Technology, Not Police, Returned Stolen Bike

PNN #189 Show Notes

Thanks But No Bearcat

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant Shuts Down

Bike Re-Thieved With Help from Technology

Wednesday, August 28th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 25 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of

Concord residents and activists on Aug. 24, collected hundreds of petitions from other residents against a city council proposal to accept a federal grant for a Lenco Bearcat armored vehicle.

The activists held a press conference outside City Hall on Aug. 26, calling on the city to reject the Bearcat. The proposal has garnered a lot of press and scrutiny ever since it was revealed in the grant application that Concord’s police chief, John Duval, had mentioned that the armored vehicle was needed due to the potential for domestic terrorist threats, brought about by groups like the Free State Project and Occupy New Hampshire.

Pam Ean, a Concord resident who is a former police officer and teacher, told those in attendance that it was time for local residents to draw a line in the sand when it came to federal spending, deficits, and debt, and reject the Bearcat, which costs over a quarter million dollars.

She said, quote, “The federal government continues to spend money it does not have in this way as long as our local governments allows them to do so. The buck must stop here in Concord.”

Carla Gericke, the president of the Free State Project, who has been active with the issue ever since the grant application came to light, called on the three city officials involved in the request to resign from their jobs. She said calling the group domestic terrorists was offensive and wrong.

At the end of the press conference, Ean said activists would continue to collect signatures and would present the final number to the Concord City Council before its Sept. 9, hearing, when it is scheduled to take a vote on the matter. The Concord School Board will consider the Bearcat proposal this evening.

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The company that owns the Vermont Yankee nuclear power announced yesterday that its plant will be shut down, bringing to a close a long-running, divisive battle over the plant.

While activists have criticized the plant for years, the company said its decision was based, in the end, on economics. The company blamed a variety of factors, including the boom in natural gas that has driven down natural gas and wholesale energy prices, the high cost of operating the plant, and what it called wholesale market “design flaws.”

Leo Denault, chairman and chief executive of Entergy, said quote, “We are committed to the safe and reliable operation of Vermont Yankee until shutdown, followed by a safe, orderly and environmentally responsible decommissioning process.”

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A young woman in Vancouver found her stolen bike posted for sale on Craigslist, so she contacted the thief posing as an interested buyer, took the bike for a test ride — and just kept riding.

The woman contacted police immediately when her bike was stolen, then called them back when her friend sent her the Craigslist post. But they said they might not be able to get back to her today — and by the time they could make it, she reasoned, the bike might be sold and gone, instead of being a mere two blocks away in the custody of a lazy thief. She described the decision-making process in a Reddit post. When she arrived, she recognized the bike immediately by its identifying stickers (although she also checked the serial number later, and it was a match). So when the seller cautiously allowed her to take a test ride, she got on the bike and just rolled away. It’s actually a hilariously Canadian story — she asked politely if she could try the wares, he politely but warily said “yeah, but don’t take off,” and she politely and quietly took off anyway. And then, she politely called back and apologized for not paying him!

I don’t necessarily condone bike re-thievery, but I have to admit that everyone in this story got basically what they deserved. It’s all very inspiring and heartwarming.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Bitcoin Lobbyists Ask Govt to Lay Off

PNN #188 Show Notes

Naked Bike Ride

Harvard Says: Guns Save Lives

Bitcoin Lobbyists Ask Govt to Lay Off

Pastafarian Wears Spaghetti Strainer for DMV Photo

Tuesday, August 27th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 25 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of

The 5th annual Naked Bike Ride took place in Philly this Sunday. About 3-thousand people participated in biking around the city nude or semi-nude.

According to the website, the main reason for the bike ride is to promote cycling advocacy. The ride raises awareness about fuel consumption and environmental impacts of the car culture. But why naked?

Organizers say it’s about promoting a positive body image. And also, because it’s fun.

In other news, a new Harvard study attempts to answer the question of whether or not banning firearms reduces murders and suicides.  Researchers looked at crime data from several European countries and found that countries with HIGHER gun ownership often had LOWER murder rates.

Russia, for example, enforces very strict gun control on its people, but its murder rate remains quite high.  In fact, the murder rate in Russia is four times higher than in the “gun-ridden” United States, cites the study.  ”Homicide results suggest that where guns are scarce other weapons are substituted in killings.”  In other words, the elimination of guns does not eliminate murder, and in the case of gun-controlled Russia, murder rates are quite high.

The study revealed several European countries with significant gun ownership, like Norway, Finland, Germany and France – had remarkably low murder rates. Contrast that with Luxembourg, “where handguns are totally banned and ownership of any kind of gun is minimal, had a murder rate nine times higher than Germany. Many speculate that murder rates around the world would be higher if guns were more available. But there is simply no evidence to support this. The determinants of murder and suicide are basic social, economic, and cultural factors, not the prevalence of some form of deadly mechanism.” Meaning, it’s not guns that kill people. People kill people.

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

Members of the Bitcoin Foundation, the trade organization that represents the virtual currency that approximates cash on the internet, held a series of, quote, “educational meetings” yesterday with politicians, regulators, law enforcement officials, and federal agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, Treasury Department, and Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The overall message that the Foundation is trying to send is that Bitcoin has proven itself to be a useful and enduring tool, and that the US will suffer competitively if the currency becomes illegal or too onerous to use under American law. In March, a division of the Treasury Department announced that certain Bitcoin businesses must register with the federal government, a requirement the Foundation says would be crippling for many startups.

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Trips to the DMV don’t typically elicit genuine smiles, but from beneath a metal pasta strainer, Texas Tech student and practicing Pastafarian Eddie Castillo flashed the “biggest, cheesiest” one he could muster last week.

The triumphant moment came after a lengthy fight with the state’s Department of Public Safety that the unusual headgear was protected as part of his religious beliefs. He worships the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a deity created by an atheist in 2005 in protest of the Kansas School Board’s defense of teaching intelligent design. According to its founding principles, quote, “the only dogma allowed in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the rejection of dogma.”

Castillo is the first American to successfully have his government-issued photo identification taken while wearing a colander, but it may not last: Bureaucrats at the Dept of Public Safety are reportedly planning to follow up with Castillo in order to “rectify” the situation…(for the public safety, of course). Others have tried unsuccessfully, and Castillo was surprised at his victory, which he called a “political and religious milestone for all atheists everywhere.”

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

School Massacre Stopped with Love

PNN #187 Show Notes

School Massacre Averted with Love

Every Protest in the World Since 1979

Monday, August 26th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 25 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 123 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of

It’s back to school time, and the school shootings have already begun. Antoinette Tuff is a secretary at the front office of a government elementary school in Atlanta, Georgia. She wasn’t supposed to be working this past Tuesday, but was filling in for another Secretary at the school when 20-year-old Michael Hill entered with an AK-47 and 500 rounds.

Michael had missed a day of his government-approved psychiatric medication, a detail mysteriously missing from most major media accounts of the story. He told the secretary he had no reason to live and that nobody loved him. Michael is not unlike the millions of young people who are pumped full of psych drugs on a daily basis correct an imaginary imbalance which is really about forcing them to accept being raised by people and things other than their parents. The wounds he attempted to inflict with bullets won’t mend his broken heart and abused and traumatized and pharmaceticalized mind.

Good thing Antoinette was working that day, even though she didn’t have to be. Good thing she had recently been meditating about showing compassion to people in grief. Good thing she was strong enough to endure her own life’s struggles. Because she may well have saved the lives of more than 500 people this week by showing compassion to a hurting man.

A recording of the 911-call made by Antoinette has been published online. The following clip has been edited for time.

Notice the change in demeanor and volume when the police show up. Did they help or hurt this situation?

Listen to the full clip in the link in this episode’s show notes.

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Penn State doctoral candidate John Beieler has created a time-lapse visualization of every protest on the planet since 1979. You’ll see tiny blips popping off here and there in the 1970s—a time people generally think of as highly politically charged—and nearly eclipsing the world starting with the late 90s anti-globalization protests and the second Iraq War up till our present moment. What does this trend tell *you*?

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Students Forced to Kneel for School Principal

PNN #186 Show Notes


State Bans Home Gardens for State Dependents


Students Forced to Kneel Down for Gov’t School Principal


Brave New Schools Too Hostile for Humans


Sunday, August 25th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 25 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 120 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of


The USDA’s Rural Development Agency is forbidding Rosie, an industrious 4-year old girl in South Dakota, from using a small, unused area outside her subsidized housing unit to grow green vegetables.

Rosie’s mother, Mary (names changed to protect the guilty), is single and severely disabled. She and her daughter live on a fixed income disability payment of about $600 per month. The garden vegetables growing just outside her backdoor lovingly tended by Rosie provide a fresh and healthy addition to their diet that they could not otherwise easily afford.


Rosie started the garden in May 2013, but now the property management company has ordered the garden be removed this week!


The reason?


Gardening is against the rules set by the USDA’s Rural Development Agency because structures of any kind are forbidden within landscaped areas. Critics of the policy argue that the practice of growing vegetables by the most needy in our society should take precedence over landscaping.


These Federal bureaucrats are acting as if they own the individuals who receive any sort of government assistance, and that their behavior is completely under the control of the government.


Cases of this type are springing up across the country. A Mother in Maine who was harassed and threatened by the Department of Health and Human Services for feeding her son homemade goat milk formula instead of commercial formula from the store!


Well, rules are rules, right? Not exactly. These rules are not laws – They weren’t voted on or agreed upon — these edicts came from unelected faceless bureaucrats. They can’t even be voted out or face any consequences if they make up rules that violate the Constitution.

Isn’t this sort of authoritarianism that inspired the Boston Tea Party?

You can sign the petition to save Rosie’s garden by clicking the link in this episode’s show notes or send a letter directly to Elsie Meeks, State Director for South Dakota, USDA Rural Development Agency.


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School district officials in San Bernardino County say they will discontinue a policy that required elementary school students to kneel down before being dismissed to class.


Principal Dana Carter at Calimesa Elementary School instituted the policy, which called for students at various times of the school day to kneel down on one knee and wait for the principal or another administrator to dismiss them, quote, “as a safety measure.”

School District Superintendent Cali Binks called the policy quote, “positive behavior intervention,” and it will no longer be enforced at the Elementary school after parents spoke out against the practice.


Phone notifications were sent out on Tuesday informing parents that students will no longer be made to kneel for the principal, effective immediately.


One mother said of her daughter, quote, “She says that she has to drop down on one knee with her hands at her side, wait for the principal to come out, lift his arms and tell them to go to class. I feel that the principal wants to be like a king, and we don’t have kings in America.”

As school begins in the coming weeks, parents should ask themselves a question: Is my child really welcome? A flurry of incidents last spring suggests that the answer is no. In May, Christopher Marshall, age 7, was suspended from his Virginia school for picking up a pencil and using it to “shoot” a “bad guy” — his friend, who was also suspended. A few months earlier, Josh Welch, also 7, was sent home from his Maryland school for nibbling off the corners of a strawberry Pop-Tart to shape it into a gun. At about the same time, Colorado’s Alex Evans, age 7, was suspended for throwing an imaginary hand grenade at “bad guys” in order to “save the world.”


In all these cases, school officials found the children to be in violation of the school’s zero-tolerance policies for firearms. In the name of zero tolerance, schools are becoming hostile environments for young people. If you have children, please consider an alternative to government school.


Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Sheriff Arrested for Defending 2nd Amendment

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PNN #185 Show Notes


Liberty Maniacs Reveal the Real Maniacs are NSA Agents


Sheriff Arrested for Defending 2nd Amendment


SWAT Hijacks, Terrorizes School Bus


Saturday, August 24th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 119 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of


For years, has been producing comical t-shirts with political messages. Recently, the site had some of its products pulled from where Liberty Maniacs sells its merchandise. The reason? The NSA complained to Zazzle that LibertyManiacs had infringed on a copyright-protected image owned by the federal government. But is that true?


The image in question is the official NSA logo. Does the NSA own it? Well, maybe. But parody is legal in the US, and according to both the Electronic Freedom Foundation and the American Bar Association, quote ‘parody is recognized as a type of fair use, like other commentary and criticism, and courts recognize that a parody must often take recognizable elements from the work it comments upon.


In other words, any attempt by the federal government to interfere with the free exercise of parody is illegally interfering with first-amendment-protected free speech. The government is breaking its own rule.


But who ever said the government has to follow its own rules? Americans learned in July that NSA agents have been reading their emails, listening to their phone calls, and searching through their internet histories. And while it turns out that Liberty Maniacs is *not* engaging in copyright infringement, it turns out the NSA is.


The NSA’s official PRISM logo was ripped from a presenter named Adam Hart-Davis. The image is free for use, as long as there’s acknowledgment of the source and a link to the material online, but the NSA didn’t do any of that, hence, they have done something else illegal. But who’s keeping score?


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Sheriff Nick Finch was arrested, charged with a felony and suspended without pay. His crime? Upholding the 2nd Amendment.


The events began when Floyd Eugene Parrish, a Florida resident, was arrested and detained by one of Finch’s deputies for carrying a firearm without a permit. In the state of Florida, carrying a firearm without permission from the government guys is a 3rd degree felony. Sheriff Finch released Parrish because, in his assessment, Parrish was not a violent criminal and was acting innocuously.


In past months, several complaints had been filed against the arresting deputy for overstepping his authority. Sheriff Finch decided to launch an internal investigation against the deputy. When the deputy found out that an investigation was going to be launched against him, he resigned to keep the investigation from occurring. Then the deputy, who was no longer employed, took out his hard feelings by filing a complaint in bad faith against Finch for the Parrish arrest.

Florida governor Rick Scott stepped in and had Finch arrested and appointed a new sheriff. Asked by Ben Swann how long he plans to fight this case, Finch replied, quote, “I’ll fight it all the way to the Supreme Court if I have to. The State already made me an offer that if I resign they will drop the charges. To me, this means they do not have a case and it seems there are political motives to push me out rather than seek justice.”


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A SWAT training exercise that took place in Rossford, Ohio, last week appears to be just the latest example of the state working to familiarize American citizens with terror and heavy-handed police-state responses.

Students on a classic yellow school bus en route to a local school were terrified when a man stood up and proceeded to hijack the vehicle. The hijacker, carrying what appeared to be a functional firearm, tied up some of the students and told them to keep their heads down.


The bus was rerouted to a local emergency management facility where it was stormed by heavily armed first responders and SWAT teams.

While preparedness is always a good policy, parents are disturbed that neither they nor their children were informed of the drill, although it had been planned for months. The students onboard the bus had no idea that their lives weren’t in immediate danger. Who are the *real* terrorists?


Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Chelsea Manning: I Am a Woman

PNN #184 Show Notes

Chelsea Manning: I Am a Woman

Actor Makes Coming Out Peaceful Political Statement

Friday, August 23rd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 123 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of

The whistleblower formerly known as Bradley Manning, the Army private sentenced to military prison for leaking classified documents, revealed she intends to live out the remainder of her life as a woman.

She wrote in a statement exclusively provided to TODAY, quote, “I am Chelsea Manning. I am female. Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible. I hope that you will support me in this transition.”

Manning, 25, was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Wednesday after having been found guilty of 20 charges ranging from espionage to theft for leaking more than 700,000 documents to the WikiLeaks website while working in Iraq in 2010.

Quote “I also request that, starting today, you refer to me by my new name and use the feminine pronoun (except in official mail to the confinement facility). I look forward to receiving letters from supporters and having the opportunity to write back.”

Signed “Chelsea E. Manning.”

During her trial, Manning’s defense team suggested her struggles with gender identity as a gay soldier were a factor in her decision to leak. Her attorneys presented an email to a former supervisor from April 2010 in which she said she was transgender and joined the Army to, quote, “get rid of it.” The email, which had the subject line “My Problem,” also included a photo of Manning in which she is wearing a blonde wig and lipstick. During Manning’s nine-month detainment in Quantico, she sent two letters to her counselor using the name “Breanna.”

Manning will likely serve the sentence at Fort Leavenworth. There is hope for Manning to get out on parole in 7 years or possibly be pardoned by a president even sooner.

Her lawyer said that Manning will not ask to live in a female prison, but he is “hoping” that Fort Leavenworth “would do the right thing” and provide hormone therapy for Manning. quote, “If Fort Leavenworth does not, then I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure they are forced to do so.”

The Army responded to Manning’s decision to seek hormone therapy with a statement. quote, “The Army does not provide hormone therapy or sex-reassignment surgery for gender identity disorder.”

In the statement read on TODAY, Manning thanked her supporters. quote, “I want to thank everybody who has supported me over the last three years. Throughout this long ordeal, your letters of support and encouragement have helped keep me strong. I am forever indebted to those who wrote to me, made a donation to my defense fund, or came to watch a portion of the trial. I would especially like to thank Courage to Resist and the Bradley Manning Support Network for their tireless efforts in raising awareness for my case and providing for my legal representation.”

The following story is brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

Wentworth Miller is the latest celebrity to reveal he’s gay.

After being invited to attend the St. Petersburg International Film Festival in Russia, the “Prison Break” star decided it was time to go public with his sexual orientation.

The 41-year-old wrote a letter to the festival’s director in which he wrote, quote, “Thank you for your kind invitation. As someone who has enjoyed visiting Russia in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me happy to say yes. However, as a gay man, I must decline. I am deeply troubled by the current attitude toward and treatment of gay men and women by the Russian government. The situation is in no way acceptable, and I cannot in good conscience participate in a celebratory occasion hosted by a country where people like myself are being systematically denied their basic right to live and love openly. Perhaps, when and if circumstances improve, I’ll be free to make a different choice.”

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of For your part, I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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Whistleblower Brad Manning Sentenced 35 Yrs

PNN #183 Show Notes

Million American March Against Fear

Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 years

Thursday, August 22th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 123 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of

The following press release was posted to :


The Million American March Against Fear on 9/11/13

“We invite you to stand with and join us to Rally Against Fear at 12 noon on The National Mall, then the Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House, to hold truth to power at the three major branches of American government.

We ask all individuals and organizations working for peace to attend this collective action to tell our Government leaders we want transparency and policies of peace. In the past 12 years since 9/11 the United States government as failed to protect and promote Constitutional liberties and human life, here and abroad. We feel that accountability in government has been ignored and the time has arrived to collectively speak truth to power.

Speaking will be experts and individuals on the lack of transparency and questions plaguing 9/11, steady erosion of domestic civil liberties, drone policy and the very dire effect of these on of plight of American Muslims here at home, and Muslim communities globally in the scope of U.S. imperialism, and the modern face of resistance to unmanned aerial surveillance and warfare.

This will be a professional, positive, and proactive event for the whole family, as we expect very soon for the National Park Service to grant us the permit we requested. At 2:00 pm we will embark from the Rally Against Fear, and onto the March Against Drones.

We will have water available for anyone that needs it, we know it is a healthy march, but we feel it will call due attention to the issues at hand, and that it is worth the challenge. We hope you do too, and we sincerely hope you bring your good energy, your friends and family as well, and you stand up and speak out with us. Love, light, and solidarity to you!”

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Bradley Manning, a 22-year-old Army Specialist stationed in Baghdad at the time of his arrest in May 2010, released hundreds of thousands of classified military and diplomatic documents to the transparency website WikiLeaks. Manning explained to the court in a February 28, 2013, statement that he did so in order to spark debate and reforms regarding U.S. foreign policy, specifically the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was acquitted of “Aiding the Enemy,” but found guilty of several counts of Espionage, Computer Fraud, and Federal Theft.

Yesterday, Judge Lind sentenced the 3 time Nobel Peace Prize nominee to 35 years – an effort to instill a chilling effect on those who’d dare to expose the United States’ illegality. Following this decision, David Coombs, lead attorney for WikiLeaks whistle-blower Bradley Manning, gave a statement and answered questions from the press at the Hotel at Arundel Preserve, just ten minutes away from Ft. Meade. This was the first time since 2010 that Mr. Coombs has taken questions from the press regarding this case.

The Bradley Manning Support Network also provided a brief overview of their efforts moving forward to free Manning, including financial backing for all legal efforts. Immediately, this includes a clemency appeal to the court martial Convening Authority Major General Jeffery Buchanan. During the press conference, was launched, which includes an application for a Presidential Pardon. Additionally, a crowd-funded college trust fund is being established in order to assure Manning the means to attend college upon his release.

Supporters of Manning held a vigil yesterday morning at the Fort Meade gate, and a rally commenced at the White House later at 7:30 PM, followed by a march.  

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of For your part, I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Greenwalds Partner Detained at Airport 9 Hrs

PNN #182 Show Notes


Happy 78th Birthday, Ron Paul!


2nd Annual Peaceful Streets Summit a Success!


Glen Greenwald’s Partner Detained, White House Got “Heads’s Up”


Wednesday, August 21nd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 105 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of


Happy Birthday, Ron Paul! Yesterday was Ron Paul’s 78th birthday. The former Texas congressman has had a long career as America’s most ideologically consistent politician. Love him or hate him, he always speaks his mind, and refuses to pander to the crowd. The author of several bestselling books, he can now be seen on his newly created alternative news network at Those of us who love freedom owe a tremendous debt to Ron Paul for the effectiveness of his platform at spreading the message of individual liberty. May his best days be yet ahead of him.


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The Peaceful Streets Project held their second annual police accountability summit on Saturday. Around 500 people attended the event, and around 40 participated in that evenings cop watch. Organizers are calling the event a big success. Bobby Seale, founding chairman and national organizer of the black panther party keynoted the event speaking to a packed crowd. He told of his background, the history of the black panther party, and shared some organizing tips with the crowd. Police Accountability activists old and new were equally excited to see Mr. Seale speak.


During the event, Peaceful Streets Project co-founder Antonio Buehler handed out several awards to activists and police for their activities the past year. Richard Boland, of Peaceful Streets Project Austin, was awarded activist of the year. Peaceful Streets Project chapter of the year went to Sandusky, Ohio. Corrupt cop of the year went to Austin’s own, Art Acevedo! Organizers are already gearing up for next year’s summit which hopes to be even bigger and better than this year’s. To learn more or get involved, visit provides a free and secure bitcoin wallet that syncs with your smartphone. Try it today at


The partner of the Guardian journalist who has written a series of stories revealing mass surveillance programmes by the US National Security Agency was held for almost nine hours on Sunday by UK authorities as he passed through London‘s Heathrow airport on his way home to Rio de Janeiro.


David Miranda, who lives with Glenn Greenwald, was returning from a trip to Berlin when he was stopped by officers at 8.05am and informed that he was to be questioned under schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act of 2000. The controversial law, which applies only at airports, ports and border areas, allows officers to stop, search, question and detain individuals.


The 28-year-old was held for nine hours, the maximum the law allows before officers must release or formally arrest the individual. According to official figures, most examinations under schedule 7 – over 97% – last less than an hour, and only one in 2,000 people detained are kept for more than six hours. David was held for 9 hours.

He was released, but officials confiscated electronics equipment including his mobile phone, laptop, camera, memory sticks, DVDs and games consoles.


David’s detention was unlawful and inexcusable. He was detained under a law that violates any principle of fairness and his detention shows how the law can be abused for petty, vindictive reasons.


Greenwald said, quote “This is a profound attack on press freedoms and the news gathering process. To detain my partner for a full nine hours while denying him a lawyer, and then seize large amounts of his possessions, is clearly intended to send a message of intimidation to those of us who have been reporting on the NSA and GCHQ. The actions of the UK pose a serious threat to journalists everywhere. But the last thing it will do is intimidate or deter us in any way from doing our job as journalists. Quite the contrary: it will only embolden us more to continue to report aggressively.”

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of For your part, I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Heroic Minnesota Farmer Loses Big in Court

PNN #181 Show Notes

Heroic Minnesota Farmer Loses Big in Court

Distributive Justice

Tuesday, August 20th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 119 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to in part by friends of

The following story is brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

In September 2012, long-time farmer Alvin Schlangen was acquitted in Hennepin County on three charges alleging violations of the state food and dairy code, including a charge of operating without a food handlers license. After a successful legal battle, he went back to working his farm.

Last week, the State dragged Schlangen court again–this time in a new county, facing five more charges related to feeding his community. This time, after a 3-day trial, the jury decided to convict him.

Schlangen offered members of the private buying club, Freedom Farms Co-op, the benefit of his volunteer delivery service as he picked up members’ food items, including raw milk, from other farms and delivered it along with products from his Freeport farm.

The criminal charges brought against Schlangen in Stearns County included operating without a food handler’s license, storing eggs at temperatures above the mandated 45 degrees, distributing adulterated or misbranded food, violating a food embargo, and selling custom processed meat. Alvin faced up to $5,000 in fines and up to 15 months in jail.

During the trial, the prosecution spent the first day calling witnesses, including the state veterinarian, who testified about different foodborne illnesses to associate Schlangen with a foodborne illness, yet the state did not present a shred of evidence that food delivered by Schlangen has ever made anyone sick.

Attorney Nathan Hansen represented Schlangen with the support of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Sentenced only on the charge of handling food without a license, Schlangen was fined $1,000 ($700 of the fine was suspended) and given a 90-day jail term which was also suspended with one year on probation; if he violates probation, he will be sent to jail and be required to pay the balance of $700 in fines.

Pete Kennedy, attorney and president of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund said, quote, “It’s a sad day when a hard-working farmer who has dedicated his life to feeding his community quality food and benefited the health of hundreds of families is judged to be a criminal. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture did not have this case brought against Alvin to protect the public health; the department’s purpose was to get control over the private distribution of food, denying Minnesota residents their right to obtain the food of their choice from the source of their choice.”

This tactic used to be called Double Jeopardy and the 5th amendment to the US constitution strictly forbids it, stating that no person shall be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb. Apparently, except when you’ve embarrassed the state. Then it just drags you into court on the same charges in a different county and calls that a new violation. A sincere note to all liberty activists: If you want to live free, I don’t recommend living outside of New Hampshire. There were only 12 people in attendance to support Schlangen. New Hampshire has thousands of activists who are working to achieve liberty in our lifetime. I’m not saying it would be a slam dunk, but this trial would have gone differently in New Hampshire. To learn more about why if you love liberty, you should move to New Hampshire, visit

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Darryl W Perry wrote a terrific article at Daily Anarchist (dot) com in which he proposes that in a free society, it may be possible to serve the sentence of another party. It is currently legal to pay a fine on behalf of another person. He proposes that it should be just as legal to serve the sentence of another person. In this way, Bradley Manning could be free in as little as a few months, with a 90-year sentence spread across hundreds of people.

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