PNN #183 Show Notes
Million American March Against Fear
Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 years
Thursday, August 22th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 123 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of
The following press release was posted to :
The Million American March Against Fear on 9/11/13
“We invite you to stand with and join us to Rally Against Fear at 12 noon on The National Mall, then the Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House, to hold truth to power at the three major branches of American government.
We ask all individuals and organizations working for peace to attend this collective action to tell our Government leaders we want transparency and policies of peace. In the past 12 years since 9/11 the United States government as failed to protect and promote Constitutional liberties and human life, here and abroad. We feel that accountability in government has been ignored and the time has arrived to collectively speak truth to power.
Speaking will be experts and individuals on the lack of transparency and questions plaguing 9/11, steady erosion of domestic civil liberties, drone policy and the very dire effect of these on of plight of American Muslims here at home, and Muslim communities globally in the scope of U.S. imperialism, and the modern face of resistance to unmanned aerial surveillance and warfare.
This will be a professional, positive, and proactive event for the whole family, as we expect very soon for the National Park Service to grant us the permit we requested. At 2:00 pm we will embark from the Rally Against Fear, and onto the March Against Drones.
We will have water available for anyone that needs it, we know it is a healthy march, but we feel it will call due attention to the issues at hand, and that it is worth the challenge. We hope you do too, and we sincerely hope you bring your good energy, your friends and family as well, and you stand up and speak out with us. Love, light, and solidarity to you!”
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Bradley Manning, a 22-year-old Army Specialist stationed in Baghdad at the time of his arrest in May 2010, released hundreds of thousands of classified military and diplomatic documents to the transparency website WikiLeaks. Manning explained to the court in a February 28, 2013, statement that he did so in order to spark debate and reforms regarding U.S. foreign policy, specifically the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was acquitted of “Aiding the Enemy,” but found guilty of several counts of Espionage, Computer Fraud, and Federal Theft.
Yesterday, Judge Lind sentenced the 3 time Nobel Peace Prize nominee to 35 years – an effort to instill a chilling effect on those who’d dare to expose the United States’ illegality. Following this decision, David Coombs, lead attorney for WikiLeaks whistle-blower Bradley Manning, gave a statement and answered questions from the press at the Hotel at Arundel Preserve, just ten minutes away from Ft. Meade. This was the first time since 2010 that Mr. Coombs has taken questions from the press regarding this case.
The Bradley Manning Support Network also provided a brief overview of their efforts moving forward to free Manning, including financial backing for all legal efforts. Immediately, this includes a clemency appeal to the court martial Convening Authority Major General Jeffery Buchanan. During the press conference, was launched, which includes an application for a Presidential Pardon. Additionally, a crowd-funded college trust fund is being established in order to assure Manning the means to attend college upon his release.
Supporters of Manning held a vigil yesterday morning at the Fort Meade gate, and a rally commenced at the White House later at 7:30 PM, followed by a march.
Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of For your part, I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!