156 Good Farmers Disobey Bad Laws

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PNN #156 Show Notes http://bit.ly/16LT8GJ



Bakers Green Acres Hearing Brief



Roger Ver Reassurance about MtGox



Raisin Farmer Disobeys, Sues Government



This is your Peace News for Friday, July 19th 2013.


Silver is trading at 19 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 90 dollars per bitcoin.


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Mark Baker of Bakers Green Acres put out a youtube video this week briefing those following his situation with interest. In it, he explained that the purpose of the recent hearing was to prove standing and to request a jury trial. The judge said he would issue a ruling in writing within a month, and Mark’s perception was that he is an ally. He also mentioned the overwhelming support garnered by the Farm Food Freedom Coalition at http://FarmFoodFreedom.org


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You can support Mark’s courageous efforts by making a donation at BakersGreenAcres.com .


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Roger Ver put out a video on his youtube channel yesterday in which he reassures viewers that ALL of the current withdraw problems at MtGox are being caused by the traditional banking system, not because of a lack of liquidity at MtGox.


Ver said, quote, “”


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Store your bitcoins in the free secure online wallet at Blockchain.info


In the world of dried fruit, there is no greater outlaw in America than Marvin Horne.

Horne has been breaking the law for 11 straight years.

Now, the California raisin farmer is facing bankruptcy for defying a law requiring him to give over a portion of his raisin crop to agents of the federal government – without compensation.

Agents of the state claim Horne owes them at least $650,000 in fines and 1.2 million pounds of unpaid raisins – roughly equal to his entire harvest for four years.

Horne’s crime? He defied one of the most bizarre and outdated arms of the federal bureaucracy – a farm program created during the Truman administration:

Marvin said no to the National Raisin Reserve. No, this is not satire.

The Federal Government created the National Raisin Reserve bureaucracy in 1937. Fearing that raisin producers might produce too many raisins – thereby leading to a drop in prices – the government began confiscating [stealing] a percentage of raisin production – for raisin farmers’ own good, of course. The problem is, Marvin Horne doesn’t see it that way.

Horne stopped giving raisins to the government in 2002, thereby violating Marketing Order 989 – the federal regulation that established the raisin reserve and made “contributions” by raisin farmers mandatory.

Even worse? The government can save the raisins, sell them on foreign markets (and keep the money), throw them away, or even feed them to animals – just as long as it keeps them off the domestic market.

So, Marvin Horne did what any good raisin producer worth his weight in grapes would do; he sued the government. After several losses in lower courts, Horne’s case reached the Supreme Court this spring, where things changed.

Justice Elena Kagan wondered whether it might be “just the world’s most outdated law.” Justice Antonin Scalia joked, “Your raisins or your life, right?”

Despite their transparent attitudes, the Court only gave Horne a partial victory. They required the lower court which had previously rejected Horne’s challenge of the law to reconsider the case.


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For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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