This summer featured a flood of revelations from NSA contractor turned whistleblower Edward Snowden: namely that everyday folks working for the federal government are reading the content of private emails of Americans, even their web content.
But did you know the NSA has an Achilles heel? The supercomputers they use to spy on you get hot. They use cycling water to cool them down. Just to keep operating one of their data centers, they depend on running through over a million gallons of water per day. But did you know that the people who are providing that water can Turn It Off? is filled with information you can use to help your state refuse to cooperate with the what the NSA is doing. If you think working within government is effective way to get things done, here’s your opportunity. At you’ll find legislation that you can propose to state, county, and even town governments. You can literally cut and paste and replace a few things and bam, propose some legislation to stop cooperating with the NSA’s massive spy effort. Go check it out right now and see how you can stop the NSA and help make the world a better place.