PNN #143 Gun Maker Gives Away High Capacity Magazines

PNN #143 Show Notes


Gun Parts Manufacturer Encouraging Civil Disobedience


Tech is Winning


Bakers Green Acres Fundraiser


This is your Peace News for Tuesday, July 2nd 2013.


Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 89 dollars per bitcoin.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ reports that the day before laws restricting magazine capacities for guns in Colorado, gun manufacturer Magpul joined with the non-profit Free Colorado to raise money for the fight for the state’s gun rights. This week they gave away 1,500 magazines at the event on a first-come-first-serve basis.


Magpul’s facebook page read, quote, “Come on out and join the festivities at Infinity Park in Glendale, CO, this Saturday, June 29, celebrating FREEDOM on the last weekend before the unconstitutional mag ban takes effect, and get your last shot at purchasing PMAGs. … Food, live music, and a helo-borne aerial delivery of PMAGs. Proceeds from mag sales go towards the legislative and legal fight for 2A rights in CO.”

Magpul also sold 20- and 30 round magazines at the event. Tickets were $5-35 dollars as a fundraiser for, and included up to three PMAGs.

The event, called “Farewell to Arms,” was a final big thank-you from Magpul to the people of Colorado who have supported them.

The magazine ban, along with several other new gun laws including mandatory background checks, went into effect Monday, July 1. The law prohibits the sale or transfer of magazines with a capacity greater than 15, although it does provide for magazines already owned. Any magazines with capacities greater than 15 will be legal so long as they were purchased prior to the deadline.

With these new stiff gun control measures in place, many manufacturers in the firearm industry have decided to leave the state. Magpul alone is estimated to support about 600 jobs, in-house and contractors.

Opponents of the new laws have filed a federal lawsuit against the state of Colorado, starting with most of the state’s sheriffs, Magpul and about 20 other companies and gun and civil rights organizations.

No matter what, Magpul is still planning to relocate from Colorado.

Perhaps they’ll find a new home in the Free State?



In other news, reports this week that for the first time, the government admits that encrypted communications kept them from decyphering text which they had a warrant to obtain.

What does this mean? Keep using encryption for as much communications as you possibly can! The government spends valuable time and energy trying to decode it, and in the end, they can’t!





Speaking of winning, Have you heard of Bitcoin?

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Mark Baker of Baker’s Green Acres will be facing off with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources & the Michigan Attorney General in court for the first time, on Friday, July 12, at 2pm.


Both sides are asking for summary disposition, which means the judge will say that there isn’t a legitimate case and therefore one side wins by default.


The Bakers are also asking for a Jury for the trial in August.


The government bureaucracy does not want to have to make their case to a group of regular people, so they are strongly resisting the motion for a jury trial.


Come show your support for small family farms and the right to procure the foods of your choice from the producer of your choice!

Let’s fill the courtroom and respectfully show the judge that people care about their rights and are supporting Mark Baker.

The following day, July 13, Bakers Green Acres is hosting a pig roast and celebration of the farm!
They will be roasting a couple of these infamous beasts and they invite YOU to join them. Or should I say, US, because *I* will be there.

There will be a farm tour hay ride given by the feral farmer himself, Mark Baker, plus games, inspirational speakers, a silent auction, and even a greased pig contest! There will also be music by the fire, so bring your instrument and talent to share.


The Bakers will also have lots of their GMO free chicken in the freezer for sale. This is a great way to support the farm as a way to raise the funds needed to get through till August.


The event is free but there will be a donation piggy at the Celebration to show your appreciation for good food, farm fun, and Mark Baker’s courageous stand.

If you can’t attend the hearing or the celebration but want to support Mark’s stand, you can donate through the link at And please spread the word by linking to the donation on your website, twitter, or facebook page.



Links are in the show notes.


This has been Peace News, your daily update on the peaceful evolution.


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For, I’m DerrickJ, reminding you that Peace is the way!


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