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Continue reading Bring Back the Draft | PNN 115 | Sept 14, 2014
Tag: Peace
Gucci Mane in Prison | PNN 110 | Aug 24 2014
LA Assembly Passes Bill Banning State from Selling Confederate Flag
Free Stater Stopped for No Bike Light, Arrested for Having Gun
Huey P Newton Gun Club Leads Open Carry Rally in South Dallas
Christopher Hitchens Went on a Victimless Crime Spree in 2004!
Feds Ban School’s Beloved Pink Cookie
Gucci Mane Jailed for 3+ years for Gun Ownership
She Accused Her Husband of Downloading Child Porn, Now She Has the Felony
Michael Brown Justice Rally at Courthouse
New Hampshire Rewrites Laws to Exempt Me from Them
Captain Marches in Mike Brown Protest
DEA Seeks to Keep Phat Stuff’s Inventory
Bitcoin Ends Wars | BTS #22 | Aug 20 2014
Bitcoin Talk Show is the online video show that takes the Bitcoin Talk out of the forums and into your living room. Got a bitcoin question? Comment? New invention? Watch and listen live Wednesday afternoons at
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Bombs Over Gaza & Peace in Middle East Begins Inside | PNN #101
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Bombs Over Gaza | Peace in Middle East Begins Inside | PNN #101
Video of episode:
Child Immigrants Have Been Come Alone Since Ellis Island
Father Finds Man Raping His Son and Barely Lets Him Leave Alive
Video of IMF Invading Gaza With Tanks
This is What Happens When You Call The Cops – Hip Hop Song Rob Huslte
Shit Gets Real with Improv Everywhere as Police Arrest Maniquans because of a Snitch
Malaysian Airlines Plane Shot Down Over Ukraine
Invasion of Gaza Strip is Happening
4 Boys Dead on Gaza Shore:
Why Did NBC Yank A Gaza Reporter Who Saw Child Bombing By Izrael?
Eric Voorhees Nails it in Response to NYDFS Bitcoin Proposal
Judge Busted for DWI Pleads for Special Treatment: “You are going to ruin my life.”
Advertisers Giving Homeless Free Housing with Billboard Signs
Crime Drop in Detroit Due to Armed Citizens, Says Police Chief
When Men Could Get Arrested for Being Topless on Public Beaches
1 Conscientious Objector at Guantanamo Bay is Great, but not enough
15 Tips to Get off the Grid and Stop Being a Debt Slave
Women Against Feminism — Feminists Upset
Cop Shoots Kid, Uses Passive Voice to Conceal Truth
Man Detained for Recording Beating
Underage Drinking Prank on Cops
Wooops! Police Faked their own Calls to 911 to Do Searches
Cops Ignore 9 Year Old Calling
Flower-Crown Beards
FBI Tracking Device Found in Car
PNN Live #74 How to Peacefully Disobey
Direct download: PNN_Live_074_April_6_2014.mp3 Jayson Madore Listen – Jordan Page Jordan Page – War Machine
Sun, April 6, 2014 – Che Chele Studios – Inside Bitcoin tomorrow and Tuesday April 7th and 8th, plus another bitcoin conference on Wednesday, April 9.
An activist got proactive with a police speed trap. He made a sign that warned drivers of the cops ahead on the road so they could slow down and avoid getting tickets. You’d think this is great, right? Fewer accidents, greater compliance with the law, fewer tickets, great! No. The cops in Frisco, TX arrested the man, even though it wasn’t against the law, and then lobbied the city to pass a new law making holding signs illegal. They got their way of course, but not before a judge dropped the charges against the activist. What do you think about speed trap activism? How does one do it “right”?
PNN Live #14 – Peace in Food & Arts
Click here to download the edited audio podcast.
David Gumpert is an author and blogger. He is a former reporter with the Wall St Journal as well as an editor at Inc. and Harvard Business Review. Buy his newest book, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Food Rights,” on Kindle or in print at or at your local bookstore.
The Complete Patient Blog:
James Robin Hood,
Tatiana Moroz,
Benjamin Bartholemew,
Christmas Truce 2012
This day in 1914, during the bloodiest war in human history, the soldiers from all sides stopped fighting and joined each other in singing songs and sharing food, drinks, and cigarettes. The peacetime would come to be known as the Christmas Truce. It lasted for about a week, and was reported on by the papers, starting on Dec 31 by the New York Times. Soon after, British papers followed, and the truce ended. The soldiers, for whatever reason, went back to killing each other for their masters. May today be a reminder to all who fight for the state that they have more in common with their enemies than they have differences. May peace prosper.

Peace News Now Episode 002
Click on the image below to play the episode, or right-click to save it. To read my super-secret show notes, click here.
Peace News Now Episode 001 with Ali Havens
In this episode, I sit down in-studio to speak with Ali Havens about some news topics. Some things we talk about today are:
- this new show!
- BuckyBalls are now history
- the ban on “homosexual propaganda” in Russia
- Craigslist sex ads for election night
- Anonymous Hacks NBC!