PNN #127 Help Rich Paul Appeal 4 Jury Nullification!

PNN #127 Show Notes

Hide Your Toilet Paper

Rich Paul in VICE (again)

Shiny Badges Rocks!

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Home Surveillance 101

It’s 2013. Cameras are ubiquitous, and tyranny is eminent. If your house is raided and you don’t have a camera capturing it, then you weren’t preparing when you had the chance. The writing has been on the wall for a long time. Homes are being raided for no reason every day. Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you’ve been waiting for someone to hold your hand and show you a couple of options for protecting yourself for under $50, here it is:

Buy yourself a cheap video camera and set it up, with battery charged and tripod ready, at your front door. At the very least, keep a camera with a loaded battery on your windowsill or nearby any entryways to your home.

For a cheap camera, you can buy nearly anything. There are literally $20 cameras that will do the job. No reason you need one more than $100.

Here’s what you should have:


Cheap Video Camera (link): This is what captures the footage. Don’t even think about resisting or doing anything heroic if there isn’t a camera rolling. It’s stupid. Don’t tell me about this or that happened to you…if you didn’t get it on video, I don’t waste my time hearing about it. You should have gotten it on video. There are people who are wrongly arrested every minute of every day. The only thing that makes an arrest worth fighting or covering is if you can SHARE an OBJECTIVE record of what happened. Video or nothing.

20-134-717-TSMemory (link): Goes inside video camera. Captures footage. This is what you pop out and put somewhere safe when the cops try to take your camera. This model is a micro SD card inside a regular sized shell of an SD card. If they insist on having your footage, give the cops the shell of the memory card rather than the micro. Pop the micro in your mouth. It’ll be okay.

aclkTripod (link): This is what the camera sits on. If you’re holding your camera when the police come in, expect to be shot. They want to see your hands in the air, and they want them empty. If you’re holding anything, it’s a weapon, they fear for their lives, and you are dead. Put your camera on a tripod, leave it plugged in and charging, and facing the door.

Now that you have these things, you are ready for a home invasion at a moment’s notice. You can get more complicated by purchasing a full home surveillance kit, depending on what your risk level is, but this is a basic instruction guide for 99% of people who are worried that they may one day have their privacy rights violated by police.


PNN #125 5 Different Models of Peaceful Resistance (from this week)

PNN #125 Show Notes


Liz Reitzig in Wall St Journal!0660A43D-D08D-4A54-A5E6-E50801CCF271


Larry King to Join Russian Govt TV Show


Printable Solar Panels


Vandals Take Down Surveillance, Can’t Be Identified


How to Peacefully Disable Spy Drones

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PNN #124 Herdshares OK in MI, Int’l Activists Arrested

PNN #124 Show Notes


Info Activist Jeremy Hammond Signs 10yr Plea Deal


Herdshares OK


Liberty Reserve Founder Arrested


WiFi Bad for Plant Growth

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PNN #123 Growing Personal Independence Every Day In Every Way

PNN #123 Show Notes


High School Rebel Teaches 5th Amendment


Doc Refuses Insurance, Posts Prices Online


Sovereign Living TV Launches

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PNN #122 Raw Milk Victory, Millions March

PNN #122 Show Notes


Raw Milk Farmer


Million March Monsanto


Code Pink

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Hershberger Verdict: NOT GUILTY (x3) & GUILTY (x1)

The much-anticipated verdict is in! JURY FINDS VERNON HERSHBERGER NOT GUILTY of 3 of 4 charges: NOT GUILTY of operating retail food establishment without license. NOT GUILTY of operating dairy farm as milk producer without license. NOT GUILTY of operating a dairy plant without license. GUILTY of violating holding order.

**** UPDATE **** 1:50am May 25, 2013

While everyone is glad that Vernon was found not guilty on the first three charges, the last one was the most serious (of potential penalties). At sentencing, he faces up to one year in jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000 according to the Wisconsin DOJ website.


Here are the live-tweets posted by DerrickJ’s twitter account prior to verdict.



































Vernon Hershberger Raw Milk Trial | Day 5

At the time this post is being published, the jury has not returned a verdict on any of the four counts Vernon faces. Agents of the State have charged Amish Raw Milk Dairy Farmer Vernon Hershberger with the following “criminal” charges:

1) distributing milk from his “Grazin’ Acres” dairy farm without a milk producer’s license,
2) operating a retail food establishment without a state license,
3) operating a dairy plant without a state license, and
4) violating a “hold order” placed on his dairy products after the state raided his farm.

Today Irma and Vernon Hershberger took the stand, as well as other member/owners. The tension inside the courtroom was palpable. The audience benches were filled to capacity. Below are my live-tweets from inside the courtroom:

Food Freedom Trial in Baraboo | Day 4

Today was the best trial day so far! The Defense wiped the floor with the Prosecution.

I continued to tweet live updates from inside the courtroom. Here are my live-tweets from today: