Don’t Mess With Texas Secessionists

I reported on AVTM yesterday that people from 20 different states started petitions to secede from the federal govt on the website. It’s now 32 states. According to the rules of the website, the petitions must receive 25,000 co-signers within 30 days in order to guarantee, “a response,” (TL;DR) from the Obama Administration. Louisiana started the trend the day prior and will likely be the next in line to reach the targeted 25,000 signers, but not before it was beat out by Texas! Yes, the Lone Star State achieved its goal of 25,000 endorsers in just 4 days! And the number more than doubled within hours of achieving that landmark, and currently stands at over 71,000. Apparently, secession is a popular idea in Texas. Isn’t that where Ron Paul lives?

Have you heard of Obama’s new secret Kill List? Congratulations, Texans, Obama just cut & pasted another 71,000 names onto it! But how trustworthy is this system of online petition? To keep from any claims of mal-influence, the White House flips a coin to see which petitions they’ll respond to! Speaking of influence, it was totally coincidental when, this fall, the White House responded to a petition that gained fewer than 13,000 signatures, the petition seeking the White House beer recipe. Just luck of the draw that Obama didn’t have time to comment on WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, or requests for an investigation into Rep. Chris Dodd’s public admission that he bribed politicians to pass legislation, both of which were “successful” petitions on the WhiteHouse website. So Texans, I hope you the Obama Administration responds to your petition with a form letter rather than a no-knock raid. Remember, Texas wasn’t “justly acquired,” like the Louisiana Purchase–it was annexed from the damn Mexicans, who mistakenly put the border of Mexico too high.

The Texas Secession Petition may’ve been a copycat of Louisiana, but 1) it beat Louisiana to the signature goal, and 2) it didn’t pull any of the “Declaration of Independence” knock-off text. It is its OWN Declaration of Independence.

“The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it’s citizens’ standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties…”

The Constitution supposedly guarantees the rights of all states to secede. Kentucky, Tennessee, Maine, and West Virginia were all created by acts of secession, and none of these states was considered racist. But these were all BEFORE the Civil War *cough* War of Northern Aggression *cough*. Since then, no one’s been allowed to secede, & you certainly won’t get permission from King George the IV. So Texans, Louisanans, freedom loving people of America! Don’t wait for his permission! You’ve already shown there are tens of thousands who share your sentiment. Has there ever been a better time to become independent of the Federal government? Being independent means taking responsibility for creating the world you want to see, not waiting for orders from your masters on high. Your petition had it right–true secession is not about military might, but about economic stability. Trade with one another in a currency outside the US-controlled dollar, and you can start to break free without even touching a weapon.

One thought on “Don’t Mess With Texas Secessionists”

  1. Usually these type protestations are heavily from states which receive far more in federal funding than they send to DC. So, let them go!

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