Clever Man Beats Banks at Their Own Game

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PNN #173 Show Notes


Dog the Bounty Hunter to Pursue Snowden


Undercover DC Cop Exposed 2.0


Russian Man Outwits Banks by Writing Own Fine-Print Terms


Monday, August 12th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 105 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


The internet chronicle reported this Thursday that Duane Chapman, better known as Dog the Bounty Hunter, announced plans to enter Russia illegally in order to capture fugitive whistleblower Edward Snowden. Dog, in an impromptu press conference held outside Da Kine bail bonds, said, “Sometimes you gotta bend the rules to save America, and if I can catch this traitor Snowden and bring him back to God’s side, then it’ll be worth the risk of a lifetime of hard labor in a Siberian gulag.”

The reward for the capture and return of Edward Snowden has been set at one billion US dollars, prompting many bounty hunters to take the risk of capturing a fugitive who is protected by the Russian KGB. Dog was recently arrested and released by Mexican authorities for illegally bounty hunting outside of US territory.

When asked if he had a message for Snowden, Dog became agitated and began to rant, “Every Dog has its day, but Snowden, your days are numbered. Me and Beth are gonna catch you and bring ya to justice, the American way. If you’re listenin’ slick Eddy, the Dog’s comin’ for ya. You can run, but you can’t hide brah. The Dog has picked up your trail.”

Dog and his wife Beth were reportedly spotted boarding a jet for Hong Kong, where the couple intends to search Snowden’s hotel rooms for evidence.


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Lemonade Freedom Day 2013 was a huge success in Philadelphia. Activists turned out from as far as New York City and Baltimore to engage in civil disobedience together in historic Rittenhouse Park. At one point, police showed up to shut down the stand, but Robert Fernandes, Chris Cantwell, Nicholas Shankin, Mike Salvi, and other super-activists were there to resist. They politely refused to close down their stand and continued openly selling Lemonade without a permit. Children even used sidewalk chalk on the ground to write advertisements such as “Illegal Lemonade” and “Freedom in progress.” I applaud the efforts of these brave activists who risked arrest to stand up for free enterprise and set a positive example for freedom lovers. One of the reasons this event was such an overwhelming success was because there were video cameras and live-streaming phones. Police are far less likely to wish to engage an activist if that law enforcer is aware that he is being audio and video recorded. Not only will the world will judge his actions on youtube, but he may be held personally accountable in court for any violations of federally protected rights. Check out video from the event at Mike Salvi’s blog, Mike Salvi’s World, and at Chris Cantwell’s YouTube channel. And if you missed it this year, be sure to participate in Lemonade Freedom Day next August! Learn more at


This story brought to you by Learn about bitcoin at reported earlier this week about a unique twist on contract law: The idea of beating the banks at their own game may seem like a rich joke, but Dmitry Agarkov, a 42-year-old Russian man, may have managed it. Unhappy with the terms of an unsolicited credit card offer he received from online bank Tinkoff Credit Systems, Agarkov scanned the document, wrote in his own terms and sent it through. The bank approved the contract without reading the amended fine print, unwittingly agreeing to a 0 percent interest rate, unlimited credit and no fees, as well as a stipulation that the bank pay steep fines for changing or canceling the contract.

Agarkov used the card for two years, but the bank ultimately canceled it and sued Agarkov for $1,363. The bank said he owed them charges, interest and late-payment fees. A court ruled that, because of the no-fee, no-interest stipulation Agarkov had written in, he owed only his unpaid $575 balance. Now Agarkov is suing the bank for $727,000 for not honoring the contract’s terms, and the bank is hollering fraud.They signed the documents without looking. The bank said what usually their borrowers say in court: We didn’t read the fine print! The shoe’s on the other foot now, eh?


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

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PNN 172 FSP Pres Lets Concord PD Have It

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PNN #172 Show Notes


Green Beam Back with A Vengeance!


NHPR Bearcat Talk


Lavabit Forced to Shut Down and Shut Up


Sunday, August 11th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 103 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


Peace News Now reported on the Green Beam, an activism tool employed by Free Staters in Manchester, and owned by Bill Dominico. Shortly after being threatened by police for broadcasting to drivers about a DUI Checkpoint Ahead, Bill ran an online fundraiser to cover court fees. On Thursday, he received a letter from Manchester Police Captain Robert Cunha. It read, quote,

“On July 26th you were issued a city ordinance summons by the MPD for using a laser signage device in violation of the city’s zoning ordinance (9.07). Research into the enforceability of that ordinance revealed that it is enforceable by the Director of Planning and Community Development Dept. Therefore , the police dept. will not be pursuing this matter in the court system. The ordinance summons you received has been voided. There is no need for you to answer this ordinance violation.”

So what’s next? Green Beam Bill has announced that he plans to be at the next checkpoint with, quote, “beams blasting,” and says he hopes to meet the “enforcers” of the Planning and Community Development Dept. I am sure that since the ordinance is “enforceable” that they will be anxious to preserve the, quote, “peace and dignity of the state.” Thanks to everyone who is supporting this effort. Bill will continue to retain counsel for the expected future confrontation. Stay tuned to Peace News Now for more updates from the Free State.


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Speaking of the Free State, New Hampshire Public Radio was abuzz with talk of police militarization this week. John Duvall, Concord Police Chief, and Devon Chafee, of the NH Civil Liberties Union sat down on call-in show “The Exchange” to answer questions about the acquisition of a ballistic armored attack truck for the Concord Police. In the application for the grant for this vehicle, Duvall wrote that the Concord police deal on a daily basis with local terror threats from the Free State Project. Carla Gericke, President of the Free State Project, called in to hold Duvall accountable for his slanderous accusations.


30 sec (CLIP)


Duvall is asked point blank by the interviewer to list some examples of the daily challenges presented by the Free Staters. He completely ignores the question. This is important to emphasize because he *lied* on an application for federal grant money in the amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars. When you lie to the federal government, you go to jail. When this man lies to the federal government…well, let’s see what happens.


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The creator of, a secure email service, has been threatened by the Feds to either turn over his information to them, or shut down his business of 10 years. Rather than comply, he has chosen the latter. He has been told that if he were to speak about the events that led to his decision, he will be punished. This is where we are today. Peace News Now _strongly_ recommends against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the criminal United States government. Support Lavabit’s legal fund at .


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!


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171 Cops Shut Down Lemonade, 100s More Appear

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PNN #171 Show Notes


Saturday, August 10th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 103 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


The following article was written by Robert Fernandes at, and was picked up by FOX NEWS in Reno.

A summer cannot go by without hearing more news reports of kids’ lemonade stands being shut down by a bureaucrat. And this summer is no different. This time the “illegal” lemonade stand was in Reno Nevada, and the “perpetrators” who were running the stand were 12 year old Emma Farrell and 14 year old Alex Farrell.

The family lives inside the housing development where  the Reno Tahoe Open PGA Tournament is hosted every August. Alex and Emma sell ice cold lemonade, homemade cookies, and gently used golf balls that they custom decorate for customers. They have been operating this stand in front of their house for the past five years with nothing but compliments and support from the community. They have even built a loyal and established customer base that returns year after year.

But this year on August 3rd, they were shocked to receive a visit from the Washoe County Health Inspector. They were told to cease operations immediately. They received a written warning and were told that they would be fined if they did not comply.

According to the girls’ mother Kelly, the Washoe County Health Inspector stated that the girls’ stand was being shut down this year because another vendor launched a complaint claiming that sales were low because of the girls’ lemonade stand.

Like many entrepreneurs, these two girls took advantage of an opportunity, and decided to do something positive with it. They decided to set up a stand and make some money.  According to their mother Kelly, the girls usually make anywhere between $100-$150 at their stand. After running their stand, they like to treat themselves to ice-cream with some of their earnings. They save some of the money, use some to invest in new equipment, and donate some to their church. A few years ago, they purchased their “official” lemonade stand, and this year they purchased a new 4 gallon lemonade container.

At Lemonade Freedom, we applaud these girls’ actions, but the state bureaucrats obviously do not appreciate these motivated girls’ contributions to society. Maybe it is because the agents of the state have absolutely no understanding for the free market and voluntary exchange. How could they? They “earn” a living on taxpayer money. Their entire livelihood is funded at the expense of the productive members of society.

You see… 14 year old Alex, and 12 year old Emma understand more about the free market and voluntary exchange than any bureaucrat or government employee will ever know. In the last 5 years of their young lives, they have been operating a business. They have learned important messages about providing a good product at a reasonable price. They have learned about the importance of re-investing into the business to make it grow. They have learned about the importance of keeping a good reputation and to remain in good standing in their community. They learned about being accountable to their customers.

A private business, such as Alex and Emma’s lemonade stand has to cater to its’ customers. If a private business does not provide quality products at a reasonable price, then the customers will go elsewhere. This promotes innovation, efficiency, and accountability in the marketplace.

The “public” sector doesn’t understand this, because they will receive funding whether they provide high quality service, or poor service. Money doesn’t enter the “public” sector because they provide such great services which people demand. Money comes into the “public” sector because they demand it from taxpayers. This is why quality, innovation, efficiency, and accountability will always be lacking, at best, when services are provided by the government.

You see… Alex and Emma are peaceful girls. They weren’t harming anyone. Nobody in their right mind could disagree with that. Yet, because of the law, this government employee believed that it was necessary to intimidate these two young girls for providing a beneficial service to others. Think about the message that this sends to Alex and Emma, as well as many other creative and motivated kids across the country.

Show your support for these two young entrepreneurs by setting up a lemonade stand. August 10, 2013 is Lemonade Freedom Day. For more information please visit

If you happen to be in the Reno, Nevada area, please set up a stand in support of these girls. Let them know that they are not alone.

They may be able to shut one lemonade stand down, but they can’t shut them all down!


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

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170 Raw Milk Farmer Alvin Schlangen Back in Court

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PNN #170 Show Notes


Another Raw Milk Farmer Faces Jail Time Again


Support Real Food Farmer Alvin Schlangen


Free Staters Are Not Terrorists


Friday, August 9th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 102 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


At 4:30 yesterday morning (Thursday, August 8), during routine deliveries to his buying club customers, a law enforcer pulled over peaceful farmer Mike Hartman. The law enforcer called the MN department of agriculture, who told them to immediately impound the truck and everything in it–which consisted of farm food for Mike’s community. After the truck was unloaded of the remainder of the farm food, they left the truck in a gas station parking lot for Mike to pick up later. They took the property and labor of an honest, hardworking peaceful farmer and the families who depend on him. This is another example of the police state and their effort to eliminate access to real food. We WILL NOT quietly tolerate this aggression against the producers of our food! PLEASE attend the hearing for Mike’s friend and fellow Minnesota farmer, Alvin Schlangen.


Alvin Schlangen is another peaceful farmer who faces five criminal charges with a possible penalty of up to 15 months imprisonment and $5,000 in fines at his trial slated to run August 13-15, in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Schlangen is no stranger to the inside of a courtroom, having already been prosecuted–and found not guilty by a jury–on three charges in September of last year related to delivering food to members of a private buying club.

Attorney Nathan Hansen, retained by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, is representing Schlangen. Hansen also handled the first trial.

Schlangen offers members of the private buying club, Freedom Farms Co-op, the benefit of his volunteer delivery service as he picks up members’ food items, including raw milk, from other farms and delivers it along with products from his Freeport farm. Horse-and-buggy farmers, who otherwise would have difficulty getting their farm products distributed, especially appreciate Schlangen’s delivery service.

Mothers, handicapped people, and blind customers are some who rely on Schlangen’s food and delivery service. They are irate at the prospect of losing their food supply if he is jailed on any of the five misdemeanor charges.  The charges include not having a food handlers license, delivering adulterated and/or misbranded food, and failure to maintain the proper temperature requirements for eggs. These things are considered crimes against the State according to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the agency pressing charges against the peaceful farmer.

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods.Those concerned can support the 501(c)(4) nonprofit, by joining or donating online at and support the Farm Food Freedom Coalition at


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The former president of the Free State Project, Verrin Swearingen, wrote an op-ed for the Concord Monitor. It reads, quote:


Concord’s grant application for yet another BearCat tank to be based here in New Hampshire reveals the depth of delusion on the part of some government officials.

The application, signed by City Manager Thomas Aspell contains the following quote: “The State of New Hampshire’s experience with terrorism slants primarily towards the domestic type. . . . the threat is real and here. Groups such as the . . . Free Staters . . . are active and present daily challenges.”

The goal of the Free State Project is “the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of individuals rights to life, liberty, and property.” What part of that mission is so threatening that it requires the response of a tank? The Free State Project detests violence and has a long-standing policy of disassociating with people who advocate violence, racial hatred or bigotry. The only threat Free Staters could pose in their advocacy of freedom is one of non-violence. Meeting that so-called threat with a tank is terrifying.

Mr. Aspell, I respect your opinion if you think government should do much more than protect our freedom. I respectfully disagree and am happy to use non-violent means to advance my position. You appear happy to collect arms to enforce your position. Calling me a terrorist and threatening me with a tank does little to support your position that I am a terrorist and you are not. In fact, the opposite is clearly true.


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

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169 Why Lemonade Stands Are Illegal Today

PNN #169 Show Notes


Lemonade Freedom Day


CopBlock Badge #420


Concord Police Chief Backpedals on Terrorist Comments


Thursday, August 8th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 107 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


Philadelphia area liberty activist and all-around good guy Robert Fernandes is doing civil disobedience the right way. He has set a terrific example by not only founding a holiday for children and adults alike to celebrate entrepreneurship and free enterprise, but also shows that disobeying bad laws can be done proudly and openly. This week, Robert put out a press release, reading, quote:

On Saturday, August 10, 2013, at 1:00pm in Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Square, a group of activists will participate in an annual tradition known as Lemonade Freedom Day by setting up a lemonade stand without a permit.

The event received tremendous media attention two years ago when activists were arrested on the front lawn of the US Capitol building for selling lemonade without a permit. Now in its third year, the event is part of a national observation of an activity that is undertaken by children as an expression of the nation’s enduring ideals of liberty, entrepreneurship, and community commerce.

Conceived to serve as a means of educating the public about the encroachment on our civil and economic liberties by an ever-expanding government, the motivation behind this national event is to preserve the rights of individuals to engage in free trade between one another without unnecessary, restrictive, and downright harmful legal interference.

Robert Fernandes, founder of Lemonade Freedom Day and the father of three, was inspired to create the event upon learning of various incidents across the nation in which the selling of lemonade by children was interrupted by law enforcement. These shutdowns stem from the lemonade stands’ lack of government permits to sell refreshments and their subsequent failure to perform a federal kitchen inspection. Many feel that inspections are unnecessary in the case of children’s lemonade stands.

Regarding his reasons for starting Lemonade Freedom Day, Mr. Fernandes said, quote, “The lemonade stand is something that most of us can relate to. Many of us have operated lemonade stands when we were kids. Many of us have purchased lemonade from a child’s stand. That’s why I am calling for every adult and every child to open a lemonade stand without a permit in solidarity this August 10th regardless of your location.”

He also says he feels as though the issue of lemonade stand regulations is really only symptom of a larger issue. “It’s time we say enough is enough. Today, because of the laws of the federal government, we see individuals being threatened with fines and jail time for growing gardens or collecting rain water. Farmers get in trouble just for having certain livestock that the government deems illegal, or for selling raw milk. The list goes on and on. You know our society is in bad shape when family farmers are being threatened with jail time.”

Mr. Fernandes encourages individuals from across the nation to participate by starting their own illegal lemonade stands. Supporters expect that this year’s events to be the biggest yet.

For more information, please visit the event page at or visit


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Want to help Rich Paul with his legal defense fundraiser?  Thanks to Shiny Badges, you can now bid on Cop Block badge number 420!   These beautiful badges are selling like hotcakes and are individually numbered, so there will only be one badge #420.

Current top bid is $420 – can you do better? Place your bid by leaving a comment at the bottom of – don’t delay, the auction ends on August 15th!


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Last week Mother Jones magazine reported that the Concord Police applied for a grant from the Feds to buy an Attack Truck. Their stated purpose? Meeting the daily challenges of domestic terror groups such as the Free Staters. Now Police Chief John Duval says he no longer believes the Free State Project or Occupy New Hampshire are domestic terror threats. Quote, “I wish I would have worded things different in retrospect. I understand why their eyebrows are raised about that.” He offered no apology and has not indicated whether or not this nullifies his application for the attack truck.


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!


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168 2nd Annual Peaceful Streets Summit

PNN #168 Show Notes

Peaceful Streets Project – Austin

215 New Signers to Shire Society Declaration

City Bureaucrats Censor Garret Ean

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 107 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.

The 2nd Annual Peaceful Streets Project Police Accountability Summit is almost upon us. Come join the Peaceful Streets Project for a day of discussion and activities focusing on resisting police abuse and corruption, and creating an environment where police are held accountable for their actions! Learn about your rights, institutionalized violence, our rich histories of resistance struggle, and why the present day is the best opportunity we’ve ever had to create a society free of institutionalized violence. Empower yourself, and then join forces with other like-minded individuals to empower your communities!

Last year over 250 people attended. This year they are anticipating 500 to 2000 people!

The event features modern activist legends, civil rights scholars, training on knowing your rights in police encounters, workshop on using audio/video technology to hold police accountable, and more.

The 2nd Annual Peaceful Streets Project Police Accountability Summit Saturday, August 17, 2013 10am – 4pm

AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center

Address on the Facebook event.

Meals and childcare will be provided!

Confirmed speakers & performers include,

Radley Balko

Carlos Miller

LeWayne Kelly

B. Dolan

Tatiana Moroz

Antonio Buehler

John Bush

Bill Scott

Will Grigg


This event is FREE for all participants. Even if you can’t make it to Austin on August 17th, please consider helping Peaceful Streets defray costs by donating at


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Ian Freeman reports at that at least 215 people declared their personal independence by signing the Shire Society declaration at the 75th annual Cheshire Fair! It was the 2nd year for the Shire Society booth at the fair and we got an upgraded spot this year and were fortunate to be located across from Porcfest favorite, the Juice Caboose!


Amusingly, the Cheshire Democrats were set up a few spaces down with a lame booth featuring the nationalistic American flag (ours had the peace flag).  On their table all they had was some photocopied papers about how great government healthcare is and about their position on gun rights (contrast to our colorful, graphically interesting fliers).  They, like most political booth operators just sat there and waited for people to approach them (we actively pitched to passers-by).  However, they at least deserve credit for trying. The Cheshire Republicans were nowhere to be found.


Like last year, we asked passers-by to sign the re-designed paper version of the Shire Society declaration and hundreds did! Our biggest day was Saturday, with 77 signers. Several Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree DVDs were sold and one person even joined the NH Liberty Party. In addition, hundreds of informational flyers were distributed including: Foundation for NH Independence,, Don’t Take the Plea Deal,, Keenevention, FPP.CC Newspapers, and the excellent Philosophy of Liberty trifold.

Thanks to the dedicated, liberty-oriented volunteers who came out to connect with members of the community and share the ideas of freedom.  It was a great time and most people we talked to were very receptive, even to “radical” ideas like secession.  We’re coming back next year.  Thanks to everyone who took the time to stop and sign, or even consider signing the Shire Society declaration.

Learn more about FreeKeene at . You can sign the Shire Declaration and add yourself to the Shire Society map at . To see first hand how vibrant and active the liberty community is in Keene, visit November 1st to the 3rd for Keenevention. Tickets & Details at .

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In late June, State Police stole Garret Ean’s camera. They were waiting outside his home, and waited for him to be alone before approaching. Apparently, they had a search warrant signed by the infamous Judge Burke, but it was mysteriously sealed until yesterday. Finally the cause of the investigation is revealed: The city attorney, Thomas Mullins, who happens to be suing Garret for Robin Hooding, alleged that Garret had wiretapped him. Thom’s buddy, Judge Burke signed the order telling the New Hampshire goon squad to steal Garret’s camera, and that’s where we stand today. The entire incident was captured on film, but there is no word yet on when Garret’s camera will be returned to him. Robin Hood goes to court on Monday.

Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!


PNN Live #14 – Peace in Food & Arts

Click here to download the edited audio podcast.

David Gumpert is an author and blogger. He is a former reporter with the Wall St Journal as well as an editor at Inc. and Harvard Business Review. Buy his newest book, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Food Rights,” on Kindle or in print at or at your local bookstore.

The Complete Patient Blog:

James Robin Hood,

Tatiana Moroz,

Benjamin Bartholemew,


Podcast Page

167 CopBlock Founder Sues Police for Wrongdoing

PNN #167 Show Notes

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CopBlock Founder Ademo Freeman Sues Greenfield Police


Lamassu in Pop Mech


DWP on Christi & Rand: They’re Both Wrong!


Monday, August 5th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 108 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


Ademo Freeman, the founder of the decentralized police accountability organization, is suing the bureaucrats calling themselves “the town of Greenfield, Mass” and the Greenfield police officers who arrested him for filming in 2010.


For the “crime” of filming police officers at a police station, he and his partner Pete Eyre were charged with “felony wiretapping.” He and Pete courageously represented themselves in court and convinced the jury to find them NOT GUILTY in July 2011.


Now, 2 years later, Ademo is suing the individuals who violated natural law by wrongly caging a peaceful man.


The complaint alleges that the Town bureaucrats are responsible for having not provided training to officers about the public’s constitutional rights to film law enforcement, and that as a result of the failure, quote, “it was highly likely that the Greenfield police officers would unconstitutionally arrest people for openly recording police conduct or conduct of other governmental officials.”


When Ademo and Pete questioned why they would not be permitted to film ‘the people who work for them’ , Defendants Dodge and Other Greenfield Police Officers placed Ademo & Pete under arrest for trespassing.


They were kept overnight in a cold cell without their pants or blankets. They were denied from making a call to reach legal counsel. They did not have an opportunity to be released on bail. Ademo’s mobile home was illegally searched and then towed. The Greenfield Police kept their cell phones and camera as evidence.


This kind of criminality demands accountability, and who better than the founder of police accountability website to pursue personal justice in this issue. Ademo doesn’t seek departmental accountability, but names names: Todd Dodge is the criminal. He is the defendant who stands charged of acting with reckless disregard for another man’s constitutional rights.


Ademo says he suffered from symptoms of “emotional distress” after being charged, even though, quote, “he knew he had not violated the law, but he worried that a felony conviction would result in a substantial jail term.”


According to the lawsuit, the police arrested Ademo to intimidate him, and to serve as a lesson to Ademo and others that attempting to openly record police officers in Greenfield could result in arrest. The police intentionally caused criminal charges to be brought against Ademo withOUT probable cause and WITH malice.


Ademo’s lawsuit alleges a number of violations including against freedom of speech, the state’s Civil Rights Act, freedom from malicious prosecution, due process, and freedom from retaliation.


Ademo is seeking compensatory and punitive damages, and the payment of legal fees and costs in his suit against Greenfield.

The case will be heard by US District Court Judge Nathaniel Gorton.

The defendants have yet to file an answer to the complaint.


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Lamassu Bitcoin Ventures is appearing in the September 2013 issue popular Mechanics. Lamassu is the company responsible for the Bitcoin Machine, the sexiest atm on the market. This compact desktop-sized machine converts fiat in your hand to Bitcoin on your phone in just 15 seconds. It doesn’t just take US dollars, it accepts currencies from over 200 countries. Like a proper ATM, its internal steel vault is securely bolted to a wall, stand, or countertop. Complete with intuitive user-interface, the web-based backend allows owners to choose from leading exchanges such as Mt. Gox and Bitstamp. Because it was built and coded by freedom-loving network security experts, the Lamassu Bitcoin Machine is completely license-free. Check it out for yourself and join their mailing list at


And learn more about bitcoin at


Author and founder of http://FPP.CC , Darryl W Perry wrote on his blog yesterday that Chris Christie and Rand Paul are BOTH wrong about Libertarianism.


Darryl points out that Rand isn’t for ending the long-failing war on terror. In fact he’s FOR hunting and killing terrorists with drones, turning faceless bureaucrats into judge, jury, and executioner. Concord Police have labeled Free Staters domestic terrorists, so would Rand Paul have the government hunt and kill them?


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

166 Scores Arrested for Unpermitted Singing

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PNN #166 Show Notes


Arrested for Unpermitted Singing


Armed Deer Raid


FSP Demands Apology


White Rose Society Pamphlet


Saturday, August 3rd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 104 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


In the past week, law enforcers have arrested and issued tickets to over 120 people for singing without a permit inside the Wisconsin Capitol. The disobedient singers have returned each day to sing songs making fun of Republicans and the governor. A conservative group has sought and obtained the government’s permission to sing inside, but the other singers argue they don’t need a permit to exercise their free speech rights. The first amendment of the constitution supposedly guarantees, quote, “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”. Somebody might want to inform the law enforcers. Singing is not a crime.


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A Wisconsin animal shelter took in a baby deer who lost his mother. Giggles, named for the laughing sound he made, was happy, healthy, and friendly. After being nursed back to full health, he was scheduled to be released to a wildlife reserve. But instead, just one day before returning to the wild, a swat team of armed bureaucrats raided the animal shelter with guns drawn. Sheriffs along with agents of the Department of Natural Resources busted in shooting, and the baby deer left in a body bag. When the shelter asked why the police couldn’t simply call the shelter on the phone, they actually replied that they don’t ask people to voluntarily give them what they want, comparing the shelter raid to a drug bust. Similar to a drug bust, the police were tipped off about the baby deer from an anonymous tip. Don’t be that guy.


Speaking of charity, a recent poll shows that more than half of all bitcoin transactions so far have been donations. Learn about bitcoin at


The militarization of police has escalated measurably in recent years. The Concord Police Department in New Hampshire, like many police departments across the country, is attempting to purchase a tank using free money from the Department of Homeland Security. They made national headlines, however, when it was discovered that in their application, they planned to use the tank to combat, quote, “daily challenges” from members of the nonviolent group the Free State Project. The Free State Project is a New Hampshire based non-profit organization with the sole mission of attracting 20,000 pro-freedom people to the Granite State. Their website specifically states, quote, “Anyone who promotes violence, racial hatred, or bigotry is not welcome.”


To discriminate against “Free Staters” for their pro-liberty, pro-peace, small government ideological beliefs, and to defame an organization in the manner set forth in the DHS grant is unconscionable, and unconstitutional.


On behalf of FSP participants, President Carla Gericke has published an open letter in which she respectfully demands, quote,

1) A retraction and amendment of the grant application to remove all references to “Free Staters.” You are reminded that a condition of receipt of the grant’s funding is: “Funding may be suspended or terminated for filing a false certification in this application or other reports or document as part of this program.”

2) An itemized list by calendar day of the “daily challenges” presented by “Free Staters” to the CPD. Please list individuals, not a class of people.

3) A written letter of apology from both the City and CPD, which includes the following statements: “The Free State Project is not a domestic terrorist organization,” and “Free Staters do not pose ‘daily challenges’ to the Concord Police Department.”


If you want liberty in your lifetime, learn about the Free State Project at .


In 1942, a group called the White Rose Society issued a series of prophetic warnings to all humanity. Unfortunately at the time the warnings fell on deaf ears. The White Rose was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany, consisting of students from the University of Munich and their philosophy professor. The group became known for an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign that called for active opposition to dictator Adolf Hitler‘s regime.


The six most recognized members of the group were arrested by the Gestapo and beheaded in 1943. Today, the members of the White Rose are honoured as heroes.


All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Don’t just sit there. Do something to spread peace today. The future depends on it.


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

The Length and Breadth of Peace

On Peace News Now Live #13, Derrick J spoke with:

Mark Warden,

Chase Rachels,

Darryl W Perry,

Chris Cantwell, 

And others!

This was the first episode to employ the use of a mixer! The mixer, which I am calling “The Bitcion Board,” was paid for entirely with bitcoin and shipped using a private courier so that the state saw no FRNs from PNN in this transaction. #StarveTheBeast

Podcast is at top of page, video is below. (Audio on podcast is much better.)