Best of 2013:
Bitcoin Machine unveiled at Liberty Forum
Bradley Manning Trial
Edward Snowden revelations
“Government Shutdown”
Police Accountability Tour
Bitcoin goes mainstream
FSP Reaches 15,000 signers
Keenevention First Year
Robin Hood of Keene Victory
KAC Smoke Alarm Victory
ACA Obamacare disaster
Kokesh Arrested
Smoke Down Prohibitions
Sean’s Outpost
Hoodie the Homeless
I worked for the Drone Program
30 mins of Oxygen
The Govt shutdown over a small reduction in its budgetary increase.
and park rangers closing open air monuments that led individuals to passing their barriers
Maybe some of the SCOTUS decisions from this year. Was DADT repealed this year? DADT ended Sep 20 2011
Like Salinas v. Texas where you remaining silent is now evidence against you unless you invoke your Right to remain silent.
NSA Intercepted Packages
Lightbulb Loophole