If you enjoy the show, you can donate to keep it going, at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate. Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Danny Panzella Arrested, Joins PNN Live Sunday Show

Super-activist Danny Panzella of TruthSquad.tv was arrested earlier this morning inside Pennsylvania Station in New York City for criminally dispensing information to passers-by who voluntarily accepted his fliers. Danny was informing the blissfully ignorant public of the latest “drill” by NYPD conditioning the sheeple to act obedient during a subway crisis. During today’s “drill,” the city’s blue light gang released a potentially hazardous gas into the subway, contaminating the airways of innocent passengers.

Which action is criminal? Dispensing toxic gas into the lungs of the unconsenting, or dispensing pamphlets informing them about it?

Danny will give us the details Sunday during the live-show from 5-7p EST at LRN.fm. Tune in live to call in and ask Danny a question!

156 Good Farmers Disobey Bad Laws

Click here to listen/download.

PNN #156 Show Notes http://bit.ly/16LT8GJ



Bakers Green Acres Hearing Brief



Roger Ver Reassurance about MtGox



Raisin Farmer Disobeys, Sues Government



This is your Peace News for Friday, July 19th 2013.


Silver is trading at 19 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 90 dollars per bitcoin.


Peace News brought to by friends of WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.


Mark Baker of Bakers Green Acres put out a youtube video this week briefing those following his situation with interest. In it, he explained that the purpose of the recent hearing was to prove standing and to request a jury trial. The judge said he would issue a ruling in writing within a month, and Mark’s perception was that he is an ally. He also mentioned the overwhelming support garnered by the Farm Food Freedom Coalition at http://FarmFoodFreedom.org


{clip of support 0:30-0:45}

You can support Mark’s courageous efforts by making a donation at BakersGreenAcres.com .


Donate to your favorite causes with Bitcoin, the internet’s favorite currency. Learn more at WeUseCoins.com






Roger Ver put out a video on his youtube channel yesterday in which he reassures viewers that ALL of the current withdraw problems at MtGox are being caused by the traditional banking system, not because of a lack of liquidity at MtGox.


Ver said, quote, “”


[clip 0:30-0:45]


Store your bitcoins in the free secure online wallet at Blockchain.info


In the world of dried fruit, there is no greater outlaw in America than Marvin Horne.

Horne has been breaking the law for 11 straight years.

Now, the California raisin farmer is facing bankruptcy for defying a law requiring him to give over a portion of his raisin crop to agents of the federal government – without compensation.

Agents of the state claim Horne owes them at least $650,000 in fines and 1.2 million pounds of unpaid raisins – roughly equal to his entire harvest for four years.

Horne’s crime? He defied one of the most bizarre and outdated arms of the federal bureaucracy – a farm program created during the Truman administration:

Marvin said no to the National Raisin Reserve. No, this is not satire.

The Federal Government created the National Raisin Reserve bureaucracy in 1937. Fearing that raisin producers might produce too many raisins – thereby leading to a drop in prices – the government began confiscating [stealing] a percentage of raisin production – for raisin farmers’ own good, of course. The problem is, Marvin Horne doesn’t see it that way.

Horne stopped giving raisins to the government in 2002, thereby violating Marketing Order 989 – the federal regulation that established the raisin reserve and made “contributions” by raisin farmers mandatory.

Even worse? The government can save the raisins, sell them on foreign markets (and keep the money), throw them away, or even feed them to animals – just as long as it keeps them off the domestic market.

So, Marvin Horne did what any good raisin producer worth his weight in grapes would do; he sued the government. After several losses in lower courts, Horne’s case reached the Supreme Court this spring, where things changed.

Justice Elena Kagan wondered whether it might be “just the world’s most outdated law.” Justice Antonin Scalia joked, “Your raisins or your life, right?”

Despite their transparent attitudes, the Court only gave Horne a partial victory. They required the lower court which had previously rejected Horne’s challenge of the law to reconsider the case.


Peace News is made possible by friends WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.


If you enjoy the show, you can donate to keep it going at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate .


Remember to Subscribe, share our Youtube videos and catch us on the Next News Network.


For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Let Me Upgrade You

It’s been an exciting journey taking Peace News Now from concept to reality. In the last 9 months, I’ve created a vibrant, active website, a daily podcast/video production, and a biweekly live call-in show, and the dream is still unraveling! Focussing on this work would have been impossible if not for the generous support from friends of WeUseCoins.com and BlockChain.info, for whom I am very grateful.

As things are now, I can keep PNN going steady at this rate. To bring PNN’s audio and video experience to the next level, I need some equipment.

Small Mixer
Small Mixer
Blue Yeti Pro Microphone
Blue Yeti Pro Microphone






1080p Webcam
1080p Webcam






Right now when I take calls, I take the audio from my cell phone or computer speakers. This works okay, but the quality of the audio would be much better if I were using the right tools. The tools above will allow PNN to take guest calls from Skype or cell phone and send the audio through a mixer, where the it can be instantly combined professionally. My current microphone is the Blue Yeti, which works great, but it doesn’t have an XLR output, so it doesn’t fit into a mixer. I need the next model up (Yeti Pro). Finally, a webcam will allow PNN to broadcast a video feed during our live call-in show on LRN.fm.

Maybe you have some of this equipment lying around. Maybe you are a regular listener of PNN who wants to help the alternative media compete with the mainstream. Maybe you’re a charitable do-gooder libertarian with fat pockets? I’m looking for you! These materials cost about $500. You can take PNN’s production and entertainment value to the next level either by donating this equipment yourself or by making a donation toward their purchase today. If you’d prefer to support PNN by purchasing advertisements on the program, you can do that here.

#155 Pro-Cannabis Group Sows Pot Seeds

PNN #155 Show Notes http://bit.ly/12MCTH3



Pro-Cannabis Group Sows Seeds



One Third of Kenyans Now Have a Bitcoin Wallet



More Court Victories in the Free State



Bitcoin: Subvert Your Government



This is your Peace News for Thursday, July 18th 2013.


Silver is trading at 19 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 98 dollars per bitcoin.


Peace News is brought to you in part by BlockChain.info


The Daily Chronic Reports:

A group in Germany calling itself quote, ”A Few Autonomous Flower Children” said in an open letter that they spread several pounds of marijuana seeds around the city as a protest against Germany’s “restrictive drug policies.”

The letter read, “We can’t set eyes on this useful and beautiful plant because it’s absolutely forbidden in Germany to grow it.”

A police spokeswoman said investigators are seeking the planters for narcotics charges.

Police and parks officials have discovered and destroyed 70 plants so far and are expecting to destroy more as the investigation continues.



One thing police can’t seize are your bitcoins. Secure your bitcoins using the free wallet app at BlockChain.info




Ian Freeman reports good news from the Shire at FreeKeene.com:


Keene district court judge Runyon has dismissed the case brought against Ian regarding their claim that he needs to have interconnected, AC-operated smoke detectors in his tenants’ home, which was raided by code enforcers and the fire chief in 2012.


After a court hearing on the validity of the warrant authorizing the search in the first place, Runyon issued an order invalidating the fire inspection part of the search warrant and throwing out all evidence collected by the fire chief, Gary LaFreniere.


The city’s attorney, Thom Mullins then motioned the court to reconsider, which was denied.


Meanwhile, Ian filed a motion to dismiss the case, since the complaint was written by the fire chief, whose evidence had been deemed inadmissible.


That motion has been granted.  Case dismissed!


This case is a perfect example of why homeowners should not roll over for code enforcement and zoning threats.


Many times, like this one, the state aggressors don’t even have a valid case under their own system’s rules!


You never find out if you just take the plea deal or do as they are demanding.


It’s people’s continued capitulation that just encourages the state people to continue to come up with new ways to control you and your friends and family.


I suggest you don’t take the plea, whether on threats against your property, victimless traffic tickets (parking, speeding, etc), drugs, or other consensual “crimes”.  Make them prove their case in court.


Make them work for their conviction – if they get it.  Don’t be surprised if you have your charge dropped right before trial or they come to you with an even better plea deal.


Of course, doing all these things is more effective if you are around others who are doing the same.  That’s one big reason to move to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project, if you love liberty, that is.


The smoke alarm case is yet another win under activists’ belts in 2013, which has been an amazingly successful year in courts.  And there’s much more to come in Keene: Robin Hooders are on trial August 12th at 9am at Superior Court and then Ian will be in Hillsboro district court for a speeding ticket trial on Sept 5th at 9:30am.


In other speeding ticket news, Free Keene blogger Conan had his speeding ticket dismissed from Keene district court when he showed up for trial yesterday, but the sheriff who ticketed him did not!  Another win!




You can support the work of Robin Hood of Keene with a bitcoin donation. Learn more about bitcoin at WeUseCoins.com



Thanks to bitcoin, it’s about to become a lot easier to move money in Africa. M-Pesa, a successful mobile money platform in Sub-Saharan Africa, is embracing bitcoin. The service will give rise to transactions with negligible fees (~$0.04), and could dramatically slash revenues of existing money transfer services like Moneygram, Western-Union and Paypal. More than a third of all Kenyans and 5 million Tanzanians already use M-Pesa.

Now, Kipochi, a bitcoin wallet service, is being integrated into M-Pesa. A team of 8,300 brand agents is also currently canvassing East India, targeting ‘unbanked’ people.

Kipochi offers people without bank accounts an easily portable currency which is global in use, secure, transparent, free of inflation, and low cost to use.

Linked with M-Pesa, Kipochi could quickly become the cheapest way for expats to send their money home.



For more information on bitcoin, visit WeUseCoins.com



Speaking of uses for bitcoin, a video was released yesterday by Red Pill Recording in which bigtime movers and shakers in the bitcoin community sit down to discuss the ability for bitcoin to subvert governments. The panel discussion took place at PorcFest X and features SatoshiDice’s Erik Voorhees, Lamassu Bitcoin Ventures’ Josh Harvey, Bitcoin Magazine’s Vitalik Buterin, and Coinapult’s Ira Miller and Gabriel Sukenik

The panel covered topics ranging from agorism to free speech, and the video is well worth watching. Link in the show notes.


Red Pill Recording volunteered their time to record and produce video of this PorcFest-exclusive event, but you can support them with a bitcoin donation.



Peace News is made possible by WeUseCoins.com and listeners like you.


If you enjoy the show, you can donate to keep it going at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate .


Remember to Subscribe, share our Youtube videos and catch us on the Next News Network.


For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!