163 Politicians Finally Tax the Sun

PNN #163 Show Notes http://bit.ly/1aN7mvg
15-Yr-Old Boy Saves Abducted Little Girl
Tax on Sunlight
Things are Good for Snowden
This is your Peace News for Saturday, July 27th 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 97 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you.
Minutes after Temar Boggs heard that 5-year-old Jocelyn Rojas had gone missing, he noticed a suspicious car careening in and out of the side streets of his neighborhood.
The 15-year-old was hanging out with his friends at an apartment on Thursday afternoon when he heard the news. So he and another friend took to their bikes to search for Rojas.
He told reporters that one car in particular caught his eye. It turned around at the top of a hill where several police officers were standing. It began turning in and out of side streets in the neighborhood. Boggs gave chase on his bicycle. He got close enough to the vehicle to see a little girl inside. He made eye contact with the driver, an older white male, who apparently got spooked enough to let the little girl out of the car.
Boggs said the girl ran into his arms and asked to see her mother. She has since been united with her family, and the town is hailing 15-year-old Boggs as a hero.
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The cost of solar panels has dropped 80% in Spain, but If you were thinking of buying some to save money on energy, you can forget about it.
People calling themselves the Government of Spain issued a “royal decree” this week taxing sunlight gatherers. The state now threatens you with fines as much as 30 million euros if you illegally gather sunlight without paying a tax. The tax is just enough to make sure that homeowners cannot gather and store solar energy cheaper than state-sponsored providers.
Before the decree, it took 12 years to recover the investment in a residential installation of 2 and a half kilowatts of power. Following the decree, it will take an additional 23 years.
Corporations always consider it “unfair” when any other company can do things faster, smarter, or cheaper than they can. The buggy whip industry once protested cars.
Today, land-line telecom companies have to compete with wireless and they don’t like it. Now, we see protests about VOIP (voice over internet protocol).
Technology marches on. But France does not like it. The French solution is to tax Skype because it has an “unfair advantage”. This is an age-old unwinnable argument.
The ultimate irony is France’s preposterous “unfair advantage” argument was lampooned by French economist Frederic Bastiat back in 1845 when he penned ‘Petition of the Candle Makers’.
In his article, candle makers were incensed that the light of the sun could be had for free. The sun’s unfair trade advantage was to the “detriment of fair industries” who could not compete against the sun’s price.
Something had to be done to “shut off as much as possible, all access to natural light, and thereby create a need for artificial light” so that “industry in France will encouraged”.
The moral of the story is that well-intentioned bureaucrats cause more harm than good by punishing advances in technology. The crippling effect regulators have on technology has real consequences: Rather than saving money on energy and passing on the savings to consumers, which would result in higher quality of life for all; instead innovation is hampered, and opportunities for improvement are missed.
And in classic politician style, the new decree is written in such an unscientific and unspecific way that it actually criminalizes the opening of one’s own eyes: Quote, “If you get caught collecting photons of sunlight for your own use, you can be fined as much as 30 million euros.”
Good luck collecting a tax in bitcoin! Learn about bitcoin at WeUseCoins.com
Some eight weeks after the revelations that shook Washington and made Edward Snowden a household name, the NSA whistleblower appears to be getting everything he wanted.
Independent polls reveal that the public is increasingly concerned that the government is not finding the right balance between surveillance and privacy.
40 percent see the NSA activities not merely as intrusions on some Americans’ privacy rights, but as unjustified intrusions.
Snowden may walk free. When his identity was first revealed by The Guardian, Snowden worried that he might be abducted or killed by the CIA for his leak. Holed up in a hotel in Hong Kong, it wasn’t clear whether or not Snowden would end up back in the United States to face criminal charges.
Now it appears that Snowden is about to become a resident of Moscow — a guy with a job and an apartment who’s waiting to figure out which Central American country he wants to retire to.
Peace News brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. Please share this episode with your friends and donate bitcoin at http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate. Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

One thought on “163 Politicians Finally Tax the Sun”

  1. Wow. The only way it could be more ironic is if the French taxed the Sun even after Bastiat wrote that essay over a hundred years ago.

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