Raw Milk Farmer Speaks on Disobedience | PNN Live #102

Hour 1 Guest: Michael Hartman — Minnesota Disobedient Farmer


Video of Episode: http://youtu.be/H_H4DZYNuzs


Corner News in Keene Makes Front Page News for Accepting Bitcoin



Ambassador for Peace



Border Patrol Agent Pulls Gun on Boyscout for Video Recording



LA Street Artist Puts Obama Posters on Bus Benches




Check out this episode!

Topless Equality For All (Lost Episode) | PNN Live #95

This was the best episode of Peace News Now since LAST Porcfest! Unfortunately, both episodes suffered the same mysterious fate: they went unrecorded!

But wait? The Journalistic Revolution‘s Robert Wasbund was there recording video? Here it is, the only remnants of this “lost” episode. We talked with Nichole LaRoche and a variety of other guests about the topic of Topless Equality. Should women censor what men can show?

Be sure check out JRevRadio every Sunday and Wednesday from 11PM-1AM EST

Which State Will Secede First? | PNN Live #92

PNN Live #92 | June 10, 2014


Let’s face it. The borders on the map just aren’t accurate. They group in cultures that don’t mix and they cut lines right through cultures that belong together. Rather than redraw the lines on the map, let’s forget the lines. California, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Texas all have legit secession movements. Which will secede first? In this episode, we talk about the “State of Jefferson” forming in what is currently known as Northern California.


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GMOooooooh by Lampoon the System



Peaceful Resistance : DMV Experience


Hearing on Shire Free Church tomorrow


Self-Managed Communities Thrive in Spain Without Government (Video)



Should Northern California Secede and Become the State of Jefferson?



Anarchist Haven Does Battle with Big Govt in Denmark (Copenhagen)


Check out this episode!

Freeing Children from Miseducation | PNN Live #91


PNN Live #91 | Sunday, June 8, 2014

In studio guest: Brett Veinotte – School Sucks Podcast

Brett Veinotte is a successful podcaster with a Herculean task: Ending Public Education. Why would a person want such a thing? Tune in to find out more about how you can save your children from a lifetime of violence and confusion by taking them out of public school today.

Donate: http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com

Download this episode!


Hour 1: Who is Brett Veinotte? What is the School Sucks Podcast? Is education the safest form of peaceful resistance? Most effective? How do you (Brett) view what it is you’re doing (Big picture)?


http://schoolsucksproject.com/ Forum, Facebook Community, Live Webcast, Podcast

http://edu-lu-tion.com/ Brett’s Personal Site



Hour 2: News from the Front Lines of the Peaceful Resistance:


25 Years of Tiananmen Massacre



AT&T Hacker Sends Govt Invoice for Time Spent in Prison



Court Stenographer Types “I Hate My Job” for 30 Cases



Ebay Will Integrate Bitcoin into PayPal Payments




Keene Mayhem:


Rich Paul is back in jail for “Violation of Probation”


Rich Paul’s Arraignment:



Chalk Cold War Turns Hot, Local Man Injured for Chalking



Monadnock Community Coalition (Stop Free Keene!!!)  

Garret Ean’s “Stop Free Keene” Show

Local TV Shows Opened Up (Cheshire TV)

City Council Meeting about banning Chalk on Wednesday (community comment allowed)


Court Dates:


June 17 10am: Travis Hobbs Trial for Assaulting Robin Hood


June 18 9am: Rich Paul Oral Argument for Appeal of Original Charge


Teen Confronts Nancy Pelosi Over NSA | PNN Live #90

PNN Live June 3, 2014 – Teen Confronts Nancy Pelosi

Donate: http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com



Andrew Demeter


Press Release: http://pastebin.com/wrGD8eKS


Teen Confronts Nancy Pelosi



Bitcoin Apps in the Apple Store Once Again



Rick Van Wickler in National Article about Jail Reform



11 Ways to Passively Resist the State



US Troops Kidnap Child, Drone Victim



Florida Judge Challenges Attorney to Fight in Court



Colorado Must Make Gay Cake



Why license a florist?



Bride Attaches Baby to Shotgun Wedding Dress



Virginia Group Hoists Confederate Flag Along Highway



These Are Not Anarchists



Marijuana Infused Coffee



50 Cent Accepts Bitcoin


Alan Lovejoyoriginally shared to Anarcho-Capitalism (Memes & Quotes):

We’re not here to “negotiate,” make “political compromises” or “tell you what you want to hear.” We’re here to establish a new paradigm comprehensively, pervasively and without compromise based on the Non-Aggression Principle. We want to make it socially unacceptable to have any form of social organization that assumes that anyone has any greater authority than anyone else. That requires a fundamental change throughout society–and “compromises” would simply be conceding defeat.


“The state is not something which can be destroyed by a revolution, but is a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of human behavior; we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently.” ~ Gustav Landauer

Direct download: PNN_Live_090_June_3_2014.mp3

Permacredits: Profits, People, and Planet! | PNN Live #88

PNN Live #88 | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Xavier Hawk Is the founder of Permacredits and also founded Colony Earth, an Eco Village and Eco Development company in Western North Carolina that runs on Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. The business model he developed for profitable Permaculture Eco Developments is already being adopted and implemented in locations across the globe, and the work he is doing with Permacredits is laying the groundwork for how DAOs and Bitcoin 2.0 protocols function in the marketplace.

Check out this episode!

Tony Stiles Targeted by DHS | PNN Live #86

PNN Live #86 | Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Donate: http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com



Forbes Thought Of The Day

“ Good has two meanings: it means that which is good absolutely and that which is good for somebody. ” — Aristotle

Milwaukee Officer Kills Sober Woman, Blames Her, Then Milks Medical Pay



Tony Stiles Arrest Troubles



Cops Steal Phone from Man Recording Police Beating



Johnson Rice:

Here’s the problem Gun people… Guns in stores is unpopular. If people wanted to be around people with guns more… Stores would tell anti-guns rights activists to pound sand. The first step is making gun ownership and being around legal gun owners POPULAR.

The terrorists are winning…. and by terrorists, I mean liberal soccer moms that are making people terrified of guns and gun owners. The first step is to make people WANT gun owners around.



Chipotle: Don’t Bring Guns to Our Stores



Michigan Cops Get Stopped by Submitizen for Not Wearing Seat Belt



How Many Cops Does it Take to Illegal Disarm A Submitizen?



Pregnant Woman to be Hanged for being a Christian



Another Fatal Drug Raid in Texas



Colorado Defies FDA to Save Lives


Successful DUI Checkpoint Avoidance (calm, polite)



No Official Organization Tracks Police Abuse


Ticketed for Walking Next to Friends



3D Printed Faces from DNA!


Protest Tomorrow: Court Ruling to Circumcise 3 Year Old



Nevada Man Speaks Truth to Power Cops and Walks Away



NH 3rd Best State for State for Hippies



Woman Divorces Cop for Killing Old Woman



Media Blackout in Venezuela



Cops Remove Man’s Testicle



Cop Freaks Out When Asked if Being Detained



Lawsuit: Cops Hit & Verbally Abuse Handcuffed Woman



Replacing Govt: Retiree Digitizes Newspapers



Life for Brownies



American Spring Fails to Restrain Government



VIDEO: Cop Forcibly Opens Mother’s Mouth over Tylenol



More 3D Printed Guns…coming out of a land where guns are banned


Robin Hood Hits Mainstream | PNN Live #83

PNN Live #83 | Sunday, May 11, 2014

Keene’s Robin Hood and his Merry Men have hit the NYTimes, the LATimes, and more! But the locals don’t like his adventurism or the attention their small town is getting. They see Robin Hood as anything but a hero. Robin Hood himself will join us to discuss this.

Robin Hood Cartoon



* Peacekeeper App is OUT (for iPhone only — Android coming later this month!)



20 Protesters at Robin Hood’s People’s BBQ



Teacher Tells Student He Can’t Read Bible in Classroom



Cop Fired After Killing 93 year Old



Woman Facing Arrest



Michael Sam’s Emotional Kiss is Exactly what Some NFL teams Were Afraid of





Check out this episode!

PNN Live #82 | Could an App Replace Police Forever?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

PNN Live #82 | May 6, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 —




* Peacekeeper App is OUT (for iPhone only — Android coming later this month!)
PLUS: Tonight we’ll be speaking with Cody Drummond, creator of the app



* Derrick J’s Independence Day!


Robin Hood of Keene Made the Front Page of Print NYTimes:



Free Keene Makes Front of NYTimes (from FreeKeene):



Man Arrested at Gilford School Board Meeting



(Guardian) Occupy Wall St Activist Found Guilty of Assaulting Badged Class




Check out this episode!

PNN Live #74 How to Peacefully Disobey

Direct download: PNN_Live_074_April_6_2014.mp3





http://www.anarchistmusic.com/uploads/1/1/1/8/11189081/dance.mp3 Jayson Madore

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_M_IO25xHg Listen – Jordan Page

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_WSr6qcBcI Jordan Page – War Machine



Sun, April 6, 2014 – Che Chele Studios – Inside Bitcoin tomorrow and Tuesday April 7th and 8th, plus another bitcoin conference on Wednesday, April 9.


An activist got proactive with a police speed trap. He made a sign that warned drivers of the cops ahead on the road so they could slow down and avoid getting tickets. You’d think this is great, right? Fewer accidents, greater compliance with the law, fewer tickets, great! No. The cops in Frisco, TX arrested the man, even though it wasn’t against the law, and then lobbied the city to pass a new law making holding signs illegal. They got their way of course, but not before a judge dropped the charges against the activist. What do you think about speed trap activism? How does one do it “right”?
