It’s been an exciting journey taking Peace News Now from concept to reality. In the last 9 months, I’ve created a vibrant, active website, a daily podcast/video production, and a biweekly live call-in show, and the dream is still unraveling! Focussing on this work would have been impossible if not for the generous support from friends of and, for whom I am very grateful.
As things are now, I can keep PNN going steady at this rate. To bring PNN’s audio and video experience to the next level, I need some equipment.

Right now when I take calls, I take the audio from my cell phone or computer speakers. This works okay, but the quality of the audio would be much better if I were using the right tools. The tools above will allow PNN to take guest calls from Skype or cell phone and send the audio through a mixer, where the it can be instantly combined professionally. My current microphone is the Blue Yeti, which works great, but it doesn’t have an XLR output, so it doesn’t fit into a mixer. I need the next model up (Yeti Pro). Finally, a webcam will allow PNN to broadcast a video feed during our live call-in show on
Maybe you have some of this equipment lying around. Maybe you are a regular listener of PNN who wants to help the alternative media compete with the mainstream. Maybe you’re a charitable do-gooder libertarian with fat pockets? I’m looking for you! These materials cost about $500. You can take PNN’s production and entertainment value to the next level either by donating this equipment yourself or by making a donation toward their purchase today. If you’d prefer to support PNN by purchasing advertisements on the program, you can do that here.