DC Riot Police Harass Vets

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Activists block Deportation


Riot Police Harass Veterans at White House

http://noarmycanstopanidea.com/riot-police-arrive-at-white-house-to-harass-veteran-protesters/ http://thelibertarianrepublic.com/police-veterans-clash-outside-white-house-video/#axzz2hdCWPY2r

Get Your Liberty Balls Now!


Audrey Tobias Aquitted


Monday, October 14th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 138 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com . Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

The Washington Times reports that immigrant rights activists shut down a court in Tucson, Arizona this week by preventing authorities from processing illegal immigrants who were to be sentenced to jail and eventually deported.

The activists had chained themselves to bus tires and to the court entrance early Friday morning and had been there for three and a half hours. The court canceled its proceedings for the day as a result of their protest.

The immigrants on the buses were being held under something called “Operation Streamline.” Operation Streamline is a practice where Judges sentence immigrants to labor in Arizona jails before they are deported, as a punishment for entering the country without following the rules. The program circumvents the 6th Amendment by denying people a trial by jury and turns the state into judge, jury, and executioner.

Activist Roberto Cintli Rodriguez said, quote, “When humanity is confronted with unjust laws, it is our responsibility to challenge them.” Friday’s move was a precursor to next week, when the activists plan to try to shut down the Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Phoenix.

Marisa Franco of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network said, quote, “Under the president’s administration, nearly two million families have been torn apart through detention and deportation. Our communities can no longer wait for the president to rediscover his moral compass or for Congress to actually do its job. We will do what any mother or father would do and keep our families together by preventing ICE from being able to tear them apart.”

On Friday, the activists posted live video of their protest online, showing some marching with signs in the middle of the road that read “End Streamline.” Others were lying down next to the bus tires to try to make sure the vehicles couldn’t move. In another video, activists had blockaded the entrance to the court where the illegal immigrants were supposed to be processed. The activists had linked arms inside of tubes, which makes it more difficult for authorities to separate them and remove them. One of those shooting the video said there were 70 people on the buses, and they were showing their shackles through the windows. One man on the video feed said, quote, “Today, for the first time in six years, we’ve seen Streamline be stopped.”

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The Blaze dot com reports this week that the “Million Vet March” descended on Washington, D.C., Sunday to protest the decision to close the city’s public memorials. Thousands of demonstrators arrived early in the morning and tore down barricades that had been set up to block people from visiting the popular attractions. According to a statement on its website, the group said military personnel and veterans are, quote, “being used a political pawns in the ongoing government shutdown and budget crisis.” The group also said it has no political leaning, but believes that the closing of memorials is, quote, “a despicable act of cowardice.” The veterans were met by a horde of police officers in riot gear surrounding the White House and beating their shields with batons.

The Libertarian Republic reports that the U.S. government came after Craig Zucker the owner of the famous Buckyballs toys, demanding that he pay a $57 million dollar fine to cover recall costs of his product. The government at first just forced him to stop selling the magnetic toys, but then they went even further. They are demanding that Zucker is solely responsible and should be forced to bear the burden of the fine individually.

Now Zucker is fighting back against this egregious case and has created a new product called Liberty Balls! They’re a new product that is much bigger than the original product, so they can’t get in trouble for selling them. They’re the kind of balls you need to stand up for your rights against government.

In other news, Audrey Tobias was found Not Guilty this week in a trial in Canada over her refusal to fill out a Census form. The 89-year old said she was willing to go to jail over the issue because she objected so strongly to the collection of Canadian Census data by American Arms Manufacturer Lockheed Martin. Kudos to Audrey for setting an example for the following generations. Imagine what would happen if everyone were as willing as Audrey to stand up for what is right.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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Man Named Just Another N-gger

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Man Changes Name to “Just Another Nigger”


Here Come the Pot Taxes


Canadian Activists Return from Egyptian Prison http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/10/12/canadian-activists-imprisoned-in-egypt-return-to-canada-its-really-obvious-we-made-mistakes/

A man with the last name Nigger? Today’s Sunday, October 13th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 128 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today, that’s suns with a “u” http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com.

Ed NJ Weedman Forchion reports this week at his website http://NJWeedMan.com that he has legally changed his name in order to bring attention to the injustices he has suffered at the hands of state agents. He admits that the name change will likely be denied. In the past, courts have denied Ed’s attempts to legally change his name the NJWeedMan.com. This Thursday, he wrote on his blog, quote, “I did file to legally change my name to “JUST ANOTHER NIGGER” in the Burlington County Superior Court. I want the Judges and officers of the courts to be forced to call me JUST A NIGGER as this case proceeds.”

Ed says he feels like he’s being treated as a second class citizen. He wants court officials to drop their pomp and circumstance and call him how they’re treating him. In his blog post, Ed NJWeedMan Forchion says that the court refuses to recognize his rights under the New Jersey Compassionate Use Act. That law distinguishes between medical and recreational use, and NJWeedman is a medical user. However, the court ignored the law. NJWeedman suspects racism. What do *you* think? Should people be free to change their names to whatever they want? Is the court being racist? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page!

Beginning next year, stores with special permission from the State can sell cannabis. But before that happens, voters in Colorado will decide whether to approve Proposition AA. The new law would impose a new tax of 30 percent. But that’s not all. Question 2A in Denver would authorize an additional sales tax of up to 15 percent to go to the city bureaucrats. That’s not in place of, but in addition to, the taxes that already apply to everything else. If all these taxes are approved and legislators set them at the maximum authorized levels, legal pot in Denver—home to most of the state’s medical marijuana centers, the only businesses that will initially be allowed to serve the recreational market—will be hit by a total sales tax of 38 percent, plus an excise tax of 15 percent. Now Denver attorney Rob Corry is campaigning to get Colorado Pot-smokers to vote NO on Proposition AA to avoid what he calls, quote, “the largest tax increase in Colorado history.” Unfortunately, Amendment 64, the ballot measure that Coloradans voted for last year, grants state agents the authority to tax and regulate cannabis in a manner similar to alcohol. But what happens if bureaucrats regulate the price of cannabis higher than the black market price? Will consumers go back to their old dealer for the better price?

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The Canadian Press reported that two Canadian activists returned home on Saturday after seven weeks in an Egyptian prison. On arrival, John Greyson and Tarek Loubani admitted many mistakes. They also gave thanks to those who helped win their freedom.

Tarek Loubani is an emergency-room physician from London, Ontario. John Greyson is an outspoken gay film professor and director living in Toronto. Greyson said, quote, “We call out the collusion of Western powers, seemingly unwilling to denounce military violence against peaceful citizens, and perhaps, most crucially, on the ongoing role of billions in U.S. military aid (that is) helping return Egypt to a nightmare of military dictatorship.”

The two said they had only planned to stop overnight in Cairo on their way to Gaza. They believed they could safely document the violence that erupted in Cairo and tend to the wounded without invoking the wrath of the authorities. Instead, they were swept up in mass arrests and imprisoned in cramped conditions without trial. They said they were beaten and forced to sleep on the concrete with cockroaches.

The two were accused of participating in illegal protests and resisting arrest. This week state agents dropped the accusations against them and gave them permission to leave Egypt. Family and supporters mounted a relentless campaign to have them freed, to which Greyson said, quote, “Your hard work mattered, your voice mattered, it made a difference, we owe you our freedom.”

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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Vets Arrested at Vietnam Memorial

Vets Arrested at Vietnam Memorial

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LOL: Flying Spaghetti Monster City Prayer


Vets Arrested at Vietnam Memorial

http://www.policestateusa.com/2013/veterans-arrested-evening-vigil-nyc-vietnam-war-memorial/ http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/39637901

President Jesse Ventura Would Pardon Snowden, Manning


Sovereign Living


Saturday, October 12th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Bitcoin is the world’s favorite alternative currency. Learn more today at http://WeUseCoins.com

An agnostic man in Rancho Cordova was shocked to learn that every city council meeting begins with prayer. Steve Vincent thinks it’s ridiculous for people in government to spend their time praying together in a public meeting. To point that out, he offered to give an invocation as a minister of the church of the flying spaghetti monster. Since the secular government technically has to allow equal exercise of all faiths, they accepted his offer. Here are some excerpts from his prayer, which he delivered with open eyes:

“I’m not sure what the point of praying here is.

You’re an agenda item on a government meeting. It just, I’m not sure that’s what, you had in mind for prayer, God.”

I know you want us to do what’s right, and to treat our neighbors with respect, so I have to wonder if our non-believing neighbors are being respected if we pray here.”

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There’s a 70-foot granite wall in New York City which is covered in the names of the men killed during the invasion of Vietnam. This week, on the 12th anniversary of the Invasion of Afghanistan, the Vietnam Veterans gathered at their memorial to remember, to sing songs, and to read aloud the names of those who died. But police had other plans for the surviving Vets. As they read names from the wall, police began to arrest attendees, many of them senior citizens, and shove them into a paddy wagon. The attendees were calling for an end to the violence and interventionism, but were arrested because their vigil went past 10:00 p.m.  Law enforcers stood ready to pad their monthly quotas by making some arrests.

Jeff Durkin of We Are Change CT live-streamed the arrests. Another person tweeted a picture of the arrests and reported that the arrests began while the names were still being read, prompting people to sing “Which side are you on?” The Memorial Wall was built using tax dollars, but, as PoliceStateUSA.com put it, no veterans’ vigil is going to stand in the way of police racking up some arrest numbers. The right to peaceably assemble on public property evidently does not exist after 10:00 p.m.

Former wrestler Jesse Ventura is running for President in 2016. He recently said that if elected, he would immediately pardon Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. Ventura also pledged to close down all US military bases overseas including the naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the United States keeps terrorism suspects indefinitely. Obama pledged to shut down Gitmo in his first year as President, but he didn’t. “What are we doing there?” Jesse Ventura asked. He said he will only run for President in 2016 with the support of radio personality Howard Stern. The former governor vowed not to seek money from lobbyists and said the radio host could use his show to raise funds. Ventura was in Washington to promote his new book “They Killed Our President,” which alleges that the 1963 Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy in reaction to his efforts to reduce war.

In other news, the Blush family is having a fundraiser to their new, first-of-its-kind docu-reality tv-show Sovereign Living. Sovereign Living follows the Blush family as they transition from a lifestyle of hardcore political activism to the farm life. Rather than fighting a system they find tyrannical, John and Cat want to lead by example and live a sovereign lifestyle. This means providing their own food, water, energy and community defense needs. In an age of large governmental influence, the Blush family aims to explore and learn about how they can take care of themselves and their community, voluntarily. Themes include: Self-sufficiency, Resolving crime without police, Alternative economies, Alternative education, Home-birth, and Natural health. Sovereign Living is opting for “sovereign” distribution. They’ve come to viewers directly to ask for your support in making this vision a “reality”. Support the indie-go-go campaign today to reinforce these gutsy activists, and help model Sovereign Living for others.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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Feds Force Man To Sleep with Bugged Device


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Utah Can Turn Off the Fed’s Water!


Permit Now Required to Beg


Feds Force Man To Wear “Bugged Device” While Sleeping


Friday, October 11th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today, that’s suns with a “u” http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com .

This summer featured a flood of revelations from NSA contractor turned whistleblower Edward Snowden: namely that everyday folks working for the federal government are reading the content of private emails of Americans, even their web content.

But did you know the NSA has an Achilles heel? The supercomputers they use to spy on you get hot. They use cycling water to cool them down. Just to keep operating one of their data centers, they depend on running through over a million gallons of water per day. But did you know that the people who are providing that water can Turn It Off? http://OffNow.org is filled with information you can use to help your state refuse to cooperate with the what the NSA is doing. If you think working within government is effective way to get things done, here’s your opportunity. At http://OffNow.org you’ll find legislation that you can propose to state, county, and even town governments. You can literally cut and paste and replace a few things and bam, propose some legislation to stop cooperating with the NSA’s massive spy effort. Go check it out right now and see how you can stop the NSA and help make the world a better place. http://OffNow.org

A town in New Jersey now requires beggars to get a permit to beg. The new law allows police to collect a minimum fine of $250 from those who beg without permission. If caught, a person can even serve jail time.

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From http://PoliceStateUSA.com , A man says that the federal government is forcing him to sleep with an uncomfortable and invasive device strapped to his face every night, or else he will lose his ability to support his family. Wayne Foutz is 47, and he says that his life has changed since he last went through the federal government’s licensing requirements for him to work as a commercial truck driver. He says that his last medical checkup — federally mandated every 2 years to remained licensed — left him with a hasty diagnosis of sleep apnea, and a requirement of wearing a breathing aid called a (CPAP) machine.

He’s now struggling to sleep, thanks to his obligation to wear a breathing apparatus every night, which automatically transmits data about his biological processes to a remote monitoring service.

Wayne has been driving trucks for a living for the past 17 years. He says he is healthy and had no sleeping problems before the diagnosis.

Wayne said, quote, “I don’t even snore. I am the same weight I was the day they hired me 15 years ago. I’ve never had an accident. I slept just fine until a week ago when they started strapping [this] to my face. I was diagnosed by a doctor 500 miles away by email.”

The government requirement is that he wears the device for at least 4 hours per night, and it electronically transmits his data back to a remote location. Quote “It’s bugged. It monitors my every breath. If you don’t use it, they call your dispatcher and you are pulled off the road for a minimum of seven days [even if you’re 500 miles away from home].”

Even though he doesn’t want or need it, he also has to pay annual fees for the monitoring service. And he had to pay the machine, too, or lose his commercial driver’s license. Some suspect this recent push for sleep studies and medical equipment was because of ulterior motives from federal regulators. Quote, “4% of the population has sleep apnea. But according to [the chief medical bureaucrat], that number jumps to 30-40% when you acquire a commercial driver’s license.”

Such is the result of granting people at the federal government the authority to punish people who drive without their permission.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Video Shows Crooked Cop Planting Drugs


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Anonymous March on DC


Black Panther Dies, “I am free”


Video Show Cop Plant Drugs on Suspect, Charges Dropped


Temple Student Suing AC Police for Excessive Force – Arrest of David Connor Castellani



NY Jews, Sacramento Chinamen?


FreeKeene Candidates


Remember, Remember, the 5th of November. Today’s Thursday, October 10th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today, that’s suns with a “u” http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com .

Demonstrators hope that one million masked activists will descend on Washington, DC next month to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day with a mass rally to remind the world “That fairness, justice and freedom are more than just words.”

The “Million Mask March,” is scheduled for November 5 and is being arranged by affiliates of the international hacktivism movement Anonymous.

The group has been circulating flyers on the Web and in Washington, where they request that a million activists disguised as Fawkes march down the National Mall on November 5 around causes such as government reform, the pharmaceutical industry and the use of genetically modified foods.

Black Panther Herman Wallace was released from prison last week. He was originally imprisoned for charges of armed robbery that he denied, saying he was set up for political reasons. No physical evidence has ever linked him to the crime. After 41 years of solitary confinement, Herman died of liver cancer just days after being released. Among Herman’s last words were, quote, “I am free, I am free.”

Speaking of freedom, a man charged with drug possession, is now suing the police for the months he spent in jail, after a dashcam video revealed that the law enforcer planted the drugs. You can see an object falling from the cop’s hand as he searches the man, who can be heard in the video saying, quote, “You had that bag on you. I gave you consent to search, I don’t know why you are doing this to me.” After reviewing the tape, the judge immediately dropped the man’s charges. Whoops, caught us! Sorry about all those months locked in a rape room!

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — I use the free bitcoin wallet at http://Blockchain.info. It syncs with your smartphone for easy and secure access anywhere. Do you use bitcoin? http://Blockchain.info

A student at Temple University is suing the Atlantic City Police. Police charged the student with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and aggravated assault on an officer and a K9. Fortunately, surveillance video recorded the entire incident. It reveals that 20-year-old David Connor Castellani was brutally attacked, by about 10 law enforcers who pinned him to the ground, and beat him with batons. During the beating, more enforcers arrived to join in the bloodlust, provoking a raging police K9 to bite and hold David’s neck. David needed more than 200 stitches to close the gaping wounds and potentially life-threatening injuries left by dog bites to his head and neck. He was also treated for a crushed spinal nerve, and numbness on the right side of the skull. The Mayor of Atlantic City says he found the video quote, “quite disturbing.” But the Police Chief, however, said, quote, “I stand by the officers. I stand by their actions.” What do *you* think? Are there any “good apples” left in law enforcement? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page!

In other news, the National Congress of American Indians recently published a poster which aims to help others empathize with their view. They see it as degrading, insulting and racist to use Native American images for the Cleveland Indians and the Washington Redskins. Their poster features mock baseball hats with insulting caricatures of different ethnicities: the New York Jews and the San Francisco Chinamen. What do you think? Tweet us @PeaceNewsNow.

In Shire news, Keene held a primary this week on positions in town government. Because of an obscure Keene law, a primary was held to narrow the people’s choices down from 11 candidates to 10. In total, it cost the Keene bureaucrats about $5,000 to remove 1 candidate from the general election. There are 5 liberty candidates running in Keene: David Crawford, James Cleaveland, and Conan Solada for Ward Councilors, Ian Freeman for Counciler At Large, and Darryl W Perry for Mayor. Check http://FreeKeene.com regularly for updates on the peaceful evolution happening in Keene. And remember to check out the Keenevention this November at http://Keenevention.info

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!


BREAKING Congress Arrested in DC!


**UPDATE** The former title of this article incorrectly stated that Nancy Pelosi was arrested. While she was present and spoke at the protest yesterday, she was not among the 8 members of congress who were arrested yesterday.

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8 Members of Congress Arrested


Cop Participated in Beating, Resigns


Man Who Returned 42,000 No Longer Homeless


Putin Nominated for Peace Prize


Nancy Pelosi arrested! But not for what you think. Wednesday, October 9th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com . Love bitcoin? Share the website http://WeUseCoins.com with your friends!

In Washington DC, 8 members of Congress were arrested yesterday for protesting outside of the capital. Whoops! I guess they forgot about passing the Patriot Act.

Austin Petersen writes yesterday at http://theLibertarianRepublic.com , quote,

Representatives John Lewis (D-GA) and Charles Rangel (D-NY) were arrested at 4:15 p.m. today in front of the U.S. Capitol building during the Camino Americano Rally for Immigrant Dignity and Respect. The rally occurred today and featured speakers like Julian Bond, Lila Downs and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Reps Lewis and Rangel were arrested along with Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Joe Crowley (D-NY), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Al Green (D-TX) and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).

Authorities arrested the lawmakers for creating a disruption around the streets of the Capitol during the rally. 200 people were arrested along with the legislators for causing disorder.

Rep. Pelosi said, quote, “The time for immigration reform is now. Si se puede,” she yelled –“Yes we can.”

This is Rep. Lewis’ 45th arrest. That’s great if you’re already a member of Congress. But weren’t most of the people attending illegal immigrants? How will this arrest record affect their prospects for future employment in the US? Do you think they received the same treatment from jail staff as the members of Congress?

In another terrific story from http://TheLibertarianRepublic.com this week is that of an off-duty NYPD cop who voluntarily gave up his badge after 7 years. The reason? He was caught participating in that gang of bikers who “break-checked” an SUV on the highway and then later beat the driver in front of his wife and child, sending him to the hospital. It turns out not one, but 6 off-duty law enforcers were riding with this gang. And most people watching the video of this terrifying random assault were wondering to themselves, “Where were the police?” Turns out they weren’t only there, but they were the attackers! This information is only coming to light thanks due to cheap video cameras which captured the incident from multiple angles. Please, carry a camera and know how to use it for your own protection. Sometimes it is your only corroborating witness when it’s your word vs a cop.
JG Vibes writes at
http://Intellihub.com that quote, last month, a homeless man in Boston named Glen James found over 40 thousand dollars in a backpack and turned it in. After the story went viral many people were moved by his honesty and decided to set up a donation fund. Now he finally has a home.

27-year-old Ethan Whittington set up an online crowdfunding campaign that brought in more than $150,000 in donations to make sure Glen never again be homeless or stand in line begging. Ethan said he felt compelled to help after reading about James’ good deed. quote, “We’ll also get him the medical assistance he needs and get him some job training. I absolutely think this will be a good ending for everybody. It’s kind of restored my faith in humanity, with all the negative things we hear on a constant basis. It makes you realize there are decent people in this world.”

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Davi Barker, the Muslim Agorist, writes at http://SilverUnderground.com  this week that Former KGB Agent Vladamir Putin has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for standing up to the United States earlier this year when Obama tried to start a war in Syria. Davi writes, quote,

However, Putin’s sudden twist towards non-interventionism seems politically motivated, as it is typically enforced through bellicose threats. He engaged in interventions of his own in Georgia and Chechnya and was a KGB agent earlier in life. Domestically, he jails and exiles political opponents and protesters. He has an openly hostile relationship with his own nation’s LGBT community.

Despite the fact that Putin’s efforts might have stopped a bombing campaign in Syria that could have escalated into a regional conflict or a world war, his unacceptable domestic policies disqualify him from being viewed as a champion of world peace. On the other hand, President Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize and bloodied it with drone and cruise missile strikes. Will the Nobel Prize squander its credibility by continuing to give out its peace award to politicians for narrow political reasons?” Why not instead support the FPP Peace Prize, a prize with a reputation for being awarded to actual peace-makers. Nominate your favorite peace-maker and cast your vote at FPP.cc

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!


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PNN Live #31 Tech and Peaceful Non-cooperation

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John @Yowan

Edd Skitz Arrested


Karma Rewards Homeless Man with Money!


Melt the NSA Supercomputers


Flying Spaghetti Monster Invocation


Darryl Lost his parking ticket trial today in Keene District Court, video online on the FPP.cc Youtube channel, also at FreeKeene.com


My new mining rigs


Off-Duty Cops Retire Over Biker Gang Violence


Temple Student Suing AC Cops


Check out this episode

Oakland is Crowdfunding Private Police


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Oakland Crowdfunding Private Police Force


NDAA Nullified in CA


Sheep Marketplace


Obama Beer $702!


Silk Road is BACK with a new name. Tuesday, October 8th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 124 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com. Check out the “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today, that’s suns with a “u” http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com .

People in Oakland are proving a logical fallacy. You’ve probably heard it before. It goes like this: “The government provides X. Without the government, we wouldn’t have X.” It’s not true. If people value something, then they will find a way to meet their needs or desires.

“The government provides police. Without the government, we wouldn’t have police.”

Not so. The people of Oakland have been effectively living without the police for years. Today, in response to the reality around them, 3 crowdfunding campaigns have begun to fund private police. The campaigns are divided by geography and are already about half funded so far with about two weeks to go. Good for you, people of Oakland, for taking personal responsibility for your own security! You are leading by example and showing others what Libertarians have been saying for decades: that it’s not only *possible* to provide police with voluntary funding, it may actually be a cheaper and better service, too!

$82 per household buys 4 months of policing from a private firm called VMA Security. Their armed agents will patrol the streets 12 hours a day, 5 days a week. A common objection to private police is that the poor can’t afford it. But this works out to less than a dollar a day! That’s service everyone can afford. And of course there will be angels who donate more than their fair share, and others who will free-ride by contributing nothing. But note that this is already the case with policing today. Many more people receive services than pay for them.

What do you think? Is your town ready for a private police force? Had you ever considered how cheap such a service could really be? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Break free from federally controlled money. Trade in bitcoin. Go to http://Blockchain.info

Bureaucrats in California passed a law nullifying the NDAA, making it the 3rd state to do so. The NDAA is the National Defense Authorization Act, and it’s unpopular because it grants agents of the federal government the authority to detain anyone forever without trial. Do you want to nullify this law where *you* live? The Tenth Amendment Center has provided model legislation to nullify indefinite detention in each state.

The new law in California states, quote, “It is the policy of this state to refuse to provide material support for, or to participate in any way with, the implementation within this state of *any federal law that purports to authorize indefinite detention* of a person within California.” The new law not only seeks to nullify the NDAA, but any law allowing the feds to legally kidnap Californians. Go to http://TenthAmendmentCenter.com to learn what you can do to nullify federal laws in your state!

In other peaceful resistance news, it didn’t take more than a few days for former users of the Silk Road to switch to another anonymous online black market, called “Sheep Marketplace.” The website is almost identical to the Silk Road and must be accessed by the Tor browser, which is free. Vendors can set up shop on the website for $150 in bitcoin. Advocates for decriminalizing drugs say that websites like these provide customers a safer venue and better quality assurance than they would get on the street. Is the Sheep Marketplace just one of many new Silk Road copycats? Have the feds just cut off the first head of a hydra? Share your thoughts at http://PeaceNewsNow.com

A Washington D.C. bartender charges prices progressively, dependent on customers’ level of involvement in the shutdown. Steve Hadley is offering special low prices to those affected by the furlough, and special *high* prices for Obama and his gang! The same $2 beer costs members of Congress $25. And for Obama, that $2 beer costs $702, the amount Steve will be forced to pay in fines to the IRS for not buying Obamacare. Plus $2. Perhaps that’s because during this so-called Government shutdown, bureaucrats have shut down all the helpful things and kept all the wasteful things open. For example, Obama allowed his wife‘s website remain open, while forcing the closure of actual useful websites such as the Amber Alert service, which tracks missing children. What do you think? Should bar and restaurant owners charge bureaucrats more? Comment on our facebook page!

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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PNN Live #30 Govt Shutdown

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SILK ROAD SIEZURE http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2013/10/04/fbi-silk-road-bitcoin-seizure/?utm_campaign=forbestwittersf&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social


New Trend: Jumping Fences at Natl Parks



Use Words to Lift Up, Not Break Down



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Govt Spending During Shutdown



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3D Printed Toothbrush



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New Trend: Open Defiance of Government

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Blue Ridge Inn Defiance


Deep Web Users Ready to Launch Silk Road 2.0


New Trend: Jumping Fences at Natl Parks


Now trending: Open defiance of government. Today’s Tuesday, October 7th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 122 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. You’re heard of bitcoin. Learn more about it at http://WeUseCoins.com

Bruce O’Connell and his family run the Pisgah Inn on a concession contract along the Blue Ridge Parkway since the late 1970s. A public service concession is when a private company enters into an agreement with bureaucrats to have the exclusive right to operate or maintain so-called public land. Because of the so-called “government shutdown” federal agents told Bruce to close the doors to his Inn.

Instead, he pledged to defy orders and stay open to serve his customers, drawing over 1000 “Likes” on the Inn’s facebook page. But when National Park Rangers showed up with their guns and ordered Bruce to close, Bruce quote, “decided we weren’t prepared to be a symbol, and we closed.” But after a night of sleeping on it, Bruce said, quote, “I simply decided ‘If not now, when? If not me, who?’”

The Inn serves about 20,000 tourists during a typical October, but Bruce said his defiance was not about the lost revenue. quote, “It’s about the visitors. It’s about the staff and employees who are now having to move off the mountain — they live here — with no notice. They have no jobs. That’s the concern.”

Men with guns blocked off the entrance to the Inn with their cars to prevent anyone from entering. With no way for new customers to enter, Bruce caved and shut the Inn’s doors until further notice from the benevolent overlords at the Federal Government.

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Once you get some bitcoin, you’re going to want to store them in the free wallet at http://Blockchain.info

The former admins and users of the Silk Road are planning to resurrect it. User RR writes on the no-longer-operational anonymous marketplace Atlantis quote: “We have SilkRoad v2.0 ready to launch and is now in its final testing stages. Our site has all the features of the original one and we have kept the same style of forum for your ease.”

The new SilkRoad will be sending out anonymous invites to former vendors and then open to the Tor-using public soon after.

The representatives of Atlantis wrote, quote:

From a quick scout around I’ve counted at least 5 publicly stated projects with the said aim of becoming “Silk Road 2.0″ and many many more gathering info and building alliances.

And this is what Law Enforcement is now parading as a victory? Over two years of investigation, millions of dollars spent and for what so a couple of armchair programmers can build it again in a few days while in the meantime vendors simply move to other site’s .

Users are already planning ways to keep the new site secure. The Silk Road won’t be dead for long. Hackers will produce more Silk Road variants than any government can police.

There seems to be no shortage of well educated American males in their late 20′s willing to sacrifice bright futures and their own personal liberty to highlight the downright totalitarianism being inflicted by agents of government. Make no mistake: We are witnessing a revolution in progress, and the internet is the battlefield. Are you fighting?

In other news, The Salt Lake Tribune reports this week that quote, Frustration with the partial federal shutdown literally spilled over the gates of Zion National Park on Saturday morning, with 15 protesters entering despite rangers’ objections. James Milligan is the manager of Springdale’s Zion Outfitter store, and he helped organize “Occupy Zion.” It’s part of a broader social media effort dubbed “Occupy National Parks” on Facebook and #breakthebarrier on Twitter.

James said, quote, “Obviously, I’m not too happy about it. This shop is my livelihood here, and I haven’t had a customer in a week. Rangers will get their backpay, but what will people in these communities get?”

James and his crew walked up the trail for two hours filling a garbage bag with the trash they picked up along the way. Federal Park Rangers with guns took photos of the trespassers and warned that they might receive fines in the mail. A government spokeswoman said that attempts to enter the park, quote, “are extremely taxing on us. We just don’t have the staff. I really hope it doesn’t become a trend.” She said that instead, the protesters should write their congressmen.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!
