163 Politicians Finally Tax the Sun

PNN #163 Show Notes http://bit.ly/1aN7mvg
15-Yr-Old Boy Saves Abducted Little Girl
Tax on Sunlight
Things are Good for Snowden
This is your Peace News for Saturday, July 27th 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 97 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.
Minutes after Temar Boggs heard that 5-year-old Jocelyn Rojas had gone missing, he noticed a suspicious car careening in and out of the side streets of his neighborhood.
The 15-year-old was hanging out with his friends at an apartment on Thursday afternoon when he heard the news. So he and another friend took to their bikes to search for Rojas.
He told reporters that one car in particular caught his eye. It turned around at the top of a hill where several police officers were standing. It began turning in and out of side streets in the neighborhood. Boggs gave chase on his bicycle. He got close enough to the vehicle to see a little girl inside. He made eye contact with the driver, an older white male, who apparently got spooked enough to let the little girl out of the car.
Boggs said the girl ran into his arms and asked to see her mother. She has since been united with her family, and the town is hailing 15-year-old Boggs as a hero.
THis next story brought to you by friends of Blockchain.info. Store your bitcoins in the free wallet app at blockchain.info.
The cost of solar panels has dropped 80% in Spain, but If you were thinking of buying some to save money on energy, you can forget about it.
People calling themselves the Government of Spain issued a “royal decree” this week taxing sunlight gatherers. The state now threatens you with fines as much as 30 million euros if you illegally gather sunlight without paying a tax. The tax is just enough to make sure that homeowners cannot gather and store solar energy cheaper than state-sponsored providers.
Before the decree, it took 12 years to recover the investment in a residential installation of 2 and a half kilowatts of power. Following the decree, it will take an additional 23 years.
Corporations always consider it “unfair” when any other company can do things faster, smarter, or cheaper than they can. The buggy whip industry once protested cars.
Today, land-line telecom companies have to compete with wireless and they don’t like it. Now, we see protests about VOIP (voice over internet protocol).
Technology marches on. But France does not like it. The French solution is to tax Skype because it has an “unfair advantage”. This is an age-old unwinnable argument.
The ultimate irony is France’s preposterous “unfair advantage” argument was lampooned by French economist Frederic Bastiat back in 1845 when he penned ‘Petition of the Candle Makers’.
In his article, candle makers were incensed that the light of the sun could be had for free. The sun’s unfair trade advantage was to the “detriment of fair industries” who could not compete against the sun’s price.
Something had to be done to “shut off as much as possible, all access to natural light, and thereby create a need for artificial light” so that “industry in France will encouraged”.
The moral of the story is that well-intentioned bureaucrats cause more harm than good by punishing advances in technology. The crippling effect regulators have on technology has real consequences: Rather than saving money on energy and passing on the savings to consumers, which would result in higher quality of life for all; instead innovation is hampered, and opportunities for improvement are missed.
And in classic politician style, the new decree is written in such an unscientific and unspecific way that it actually criminalizes the opening of one’s own eyes: Quote, “If you get caught collecting photons of sunlight for your own use, you can be fined as much as 30 million euros.”
Good luck collecting a tax in bitcoin! Learn about bitcoin at WeUseCoins.com
Some eight weeks after the revelations that shook Washington and made Edward Snowden a household name, the NSA whistleblower appears to be getting everything he wanted.
Independent polls reveal that the public is increasingly concerned that the government is not finding the right balance between surveillance and privacy.
40 percent see the NSA activities not merely as intrusions on some Americans’ privacy rights, but as unjustified intrusions.
Snowden may walk free. When his identity was first revealed by The Guardian, Snowden worried that he might be abducted or killed by the CIA for his leak. Holed up in a hotel in Hong Kong, it wasn’t clear whether or not Snowden would end up back in the United States to face criminal charges.
Now it appears that Snowden is about to become a resident of Moscow — a guy with a job and an apartment who’s waiting to figure out which Central American country he wants to retire to.
Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. Please share this episode with your friends and donate bitcoin at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate. Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

162 Hero Cop Refuses to Be Evil

PNN #162 Show Notes http://bit.ly/18Ge8pm


Hero Cop Refuses to Participate in Evil


Dolphins Use Names .. Who knew?


Dolphins Banned from Captivity … Humans next, please?


Prisoners dilemma tested … unexpectedly positive results!


This is your Peace News for Friday, July 26th 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 97 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.

It’s not everyday a cop makes the peaceful resistor list, but Justin Hanners of Auburn, Alabama makes the grade! He thought the police were about protecting and serving the people. That’s why it didn’t sit right with him when his new boss pressured the force to make quotas for traffic stops and citations. Justin felt that this was harassing behavior. When he stood on principle and refused to pester innocent people for petty victimless crimes, he was fired. This happens all the time in police forces, but what makes Justin different is that he had the courage to record conversations with his superiors discussing the quotas. This type of information, while known about, is very rare. Here’s a clip:

In just a few days, Justin has garnered support from thousands of people on his facebook fan page. This is an example of why good people who stand up for what’s right are better than people who go along to get along. Do what’s right, and good people will support you.

This next story is brought to you by friends of BlockChain.info. Use the free & secure wallet app at Blockchain.info.

They escape from aquarium tanks. They locate underwater mines. They can recognize themselves in a mirror. Now, a new paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science claims that dolphins recognized their own name when called.

The dolphins produce and respond to high pitched signature whistles that have a little bit of a melody. They come to the boat when their own name is called, but they tend to their own business when the names of other dolphins are used. The research also seemed to indicate that they learn and use the names of their families and friends.

In a related story, well-intentioned bureaucrats in India have banned the use of dolphins in captivity for commercial purposes such as entertainment. In doing so, India joins Costa Rica, Hungary, and Chile, giving the justification that dolphins share so many characteristics with other sentient beings that they have been declared “non-human persons”. Funny—human persons can be in captivity, but non-human persons can’t. Maybe eventually this principle will be universally applied so that one day all people can be free of captivity, traveling the earth freely without carrying their permission slips from agents of the state.

You don’t need a permission slip to trade in bitcoin. Bitcoin is the currency that YOU control. Learn how YOU can use this new currency at http://WeUseCoins.com .

The “prisoner’s dilemma” is a familiar concept to just about anybody that took Econ 101.

The basic version goes like this. Two criminals are arrested, but police can’t convict either on the primary charge, so they plan to sentence them to a year in jail on a lesser charge. Each of the prisoners, who can’t communicate with each other, are given the option of testifying against their partner. If they testify, and their partner remains silent, the partner gets 3 years and they go free. If they both testify, both get two. If both remain silent, they each get one.

In game theory, betraying your partner, or “defecting” is always the dominant strategy as it always has a slightly higher payoff in a simultaneous game.

This theory has been around for a long time, but it hasn’t been tested…until recently. The results were not what you’d expect. Prisoners and students each had an opportunity to participate, and the results revealed a much stronger inclination to cooperate to reach a mutually-desired outcome. What’s interesting is that the game requires blind trust from both parties, and you don’t have a chance to retaliate or make up for being betrayed later. Yet prisoners are still significantly more cooperative in that scenario than expected. Can you explain the results, or is it just human nature to cooperate with our fellow man?

Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. Please share this episode with your friends and donate bitcoin at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate. Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

161 Judge Orders 1M Dollars Returned to Exotic Dancer

PNN #161 Show Notes http://bit.ly/138foNI



Medical Marijuana Now Legal in New England



Judge Orders $1 Million Returned to Exotic Dancer



New Car Hackers Can Cut Your Breaks



This is your Peace News for Thursday, July 25th 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 96 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com  and by listeners like you.


With the addition of New Hampshire this Tuesday, medical Marijuana is now legal in all 6 states which comprise New England. Ironically, the Live Free Or Die state was the last among them to be added, although still well ahead of the rest of the country. Although now legal for medicinal use in 19 states, cannabis remains illegal federally, as even state-sanctioned dispensaries are being raided by men calling themselves the federal government. Eventually people will see this type of behavior as aggressive violence no different than what occurs in war. One small group of men is pointing guns at people and stealing from them, not because they are saving the day but because they are following orders.


One thing agents of the state can’t steal are your bitcoins. Get started with bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com .


In other news, a federal judge has ruled that Nebraska cops must return over $1 million confiscated at a traffic stop from a woman who saved the money $1 at a time during her 15 year career as an exotic dancer.

The money belongs to Tara Mishra, 33, of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., who began putting aside her earnings when she started dancing at age 18. The money was meant to start her own club and get out of the stripping business.

State troopers confiscated the money in March 2012 after searching the car on a speeding stop.

The state trooper found the money and suspected it was connected to drugs. He arrested everyone in the car. Police found no evidence of drug activity in the car, nor any drugs on the cash.

Fortunately, the Judge in this case showed no favoritism to police. He said, quote, “The government failed to show a substantial connection between drugs and the money.” The judge ordered the Nebraska state police to return the million dollars immediately in cash or check … and pay back with interest! This may be a proper remedy from the judge, but should taxpayers suffer the consequences of police wrongdoing rather than individuals being held personally liable? Speaking of taxpayers, you can bet this exotic dancer is going to get a 1099 form in the mail tomorrow. Bye bye 40%.

She should have held bitcoin. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com .

This next story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info .

Michael Hastings was a reporter who got too close to the truth. He was killed in a deadly car crash last month after sending a hurried email to his friends explaining that he was afraid and that the feds were watching him. He was the journalist whose Rolling Stone story on McChrystal changed history. Then he similarly slammed Patraeus, and any google search of the name Michael Hastings will reveal an arsenal of journalistic firepower aimed squarely at the establishment.

The events surrounding Hastings’ crash are mysterious to say the least. Friends say he drove like a grandma, but somehow witnesses saw his 2013 Mercedes drive at full speed through a red light, spark from the bottom, and explode before making a sudden 90 degree turn and crash into a tree across several lanes of traffic on a Los Angeles boulevard at 4 in the morning. Autopsies reveal he had not been drinking or doing drugs.

Yesterday, Forbes put out a story about a new type of hacker which can hack into cars. Hackers can override the steering wheel, breaks, gas, and other functions. These hackers are using their powers for good by exposing the vehicle’s weaknesses.

The article specifically mentions that the 2014 Mercedes Benz S-Class, which can negotiate stop-and-go traffic or follow a leader without input, may offer a hacker even more points of attack. The less the driver is involved, the more potential for failure when bad people are tampering with it.

In the meantime, benevolent hackers argue that the best way to pressure car companies to secure their products is to show exactly what can be done with a multi-ton missile on wheels. Better to experience the panic of a digitally hijacked SUV now, than when a more malicious attacker is in control.


Perhaps the most interesting quote from the article comes from the car hacker, who said, quote “If the only thing keeping you from crashing your car is that no one is talking about this, then you’re not safe anyway.”

Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. Please share this episode with your friends and donate bitcoin at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate. Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Can You Hear Us Now?


I have purchased the necessary equipment to broadcast, mix, and record our live podcast in high quality audio. I ended up choosing the following:

Mixer: I went from using my microphone and laptop speakers as my mixer to an actual piece of audio equipment. The Behringer XENYX X1622USB (on Ian Freeman’s recommendation) will allow me to connect guests in-studio as well as on skype and broadcast a clear signal live to the listeners.

XLR Microphone: I will continue to use my USB microphone, the Blue Yeti, for daily podcasts and voice-over work. But for a live-studio mic on a show where the audio quality is going to be compressed anyway, I have chosen the Michael W. Dean-endorsed NADY SP-4C, a $20 microphone that will hopefully deliver sound quality comparable to something like the Audio Technica AT2020, which is much pricier.

I recently posted that I am looking to upgrade the audio quality of the Peace News Now live show (airing 2 nights a week on LRN.fm). Since that post, I’ve received a few messages from audiophiles in the liberty community helping to steer me toward quality and affordability. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

I don’t need an expensive XLR mic. Just because my mic sounds awesome and was on the pricier side, doesn’t mean I have to keep buying expensive mics. Michael W Dean of the Freedom Feens recommends I check out the NADY SP-4C, and Famous Dave of RadioFreedom.us recommends I check out the Shure sm58. Both of these mics cost less than half of the alternative that I was seeking. I think I’ll try the NADY first because it’s less than $20 and reportedly has an excellent “radio” sound.

Famous Dave also mentioned that the 2-channel mixer I picked out tends to sound midband (low quality). Instead, he recommends I check out the Yamaha MW10, which is a 10-channel mixer with 4 XLR inputs. I imagine I’ll only be using two at a time for most broadcasts, but remember, the goal is to enhance audio quality!

You can dramatically improve this show’s audio quality by making a donation to Peace News Now at our donation page.

Freedom Feens Recommendations

XLR Cable (I’ll need this to plug in the microphones)

Pop Filters

Famous Dave Says I’ll Need This Cord to Connect Skype Calls and Music

PNN Live w/ Davi Barker 7/23

On Tuesday, I was joined by Davi Barker of ShinyBadges.com. We asked the question, “If you could disappear the government with the push of a button, would you push it?” For the answer to that question and more, watch the episode below:

PNN Live Hangout w/ Davi Barker

You can watch this episode on youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8BIok2THqc





Renegade Psychological Experiments


Human Nature May Not Be So Warlike After All


This is What Budget Cuts Have Done to Detroit … And It’s Freaking Awesome


Libertarian Dispute Resolution in the Here and Now


Wake Forest 3D Prints Skin Cells to Burn Wounds


The 3Doodler


Hershberger Ice Cream Social


Polyface Farms Celebration


Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut Adapted to Stage by Daria Tavana of True-False Theatre


Check out this episode

160 Israeli and Palestinian Metal Bands Tour 4 Peace

PNN #160 Show Notes http://bit.ly/11c6Kw8


Israeli and Palestinian Metal Bands Go On Tour


Iraqi Abu Graib Prison Break


Depleted Uranium Used by US Forces Blamed for Iraqi Cancer Rates & Birth Defects


This is your Peace News for Wednesday, July 24th 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 100 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.

JG Vibes writes at Intellihub.com:

An Israeli band called Orphaned Land is joining forces with the Palestinian band Khalas for an 18 gig tour that will visit 6 different countries.  The purpose of the tour is to promote peace and unity between the Palestinian and Israeli people.  The bands will live together and share a tour bus.

Orphaned Land’s lead singer said quote, “We can’t change the world, but we can give an example of how coexistence is possible. Sharing a stage and sharing a bus is stronger than a thousand words. We’ll show how two people from different backgrounds who live in a conflict zone can perform together.”

Khalas’s lead guitarist added, quote,“We are metal brothers before everything.”

Orphaned Land devotedly speaks about the power of music to turn supposed enemies into friends by strongly encouraging collaborations with artists from different cultural and religious backgrounds.

On the “All is One” tour, for the very first time, you will see bands from Israel, Palestine, Jordan and France all together as one, proving that music can be a voice of hope that can bring people together.

Thanks to art, the internet, and social media, Peace activists in Palestine are teaming up with peace activists in Israel, the US, and Iran to spread messages of love and unity among people of all geographical locations…..regardless of what their politicians do.

The Palestine loves Israel and Israel loves Palestine campaigns started out as viral Facebook phenomena where Palestinians and Israelis would send messages of love to one another. Through their newfound connectedness, they reassure each other that the hateful rhetoric put forward by governments and media outlets are totally out of line with the true feelings of the average person. This is successful counter-propaganda.

One currency uniting people of different cultures is bitcoin. Learn more at http://WeUseCoins.com.

In other news, more than 10 years after Bush declared Mission Accomplished in Iraq, the daily reality shows that the war has *NOT* ended.

This week about 500 Iraqi prisoners were freed from the infamous Abu Ghraib torture facility after their friends launched a successful rescue mission.

Suicide bombers drove cars packed with explosives to the gates of the prison Sunday night and blasted their way into the compound, while gunmen attacked prison guards with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.

Other militants took up positions near the main road, prepared to pick off any attempt at reinforcements. Several militants wearing suicide vests entered the prison on foot to help free the inmates.

Ten prison guards and four freedom fighters were killed in the ensuing clashes, which continued until Monday morning. By that time, hundreds of inmates had succeeded in fleeing Abu Ghraib, the prison made notorious a decade ago by photographs showing abuse of prisoners by U.S. soldiers.

Another simultaneous attempt at a prison break about 12 miles north was unsuccessful. Sixteen soldiers and six militants were killed. Nearly 600 people have been killed in militant attacks across Iraq so far this month, according to monitoring group Iraq Body Count. This is a predictable consequence of meddlesome military adventurism. Anyone who says the war is over…is either lying, or isn’t paying attention.

Russian news outlet RT reported just yesterday that thanks to the US Military’s use of depleted uranium ammunition, cancer is now more common than the flu in the city of Najaf.

Lawyer, activist, and former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark said of the tactic, quote “Depleted-uranium weapons are an unacceptable threat to life, a violation of international law and an assault on human dignity.”

According to a Dutch report, at least 440,000kg of DU were used in Iraq, some ending up as DU dust, and some as corroding penetrators – leaving a still unknown number of sites with contaminated vehicles, buildings and soils.

The report read, Quote: “The exposure risks to civilians from the use of DU in populated areas have been compounded by the US’s persistent refusal to release the data that could have helped.”

The use of these weapons has resulted not just in skyrocketing cancer rates and birth defects in the civilian populations but also in soldiers who followed orders to use them.

The solution is to put down the guns and refuse to participate in evil.

Gandhi reminds us that Non-Cooperation with evil is as much a responsibility as cooperation with good. Do what you can to limit your participation in war. One easy step you can take toward that goal is to trade in bitcoins. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com .

Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. Please share this episode with your friends and donate bitcoin at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate. Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

159 Female Schindler Saves 2500 Baby Jews

PNN #159 Show Notes http://bit.ly/12JysOt


Schindler Dies at 98:


Wake Forest 3D Prints Skin Cells to Burn Wounds


Teenage Intern Short-Circuits White House Press System with Simple Question


George Zimmerman Rescues Overturned Truck


Libertarian Mayor Remakes City


Hershberger Ice Cream Social


This is your Peace News for Tuesday, July 23rd 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 95 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.

This week a listener sent us a story about Irena Sendler, a female Schindler. In her lifetime, she successfully smuggled out over 2,500 Jewish babies and toddlers, helping them escape concentration camps by way of suitcases, ambulances, coffins, and sewer pipes. She kept hidden a meticulous record of all their real names and new identities so they might later be re-united with their families.

She had spirited them out of the heavily-guarded Jewish ghetto in Warsaw. She was beaten, tortured and sentenced to death by the Gestapo – who even announced her execution. But Irena survived, her secrets untold. She died just 5 years ago, in her modest Warsaw apartment, aged 98.

Modest about her achievements, she said, quote, “I was brought up to believe that a person must be rescued when drowning, regardless of religion and nationality. The term ‘heroine’ irritates me greatly. The opposite is true. I continue to have pangs of conscience that I did so little.”

A few months before she died, she said, quote, “After World War II, it seemed that humanity understood something, and nothing like that would happen again. Humanity has understood nothing. Religious, tribal, national wars continue. The world continues to be in a sea of blood.”

But she added: “The world can be better if there’s love, tolerance and humility.”

Using the government’s funny-money keeps the state afloat. Let them sink. Learn about the new currency Bitcoin. It’s stateless, just like you. Learn more at WeUseCoins.com.

Scientists at Wake Forest University’s Military Research Center have developed a method of 3D printing new skin cells onto burn wounds. The method is far superior to traditional skin grafts because regular grafts require skin from a donor site somewhere on the patient’s body. Taking skin from a donor site is painful and sometimes the patients don’t even have enough unburned skin to transplant.

First a laser scans the patient’s burn, and that information gets translated into a personalized plan for filling the wound up with cells. Then a modified inkjet printer lays down the cells individually, one layer at a time until the burned area is completely covered.

Speaking of new technologies, bitcoin is a new currency for moving money digitally. Store your bitcoins in a free & secure wallet at Blockchain.info.

This week, 16-year-old Daily Caller intern Gabe Finger was called upon to ask a question of White House press secretary Jay Carney, and he completely stumped him into stunned silence.  The question he asked was, “Because of the death threats being received by George Zimmerman and his parents, is the President going to take any action for their security, or are they on their own?” Kudos to Gabe for courageously questioning a powerful figure.

In a story that went instantly viral, George Zimmerman of the recent Trayvon Martin case came out of hiding yesterday to assist a man whose truck had turned over on the highway, saving his life.

Mayor Mike Dunafon of Glendale, Colorado was featured on the Blaze recently in an article which highlighted his Libertarian principles and how they have helped to rapidly change the landscape of Glendale from crumbling to thriving.

Refusing to have his marriage endorsed by the state, he met his stripper fiance when her successful stripclub was under attack by the local government. The mayor at the time said he’d rather see the 300 women on welfare, despite the fact that they wanted to keep their jobs. Dunafon was furious, and with just 31 days until the next election, he went door to door with strippers and beer registering voters. After winning a landslide victory, he sent half of city hall packing.

Dunafon said that his political philosophy is about deregulating our lives. “For instance,” he says, quote, “next month we’re taking a law off the books that precludes pool tables from bars in Glendale.  Now this was an obscure law we didn’t know existed.”

Speaking of deregulation, the government can’t control bitcoin. Learn about this empowering new currency at WeUseCoins.com.

In food freedom news, the Vernon Hershberger farm is holding a victory celebration and fundraiser on Saturday August 17th. To recognize their achievements peacefully resisting agents of the state earlier this year, the Hershberger Family is welcoming all their supporters to share in this day of celebration with real homemade ice cream made from their own cows’ raw milk. Come spend the day with the Hershberger’s and their supporters. Join special guests David Gumpert, Max Kane, The Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund Attorneys, members of the Jury, and a host of other local and national food freedom activists. RSVP on the facebook page, and if you can’t attend but want to support the Hershbergers, you can make a donation to their farm at http://VernonHershberger.com

Peace News brought to by friends of WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. If you enjoy the show, you can donate to keep it going, at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate. Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Ever Heard of the Female Schindler?

From DailyMail:


Irena Sendler was a female Schindler. In her lifetime, she successfully smuggled out over 2,500 Jewish babies and toddlers, helping them escape concentration camps by way of suitcases, ambulances, coffins, and sewer pipes. She kept hidden a meticulous record of all their real names and new identities so they might later be re-united with their families.

She had spirited them out of the heavily-guarded Jewish ghetto in Warsaw. She was beaten, tortured and sentenced to death by the Gestapo – who even announced her execution. But Irena survived, her secrets untold. She died 5 years ago, in her modest Warsaw apartment, aged 98.

Modest about her achievements, she said, quote, “I was brought up to believe that a person must be rescued when drowning, regardless of religion and nationality. The term ‘heroine’ irritates me greatly. The opposite is true. I continue to have pangs of conscience that I did so little.”

A few months before she died, she said, quote, “After World War II, it seemed that humanity understood something, and nothing like that would happen again. Humanity has understood nothing. Religious, tribal, national wars continue. The world continues to be in a sea of blood.”

But she added: “The world can be better if there’s love, tolerance and humility.”

158 Ballsy Activists Defy Prohibition Laws at Birthplace of Liberty

PNN #158 Show Notes http://bit.ly/1306hcV


Philly SmokeDown Prohibition 7


Americans Leaving Country, Joining Free State Project


Helen Thomas Dies at 92


Real Threat to Gold is Digital


This is your Peace News for Monday, July 22nd 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 91 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.

Final preparations by marijuana reform activists in Philadelphia are underway for Smoke Down Prohibition VII, the seventh in a series of monthly protests held at Independence National Historic Park.

After six successful rallies, The Panic Hour and Philly NORML, joint organizers of the event, will return to Independence National Historic Park, home of the Liberty Bell, to peacefully protest cannabis prohibition starting on July 26th.

Unlike previous editions of Smoke Down Prohibition, which were one-day demonstrations, this event begins at 4:20 pm on a Friday, and taking a page from last year’s Occupy movement, will continue for as long as necessary — even if it stretches for days, weeks, or months.

Organizers said, quote, “We ask you to join us and peacefully sit in at the Liberty Bell to stand up against cannabis prohibition.”  There will be speakers, activities, arts and crafts and workshops throughout the evening.

Previous protests began earlier in the day and climaxed with a 4:20 pm civil disobedience demonstration, with activists openly smoking cannabis, which led to the arrest of organizers and activists at Smoke Down Prohibition V in May.

This time around, organizers say, the “moment of marijuana reflection” will not be determined beforehand.  Previous protest were peaceful and without incident, until police converged on the park area just before 4:20 pm during May’s rally.

Organizers of the event have created a video, Guidelines for the Smoke Down Sit In, which includes such tips as how — and how not — to be arrested peacefully.

One peaceful way to take power back from the oligarchs who seek to control you is to trade in a decentralized currency. Learn about the rise of a new currency that is beyond government control. Go to http://WeUseCoins.com .

In other news, Angel Clark reports for Examiner that Americans are leaving the country in search of more freedom, and those who stay, move to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project.

Activist and expat George Donnelly from Shield Mutual said, quote, “I saw no future for myself there, among the Wacos, the OK cities, the taxes, permits and urban decay of Chicago. I decided to get out and see what kind of a life I could make for myself elsewhere. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I am thrilled that I found the courage to do it. It has changed my life in unforeseen ways. I am happier, healthier and wealthier today because of it. I wouldn’t trade my experiences of living in Japan and Colombia for anything.”

Farmer Frank W. Szabo from Freedom Orchard commented, quote “I left because I did not think that there was anything else that I could do which would make a real difference. I did not feel that my family, or our assets, were safe any longer.”

Traffic on websites that promote leaving America before it’s too late is way up. International Living and The Dollar Vigilante are popular sites and discuss the pros and cons of starting a new life overseas. Confidence in America’s politicians and government is at an all time low, and the conversation of expatriating is now a legitimate topic coming up at family dinner tables.

Many people and families who recognize the loss of freedoms are deciding to work for liberty in their lifetimes via the Free State Project. The Free State Project is an effort to have 20,000 peaceful liberty loving activists to move to New Hampshire to reduce the role of government in their lives. I endorse this option. Learn more at http://FreeStateProject.org .

This next story brought to you by friends of BlockChain.info . Go to Blockchain.info to download the free & secure wallet app that can sync with your smartphone. Blockchain.info.


In other news, CNN reports that trailblazing White House journalist Helen Thomas has died at age 92 after a long illness.


Starting with JFK in 1961, Thomas covered 10 presidents over half a century and became a legend in the industry.


She was a fixture at White House news conferences — sitting front and center late in her career — where she frequently exasperated government spokesmen with her pointed questions.


In other news of import, MarketWatch.com, a branch of the Wall St Journal, reported this week that the REAL threat to gold in the long term is digital currency such as bitcoin. Learn more about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com .


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PNN Live #10 – Liz Reitzig, Food Freedom

Sunday’s episode

6532582001_aca9e0b341_zIn Sunday’s episode, I was joined by Danny Panzella of the Peaceful Streets Project (NYC) and Liz Reitzig of the Farm Food Freedom Coalition. I shared a story about a school down the street from Peace News Now studios, where the number of violent incidents at the school have been reduced 90% in a year since removing the metal detectors, barred windows, and hallway cops. Danny shared a story of his recent arrest in Penn Station for handing out information about a recent NYPD drill involving hazardous gas. Liz Reitzig shared a personal account from Bakers Green Acres Farm, where a pig farmer who is being attacked by the state was supported by over 300 people at a recent hearing. Listen to the latest episode below, and click here for the show notes (7/21).