PNN #147 The Rise of New Improved Bitcoin

PNN #147 Show Notes


Agora Seed Exchange


Financial Times: Rise of Bitcoin


Significant Improvements Planned for Merchants in V0.9


Free Speech Atty Joins Robin Hood Pro-Bono


Danny Panzella, Crime Stopper


This is your Peace News for Saturday, July 6th 2013.


Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 67 dollars per bitcoin.


This episode brought to you by


Agora Seed Exchange is an internet based company connecting farmers to heirloom seeds.

Heirloom seeds yield plants whose DNA comes from early periods in human history. For generations they have been maintained by gardeners and farmers, particularly in isolated or ethnic communities. This keeps the DNA of the plants rich and diverse. Seeds from monocultural plots lack this biodiversity and nutrition.

Since heirloom seeds are not used for large-scale commercial agriculture, they are ideal for everyday people like you to plant in your home garden. Organic and 100% natural, these heirloom seeds are available through their Facebook page.

Run by activist Eddie Free and organic farmer Melissa Moran, the Agora Seed Exchange has been in operation since April of 2013.

Part of the strategy for survival in a tumultuous world is to become self-sufficient in producing your own food, and to eat foods that are rich and nutrient dense.

Procure your own heirloom seeds from Agora Seed Exchange by sending them a message through Facebook.


Did I mention they accept bitcoin? Learn about Bitcoin at



The Financial Times produced a video yesterday in which Maija Palmer reports from a Bitcoin Conference. Several Free Staters appear in the video, including Zach & Josh Harvey, and Erik Voorhees. In a brief interview with Josh, he makes the point that the Bitcoin landscape  is developing around tech centers like Silicon Valley, New York City, and Boston, where bars, restaurants, grocery stores, and nightclubs all accept bitcoin. Erik notes that bitcoin’s growth has been totally organic and adds that it will continue to grow as long as people find it useful. And with ever-increasing bank fees, regulations, and controls on investments, more & more people are opting for alternatives. Whether you are paying your friend at the bar or programmers in India, bitcoin can be sent instantly and for negligible cost. With the high speed and low cost of transmission, digital money is an inevitability.

The video also features one of the reporters from the Financial Times using the Lamassu bitcoin ATM to transfer her currency from Great British Pounds to bitcoins in just a few seconds. The design of the machine is sharp and this video does a great job of highlighting the most important facts about bitcoin.


You can watch the financial times video through the link in this episode’s show notes.


And Learn more about bitcoin at, and set up your own free wallet at



Speaking of bitcoin, Phillip Archer writes in a blogpost at yesterday that significant improvements are planned for the next version of the bitcoin software. These changes are pretty technical, and I recommend reading the article to grasp its full meaning, but in essence, there will be improvements in 4 major areas: ease of use, recurring payments, dispute resolution and immediate feedback.


I am most excited by the prospect of easily implementing recurring payments, something that would benefit most bitcoin-based charities.


Plus, subscription services have been hesitant to implement bitcoin as a payment feature because of the lack of ability to bill customers at regular intervals.

These changes will likely lead to more adoption of Bitcoin as the technology and the market matures.

Looking for a secure place to store your bitcoins? Try the free wallet at


Ian Freeman blogs at


Jon Meyer is an attorney based in Manchester, New Hampshire, whose normal focus is on employment-related cases, however he is also renown as one of the best lawyers in America on the subject of free speech.


Formerly an attorney with the NH Civil Liberties Union, in recent years Meyer won a major free speech case at the NH Supreme Court involving a man in a bigfoot costume on Mt. Monadnock. Additionally and more recently he trounced then-Cheshire-Sheriff Dick Foote in court and had Foote’s no trespass orders against local liberty activists (banning us from court property) overturned as unconstitutional.


Now, Meyer has made the time in his busy schedule for the Robin Hood of Keene case where the people calling themselves “the city” are suing several Robin Hooders in hopes of creating a 50ft anti-freedom radius around the meter maids.


Meyer filed his appearance this week in Cheshire superior court on behalf of five of the six defendants, with‘s Pete Eyre deciding not to opt-in to having an attorney.


To be clear, Meyer is donating his valuable time to the cause, pro-bono, and is up against the city people’s hired gun (paid by your tax dollars) private attorneys, including renown civil rights attorney Charles P. Bauer.



You can donate to Robin Hood of Keene using bitcoins. To learn how, visit


Danny Panzella of TruthSquad.TV posted a video this week in which he tracks down the owner of an illegally parked vehicle and finds that it belongs to a New York City Councilwoman. He walks right up to her, camera rolling, and addresses the situation, asking her if she thinks it’s right or necessary to park where others would get a ticket.


Danny perfectly highlights the hypocrisy of those in power and takes a personal stand against people acting as if they have extra rights.


Kudos, Danny! If everyone held bureaucrats personally responsible for their actions, what a different world it could be.


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For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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