Remember the Iraq War?

I was 13 when it started. All of my teenage years were Bush years. I haven’t forgotten the theater which surrounded the invasion:

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of War in Iraq.

To recap the reasons why this thing started in the first place:

* In 1999, UN weapons inspectors and US intelligence agents examined Iraq and found no weapons.

* In 2001, A man named George Bush accused Iraq of starting to develop weapons of mass destruction and to ensure UN weapons inspectors were allowed full access to Iraq weapons,

* In 2002, Iraq let weapons inspectors back into the country, again confirming no weapons.

* In 2003, Bush commanded the US Military to begin war with Iraq. This did not include a Declaration of War by Congress.

* 10 years later, $1.7 Trillion dollars has been spent, half a trillion has been promised in benefits to war veterans. Since war spending comes from borrowed money and not savings, the interest on the war debt will add $4 Trillion dollars to the total, meaning a total of $6 Trillion dollars spent on War with Iraq alone.

* The US government and its supporters are now responsible for the deaths of 134,000 Iraqi civilians, not combatants, civilians.

* The Iraq war has actually seen more civilian deaths than insurgents.

* Think the people fighting it believe in this war? Think again. For the first time ever, the veteran suicide rate outpaces war casualties. More men and women in the armed forces are killing themselves than are being killed by the quote, “enemy.”

* Fact: These wars will continue indefinitely unless and until you take personal responsibility for withdrawing your support. Quiet disapproval in conversation won’t do it. Take action to starve the beast by refusing to pay for senseless murder.

* Fact: The American Government lied to its people about this war, and now the politicians want YOU to pay for it, and your children to pay for it, with interest, for the next 40 years!

* Fact: This isn’t the fist time. When Daniel Ellsberg revealed the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in 1971, they demonstrated among other things, that the Lyndon Baines Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about secretly expanding the war in Vietnam by bombing Cambodia and Laos.

Athena Roberts on AZ Anti-Trans Bill

Athena Roberts on AZ SB1432, which makes it illegal for transpeople to use the restroom in AZ, is up before the AZ House Committee on Appropriations Wednesday March 20th @ 2pm.

If you can’t make it, please call and/or write these committee members today:
Chairman: John Kavanagh (R) 602-926-5170
Vice-Chair: Justin Olson (R) 602-926-5288
Lela Alston (D) 602-926-5829
Rick Gray (R) 602-926-5993
Michelle Ugenti (R) 602-926-4480
Paul Boyer (R) 602-926-4173
Adam Kwasman (R) 602-926-5839
Chad Campbell (D) 602-926-3026
Stefanie Mach (D) 602-926-3398
Thomas Foreset (R) 602-926-5168
Andrew Sherwood (D) 602-926-3028

Talking points:
It will effectively require all Arizonans to carry a birth certificate if they want to use a public restroom, making it unenforceable.

It will realistically only be used against transgender people, which is selective enforcement against a harmless, struggling community.

It solves no problem. There are no documented incidents of anyone being harmed in this state from a transgender person using a public restroom.

It is a mean-spirited attack on transgender people brought on by CAP as revenge after having lost the Phoenix LTBT-antidiscrimination ordinances fight.

It is unconstitutional per the Romer v. Evans decision to write a law that specifically attacks a minority. This law will be overturned eventually.

Internet Freedom on Trial

PNN #73 Show Notes


Iranian “Destroyer”:


Ministry of Truth a Reality:


Helpful Hacker Loses 6.5 Years of Freedom:

Check out this episode

Bradley Manning Support from Afghanistan

PNN #72 Show Notes

Afghans Rally for Bradley Manning:

Freedom of the Press Foundation on Democracy Now!:


We Drone You – US Provokes War With Iran

PNN #70 Show Notes

Iran Confronts Another US Drone:

Biden Apologizes for Intimidating College Student:

NH House Blocks NDAA, Supports Hemp

Finnish Software Company Pays in BTC:

Bitcoin Wallet Hardware:

US Deploys Missiles:

Video Edited by

Small Towns, Big Impact – Free State Project Ruffles Feathers

PNN #69 Show Notes

Free Town Project Budget Cut Fails:

Angus Gorman Waxes Poetic:

Zerocoin for Bitcoin:

Anti-photo State Rep:

Banner Ads are Now Available for Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree:

“Cinemaniacs” reviewed “Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree (favorably) on CheshireTV:

Check out this episode

White House Bullies Journalism Student

Joe Biden spoke at a recent event at the University of Maryland. CBSDC reports that Journalism student Jeremy Barr was taking photographs when a White House henchman began interrogating the student. The henchman reportedly said, quote, “Did you take any photos during the event? I need to see your camera right now.”

The White House lackey, Dana Rosenzweig, told Jeremy to delete his photos and then hand over his iPhone to be checked. Apparently unaware of the Freedom of the Press supposedly guaranteed in the First Amendment, Jeremy told his school newspaper, quote, “I assumed that I’d violated a protocol. I gave the benefit of the doubt that they were following proper procedures.”

Neither Biden’s Press Secretary nor the rights-violating staffer would comment or return calls regarding the incident. A formal apology now comes from Biden’s Press office after the University’s dean of the College of Journalism, Lucy A. Dalglish, filed a formal complaint with the press office, saying of the incident, quote, “This was pure intimidation.” The White House press office says that the White House staffer demanding the journalist delete his photos, a clear violation of the 1st amendment, was a, quote, “miscommunication.” No attempt will be made to remedy the situation or keep it from happening again in the future.

Pentagon Provoking WWIII

Iranians report spotting ANOTHER one of the Pentagon’s Predator drones over the Persian Gulf this week. This time, two US Military aircrafts escorted the drone.

When an Iranian fighter jet flew within 16 miles of the drone, one of the US Army Pilots radioed over to the Iranian that he was to leave them alone or be killed. The Pentagon put it differently, quote, “The Iranian jet departed after a verbal warning.”

All this after December 2011, in which a CIA drone gathering intelligence on Iran’s nuclear program for the CIA was captured by Iranians after it crashed. Last November, an Iranian warplane fired on a Predator over the Gulf — exactly the same type of drone as was flying this week, in exactly the same place.

It is as if the CIA is trying to provoke an attack by the Iranians by flying over their airspace and taking invasive pictures with a Predator drone escorted by 2 Military aircrafts. Despite how this might appear, quote “Obama administration officials told CNN that the United States is concerned with Iranian intentions in incidents like this and whether such episodes could unintentionally trigger hostilities.”

Funny how it’s apparently the Iranians triggering hostilities simply by riding alongside the US Military while it spies on Iranians. How do you think the Pentagon would respond if Ahmadinejad were to fly military style spy planes accompanied by 2 Iranian military aircrafts over the US?

Mother Arrested for Quoting Constitution, Guns Confiscated

PNN #68 Show Notes

Teacher Drugs Students:

NJ Woman Arrested Reciting Constitution:

Man Waterboards Kids:

Google Fined Collecting Personal Data:

Banks Help Govt Spy on You:

WinPoker 1st Major Gambling Operator to Adopt Bitcoin:

Check out this episode