Cops, The Badged Class Has Lost Control


PNN #212

Toledo Police Crazy Loses Mind

High Cost of Philly’s “Freedom Cage”

Game Developer Accepts Bitcoin

CA Schools Spy on Kids

CT Judge: No One Should Have Guns

Friday, September 20th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and

A cell phone video going viral this week begins with a law enforcer shouting and pointing his taser at the face of father who was laying in the street with his wife and child, his hands behind his back. Neighbors immediately rushed out of their homes and watched in horror as the badged man violently attacked the family, ordered them to lay in the street and pointed his taser at them. One neighbor who knew the man called the police of the neighboring town to report that this cop was in distress and needed some assistance. That prompted the cop to storm over to the man, take his cell phone, and throw it on the ground, while the man was still talking to the neighboring police! In a totalitarian police state, it is illegal to question the actions of a law enforcer. Kudos to the people of this community who witnessed, documented, and spoke out against this government official’s bad behavior. It is incumbent upon us who love peace to use peace as our way and set an example for those who use violence to achieve their goals, like law enforcers. Watch the shocking video for yourself and share it with your friends. Link in the show notes.

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

The Daily Chronic reports this week about the high cost of Philadelphia’s quote, “Freedom Cage”. The Freedom Cage is a series of metal bars encircling the area behind the first amendment stone and beside the liberty bell. It’s created and enforced by government agents of every stripe: National Park Enforcement, Transit Enforcement, Philadelphia Law Enforcement, US Fish & Wildlife Enforcement, and even the Department of Homeland Security.

The Freedom Cage is a visual reminder of both the metaphorical and literal cages that surround us. For example, while those participating in a peaceful, albeit ironic, celebration of freedoms are herded into cages by police, the rest of society is metaphorically caged as well–because they have to foot the bill for all this unnecessary enforcement, whether they agree with what the cops are doing or not.

There are at least 6 government agencies billing overtime hours every Smokedown Prohibition. Just one of those agencies, the National Park Service, spent in excess of $21,000 for just a couple hours of enforcement. What are the other 5 agencies spending? And how long can all this escalation in spending and enforcement continue unabated?

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Game developer Bigpoint offers online games that people can play for free, plus pay for any virtual goods and upgrades to help the player progress faster. The gaming company has over 330 Million users. That is about the entire population of the USA. They now accept Bitcoin for everything in their games! And the bitcoin train keeps on a’rollin!

In other news, a government school in California hired a private company to monitor the Twitter, Facebook and Instagram of 14,000 students ages 11 to 18.

Some of the language the company uses concerns parents, saying the surveillance will help school administrators, quote, “better intervene in the lives of children,” and to help them quote, “become productive citizens.”

Social Media surveillance one school district now, but the founder and CEO of the company expects to be monitoring about 3,000 schools worldwide by the end of this year.

Mussolini, who knew a thing about fascism, defined it as the merger of government and corporate powers. Can, then, surveillance of children by a private-public partnership be correctly classified as “fascist”?

Speaking of the badged class, a Connecticut Judge was caught exposing his contempt for civil rights in front of at least three defense attorneys during a closed-door meeting this week. Connecticut Carry reports that Judge Brunetti said, quote, “No one in this country should have guns,” and that he quote, “Never returns guns.” This shows a clear disregard for the rules. But as we see here, the badged class can violate the rules whenever they want without any consequences. It gives credence to the saying, “When there are rulers, there are no rules!”

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Gay Reporter Hijacks Russian TV for Free Speech



PNN #211

Reporter Uses Opportunity To Spotlight Abuse of Gays

Inflatable Kangaroos Against McDonald’s

World’s Largest Polar Bear


Thursday, September 19th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 128 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of and .

According to a new Russian law, people calling themselves Agents of the Russian Government have the authority to jail anyone who quote, “glorifies non-traditional relationships to minors.” Yes, they argue that violence must be used against people peacefully exercising free speech…to protect the children, of course. The problem is that wearing rainbow, or just about any non-disapproving mention of gay rights and relationships is characterized as grounds for jailing.

That’s what inspired James Kirchick this week to use his opportunity as a guest commentator on a Russian TV News panel as a soapbox to decry the violations of human rights by the Russia government. Donning a pair of rainbow suspenders, he said, quote,


Ironically, the topic the panel was *supposed* to be discussing was Chelsea Manning, the woman who, after releasing the largest set of restricted documents ever leaked to the public, was sentenced to 35 years for violations of the Espionage Act.

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

WGNTV in Chicago reports that The Rock ‘n’ Roll McDonald’s was overrun by dozens of inflatable kangaroos on Monday. 32 inflatable kangaroos were planted outside the building. The stunt was organized by an Australian community group that objects to a plan to build a McDonald’s in their hometown of Tecoma, Australia which sits next to a national park. They say putting a McDonald’s there would be like building one next to Mount Rushmore. I personally wouldn’t mind that, but to each his own. At least they’re taking personal responsibility and using direct action rather that begging the government to use force to shut down the McDonalds. Yesterday they delivered 100,000 petition signatures to McDonald’s headquarters in Oakbrook, asking McDonald’s to put its new restaurant somewhere else.

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The Guardian reports this week that a 41-foot long polar bear was paraded through the streets of London, signed with the names of over 3 million people in protest of oil companies drilling for oil in the Arctic. A Greenpeace rep who helped organize the protest said that the use of oil is contributing to climate change, and that in turn is causing polar bears to lose their homes. Touching visual, but is it true?

Actually, Earth gained about 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record. There is more sea ice now than there was on this date in 2002.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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Reality Can Be Counterintuitive



PNN #210

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Jayden Smith If Everyone Dropped Out Society Would be Smarter

Case in Point: Altered History Book

Twerking Illegal Now

Increase Speed Limits, Save Lives

Motorcycle Couple Mowed Down by Police Crusier

Things get serious for bitcoin in cyprus

Harvard: Pot Cures Cancer

Wednesday, September 18th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 129 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of, and

Jayden Smith made headlines with a few controversial tweets this week. Quote:

School is the Tool to Brainwash the Youth

Education is Rebellion

If Everybody In The World Dropped Out Of School We Would Have A Much More Intelligent Society

If Newborn Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Planet Earth

It was a delight to see the squawkbox squirm as they jumped at the opportunity to proclaim that it is NEVER the right thing to do to drop out of school! Should government agents force parents to send their children to school under threat of punishment?

Clearly not anti-education or anti-intelligence, but strongly anti-school, Jayden may have a point. A blogpost at shows a photo of an AP US History textbook which rewrote the second amendment to read, quote, “The people have the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.” Is that how you read the second amendment?

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

The truths of life are often counter-intuitive. Sometimes the best education comes from leaving school, and sometimes lowering the speed limit results in more accidents. In a terrific 15-minute mini documentary recently released online, it is revealed that “Speed Kills” is a myth. In fact, most roads in the country would benefit from increased speed limits, where the result would statistically be more lives saved. However, speed limits remain low, despite the increased risk to drivers, in order to issue more tickets. Police are motivated by money, not driver safety.

It couldn’t be more obvious that police don’t care about safety from the way they drive. The dashcam of a police cruiser in Ohio recorded a State Trooper driving right over a couple on a motorcycle. The cop didn’t even hit the breaks before colliding into them. He’s paid by taxes, drives a taxpayer funded car which is filled with taxpayer funded fuel and he will claim that in return, his job is to keep people safe. Do you feel your tax money is being well-spent? Do you feel safer when you see a cop car behind you? Oh by the way, the couple lived, despite serious injuries, and they credit helmets with saving their lives, no thanks to The State.

A report of a Louisiana city that banned twerking with a first offense punishable up to 30 days in jail turned out to be a hoax, but a hell of a headline. Many were relieved to learn that shaking your hips is not illegal in Louisiana but were shocked to learn that dancing at the Jefferson Memorial, even silently, even badly, is still illegal.

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An upcoming public offering was announced at Cyprus-based LMB Holdings is raising capital to fund two new ventures: Neo and the Bee Payment Network.

Neo is a bank that will allow residents of Cyprus to seamlessly deposit, withdraw, or transfer either Bitcoin or Euros without requiring them to understand the complex technology. Each customer receives an 8-digit account number, allowing them to request payments much more easily than with Bitcoin’s 34-character public address.

Bee is a card payment network, that operates merchant accounts which credit business accounts held with Neo. You’d use it like a visa to spend from your Neo account, either in bitcoin or Euros.

The Flagship Branch and second branch are both planned to open in February 2014. Learn more from the link in these show notes.

Finally, in cannabis news, Harvard researchers showed that the active ingredient in marijuana cuts lung cancer tumor growth in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread. The researchers say that the cannabis could be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer, if only science could find a way to get cannabis into a patient’s lungs…

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Peaceful Evolution and Living Free w Ademo



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This episode brought to you by and friends of

Ademo Freeman

James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland

Davi Barker


Jayden Smith If Everyone Dropped Out Society Would be Smarter

Case in Point: Altered History Book

Inflatable Kangaroos Against McDonald’s

Illinois Supreme Court Declares State’s Ban on Guns Unconstitutional

Jeffrey Tucker’s Lessons on Crossing a Border

Twerking Illegal Now

Open Carry At WalMart

Increase Speed Limits, Save Lives

Motorcycle Couple Mowed Down by Police Crusier

Reporter Uses Opportunity To Spotlight Abuse of Gays

Reid: “The Anarchists Have Taken Over” if only…

Greenpeace Polar Bear in London…


Harvard: Pot Cures Cancer

Million Man Market



Cops Arrest Red Light Camera Protester


PNN #209

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UK, US, France Fight Syria

Sweden Offers Asylum to Syrian Refugees

BitPay Processes 10,000+ Merchants

Mark Schmidter Arrested Again

Tuesday, September 17th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 127 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

The US, UK, and France have agreed to bolster the Syrian rebels by providing more, quote, “help.” If that “help” involves the west arming the Syrian rebels, then that is an act of war against the Syrian government and a clear violation of peace talks. This will only invite Russia to sink or shoot down any vessels or planes entering Syrian airspace that is landing or preparing to land or dock near or in territory held by the rebels.

By contrast, agents of the Swedish Government say they will grant permanent residency to any Syrian refugee seeking asylum. Sweden already granted permanent residency to half of refugees in the past year. Now 8,000 Syrians who previously received temporary residency permits will now be offered full and permanent residency. Austria has accepted 200 refugees and Germany will accept 5,000 displaced Syrians. Kudos to those who seek solutions for Syria that don’t involve bombs.

This story brought to you by friends of — Download the free bitcoin wallet that syncs with your smartphone at

BitPay Inc, a payment processor for virtual currencies, announced this week that it has over 10,000 approved merchants in 164 countries using its service to accept bitcoin payments. This milestone was reached almost exactly one year after the company approved its 1,000th merchant.

BitPay’s merchant network is international: 50% are located in North America, 25% in Europe, and 25% in the rest of the world. Bitcoin lowers the risk and cost of accepting payments online.

With pre-built plugins or embedded solutions for 20 of the most popular shopping cart platforms, adding bitcoin as a payment option to a merchant’s webstore can be done in a few minutes, without any programming code. Year-to-date in 2013, over $34 million worth of bitcoins have been spent on goods and services through merchants using BitPay’s platform.

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com

Mark Schmidter is a peaceful, 66-year-old commercial roofing contractor. He was recently released from jail after sitting for 104 days for the crime of handing out pamphlets outside of a Florida courthouse. Just a few months out of the cage, and the authoritarians have already invented an excuse to lock him back up:

This past Saturday, Mark spent the morning standing at the side of a busy road waiting for the light to turn red. When traffic came to a stop, he walked between cars and distributed a double-sided sheet of paper. One side contained a petition form that residents could fill out and a message urging participation in Wednesday’s city council meeting regarding red-light cameras. The other side provided information on why they should not be used, arguing that red light cameras are all about money, not safety.

When a law enforcer named Campbell saw this happening, he approached Mark and asked him if he had a permit to protest the red light cameras. Mark said no. Then Campbell demanded ID. Mark explained that he didn’t have any since he wasn’t driving. Campbell demanded Mark’s name and date of birth. Mark agreed to provide that information to the law enforcer if Campbell could show Mark what law he had violated. Campbell said he did not have to do that and again demanded Mark’s information. Mark didn’t speak, so Campbell grabbed Mark’s wrists and put them in metal shackles and took him to a cage.

While this was happening, a man came out of a nearby restaurant and identified himself as a former county judge who recognized Mark from his last free speech arrest. The judge warned the police, quote, “That’s the last person you need to mess with.”

Mark was charged with obstructing an officer without violence and given a $65 ticket for a quote “pedestrian violation”. He was held for twelve hours before being released on a $500 bond. He’s fighting the charges on First Amendment grounds.

Only 500 valid signatures are required to force a referendum on the use of red light cameras onto the ballot. Out of thirty such votes around the country, cameras have lost ninety percent of the time.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Weed and Raw Milk Tickets to Freedom



PNN #208

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AK Legalizes Raw Milk

McDonald’s Closes All Stores in Bolivia

New Chipotle Ad is Awesome

Pot Shops Pay 93% Tax

Institutionalized Racism

Monday, September 16th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 126 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and

Quote: “There is only one thing worse than fighting with allies and that is fighting without them.” — Winston Churchill

Participating with The State in order to achieve freedom is issue of debate within the Liberty Community. Sometimes working within the system is effective, and other times it’s a step backwards. One of those instances has arisen this week in Arkansas, where House Bill 1536 just passed. The bill permits residents to purchase raw milk directly from the farms where it is produced without punishment from The State. However, raw milk sales at farmers markets and retail stores are still prohibited under the law.

The new rule also requires that raw milk farmers affix standard labels to milk containers notifying customers that the milk is not pasteurized. In an effort to stunt the growth of grassroots dairy, the farmers are also prohibited from selling more than 500 gallons per month. On the plus side, Arkansan farmers have regained an age-old source of income in a time when they need it most, and consumers of raw milk need no longer become bootlegging criminals. The authoritarians may be loosening their grip, but the presumption remains that agents of The State have the authority to tell You what foods you may consume and how much food you may produce. A Free Person decides these things for himself regardless of what bureaucrats say.

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

Integrity seems to be winning the battle for food freedom. In June, McDonald’s announced it was closing its doors in Bolivia, where consumers defeated the fast food giant the old fashioned way: they didn’t buy what it was selling.

Since parting ways with its former majority owner, McDonalds’, Mexican Fast Food Favorite Chipotle has announced plans to become the first US restaurant chain to strip its menu items of all genetically engineered ingredients. And in a chilling video that’s going viral right now, Chipotle cleverly integrates their message of “food with integrity” in an advertisement for a free iPhone game.

quote: In a dystopian fantasy world, all food production is controlled by fictional industrial giant Crow Foods. Scarecrows have been displaced from their traditional role of protecting food, and are now servants to the crows and their evil plans to dominate the food system. Dreaming of something better, a lone scarecrow sets out to provide an alternative to the unsustainable processed food from the factory.

Kudos to Chipotle for the clever marketing and for daring to dream of a world where quality fast food isn’t a fantasy.

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Angel Clark writes at  that Colorado now permits cannabis…so long as the bureaucrats get a cut. The State expects to collect 130 million dollars in taxes on pot alone this year. Small businesses like coffee shops pay between fifteen and thirty five percent effective tax rate, but when you substitute beans for flowers, suddenly that tax rate jumps to 93 percent. Because the IRS still considers the sale of cannabis illegal, legitimate businesses cannot deduct payroll expenses or any other standard deductions like other businesses are able to do.  According to the National Cannabis Industry Association, a standard cannabis store in Colorado pays between 60 and 80 percent in taxes, sometimes as high as 93 percent.

At least their government no longer arrests people for having pieces harmless vegetation in their pockets. The NH Civil Liberties Union has run the numbers and found that across New Hampshire, blacks are 2 and a half times more likely than whites to be arrested for cannabis possession. In Cheshire County, where Keene is located, it’s even worse: Law enforcers there are TEN TIMES more likely to arrest blacks than whites for cannabis possession. Combine that with the fact that black people only account for less than 1 and a half percent of the entire state population. As Ian Freeman points out at, it’s bad enough that racism still exists in 2013, but how dangerous it is when the racists wear badges.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by  friends of and . I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Anarchists Have Taken Over

PNN Live #24 (Sunday Show, September 15, 2013)

This episode of Peace News Now Live is brought to you in part by the Suns of Liberty Mint at It really helps the show if you subscribe to our youtube, facebook, and twitter. Alternative media lives and dies with social media, so I need your help spreading the word about this show. If you enjoy the show, please share PNN with your friends. And if you find this show valuable to your life, you can help grow its impact by donating at

AK Legalizes Raw Milk

Police shoot unarmed football player seeking help

Hate to Say I Told You So – Legalizing Marijuana 93% Tax

Reid: “The Anarchists Have Taken Over”

Keene – Drug War Showdown

Million Man Market

Check out this episode

Peaceful Parenting – How You Live Matters


PNN #207

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Baby Elephant Weeps After Mother Rejects Him

Obituary Inspires End of Child Abuse?

Good Obituary

Daisy Duke Dad

Sunday, September 15th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 127 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

Keepers at a wildlife park in China removed a newborn baby elephant from his mother the first time after she stomped on him. Hoping that the injury was accidental, zookeepers returned the calf to his mother’s side, but she rejected him again, so they had to remove him again. The calf wept under a blanket for five straight hours before keepers were able to console him. Fortunately, he has been adopted by the keeper who rescued him and they have formed a strong bond.

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

How you treat others matters, evidenced by a celebratory obituary has gone viral online. The surviving family wrote to the local paper that their mother was a serial abuser and they are glad she’s dead. Here are some excerpts, quote, “On behalf of her children whom she so abrasively exposed to her evil and violent life, we celebrate her passing from this earth and hope she lives in the after-life reliving each gesture of violence, cruelty, and shame that she delivered on her children. Most of us have found peace in helping those who have been exposed to child abuse and hope this message of her final passing can revive our message that abusing children is unforgivable, shameless, and should not be tolerated in a humane society. Our greatest wish now, is to stimulate a national movement that mandates a purposeful and dedicated war against child abuse.”

Celebrity Ghost Writer Michael Malice said of this article, quote, “Just because someone has sperm or eggs doesn’t mean they’re going to be even a mediocre parent. If you’ve been lucky, try to show compassion for those who haven’t.”

Contrast that last obituary with another one from this week, from a woman called Pink who died the very next day and left behind the same number of children. Some of the lessons she taught her family, quote,

Go to church with a chicken sandwich in your purse. Give the chicken sandwich to your homeless friend after mass.

Go to a nursing home and kiss everyone. Invite new friends to Thanksgiving dinner. If they are from another country and you have trouble understanding them, learn to “listen with an accent.”

Never say mean things about anybody; they are “poor souls to pray for.”

Put picky-eating children in the box at the bottom of the laundry chute, tell them they are hungry lions in a cage, and feed them veggies through the slats.

Correspond with the imprisoned and have lunch with the cognitively challenged.

Offer rides to people carrying a big load or caught in the rain or summer heat.

Allow the homeless to keep warm in your car while you are at Mass.

In her lifetime, Pink made contact time after time. Those who’ve taken her lessons to heart will continue to ensure that a cold drink will be left for the overheated garbage collector and mail carrier, every baby will be kissed, every nursing home resident will be visited, and the hungry will have a sandwich.

Above all, Pink wrote — to everyone, about everything. She is survived by her children and grandchildren whose photos she would share with prospective friends in the checkout line.

May we all take a lesson from Pink and connect with our fellow man today. This story brought to you by — Download the free bitcoin wallet that syncs with your smartphone at

A dad who loves his teenage daughter decided to teach her a lesson in modesty with an unforgettable visual aid. After she insisted on wearing daisy dukes out to dinner with family, her dad cut off his jeans to make daisy dukes for himself and wore them out. He said of his action, quote, “I’m a firm believer that the way we dress sends messages about us, and it influences the way we and others act. Instead of turning her response and disrespectful attitude into a major battle, I decided to make a “small” statement on how her short-shorts maybe aren’t as “cute” as she thinks!”

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Silicon Valley Takes Feds to Court

Angry Mob Follows Patraeus on First Day of Class


PNN #206

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Patraeus Faces Angry Mob on First Day of Class

Overregulated NYC: Illegal Dinner Parties

Trader Joe’s Dumps Healthcare for Employees

Yahoo, Facebook Threatened by NSA

Lavabit Founder Appeals Against NSA

Dirty Dancers Lead by Example

Saturday, September 14th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 130 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

On the way to teaching his first class, former CIA Director David Patraeus was chased down a New York City street by shouting students at the City University of New York. The war criminal responsible for the “counterinsurgency” strategy of the Iraq War even darted into oncoming traffic in front of a honking bus to avoid the crowd, but to no avail, they followed him right into the street. The students shouted, quote, “Every class, David,” suggesting they plan to protest him on a weekly basis, before every lecture. Keep it up, guys! Judging from the guilty and terrified look on his face, your words and actions really affected him.

Speaking of peaceful resistance in New York City, overregulation is pushing new businesses underground. And thanks to the internet’s ability to connect individuals, it can all happen in secret. A website called “Underground Eats” offers members exclusive dining experiences hosted by private individuals and prepared by professional chefs in 20 different countries. City bureaucrats say that the clandestine dinner parties are a violation of the law and should be shut down. But others say the agreement is voluntary–guests who attend the dinner parties aren’t forced to join, but they keep coming. If you bring a bottle of wine to *your* dinner parties, what’s the difference between this relationship and eating with your neighbors?

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Forcing people to buy something, even health insurance, is immoral, and like all meddling in the economic decisions of individuals, it leads to perverse consequences. Case in point? The popular health food supermarket chain Trader Joe’s has been regularly applauded for providing its part-time workers with awesome benefits including dental and vision, but now it’s dropping healthcare for many of its employees. The reason? Complying with the new Obamacare laws makes it too expensive for the company to continue coverage. It’s simple math, not a lack of compassion. The road to hell was paved with good intentions. It’s time that well-intended liberals put *down* the gun of the state and pick *up* an economics book.

Speaking of the gun of the state, RT reveals more threats from the NSA. Last week, Microsoft and Google shocked the world when they teamed up in a lawsuit against the federal government, fighting for free speech. Now the CEOs of both Yahoo and Facebook join that lawsuit. In a press conference in San Francisco, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said she was threatened with treason if she didn’t comply with the government’s demands to hand over private user data. What user data, you ask? They can’t tell you! The companies are being threatened if they inform users of what information the government was demanding. While today these companies see compliance as a virtue, eventually, economics will dictate that they disobey! Imagine the press if a Fortune 500 CEO goes to jail for protecting their user’s data. Yahoo stock would have soared, especially if it then came out that their competitors had all complied.

Speaking of compliance, Ladar Levison, the founder of Lavabit, a private email service, chose to shut down operations rather than comply with NSA spying demands. Now he’s appealing that order. However, similar to Yahoo and Facebook, the government has issued a gag order which would jail him for simply speaking about the government demands. In the one month since the shutdown, Levison has raised more than $100,000 to finance the appeal, which is set to be heard October 3rd in a closed-door hearing. By law, a censored version of the proceedings should be made public. Peace News Now will continue to bring you the latest on this issue.

In other peaceful resistance news, Explicit rules against dirty dancing sent Red River High School students migrating from the gym to the far side of town to dance as they pleased. The principal said, Quote, “We are a public high school, with students ages 14 to 18 years old. We are not an adult night club.” About 150 students walked out, and about 50 stayed. Administrators report that the crowd migrated peacefully and respectfully, even cleaning up after themselves as they left. Way to lead by example, Dirty Dancers of Red River High!

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Pastor Arrested – How Free Are We Really?


PNN #205

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Abercrombie & Fitch Forced to be Compliant


Pastor Arrested for Anticipated Free Speech


Clinton Heckled About Liberty Award


Student Faces Felony for Knife in Car

Check out this episode