Silicon Valley Takes Feds to Court

Angry Mob Follows Patraeus on First Day of Class


PNN #206

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Patraeus Faces Angry Mob on First Day of Class

Overregulated NYC: Illegal Dinner Parties

Trader Joe’s Dumps Healthcare for Employees

Yahoo, Facebook Threatened by NSA

Lavabit Founder Appeals Against NSA

Dirty Dancers Lead by Example

Saturday, September 14th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 130 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

On the way to teaching his first class, former CIA Director David Patraeus was chased down a New York City street by shouting students at the City University of New York. The war criminal responsible for the “counterinsurgency” strategy of the Iraq War even darted into oncoming traffic in front of a honking bus to avoid the crowd, but to no avail, they followed him right into the street. The students shouted, quote, “Every class, David,” suggesting they plan to protest him on a weekly basis, before every lecture. Keep it up, guys! Judging from the guilty and terrified look on his face, your words and actions really affected him.

Speaking of peaceful resistance in New York City, overregulation is pushing new businesses underground. And thanks to the internet’s ability to connect individuals, it can all happen in secret. A website called “Underground Eats” offers members exclusive dining experiences hosted by private individuals and prepared by professional chefs in 20 different countries. City bureaucrats say that the clandestine dinner parties are a violation of the law and should be shut down. But others say the agreement is voluntary–guests who attend the dinner parties aren’t forced to join, but they keep coming. If you bring a bottle of wine to *your* dinner parties, what’s the difference between this relationship and eating with your neighbors?

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Forcing people to buy something, even health insurance, is immoral, and like all meddling in the economic decisions of individuals, it leads to perverse consequences. Case in point? The popular health food supermarket chain Trader Joe’s has been regularly applauded for providing its part-time workers with awesome benefits including dental and vision, but now it’s dropping healthcare for many of its employees. The reason? Complying with the new Obamacare laws makes it too expensive for the company to continue coverage. It’s simple math, not a lack of compassion. The road to hell was paved with good intentions. It’s time that well-intended liberals put *down* the gun of the state and pick *up* an economics book.

Speaking of the gun of the state, RT reveals more threats from the NSA. Last week, Microsoft and Google shocked the world when they teamed up in a lawsuit against the federal government, fighting for free speech. Now the CEOs of both Yahoo and Facebook join that lawsuit. In a press conference in San Francisco, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said she was threatened with treason if she didn’t comply with the government’s demands to hand over private user data. What user data, you ask? They can’t tell you! The companies are being threatened if they inform users of what information the government was demanding. While today these companies see compliance as a virtue, eventually, economics will dictate that they disobey! Imagine the press if a Fortune 500 CEO goes to jail for protecting their user’s data. Yahoo stock would have soared, especially if it then came out that their competitors had all complied.

Speaking of compliance, Ladar Levison, the founder of Lavabit, a private email service, chose to shut down operations rather than comply with NSA spying demands. Now he’s appealing that order. However, similar to Yahoo and Facebook, the government has issued a gag order which would jail him for simply speaking about the government demands. In the one month since the shutdown, Levison has raised more than $100,000 to finance the appeal, which is set to be heard October 3rd in a closed-door hearing. By law, a censored version of the proceedings should be made public. Peace News Now will continue to bring you the latest on this issue.

In other peaceful resistance news, Explicit rules against dirty dancing sent Red River High School students migrating from the gym to the far side of town to dance as they pleased. The principal said, Quote, “We are a public high school, with students ages 14 to 18 years old. We are not an adult night club.” About 150 students walked out, and about 50 stayed. Administrators report that the crowd migrated peacefully and respectfully, even cleaning up after themselves as they left. Way to lead by example, Dirty Dancers of Red River High!

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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