In this episode, I am joined by the creator of Sovereign Tactics, Randy Stroud. I hope he moves to NH as part of the Free State Project. He’s a do-er, and when do-ers get together, they multiply their effectiveness!
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Govt Fines Mom for Breastfeeding
You Break Lots of Laws
Types of People Targeted by Government Agents
Amusing Artwork Sends Message to Politicians
Stop Spanking
(CLIP) Killing isn’t Murder if You Give Yourself Permission
98% civilian casualty
Banksy Builds Sphinx
Keene Pumpkin Festival
CryptoSeal VPN Opts to Close Rather than Grant NSA Access
Google Un-censors Internet with uProxy?
my domain is in nashville tn. I have been helping common law wife whom is weak in spirit and is easy to frite, she was charged with 2nd dui in may 2012, her never consenting
they took her blood which was 0.7 and threw her back in chains 4 times for drinking to much water causing bail in excess of 80 thousand debt note, I saw somethings not right and began to seek real truth, at arrainment hearing 12/05/2013 I was able with great force to get attorney to enter her reservation of rights without anymore words we walked out.can you tell me what I’ve done? I am new at this and I really need help and would bless in return. tod whitner from the house of isle.thanks.