Secret Govt Program: Hemisphere

PNN #196 Show Notes 

What is Common Core?

Another Secret Govt Program: Hemisphere, by AT&T

Bitcoins Big in Kenya

Wednesday, September 4th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 25 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 130 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

Joshua Cook writes at that Common Core Standards, a department of education program, is overlooked but eyebrow-raising. The program involves collecting troves of data about students, some of which is unrelated to education, and storing the data to be analyzed by bureaucrats for who knows what purpose? Data collected will not only include grades, test scores, name, date of birth and social security number, it will also include parents’ political affiliations, individual or familial mental or psychological problems, beliefs, religious practices and income.

All activities, as well as those deemed demeaning, self-incriminating or anti-social, will be stored in students’ school records.  Not only will permanently stored data reflect criminal activities, it will also reflect bullying or anything perceived as abnormal.

Perhaps even more alarming is the fact that data collection will also include critical appraisals of individuals with whom students have close family relationships.

It gives the government the ability to strongly influence the futures of every student of public education, and that will soon extend to private and home schools.  It provides a way to intimidate students – who already have a difficult time socially – into conforming to norms which are not only social, but also political and cultural. One solution is to take personal responsibility for your child’s education and keep him or her out of the hands of the government.

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

In a seemingly endless string of revelations of government spying, RT reported this week that the DEA, or Drug Enforcement Administration, has a more extensive domestic phone surveillance program than the recently uncovered NSA PRISM.

As part of the secret Hemisphere Project, government agents have been paying AT&T to place its employees to team up with police to find and prosecute users of drugs.

And, unlike the much debated NSA data, the Hemisphere data includes information on the location of those making the calls.

The New York Times found out about the surveillance program after it received slides, describing the Hemisphere Project, from peace activist, Drew Hendricks.

The activist said he was sent the PowerPoint presentation – which is unclassified, but marked “Law enforcement sensitive” – in response to a series of public information requests to West Coast police agencies.

The slides revealed that the program was launched back in 2007 and has been carried out in great secrecy since then. One of the slides said,

Quote, “All requestors are instructed to never refer to Hemisphere in any official document.”

Joris Leverink writes for &

Ever since Safaricom, Kenya’s largest mobile-network operator, launched the mobile-payment systemM-Pesa in 2007, two-thirds of Kenya’s adult population have subscribed, and an astonishing 31% of the country’s GDP is now spent through mobile phones.

On 1 July, a company called Kipochi launched a new ‘digital wallet’ service that allows Kenyans to not only send and receive money domestically but, using the online peer-to-peer currency Bitcoins, transfer it internationally.

Kipochi will thus attempt to build upon M-Pesa’s achievements, a company originally designed to facilitate the repayment of micro-finance loans but has since grown to become, in The Economist’s words, “by far the most successful scheme of its type on earth”.

However M-Pesa’s success also brought with it unwanted attention from the Kenyan government, who sought to share in M-Pesa’s success by bringing its payments within the country’s tax regime. In response Safaricom has had to increase fees for using M-Pesa, recentlyannouncing it had to raise tariffs for transfers $1 by 10% due to a government-imposed tax.

It is partly in response to these new challenges in using M-Pesa that Kipochi has now emerged. Kipochi believes that by using Bitcoins it has found a way to both get around taxation and facilitate international payments.

Bitcoins are purchased using ‘real’ currencies and then, like M-Pesa credits, stored in ‘e-wallets’ from which payments can be made.

Some see Bitcoin as a potential enabler for the ‘unbanked’ of the world to get more involved in cross-border web based commerce. Others see rich possibilities in teaching rural people online trading techniques.

There is a long way to go – and as with M-Pesa, the more success Kipochi has, the more scrutiny it will attract – but if it catches on, this innovative new technology could prove to be another useful tool in empowering ordinary people.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Peaceful Evolution w BillyRock, Broze

Click Here for Official Podcast Audio

Amanda BillyRock of and Derrick Broze of Houston Free Thinkers will join Peace News Now live tonight at 10pm EST.

Amanda BillyRock is a YouTuber who recently moved to the Free State and will be sharing her experiences CopBlocking as well as give us updates about her YouTube channel, website, and other projects.

A recent video from Amanda BillyRock regarding the Concord Bearcat:

Derrick Broze is a journalist and podcaster who writes for the Liberty Beat and also organizes events for the Houston Free Thinkers in Texas. He’ll be catching up listeners on exciting new projects and underreported news stories.

Here is a recent video posted by Derrick Broze giving an update on the HFT Garden:

PeacekeeperCody Drummond of will also be joining the program this evening to discuss his indie-gogo campaign to fund an app that could end the need for modern policing as we know it forever. You won’t want to miss this episode!


Microsoft, Google Sue Govt

PNN #195 Show Notes

Microsoft & Google Sue Govt

Open Carry Texas Harassed by SAPD…Charged w/Crime

Cheap Wearable Cameras Are Changing the Game

Two Cops Disciplined(?) After Trooper Confrontation

Tuesday, September 3rd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 140 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

Thanks to Edward Snowden, we all know that Microsoft and Google helped the government spy on their users. What we *don’t* know is how much they cooperated. The 2 major tech giants want to publish data, but the government won’t let them. Now they’re suing the government in an attempt to get permission to publish information. Microsoft issued an official press release about the situation. Here are some excerpts. Quote:

“To followers of technology issues, there are many days when Microsoft and Google stand apart.  But today our two companies stand together.  We both remain concerned with the Government’s continued unwillingness to permit us to publish sufficient data relating to FISA orders.

we believe it is vital to publish information that clearly shows the number of national security demands for user content, such as the text of an email. We believe it’s possible to publish these figures in a manner that avoids putting security at risk.  And unless this type of information is made public, any discussion of government practices and service provider obligations will remain incomplete.

The United States has long been admired around the world for its leadership in promoting free speech and open discussion.  We benefit from living in a country with a Constitution that guarantees the fundamental freedom to engage in free expression unless silence is required by a narrowly tailored, compelling Government interest.  We believe there remains a path forward that will share more information with the public while protecting national security.

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The Blaze reports that three San Antonio men are each facing criminal charges of “disorderly conduct” because someone allegedly complained about them “open carrying” a gun outside of a Starbucks.

The men were seemingly well within their rights. They posted video of the entire encounter on YouTube. Although it includes a disagreement with police officers, the men do not appear to be belligerent or aggressive.

Under Texas law, open carrying a rifle is legal as long as the gun is not loaded.

But San Antonio police Chief William McManus said that gun owners can still be charged with disorderly conduct if anyone feels threatened at any point. In other words, he believes that if anyone around you is uncomfortable with firearms, he can charge you with the crime “disorderly conduct.”

Watch the entire video in a link in our show notes.

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Police across the country are equipping themselves with small, wearable video cameras. Police in Goshen Township Ohio recently bought 8 at about $50 each. The Philadelphia Police recently employed them at the latest Smoke Down Prohibition. The goal is to keep an objective record of interactions with the public. Cameras like these can uncover the truth at a shocking low cost. Wearable video recorders are sold in varieties online ranging from $15 for some basic ones to about $100 for ones with more concealability. Wearing these cameras empowers the police, but it also empowers their victims, should the police ever act abusively toward an innocent person. Activists should take a note from police and start wearing cameras, if you don’t already.

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Speaking of police recordings, a youtube video surfaced this week in which a NJ State Trooper threatens the life of another officer conducting a traffic stop? The reason? That’s *his* turf. We’ve heard of these turf wars in other places, but thanks to the power of video, we can see for ourselves what happened. What’s even more interesting is who the officer stopped in the first place: Freeholder Maura DiNicola, on her way home from a Freeholders meeting. DiNicola opposes the merger of county police and sheriffs departments, and she believes intimidation was the real reason she was targeted for a stop.

Despite the viral video of one of their officers pulling a gun on a fellow officer during a routine traffic stop, a representative for the NJ State Police said, quote: “The State Police Office of Professional Standards reviewed the incident and found that no discipline was appropriate.” Nor is any additional training. Everything is just perfect at the NJ State Police. Nothing to see here, folks, move along. Full video of the incident is linked in this episode’s show notes.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Living Free Now – NA Poe and John Bush

High quality audio below

Sorry the youtube video has crappy audio! I had the settings wrong. Fortunately, the podcast audio turned out crystal clear!

PNN Live #20 – September 1, 2013

NA Poe – is one of the main organizers of Philadelphia’s Smoke Down Prohibition. In this episode, Poe shares his thoughts on what went right and what went wrong with Smoke Down VIII this weekend.

John Bush – is involved with too many pro-freedom organizations to name. An advocate for liberty and personal sovereignty, John leads by example with his reality show Sovereign Living TV and also the Center For Natural Living 

Listen to the high quality version of this episode

German SWAT Steals Homeschooled Children

PNN #194 Show Notes

German Family’s Children Stolen for Criminal Homeschooling

Monday, September 2nd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 140 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

Heroic Peace Activist and living legend Nelson Mandela is in the Hospital suffering from an infection. Doctors say the 95 year old is in stable but critical condition.

Listen up, homeschoolers:

At 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 29, 2013, in what has been called a “brutal and vicious act,” a team of 20 social workers, police officers, and special agents stormed a homeschooling family’s residence near Darmstadt, Germany, forcibly removing all four of the family’s children (ages 7-14). The sole grounds for removal were that the parents, Dirk and Petra Wunderlich, continued to homeschool their children in defiance of a German ban on home education.

The children were taken to unknown locations. Officials ominously promised the parents that they would not be seeing their children, quote, “anytime soon.”

The only legal grounds for removal were the family’s continuation of homeschooling their children. There have been no allegations of abuse or neglect. Germany has not even alleged educational neglect for failing to provide an adequate education. The law ignores the educational progress of the child; attendance—and not learning—is the object of the German law.

A family court judge signed the order on August 28 authorizing the immediate seizure of Dirk and Petra Wunderlich’s children. Citing the parents’ failure to cooperate “with the authorities to send the children to school,” the judge also authorized the use of force “against the children” if necessary, reasoning that such force might be required because the children had “adopted the parents’ opinions” regarding homeschooling and that “no cooperation could be expected” from either the parents or the children.

Quote, “I looked through a window and saw many people, police, and special agents, all armed. They told me they wanted to come in to speak with me. I tried to ask questions, but within seconds, three police officers brought a battering ram and were about to break the door in, so I opened it.” – Dirk Wunderlich

The Wunderlichs’ have moved from country to country looking for a place to call home where they could homeschool their children without fearing harassment from government agents. Although they found refuge from homeschool persecution, Mr. Wunderlich was unable to find work, and last year the family had to return to Germany.

It is mandatory that all residents of Germany register with their local municipal authorities. Within days of the family registering their presence in the town, authorities initiated a criminal truancy case, and just months later the “Youth Welfare Office” was granted legal custody of the children.

Authorities even took the children’s passports, making it impossible for the family to escape.

The right of parents to decide how children are educated is a human right of the highest order. So is the right to freely move and to leave a country.

Those who know the family say quote, “They are a delightful family with precious children. They are really just regular people who are doing what millions of people here in the United States do every day.”

How long will bureaucrats order these kinds of brutal acts to be perpetrated against German families? Why is it so important to them to force people into state schools?

Wunderlich said that his 14-year-old daughter Machsejah was forcibly taken out of the home.

Quote, “When I went outside, our neighbor was crying as she watched. I turned around to see my daughter being escorted as if she were a criminal by two big policemen. They weren’t being nice at all. When my wife tried to give my daughter a kiss and a hug goodbye, one of the special agents roughly elbowed her out of the way and said—‘It’s too late for that.’ What kind of government acts like this?”

Petra Wunderlich said her heart was shattered. When the parents asked when they could seek a hearing to contest the seizure of their children, they were told they would have to wait until the regular judge returned from vacation.

You can support the Wunderlich family by donating to the Homeschool Freedom Fund.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Feds Say Weed is Kind of Legal

PNN #193 Show Notes

McDonald’s Hires 7000 Touch Screen Cashiers

Marijuana is Kind of Legal Now

Smokedown Prohibition VIII

NO US Intervention with Syra

Sunday, September 1st, 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 140 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

Amanda Kooser writes for CNET: “Welcome to McDonald’s. My name is HAL 9000. May I take your order?”

McDonalds recently went on a hiring binge in the U.S., adding 62,000 employees to its roster. The hiring picture doesn’t look quite so rosy for Europe, where the fast food chain is drafting 7,000 touch-screen kiosks to handle cashiering duties.

The move is designed to boost efficiency and make ordering more convenient for customers. In an interview with the Financial Times, McDonald’s Europe President Steve Easterbrook notes that the new system will also open up a goldmine of data. McDonald’s could potentially track every Big Mac, McNugget, and large shake you order. A calorie account tally at the end of the year could be a real shocker.

The touch screens will only accept debit or credit cards, adding to the slow death knell of cash and coins.

Speaking of the death of cash, this story is brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

Michael Lofti of the Tenth Amendment Center writes at :

As states continue to nullify federal laws against marijuana and hemp, the federal government has been faced with an important question. It’s been more than 75 years, and marijuana and hemp  still remain illegal. Never mind the total lack of reasoning  behind the federal government’s ban. Is it time to end the law?

Less than 24 hours ago, it all came crashing down. According to the Associated Press, the justice department said that states can allow citizens to use the drug, license people to grow it and allow them to purchase it in stores. As long as the drug is kept away from the black market, children and federal property– It’s a go!

According to Mike Maharrey, national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center:

“The genie is out of the bottle and she won’t ever go back in. The feds have lost and they know it. No matter how Holder and the DEA couch their words in an attempt to maintain an illusion of control, state actions continue to effectively nullify these unconstitutional marijuana laws.“

When asked if the federal government just essentially legalized marijuana Maharrey responded:

“The announcement makes it clear the feds have no will to fight the states on weed. They can call it an “illegal drug” all they want, but if they can’t, or won’t, stop people from using marijuana, their “law” means nothing.”

The recent surge in nullification has sent states fighting against the federal government on pot use. It would seem that the federal government just gave up.

One group that *won’t* give up are the Smoke Down Prohibition Protesters.

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Peace activists in Philadelphia organized a rally and march from City Hall down Market Street to the Liberty Bell 10 blocks away. There, they held signs and gave speeches criticizing US imperialism and intervention abroad, specifically in response to the Obama Administration’s trigger-happy attitude toward Syria. While over a hundred people marched in the street, it’s tough to put a number on the participants, since there was a lot of spill-over from another event–a pro-cannabis rally, which also took place at the Liberty Bell.

The rally, called Smoke Down Prohibition 8, featured comedians, activists, politicians, and performers giving speeches about living free and taking the consequences in order to change the culture around us. Despite the heavy police presence, there was a moment of marijuana reflection wherein participants lit-up at 4:20pm. 8 people were cited for smoking weed on federal property — a violation redressable with a $175 fine. Video & Updates to come on , and NA Poe of the Panic Hour will be joining your peaceful news anchor on Peace News Now Live tonight at 5pm Eastern Standard Time.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Mentioned in this article: Michael Lofti, Ben Swann, Tenth Amendment Center, Suns of Liberty Mint, silver, Philadelphia, The Panic Hour, Philly NORML, Next News Network

Ron Paul Calls Syria a False Flag Event

PNN #192 Show Notes


Permit to Baptize

Ron Paul Calls Syria a “False Flag” Event

USDA Permits Gardening

Saturday, August 31st 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 140 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about Bitcoin at

So you got yourself a bitcoin wallet. Congratulations! You can now freely accept bitcoin! But how will people send you donations? Putting a widget on your website makes it easy for visitors to send you bitcoins instantly. Until now, fundraiser widgets have only been available for paypal and credit cards, which are loaded with fees from the antiquated 20th century banking system.

Enter http://BitcoinChipin.com allows users to create professional-looking bitcoin fundraiser widgets–completely free. (But they do take donations, so if you make money on their service, hopefully you’ll pay it forward to those who helped make it possible.)

Go check it out for yourself.

And if you don’t have a wallet yet, I recommend getting started at . Some call the most secure web-based wallet because the encryption happens right in *your* browser. There’s a full video instruction tutorial at

Fox News reported yesterday that agents of the federal government began enforcing a policy recently that required churches to obtain special use permits in order to baptize in public water. As part of the same permit process, the National Park Service also mandated that churches give *them* 48 hours advance notice of pending baptisms.

This immediately caused controversy among pastors like Dennis Purcell, who said quote, “If the Holy Spirit is working on Sunday morning, you’re going to baptize Sunday afternoon. You may not know ahead of time.” Many Christians believe that the Bible commands new followers of Christ to be baptized immediately after their conversion. It’s a public expression and celebration of their new-found faith in Christ. Agents of the State told the pastors they are protecting the park from the people, or as they put it, quote, “maintain park natural resources and quality visitor experiences.”

But police wouldn’t *arrest* anyone for performing a baptism without a permit, right? That’s true. While no one has been cuffed and caged for performing a baptism without a permit, in 2011 agents of the state *did* shut down an ocean church baptism in Miami. We all know what happens if you keep doing something police have told you to stop doing.

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The New York Times reported yesterday that the Syrian president’s son posted a strange and provoking diatribe to facebook. Although apparently “liked” and commented on by several people who appear to be the children and grandchildren of the Assad regime, it’s unlikely the post is authentic. As the Times itself notes, quote, “the owner of the account wrote that he was a graduate of Oxford University and a player for a Barcelona soccer team, neither of which would be likely to appear on the résumé of an 11-year-old boy in Damascus.” This may offer a glimpse into the mindset of Syria’s ruling elite as the country braces for a potential Western invasion.

Here is an excerpt from the post allegedly by Hafez Assad, quote, “I just want them to attack sooo much, because I want them to make this huge mistake of beginning something that they don’t know the end of it.”

Ron Paul commented on the unfolding situation in Syria on Fox Business this Wednesday. In the interview, he called the recent chemical attack a ‘false flag’ likely carried out by the US backed Al Qaeda filled rebels. Quote, “I think it’s a false flag…Why don’t we ask about the Al Qaeda? Why are we on the side of the Al Qaeda right now?”

Good questions.

Meanwhile, JG Vibes over at reports yesterday that the primary “witness” that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments.  Recent video evidence proves that “Syria Danny,” the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on CNN, is really just a paid actor and a liar.

Peace News Now does not deny the death and violence happening in Syria right now. However, in your own pursuit of the facts, be aware that the mainstream media is scripted and staged propaganda.

Ending on a positive note, congratulations activists! Peace News Now reported on 4-year-old Rosie, whose family was being threatened over her backyard garden. Their property managers claimed the Federal Government doesn’t allow them to alter their landscaping to include a garden because they live in government housing. After food freedom activists generated a maelstrom of publicity highlighting this gross infringement, the USDA’s Rural Development Agency responded that it has no such policy, and Rosie’s family will be left to garden in peace.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Russia Evacuating Its Citizens from Syria

PNN #191 Show Notes

Rich Paul Files for Keene Mayoral Race

Keene Committee Hears Cannabis Decrim Proposal

Russia Evacuating Its Citizens from Syria

Syrian Rebel Cuts Out Soldiers Heart and Eats It

Syrian Father Reunites with Son He Thought Was Dead

Congress Already Against Intervention in Syria

Police Needlessly Forced Women to Strip Nude

Obama Takes More Guns

DMX Arrested for Weed

Friday, August 30th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

Rich Paul is running for mayor – from inside the Cheshire jail. Ian Freeman reports at that he took Rich’s declaration of candidacy down to the city clerk’s office today and filed the $5 fee to get him on the ballot. Thus far the Keene mayoral race only has incumbent Kendall Lane (an attorney) and now Rich Paul, a former flower salesman. Only two weeks remain until the filing deadline – will anyone else enter the race?

Also, when was the last time you wrote or visited Rich? Rich Paul went to jail for your liberties. If you don’t live near Keene, did you know you can visit him from your webcam? Have you sent him mail? Did you know you can do that free via Mail-to-Jail? (^ Links to instructions in our show notes.)

This story brought to you by friends of — Download the free bitcoin wallet app at .

Liberty activist David Crawford recently submitted to the city council in Keene a proposal to have the council send a resolution to the legislators encouraging them to decriminalize cannabis. The city council assigned the issue to the Planning, Licensing, and Development committee and it was given a public hearing this week. Several at the hearing spoke in favor of the measure, and none against, including Keene Police Chief Ken Meola, who did speak, but only to answer a question about legality. Of course, he wasn’t completely telling the truth when he said this is a “legislative issue”. He knows he has discretion and can choose not to enforce laws at will, as Ian pointed out later in my comments.

We also learned that it appears the city people may have dropped the ball on sending a letter to the legislature in 2009, when a similar request was brought forth by, of all people, Fred Parsells! No one could seem to remember all the details so city boss John Maclean promised to research the issue and come back with a more accurate version of past events at the next PLD meeting in two weeks. The issue was given, quote, “more time” and will be raised again on Wed, September 11th at 7pm at city hall.

This story brought to you by Robber Baron Swag. offers high quality tshirts with a philosophical message. All of their apparel are designed to be conversation starters. I wear ‘em. Get yours today at  

The drums of war are beating in Syria, and Russia is evacuating its citizens. According to The Telegraph, a total of 180 people, mostly women and children, returned to Moscow on-board a plane which landed late on Tuesday. After filling the up first plane, Russia had to send another to retrieve the fleeing people. The plane also bore humanitarian aid for about 30,000 other Russians that are still living across the country.

It’s probably smart to leave that place. A video surfaced online yesterday on Austin Peterson’s site,, which featured a Syrian Rebel Cutting out the heart of a Syrian Army soldier and eating it. On the other end of that spectrum, ubiquitous video technology gave viewers the opportunity to watch the touching reuniting of a Syrian Father with his son, that he thought was dead.

Also in the news this week: Eleven women are suing a Washington state police department over claims that they were needlessly and inappropriately video recorded as police forced them to strip nude and use a jail cell toilet. The Obama Administration proposed two new restrictions on the trade of firearms, and rapper DMX was arrested for weed in South Carolina.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Burning Man Adapts to Police State Raids

PNN #190 Show Notes


EGifter Competes with Gyft


Police Raid Burning Man


Bitcoin Anonymity


Former NSA Employee Asks Fellow Retirees to Speak Out


Repentant Informant Stacy Litz


Thursday, August 29th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 25 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at


Speaking of bitcoin, a new competitor has jumped into the gift-cards-for-bitcoins market. EGifter. boasts a gift-card app for your Android or iPhone. Similar to GYFT, which PNN has reported on several times in the past. The difference here is that EGifter allows iphone users to purchase gift cards with bitcoins right in the app. Another important difference is that EGifter knows its place as a competitor and just offered users a free $10 eGifter Gift Card to use instantly toward the purchase of any gift card valued $100 or more when you pay with bitcoin. Is this the beginning of a trend where those who pay in bitcoin receive more than those who pay in fiat?


This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.


Darryl W Perry reported that a large cartoon appeared in this week’s Monadnock shopper, a coupon magazine which is delivered to every home in the region. The cartoon featured a man walking with a bag of groceries past a large advertisement which reads, quote, “Join us! Become a Free Stater! Move up here to New Hampshire so you can Live Free & Overreact to everything!” Although the cartoon is negative, all press is good press.


JG Vibes reported this week that Burning Man, a legendary and beloved example of the non-aggression principle and spontaneous order, is adapting to the Police State. Burning Man and other similar art and music festivals generally have very peaceful and safe endings, but the most common dangers with any of these events is the fact that police like to target the people who attend them.


In recent years as the drug war police state has escalated, they have become more aggressive with these events, setting up illegal checkpoints, illegally entering onto private property without permission and senselessly using violence or threats of violence against nonviolent people. Last week at a conscious music and arts gathering in Ohio called “Rootwire” police invaded the property and arrested or fined 80 people for so-called crimes involving no victims.


A Burning Man regular posted online, quote:

“The pigs are here. And uncommonly badge heavy. Don’t give them any excuses. Be extremely cautious, and MAKE SURE TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Things are changing.”


In response to this unprecedented show of force, volunteers and workers nearby are calling for a general strike, with some of them organizing and refusing to set up the festival until the police promise to keep off the property and let the Burning Man crew handle security inside the event. quote,


“Our demands are simple: We want law enforcement excluded….. The problem is a huge growth in outside law enforcement officers invading the [property]. We would really appreciate them if they stayed outside. If the cops would leave their badges and guns at home and just be burners like everyone else in BRC, we’d welcome them just like we welcome anyone else. We’d even build them a Donut Camp! We just don’t want outsiders doing law enforcement in our city. We have everything we need to take care of it ourselves without any outside help!


This story brought to you by friends of — Download the free bitcoin wallet app at


Also in the news: Vitalik Buterin writes in Bitcoin Magazine that trustless bitcoin anonymity is finally here, thanks to two clever programmers in Spain. A former NSA employee wrote an op-ed in Slate asking fellow retirees of the agency to speak out against the injustices they helped to perpetrate. writes this week about the important example of Stacy Litz: She mistakenly sold LSD to an undercover cop in college. Then she decided to rat out her friends and suppliers in an effort to save herself. Now she has no friends and is rejected by her community. Don’t be Stacy Litz.


Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!