PNN #127 Show Notes
Hide Your Toilet Paper
Rich Paul in VICE (again)
Shiny Badges Rocks!
PNN #127 Show Notes
Hide Your Toilet Paper
Rich Paul in VICE (again)
Shiny Badges Rocks!
PNN #126 Show Notes
Ian Freeman Challenges Validity of Court Order
Pig Farmer Mark Baker Needs Your Help
Use Bitcoin to Shop IRL
It’s 2013. Cameras are ubiquitous, and tyranny is eminent. If your house is raided and you don’t have a camera capturing it, then you weren’t preparing when you had the chance. The writing has been on the wall for a long time. Homes are being raided for no reason every day. Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you’ve been waiting for someone to hold your hand and show you a couple of options for protecting yourself for under $50, here it is:
Buy yourself a cheap video camera and set it up, with battery charged and tripod ready, at your front door. At the very least, keep a camera with a loaded battery on your windowsill or nearby any entryways to your home.
For a cheap camera, you can buy nearly anything. There are literally $20 cameras that will do the job. No reason you need one more than $100.
Here’s what you should have:
Cheap Video Camera (link): This is what captures the footage. Don’t even think about resisting or doing anything heroic if there isn’t a camera rolling. It’s stupid. Don’t tell me about this or that happened to you…if you didn’t get it on video, I don’t waste my time hearing about it. You should have gotten it on video. There are people who are wrongly arrested every minute of every day. The only thing that makes an arrest worth fighting or covering is if you can SHARE an OBJECTIVE record of what happened. Video or nothing.
Memory (link): Goes inside video camera. Captures footage. This is what you pop out and put somewhere safe when the cops try to take your camera. This model is a micro SD card inside a regular sized shell of an SD card. If they insist on having your footage, give the cops the shell of the memory card rather than the micro. Pop the micro in your mouth. It’ll be okay.
Tripod (link): This is what the camera sits on. If you’re holding your camera when the police come in, expect to be shot. They want to see your hands in the air, and they want them empty. If you’re holding anything, it’s a weapon, they fear for their lives, and you are dead. Put your camera on a tripod, leave it plugged in and charging, and facing the door.
Now that you have these things, you are ready for a home invasion at a moment’s notice. You can get more complicated by purchasing a full home surveillance kit, depending on what your risk level is, but this is a basic instruction guide for 99% of people who are worried that they may one day have their privacy rights violated by police.
PNN #125 Show Notes
Liz Reitzig in Wall St Journal
Larry King to Join Russian Govt TV Show
Printable Solar Panels
Vandals Take Down Surveillance, Can’t Be Identified
How to Peacefully Disable Spy Drones
PNN #124 Show Notes
Info Activist Jeremy Hammond Signs 10yr Plea Deal
Herdshares OK
Liberty Reserve Founder Arrested
WiFi Bad for Plant Growth
PNN #123 Show Notes
High School Rebel Teaches 5th Amendment
Doc Refuses Insurance, Posts Prices Online
Sovereign Living TV Launches
PNN #122 Show Notes
Raw Milk Farmer
Million March Monsanto
Code Pink
The much-anticipated verdict is in! JURY FINDS VERNON HERSHBERGER NOT GUILTY of 3 of 4 charges: NOT GUILTY of operating retail food establishment without license. NOT GUILTY of operating dairy farm as milk producer without license. NOT GUILTY of operating a dairy plant without license. GUILTY of violating holding order.
While everyone is glad that Vernon was found not guilty on the first three charges, the last one was the most serious (of potential penalties). At sentencing, he faces up to one year in jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000 according to the Wisconsin DOJ website.
Here are the live-tweets posted by DerrickJ’s twitter account prior to verdict.
Courtroom at full capacity. Jury instructions read by Judge assume morality of law & make no mention of #Nullification #State #Bias #Justice — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State begins closing arguments: “NOT about whether or not #VernonHershberger is a good person. You saw products with labels. Ice Cream…” — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State argues that #VernonHershberger should go to jail bc he sold ice cream, berries, & cheese. OooOooOOooOoh!! What a criminal!! #RawMIlk — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State presents document promoting Open House. Reads “Bring your friends & family!” — Is this supposed to make Grazin Acres look criminal? — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State reads mailer/advertisement. Jury appears moderately attentive. Prosecution arguing Vernon has been successful & should be punished. — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State arguing (slowly) Vernon “processed” dairy products by cooling them & violated holding order by “moving” them (even simply up & down). — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State finishes closing argument. Court allows for standing & stretching in place. Defense begins by thanking jury & gives credit 4 staying. — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Defense begins by talking about abuse of government authority which led to creation of jury system: “Conscience of the community.” #Winning — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Defense calls DTCAP schizophrenic & shameful: both helps & hurts farmers – Why would they go after a hero like Vernon who feeds neighbors? — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Defense references George Orwell’s 1984 “Newspeak – There’s no logic.” Spent 3 years, & all they’ve got is he filed the wrong paperwork. — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Defense references George Orwell’s 1984 “Newspeak – There’s no logic.” Spent 3 years, & all they’ve got is he filed the wrong paperwork. — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Defense holds 1000 pages of Prosecution up for jury. #State did not interview a single member! “Sad use of power & pathetic waste” #Winning — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Jury attentive. Defense calls #State inspectors “Milk Police” – “As close to prohibition as I have seen. No basis in logic.” #RawMilk #Trial — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Defense accuses #State of being presumptive & unwilling to dialogue. Emphasizes #Amish #Values – Sharing & Community. #RawMilk #Winning — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#VernonHershberger farms w/ horses, loves land, community, & healthy food. Defense: “To convict based on assumptions would be a shame.” — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Defense: “These are not consumers, but a private group associated w/ his farm. #State could come into our kitchens next.” #VernonHershberger — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Defense: Send a message to DTCAP (#State investigators) w/ your verdict. Shouldn’t criminalize pvt conduct that doesnt violate public safety — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
D: Would you go into a man’s refrigerator & put a hold on his food, leaving him 2 days supply, & not expect him to go in and take some food? — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
1 juror smiles, nods. 2 jurors cover mouths. Whole jury engrossed. “I suggest this hold order was an effort to put the squeeze on somebody.” — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
“Pantry” vs “store” another ridic attempt by #State to use “Newspeak” to criminalize an #Amish #farmer. “Blatant abuse of govt power.” — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State gets last word, but Defense asks jury to vote their conscience & send #VernonHershberger home to his family a free man. #RawMilk — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State rebuttal begins. Says “public” status of pantry is “obvious” & that Defense is asking Jury to ignore the law. #JuryNullification — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State: “Just get the license. It’s $265. That’s it. That’s what the law requires.” #Govt #Thuggery #Force #Compliance thru #Violence — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State accuses Defense of mischaracterization of crimes: “The words that matter here are the instructions on the law. Law comes from judge.” — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#State: “Just get a license. That’s what he should have done. He decided to move, sell, & distribute the product.” #State concludes #RawMilk — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Alternates 4 Jury chosen. Trial nearly over. Judge reads instruction NOT to be swayed by conscience. Jury excused. Audience waits 4 verdict. — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
#VernonHershberger & his family in prayer meeting while Jury deliberates. Courthouse is abuzz w/ #Amish children & nervous farmers #RawMilk — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Lawyers arguing w/ each other about re-exhibits that will go to the jury. Crowd eagerly awaits verdict. #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Courtroom is nearly full. 3 seats left. 10+ children deserve awards 4 being in court since 9am & being so well behaved! #RawMIlk #Trial — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Court in recess. Jury deliberating over evidence. Courtroom full of anxious supporters. This community loves & stands by its #RawMilk farmer — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Judge re-enters court. Court not yet in session. Judge asks how far away the lawyers are. Everyone wants to know: “Is the Jury ready???” — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Judge suggests to attorneys asking Jury whether they’d like to return Tuesday. Defense: Don’t ask them. #State defers to Judge. We will wait — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Midnight and no verdict yet. Vernon’s Dad Daniel brought Raw Milk for court audience. Bailiffs provide cups! Yum!… — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Jury has requested 3 docs: Pre-2010 Member Agreement, Post-2010 Member Agreement, & Boarding Agreement. Judge just entered room. VERDICT NOW — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
WATCH VERNON’S VERDICT LIVE – Judge informs audience not to react. #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial #Verdict — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
Silence befalls Sauk County Courthouse. Tension palpable. World watching via livestream. Judge: “Outbursts will not be tolerated.” #RawMilk — Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 25, 2013
At the time this post is being published, the jury has not returned a verdict on any of the four counts Vernon faces. Agents of the State have charged Amish Raw Milk Dairy Farmer Vernon Hershberger with the following “criminal” charges:
1) distributing milk from his “Grazin’ Acres” dairy farm without a milk producer’s license,
2) operating a retail food establishment without a state license,
3) operating a dairy plant without a state license, and
4) violating a “hold order” placed on his dairy products after the state raided his farm.
Today Irma and Vernon Hershberger took the stand, as well as other member/owners. The tension inside the courtroom was palpable. The audience benches were filled to capacity. Below are my live-tweets from inside the courtroom:
#VernonHershberger #Trial Day 4 begins. Court filled 60%. Judge requires redacted G.A. Membership Agreement photocopied to obscure language.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Word “Liberty” forbidden from being spoken. Defense calls Jenny DiLenay. Member/owner of Grazin Acres since 2005. #VernonHershberger #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
DiLenay says she 1st met Vernon in his kitchen. Pantry/store didn’t change operation, just location. Prices suggested. Chores = compensation
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
DiLenay says Grazin Acres owners hang out outside of farm & do things unrelated to farm work. “It’s a community.” #RawMilk #Farmer #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Cross-examination begins. Prosecution alleges DiLenay has been listening to trial across on livestream at #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Prosecutor badgers DiLenay. Argues that Grazin Acres is not a farm but a business. Asks witness to spell the word “farm.” Jury not impressed
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Furrowed brows & piercing glares. Woman on jury shaking head at prosecutor. DiLenay’s face visibly shaken by verbal abuse by the #State
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Brief recess after Delonay’s testimony. 1 juror wears “Wisconsin” shirt w/ cow on it. Defense calls Joseph Klein, physician. #RawMilk #trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Furrowed brows & piercing glares. Woman on jury shaking head at prosecutor. DiLenay’s face visibly shaken by verbal abuse by the #State
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Brief recess after Delonay’s testimony. 1 juror wears “Wisconsin” shirt w/ cow on it. Defense calls Joseph Klein, physician. #RawMilk #trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Correction to earlier tweet: Today is Day 5 of #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial – Watch Live at
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense calls Mary Smith, former professor, computer programmer, Grazin Acres member/owner since 2004 on recommendation of nutritionist.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Mary Smith explains process of returning & cleaning jars. Despite restrictions on words, describes: “uncontaminated, down-to-earth, healthy”
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Cross-examination of Mary Smith begins. Questions regard labeling, prices, chores, compensation, terms & conditions of member’s agreement.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
After 10 min recess, Defense calls Karen Kissero (sp?): Grazin Acres member/owner. Channel 3 present & filming #VernonHershberger #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Witness describes various chores on farm. Her personal understanding of member agreement she signed cannot be spoken. Stricken from record.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Flustered Prosecutor accuses Defense of mis-statement. Judge tells State to relax. State cross-examines Kissero: questions chore requirement
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
State: You weren’t expecting to get the products from the farm for free?Kissero: Do you expect anything for free?St8: I can’t answer that.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
State: Nobody forced you to work on the farm? Kissero: I’m a part owner. It’s my job.S: I move to strike from record. Kissero rolls eyes.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense calls Bill Patten, carpenter, Grazin Acres member/owner. Attracted to #VernonHershberger farm bc of “nature & condition of milk”
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense asks Patten point blank: Is it a “store” or “pantry”? Prefers term “pantry” bc he doesn’t consider it a business relationship.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense: Ever worked for retail store in exchange for food?Patten: I worked a Dairy Queen–Drank a lot of root beer that summer. (Laughter)
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Trial resumes after 1 hr lunch break. Court at full capacity. Watch Live #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial #Liberty
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
B4 Jury returns, Judge redacts several paragraphs from the Members Agreement explaining relationship among owners: “Confusing & misleading”
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense calls Aajnis Vonderplanetz, nutrition author & lecturer. Formed “Right to Choose Healthy Food” #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Witness fearlessly speaks the truth despite constant objections by #State. Disobeys rules of court by talking like a human being. #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
#State cross-examines witness. Points out error in document: PA, not WI. Witness boldly clarifies agreement w/o question. St8 cannot silence
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense calls Irma, mom of 10 & spouse of #VernonHershberger . Says she relies on help of members to run the farm. Calls food room “pantry.”
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Irma: “What happened to the money? We usually…spent it.” (Laughter)Watch live #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Irma says ppl need to sign a contract to take food from pantry. Recalls armed police raiding home. Tried to protect food 4 family. #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense: “Mrs Hershberger, who did the food belong to?”State: “Objection! Calls for legal conclusion.” (Sustained!) #Govt #Thugs #Theft
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense asks Irma what explanation was given for #State pouring food dye into her #RawMilk . Judge interjects, clears jury & forbids truth.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense: “Mrs Hershberger, who did the food belong to?”State: “Objection! Calls for legal conclusion.” (Sustained!) #Govt #Thugs #Theft
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense asks Irma what explanation was given for #State pouring food dye into her #RawMilk . Judge interjects, clears jury & forbids truth.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Trial resumes. Irma confirms that an explanation was given, but is forbidden by judge to say what that explanation was. Ends. No cross-exam.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense calls #VernonHershberger . Is nervous: “It’s been a long 3 years.” Aims to “farm as God intended.” Explains partnerships. #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Video/Photos shown. Areal view of farm. Vernon plowing w/ horses. Cows grazing on grassy hills. Chickens feeding. Family portrait. #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Video shown of family consuming unpasteurized milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir, butter, etc from farm. Says he & members own products in pantry.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
More videos shown of #VernonHershberger making dairy products. Notably sanitary. Plays like a commercial. Making me hungry for some #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Vernon: Purpose of label is for members to know how much $ is needed to keep farm sustainable. Explains to jury he learned this as a boy.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Vernon says that some members paid more than suggested price. Others paid nothing. Inspiration is love/caring. ex: single mom w/ 5 children
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Vernon: Working on farm optional. Of 200 families, only 25 participated. Says he would not be able to sustain farm or prices w/o their help.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Vernon explains why he formed an LLC for Grazin Acres. Looks directly at jury. Judge strikes answer from record as violation of “order.”
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
#State removes jury again. #State argues that Vernon’s private contract does not transfer ownership of LLC from Vernon to members. #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense: Weary of sending out the jury. Probably not going to finish today. Frustrated by constant delays by #State . #VernonHershberger
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Channel 3 camera operator struggles to keep up with fervent arguments by Defense & Prosecution. #State accuses Defense of misleading jury.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense: It’s a little late to take up an argument about corporate law. if that’s the case, then send the jury home, & call a mistrial.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense: “To instruct the jury that the Members Agreement is hogwash is to prevent Mr Hershberger from presenting a defense.” #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Lawyers being lawyers. Furious argumentation, nothing resolved. #Truth obfuscated by #State . Watch the madness ensue
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense: “Let Mr Hershberger present his case. I know the state doesn’t like it. We will try this case again, Judge.” #RawMilk #Food #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Jury returns. Down to final hours. #State objects within first minute of argumentation. Defense questions relationship among members & farm.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
#VernonHershberger explains Members Agreement = little more than handshake agreement for acquiring food from farm. #State objects on reflex.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Vernon: From my understanding, the hold order meant the milk couldn’t be distributed. Judge calls ANOTHER recess. Courtroom tense. #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense: #State arguing ownership of milk is a legal conclusion. If so, we can’t have trial on anything bc everything is a legal conclusion!
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Jury returns. Trial resumes. #VernonHersheberger felt he had no choice when #State ruined 2300 lbs of #RawMilk #Govt #Thugs #Violence #Force
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
#VernonHershberger hanging in like a trooper, visibly hurt. Quavery voice recalls conversation during raid. #RawMilk #Govt #Raid #Farm
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Bailiff w/ gun & taser steals cell phone from old man in audience. Suspected of taking picture of trial. #GodForbid #PublicTrial #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Vernon was never reimbursed for the computer #State stole during #raid . Was given no copies of documents they stole nor originals returned.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Defense: A lot of work for little pay…Vernon: It’s not that we want to get rich or anything. It’s just how we want to raise our family.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Cross-examination of #VernonHershberger by #State . Jury & Audience visibly confused by line of questioning re: receipts #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
#State asks about products Vernon offers that don’t come from farm. Accusing poor farmer of being ruthless businessman. #Govt #Thug #Fail
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
#State ends cross-exam. Vernon says the products he sells are extras from personalfamily use or come from farm members. #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
#State begins re-cross exam. Focuses on details of receipts: Is $10 “misc dairy” for cream or membership fee? #WhoCares? #GraspingAtStraws
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
#VernonHershberger steps down. Defense rests. Jury leaves. Judge calls 10 min recess & asks Attys if they want deliberation today. They do.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Judge returns. Jury eating. Instruction begins 6pm. Each side has 1 hr total for closing statements (opening, closing, rebuttal) #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Judge declares ARMED RAID & seizure of Vernon’s farm products is NOT use of force. #Govt #Thugs #Violence #Voluntaryism #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
6:50pm CST Judge & Jury return. Instructions given on juror’s duty. “Must base your verdict on the law I give you.” #JuryNullification
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Judge reads charges & explains elements of crime which must be proven beyond reasonable doubt by #State #VernonHershberger #RawMIlk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013
Today was the best trial day so far! The Defense wiped the floor with the Prosecution.
I continued to tweet live updates from inside the courtroom. Here are my live-tweets from today:
Trial of Vernon Hershberger Day 4 Begins — Sheriff on stand, Prosecution begins questioning — Watch Live #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
DOJ Linda Gray takes stand. Courtroom at 90% capacity. State asks witnesses about what property they stole. #VernonHershberger #Govt #Theft
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
State continues to bore all in attendance over minutia regarding the computer they stole from Vernon. One hour into trial, no arguments yet.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Talk about overkill. Vernon is a farmer. Why is a team of computer forensics analysts necessary? State asks Jury to leave. Now in recess.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
While Jury away, Judge decides to hide more from them — Must not see that Vernon’s Price List reads “For Members Only.” Members = co-owners
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense argues that if State wants to introduce evidence, they must show the whole story, not just pieces. “Absurd. It’s not fair.” #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “Judge, if I call Vernon to the stand, you’re going to prevent him from providing a complete description?”Judge: “We’ll see.”
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “The way this is going, this trial isn’t going to be over this week.”Judge: “It is what it is.” #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “Is there any reason you haven’t given Mr Hershberger his property back?”State: “Irrelevant!” (Sustained.) #Govt #Theft #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
State bores audience by reading from stolen documents listing prices & products offered by Vernon. 1 juror wears peace sign shirt. #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
State has Witness read Vernon’s statement on #CivilDisobedience and explanation of resistance. Asks for customer support despite raids.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense asks about the blacked-out portion of the statement read by witness. Emails presented are incomplete. #VernonHershberger #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Witness claims he produced a full report. He did not black out anything. Spent years looking at this info. Did not look at all files on comp
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
The State rests its case against #RawMilk #Farmer #VernonHershberger – A brief recess now. Defense prepares to call first witness to stand.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Court in recess. Courtroom is at 100% capacity. Jury returns. Defense calls 1st witness: Kathy Anderson, WI Dept of Agriculture, Inspector.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “Do you agree with me that dairy farmers and farm owners have the right to drink their own milk?”Anderson: “Yes” #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Court resumes. Room at FULL occupancy. No more allowed in. News crew filming. 70 people in attendance. #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Prosecution wants to strike Defense’s witnesses based on accusation that some watched trial. They’ve censored facts, why not witnesses too?
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Room appears to be 1/2 Amish, 1/2 modern. Defense resumes questioning Anderson (investigator). Video shown of witness raiding a home fridge.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Anderson admits knowing that the home fridge she raided was for personal use and that it’s uncommon for a retail store. #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Anderson admits she assumed #VernonHershberger owned everything, but also she doesn’t know, and didn’t ask. She simply assumed. #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Anderson admits assumption the pantry was retail store based on how it looked, but that she doesn’t know. #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Investigator Anderson admits that she knew some of the milk she ruined was for personal use. She did it anyway. #VernonHershberger #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Anderson can’t say if the 2300lbs of milk she ruined is “a lot.” She doesn’t remember giving #VernonHershberger an option in keeping it.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Investigator Anderson says dyed milk isnt “ruined.” Claims she would personally drink milk with blue dye added to it. #Liar #Govt #Injustice
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Judge proclaims Anderson’s own government document “hearsay” and not admissible as evidence because it has highlighting on it. #Govt #Logic
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Armed court bailiff has been staring down members of court audience with unrelenting, intimidating glare. #VernonHershberger #Govt #Thuggery
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “In your 26 years, has a farmer ever been charged criminally for such a thing?” (moving milk)Anderson: “I–I don’t know.” #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense calls Father of #VernonHershberger to the stand to testify. His son faces 30 months in jail for his #VictimlessCrimes #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Daniel Hershberger says it has been a pleasure being father of #VernonHershberger . Says son went to 8th grade and grew up on a dairy farm.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense asks “How do you milk a cow?” Humble Father Hershberger gestures milking with hands. Audience laughs. #Amish #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Daniel #Hershberger says nutrition is important to his religion. State objects. Judge sustains and strikes comment from record. #RawMilk
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Daniel #Hershberger reads document aloud. Court recorder bursts, “You have to slow down.” Courtroom erupts in laughter. Very funny witness.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Judge Reynolds forbids Daneil #Hershberger from describing what a member of his own farm is. State insists that’s a legal conclusion.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “Did you attend any ice cream socials at the farm?”D Hershberger: “Whatever it was, it was fun.”Audience laughs. Judge forbids it
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Daniel Hershberger: “Vernon is an honest seeker of the truth. That’s how I know him.” #VernonHershberger #RawMilk #Trial #Wisconsin #Farmer
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
State prosecutor being aggressive & belligerent toward Vernon’s dad. Jury shows furrowed brows and piercing stares. #Govt #Thugs
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
State puts paperwork above people. Daniel Hershberger says “I come from a generation where a handshake is worth something.” #RawMIlk #trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Daniel Hershberger makes it clear that he had a mutual agreement with his family members regardless or state paperwork. #8thGradeEducation
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
After 15 minute recess, court resumes. State argues that certain truths can’t be spoken, while sheriffs glare at & intimidate audience.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
While jury is away, Defense argues to judge that he is preventing a fair trial by forbidding essential evidence regarding the term “member.”
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “This is a trial, Judge, not an Inquiry. Mr Hershberger has a right to present the facts.” #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
The #State should be embarrassed. The Judge is shamelessly preventing facts from being presented to the jury. #FairTrial #VernonHershberger
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Judge has now spent over an hour trying to prevent pertinent facts and evidence of the case from reaching the jury #VernonHershberger #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Silence befalls the courtroom. Defense attorneys peruse thousands of pages of documents for a word they are allowed to use. #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “Mr Plasterer, do you have the document that we were referring to yesterday? Uh, earlier today. Feels like yesterday.” (Laughter)
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Bailiff approaches man in back row of audience. Demanded he remove a 1.5″ sticker from his shirt. Sticker reads “Local Food Rules”
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “Is the Hershberger farm comparable to Cosco or Sam’s Club?”OBJECTION! Calls for legal conclusion. (Sustained) #RawMilk #Trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Defense: “Are prices flexible at Grazin Acres?”Witness: “Yes.”D: “Ever encountered a retail establishment with flexible prices?”W: “No.”
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
D: Can the witness answer the question without being interrupted?S: Objection! Non-responsive.D: You can’t object to your own question.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
D: Can the witness answer the question without being interrupted?S: Objection! Non-responsive.D: You can’t object to your own question.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
#VernonHershberger #Trial in recess until tomorrow. Watch live 8:45am Central Should be final day. Verdict expected.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Eustace Conway & Joel Salatin speaking NOW LIVE watch now after Vernon Hershberger trial
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 23, 2013
Joel Salatin is speaking behind me right now. I am livestreaming.
— Derrick J. Freeman (@derrickjfreeman) May 24, 2013