TSA Agent Threatens Terror Plot, Arrested


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PNN #204

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NJWeedman Back to Jail


TSA Agent Arrested for Terroristic Threats


Opposition to Intervention in Syria Higher Among Military


Obama Gives Speech on Syria


Sweden Protests Barack


Anti War Celebs Who Have Disappeared


Russell Brand Nazi Comment


Thursday, September 12th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 126 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

165 years ago (10 years after he escaped slavery) Frederick Douglass wrote the following to his former slave master: quote,

“I entertain no malice towards you personally. There is no roof under which you would be more safe than mine, and there is nothing in my house which you might need for your comfort, which I would not readily grant. Indeed, I should esteem it a privilege, to set you an example as to how mankind ought to treat each other.

I am your fellow man, but not your slave,

Frederick Douglass”

A judge ordered heroic Ed “NJWeedman” Forchion back into a state cage this week. The state lawyer complained that NJWeedman was supposed to do probation, but he never did. Probation is when a person is told by a state agent that he must report to a state building on a regular basis to pee into a cup for a state worker and have the results analyzed in a state lab to make sure he wasn’t using his body in a way that state bureaucrats doesn’t approve of. Many question the effectiveness of this practice.

NJWeedman will serve out the rest of his 270-day sentence in Burlington County Jail in Mount Holly, NJ. 10 days of every month, however, he will be released from the jail to go to California to receive injections for the painful leg growths from his bone cancer tumors. Then he must go back to jail.

Forchion said the state’s medical marijuana law is broken. Quote: “The purpose of the Compassionate Use Act was to protect patients from prosecution, and that’s what happened to me. I’m a medical marijuana patient. … The law has gotten to be pretty irrelevant. I’m not complying with the law, and I will smoke marijuana for my own health needs, and I’m sure there are plenty of other people who do the same thing. The judge just wasted a bunch of resources of the community by jailing me for possession of my medicine.”

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Store your bitcoins in the free bitcoin wallet app at http://Blockchain.info

A TSA screener at the LA International Airport was arrested yesterday on suspicion of making terroristic threats to inflict damage more devastating than 9/11 — The letters were filled with religious references and said America, quote, “will be reduced to nothing.” Who hired this guy to be an agent of the federal government? Is this who you want going through your luggage?

Reason.com reports this week that a new poll finds that opposition to intervention in Syria is higher among military than the general public. What does this tell you?

Despite its unpopularity, Barack Obama gave a speech this week making his case to go to war with Syria. In it, he explained how it would be different from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, because it would be a controlled strike with a clear objective. I think we’ve heard that before. And Americans aren’t the only ones who aren’t buying it. The British have already made clear their opposition to intervention, and the international community is in agreement.

Obama recently visited Stockholm to convince the Swedish government to join NATO and support the US attack on Syria. In response, 3 thousand protesters organized a spontaneous protest in the streets. The crowd identified itself as left-leaning, anti-war, anti-secrecy, and anti-torture.

But while overnight coalitions are forming across the world to protest Obama’s new war, Americans remain confined to their information bubble. Buzzfeed this week featured an article titled “14 Principled Anti-War Celebrities We Fear May Have Been Kidnapped” — Hollywood was up in arms during Bush’s wars. Where is their moral outrage now?

At least one celebrity isn’t afraid to let free speech rock the boat. TheSuperficial.com reports this week that culture jammer Russell Brand used his spotlight at the GQ‘s Man of The Year Awards to joke about the fact that Hugo Boss, the event’s sponsor, made a fortune selling uniforms to the Nazis. While it’s true that the fashion designer was later convicted of supporting Nazis, the Hugo Boss reps didn’t find Brand’s joke funny. Shortly afterwards, Brand was kicked out and uninvited from the after-party.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!


How Do We Meet Community Needs?

PNN Live #23 w Cohost Davi Barker

Kelly Owens http://NoMoreBearcats.com

Ian Freeman http://FreeKeene.com

Pete Kennedy http://FarmToConsumer.org

Will Pangman http://MassAppealInc.com

Davi Barker http://ShinyBadges.com

More Mayberry, Less Fallujah: (Aug 13)



Reason Live-Tweets Obama Speech



Million Man Market


165 years ago (10 years after he escaped slavery) Frederick Douglass wrote the following to his former slave master:


“I entertain no malice towards you personally. There is no roof under which you would be more safe than mine, and there is nothing in my house which you might need for your comfort, which I would not readily grant. Indeed, I should esteem it a privilege, to set you an example as to how mankind ought to treat each other.


I am your fellow man, but not your slave,


Frederick Douglass”


Check out this episode

How Much Police Force is Justified?

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PNN #203

Learn about Bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

Ridley Bearcat Footage

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN8yUASykl0 Photos


Texas Law Enforcer Charged with Brutalizing a Family


107 yr old man dies in shootout with SWAT

http://www.thv11.com/news/article/278849/2/107-year-old-Arkansas-man-dies-in-shootout-with-SWAT  Because when the grim reaper can’t take you out…

Cops Taser 12-year-old girl


Wednesday, September 11th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

Today is the 12th anniversary of 9/11, when almost 3,000 people died in terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Since that day, Americans have been told by red and blue politicians alike that they must accept the loss of some liberties to gain security. Let’s evaluate how that’s going.

In retaliation for the attacks, the US invaded Iraq, a country which was later shown to have no connection to the attacks, and 1.5 Million Iraqis died as a result. Proportionally adjusted for population, this would be the equivalent of 15 Million dead Americans. 3 Million Iraqis have been displaced due to radiation poisoning from the Americans, and half of all newborn Iraqis are born with some sort of birth defect as a result of radiation. New wars were created in Afghanistan and Libya and Yemen, and now the American President is making a case to go to war with Syria. But that’s all happening far away. What’s happening at home?

In Concord, New Hampshire this week, the city council voted themselves a new Lenco BearCat G3 tank. Despite hundreds of people coming to the city council meeting to oppose it, the vote passed 11 to 4. Over 15 hundred people have signed a petition opposing the BearCat. Public pressure caused the Concord police chief to back off his unfounded claim that he needed the tank to fend off a terrorism threat posed by the Free State Project and Occupy New Hampshire. 2 years ago, the city council in Keene, New Hampshire, also purchased a BearCat for their police. Vocal critics include Peace-Loving Hippies as well as Marines and Veterans. They assert that behavior by government is militaristic, against the will of the people, and rings of turning local police into a domestic army. Some activists are running for city council to try to bring peace from the inside. Peace News Now will continue to bring you the latest on the militarization of local police.

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Download the free bitcoin wallet app at http://Blockchain.info

A Texas family is standing up to a law enforcer xwho beat up the entire family after pulling over their son for speeding. Among other abuses, the dash cam footage captured the cop repeatedly kicking the boy’s father in the face. He’s being charged with official oppression.

This weekend in Arkansas, a 107-year old man was surrounded and shot by SWAT. The man was holed up in his bedroom with a handgun and insisting that he wanted to be left alone. Although this is not a crime, an elderly roommate who had recently begun living with the man called the police on him. When the police went to his bedroom door, he shot out of it, and none of them were hit. The SWAT team then threw gas canisters into his window in hopes to choke him out of his room, but instead, he fired more shots. Then they raided his bedroom and the entire team shot rounds into the man for what witnesses reported was about 20-30 seconds of straight gunfire. Neighbors are wondering if it had to come to this, and why police used deadly force rather than wait until he fell asleep.

Speaking of overreactions, this week 12-year-old Dejamon Baker was out shopping for clothes with her mother when police suddenly placed her mother in handcuffs. Confused and scared that her mother was being abducted, Dejamon attempted to intervene. That’s when police shot her the 12-year old with their tasers. One of the prongs went into her stomach, and the other one into her chest. They got stuck and had to be yanked out of her body while little girl writhed in pain, shaking on the ground. The mother’s crime? Unpaid parking tickets. St. Louis police say their actions were, quote, “justified.” Do you agree?

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Is The State Right for YOUR Kids?

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PNN #202


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Get your silver at http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com

CPS Monsters on Undercover Camera


Matt Drudge Breaks Up with Republicans


Church Group Threatened for Feeding Homeless


Bitcoin Forest for the Homeless, Free from State Harassment


Bitcoin Not Bombs



Tuesday, September 10th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 123 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

In a video going viral this week, a man records his interrogation by State Agents from Child Protective Services. An anonymous complaint was all that was needed for the state to file a petition in Family Court and have the man’s daughter legally taken away from him and have a restraining order placed on him to stay away from her, all without a trial. Watch the video, and get a real perspective of what it’s like to be vilified for being a father. What happens when State agents insert themselves into the family? Is CPS doing more harm than good?

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

Is the Liberty Movement of peace and privacy being catapulted into the mainstream? Matt Drudge of conservative news aggregator DrudgeReport.com has broken up with Republicans. It’s been said that his website is important enough to be included in the list of daily briefings to Obama, as his headlines are constantly shaping the reporting of other journalists. This week he tweeted, quote,

“It’s now Authoritarian vs. Libertarian. Since Democrats vs Republicans has been obliterated, no real difference between parties…”

With the rise of Alternative media in the age of information, the war of ideas is being won by those who think critically and exercise intellectual honesty.

Lousiana’s State Health Department recently forced a homeless shelter to destroy 1600 pounds of venison because, quote, “deer is not an approved meat source.” In New York City, the Bloomberg administration banned food donations to the city’s government-run homeless shelters. Now, armed bureaucrats in Raleigh, NC are putting people in jail for feeding the hungry. A pastor there has been giving out food to the homeless for 6 years without issue. Last week, he was threatened by police.

Quote, “We asked the officers for permission to disperse the biscuits to the over 70 people who had lined up, waiting to eat. They said no. I had to face those who were waiting and tell them that I could not feed them, or I would be arrested.”

Read the full blogpost at http://LoveWins.info

This story brought to you by http://Blockchain.info — Download the free bitcoin wallet app at http://Blockchain.info

A popular bitcoin figure, Jason King, has created Satoshi Forest, a quote, “homeless sanctuary, a place where the downtrodden can find respite from the ‘crime’ of simply being poor.” King purchased the 9 acres of wooded land after the bureaucrats of his town of Pensacola passed a “camping ban” and he was told that he would be aiding and abetting in a crime for bringing a blanket someone who is freezing sleeping outside. The plan is to use the private property of Satoshi Forest to provide blankets, shelter, a kitchen, skills workshops, and other useful materials for those who need a lift in life. The mortgage will be paid entirely in bitcoin. Get the heartwarming details at http://BitcoinMagazine.com

In other bitcoin charity news, winter is coming, and Bitcoin Not Bombs is fitting the homeless with warm hoodies! They’ve launched a bitcoinstarter campaign to crowdsource the funding of this project. Bitcoin Not Bombs and Mass Appeal Ink are teaming up to produce hundreds of hoodies that will be given to those most in need. Not only are these cool designs attractive for anyone to wear, they also double as bitcoin propaganda, since the homeless generally make themselves visible to the public. There are perks for donating, too. Go over and check out their bitcoinstarter campaign, and throw them some coin for a good cause. It’s easy!

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Share this episode, and Send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Cops Point Guns at Unarmed Kids

PNN #201 Show Notes http://bit.ly/15Jz262


Man Speaks Truth to Power


Cops Hold Kids at Gunpoint


Jeffrey Tucker on Rent-a-Mobs


Cop Kills Unarmed Man


Monday, September 9th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 120 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

A video that appeared online this weekend shows a man calling out John McCain for his lies and calls for him to be arrested and tried for treason. Here is a clip from that video: [clip]

This story brought to you by http://BitcoinNotBombs.com — Donate to bitcoin-based charities at http://BitcoinNotBombs.com

In other news, 3 young students climbed the roof of their middle school during off hours to explore and play. A police officer who arrived took out an M-16 semi-automatic rifle and aimed it at the children, even though they were cooperating. The parents are angry, but the school and police say they were justified because the officer was, quote, “nervous.”

“Nervousness” was also the justification after a school police officer shot and killed 14-year-old Derek Lopez after he got in a scuffle with a fellow student. Derek fled from the school cop rather than submit, and he paid for it with his life. The officer killed him with a bullet to the back out of, quote, “fear for [his] own safety.” http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=35439

Video from news stations in Colorado last month showed a law enforcer with a shotgun pointed at a child, with his finger ready to pull the trigger. Police refused to name the officer in question yet excused his actions as being nervous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdq8LqPBU50

Rule number one of gun safety is never point your gun at something you don’t intend to shoot. I guess if you’re a cop and you’re “nervous” everyone is fair game.

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Jeffrey Tucker of the Lassaize Faire Book Club penned an article this week revealing the real story behind the recent fast food strikes. In reality, these were photo-op events, organized by unions. The media, for the most part, played right into their hands, ignoring the fact that the so-called nationwide strikes only resulted in the closing of one fast food restaurant — a McDonald’s in Detroit. In some cases, paid stand-ins were hired by the hour to appear as disgruntled strikers. It’s so much more interesting to report that organized labor is sticking it to the suits in corporate — even if they’re not.

Finally, JG Vibes reports for http://Intellihub.com :

An off duty law enforcer named Thomas murdered unarmed 29 year old Matthew Jackson in San Antonio this Saturday, leaving behind a wife and a  2 and a half year old son.

Matthew’s body was found in the front seat of his car, with his left foot on the ground and he appeared to be shot while sitting in his own vehicle. Police deny the claim but refuse to present contrary evidence.

Matthew’s brother said of him, quote, “His biggest fear in life was to not be a good dad. Matthew wouldn’t have taken any risks because he was a father.”

The off-duty cop who killed Matthew has been given a paid vacation for as long as the investigation continues. Unfortunately, not much is expected to come up, as his friends at the police department are in charge of investigating themselves. The greatest irony, however, is that Matthew’s widow and grieving family will continue to pay the salaries of the people who murdered him. Stop paying for this.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Peace in Art, Trade, & Law

Click here to download mp3

Buy tickets for International Peace Day Concert

Click here to see Harmony for Peace video ‘Rebirth’

Tomoko Torii, President, Executive Director, Harmony For Peace Foundation

Alma Sommer, business owner at Agorist Marketplace

Randy Stroud, blogger at Sovereign Tactics

Michele Seven, blogger at MicheleSeven.com


UPDATE I (Sunday, Sept 8, 8pm): The show was terrific! Ms. Torii of the Harmony For Peace Foundation joined us for the first two segments of the show to talk about the upcoming International Day of Peace concert at the Kimmel Center. She also proposes a special discount to listeners of the program! Be sure to buy your tickets for the show here, or give the gift of music to a child who can’t buy a ticket for himself.

Original Post:
TT photo1_1Today I have the great pleasure of being joined by some terrific guests. Michele Seven is cohosting this episode.
Our first guest will be Tomoko Torii, the President and Executive Director of the Harmony for Peace Foundation. She has organized a classical concert for all ages on the International Day of Peace, September 21st at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia. Tickets available here.
Second, I’ll be joined by Alma Sommer, an agorist whose business was recently raided by police and hotel staff, without permission and without a warrant, in violation of her Fourth Amendment.
Last, Randy Stroud will join the show. He won a court victory this week in Tennessee for driving without a license or registration. He’ll share his secrets to success and much more!
Plus! Michele Seven has exciting news to share with you. Be sure to tune in here tonight, Sunday, September 8, from 5-7p EST for this jam-packed episode, chock-full of valuable goodness.

North California Votes to Secede

PNN #200 Show Notes http://bit.ly/17HoPoz


Idaho Tax Commission Shuts Down 12-yr-old’s Raspberry Stand


North California to Secede


FreeKeene Atty Jon Meyer Wins Again!


Legislators that Work for Nothing Are Better!


Try Bitcoin Today!


Freeman Wins In Court


Sunday, September 8th 2013. Episode # 200. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

A 12-year-old boy is being targeted by the Idaho Tax Commission for setting up a small raspberry stand without giving the state a cut of his earnings. 12-year old Tayson Weeks decided to sell raspberries from his family’s farm to save up for a small motorized bicycle. But on the second day of selling raspberries to his neighbors, Tayson was confronted by bureaucrats from the tax commission.

According to the boy’s father, the bureaucrats handed his son a tax form and gave him until Oct. 15 to send the state 6 percent of his earnings or else they will take legal action against the boy. The father explained that when he was a boy, he would sell his family’s farm produce to neighbors all the time, and it never involved any taxes or threats by state agents.

The bureaucrats justified their actions, quote, “Our mission is to advance fairness in collection.”

It’s unclear at this time whether or not Tayson will pay the state or even continue with his raspberry stand.

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

Northern California residents are fed up with what they see as a lack of representation at the state capitol and overregulation. This week, they voted in favor of separating from the state. Supporters say it would restore local control over decision making, but the vote appears mostly symbolic since secession would require approval from the state Legislature and the U.S. Congress. They want other rural counties in Northern California and Southern Oregon to join them in the creation of a new state called the State of Jefferson.

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Download the free bitcoin wallet app at http://Blockchain.info

New Hampshire has 424 state legislators, the most in America. They work part-time for a mere $100 a year. Only New Mexico pays its lawmakers less; nothing. California, by contrast, pays its legislators over $90,000 a year. Fortunately, there aren’t so many of them. Interestingly, all of the high paying states are in big financial trouble. Who could have guessed?

Speaking of New Hampshire, in http://FreeKeene.com news, Attorney Jon Meyer recently proved in court that the people calling themselves the “City of Keene” have been illegally issuing “no trespass” orders to people they don’t want in Central Square. Now Meyer has filed a motion to dismiss the criminal trespass case against Robin Hooder Graham Colson. In it, Meyer argues that Graham’s Constitutional rights to due process were violated since he never received a trial for his so-called violation of skateboarding in the park. He was simply judged guilty and sentenced by the same cop who alleged he committed a crime. Meyer also argues the order is an unconstitutional violation of Graham’s free speech rights as it bans him from a public common, historically used to express ideas.

The amount of government malfeasance in this case is astounding. Thank you Jon Meyer.

This story brought to you by http://WeUseCoins.com — Learn about Bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

Speaking of bitcoin, a new website has appeared for fans of bitcoin to share with friends and family. http://TryBTC.com  – At http://TryBTC.com, users are taken through the simple step-by-step process of opening a bitcoin wallet, and sending and receiving bitcoin, from start to finish. It’s free! Go ahead and try it today, at http://TryBTC.com

Sovereign Tactics founder Randy Stroud won a court case against the state in which it was alleged that he had committed a crime by driving without a state registration or a state driver’s license. He fought the charge using legal mumbo jumbo, and won! This is rare, but it does happen. Randy will be joining Peace News Now’s live show tonight to share with you the secrets to his success.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Is It Legal to Shoot Down Government Drones?

PNN #199 Show Notes http://bit.ly/18BbCfk


Drone Hunters


Ensuring Safety at Suspicionless Checkpoint


Ian Now Pastor at Parsonage




Saturday, September 7th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 120 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

A small town in Colorado has found itself overwhelmed with requests and cash for a unmanned aircraft hunting license that doesn’t exist  – yet. What started out a whimsical protest against government surveillance tactics is now being taken seriously.

In June a resident of Deer Trail, Colorado proposed a town wide ordinance that would offer $25 licenses to hunt and shoot down government drones if they flew within 1,000 feet above private property — with a $100 reward for returning one.

After the requests for licenses including personal checks made out to the town hit over a thousand, the town clerk stopped counting.

The town’s board had a chance to approve the license ordinance last month but deadlocked 3-3. If you know anyone in the Deer Trail, Colorado area, get this message to them! Deer Trail residents vote on the ordinance in one month, Oct. 8.

The Federal government has warned, quote, “Shooting at an unmanned aircraft could result in criminal or civil liability, just as would firing at a manned airplane.”

This story brought to you by the Suns of Liberty Mint. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

New Hampshire state police established a suspicionless checkpoint on Route 12 in Walpole last week. About twenty cop cars waited to ambush oncoming drivers. Most people endured the blinding flashing lights and handed the authorities proof of permission to be driving. Occasionally drivers were asked to accept sobriety tests.

The checkpoint, while intended to catch people by surprise, was announced in advance in the Keene Sentinel as is required by New Hampshire law. In violation of New Hampshire law, however, these detentions are not based on suspicion of a driving offense.

Liberty Activists in Keene responded by setting up signs warning of the checkpoint ahead and indicating where the final turnoff was to avoid the checkpoint.

There *were* reports of complaints about the cops bright lights, but there *weren’t* any reports of belligerent, impaired, or otherwise dangerous individuals taken off the road that night thanks to the checkpoint. But there was a man who was arrested for Failure to Obey an officer. Seems like the greater danger for most drivers is not drunk driving, but fascism.

But it’s not all hopeless: one activist, Garret Ean of http://FreeConcord.org, drove through the checkpoint with cameras rolling and captured some pretty interesting video. He drove through sipping an unlabeled brown glass bottle, did not offer any proof of license, identification, or registration, and was sent on his way without a citation. Officers *do* have discretion, and I applaud the officer in *this* interaction for exercising it, although it probably had everything to do with the video camera and not his own motivations.

Want more from the scene? Check out the raw footage from Free Concord’s camera coverage in these shownotes.

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Download the free bitcoin wallet app at http://Blockchain.info

Speaking of Keene, Ian Freeman posted to http://FreeKeene.com this week that he and Darryl W Perry delivered notice to the people calling themselves “The City of Keene” that 73 and 75 Leverett St. are ministers’ parsonages and that Ian and Darryl will no longer participate in their system of coercive taxes. However, the new church may elect to give the city bureaucrats a voluntary contribution to support the programs they *do* support (like road repair).

An excerpt from the notice reads, quote, “You are on notice that you have no authority from god to rule your fellow man. Our church’s ministers and members also have not granted you any authority over their lives.”

In other news, in a video that went viral this week, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd appeared on a TV talk show. In it, he shares that his views on homosexuality have changed because his heart and mind have been changed. This is another good sign that little by little, the world is becoming more rational.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Direct download: 199.mp3

Putin Sends Destroyer to Mediterranean

PNN #198 Show Notes http://bit.ly/1aaA6Oy



Ebay Blogs About Bitcoin



Boehner Won’t Meet with Russia



Russians Send Destroyer to Mediterranean



Morale Concerns Over Quitting Soldiers



AFL CIO Admits Obamacare Unintended Consequences



National War Tax Resistance Meetup



Friday, September 6th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com


Ebay wrote about bitcoins on their blog this week. With a fun, colorful, and easy to understand video, ebay presented bitcoins as a new method of payment. It communicates some of the most important facts about bitcoin: that they make it possible to pay someone across the globe instantly and anonymously. Bitcoin is decentralized, so they don’t depend on a bank or a government to issue them, and they’re impossible to counterfeit. Speaking of governments, no one can take your bitcoins, like they can your bank account. Learn more from the cool video in the show notes, or visit http://WeUseCoins.com . Also of note: Peter Theil, the founder of PayPal, is a huge fan of bitcoins, as is their current CEO.


This next story brought to you by http://Blockchain.info — Once you get some bitcoins, you’re going to need some place to store them. Download the free wallet app at http://Blockchain.info


Speaker of the House John Boehner is 3rd in charge of the US Empire. RT reported yesterday that he refused a proposal to meet with agents of the Russian Government to discuss the situation in Syria. The Duma members plan to visit Washington next week to persuade their American counterparts not to attack Syria. Later, Putin hammered the US secretary of state, saying that John Kerry lied to the American Congress, quote, ““They lie, plainly. I watched the Congressional debate. A congressman asked Mr. Kerry ‘Is there any Al-Qaeda [in Syria]? There are reports they have been growing stronger.’ [Kerry] replied, ‘No. I say with all responsibility: there is no [Al-Qaeda] there.’”

He explained that the most active terrorist organization in Syria, the so-called Al-Nusra Front, pledges allegiance to Al-Qaeda and that the US is well aware of that. “Well,” Putin continued, “[Kerry] is lying. And he knows that he’s lying. This is sad.”


Putin may correctly call Uncle Sam a liar, but perhaps it takes one to know one: The Russian Navy is deploying a destroyer to the eastern Mediterranean, and say it has *nothing to do* with the crisis in Syria. Syria’s port in the Mediterranean is Russia’s only foreign port, making it a strategic and valuable stronghold for the superpower. According to a ministry spokesman’s statement on Tuesday, the key task of the Russian standing naval force in the Mediterranean is, quote, “comprehensive monitoring over the air, underwater, and surface situation in the zone of its deployment.”

A senior Naval Source told reporters, quote, “…it would be wrong to draw any connection between the rotation of our ships in the Mediterranean region and events in Syria.”


This story brought to you by http://BitcoinNotBombs.com — Dollars help fund wars of aggression. Donate to humanitarian causes using Bitcoin — Go to http://BitcoinNotBombs.com


In the UK, a surge of soldiers want to quit the army. According to their own numbers, the latest round of Army applications to leave early was 40 per cent oversubscribed by volunteers wanting to quit. The highest percentage of those throwing in the towel? Officers. Less than 2/3ds of those who applied to leave were let go.


One senior Army source said, quote, “It’s the worst I have seen it … we are talking about highly experienced middle-ranking officers who have spent the last 12 years in Iraq and Afghanistan.”


The national War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee is meeting this November 1st to the 3rd in Manhattan. If you’d like to show your resistance to the war, perhaps you’ll consider joining the millions of Americans who choose not to file income taxes this year. You know what the politicians are doing with your money, and you don’t condone it. At some point, you’ve got to stop sending it to them. Learn more by searching, “National War Tax Resistance.”


Speaking of tax resistance, Obamacare’s excessive taxes are forcing employers and employees alike to make unwanted concessions. They’d both *like* to keep working the same number of hours, but the law forces employers to make unwanted cutbacks to avoid a newly introduced penalty. During a recent interview, even the AFL-CIO President admitted the unintended consequences of Obamacare are leading employers to, quote, “[restructure] their workforce to give workers 29 and a half hours so they don’t have to provide them healthcare.” Perhaps the solution is less meddling by bureaucrats in other’s private affairs.


Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!


Syrians: Over Our Dead Bodies

PNN #197 Show Notes http://bit.ly/17wnVXG


Syrians Form Human Shields


Bashar Song


Confused? About Syria


Using White Privilege to Make Right What is Wrong


Thursday, September 5th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 25 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 130 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

Obama intends to tell the military to blow things up in Syria, groups of brave peace-lovers there have formed human shields around prospective US targets. Syrian people of all stripes and political affiliations are standing together, singing songs and holding signs reading “Hands Off Syria” , “over our dead bodies” , “No More American Bombing Democracy” , and one sign that read, quote, “Iraq, Lebanon, Ghaza, Libya, STOP!” .

They’re calling on Washington to halt its march to war, and insist they’re ready to die if it doesn’t. They don’t know when or if the missiles will strike, but they will stay as long as it takes. These people are angry to learn that a foreign power has plans to drop bombs on their country. One protester said, “We don’t want what they did in Iraq over the chemical weapons claims to be done in our country.” Most protesters have gathered at Kassoon Mountain because it is a symbol of Damascus and Syria. It is also the home of military equipment and is expected to be targeted. Perhaps it will dissuade a drone bomber from blowing up innocent people if he knows they are down there dancing with children and playing music.

Just because people are dancing, don’t mistake Syria as a free country. Protest is entirely unwelcome and results in torture and death. Syrian Dictator Bashar Al Assad gave a speech in Hama on July 2nd, 2011, when the Arab Spring was beginning to take root. In response, the singer “Ibrahim Qashoush” led a crowd in a chant against the dictator in the streets of Hama. Here is a clip of that momentous occasion.

Ibrahim Qashoush was reported killed the next day by regime mercenaries. They cut his throat to try to stop his chant from spreading. But that’s old world technology, and while violence worked to crush resistance in the 20th century, the 21st century is a new century. It’s the age of digital information. The man may be gone but the videos and the ideas have only grown. The youtube video of this chant has been seen all over the world and continues to rack up thousands of views a day.

Are you confused about what’s going on in Syria? There’s a terrific article you should check out called “9 Questions About Syria You Were Too Embarrassed to Ask.” Did you know, for example, that Syria’s borders were drawn by European colonial powers in the 1920s? I guess those borders weren’t drawn on the map with much concern for the cultures of the people living there, because Syria has been in the middle of an extremely violent civil war for some time. Fighting between government forces and rebels has killed more 100,000 and created 2 million refugees, half of them children. Stay tuned to Peace News Now for updates on US military adventurism in the Middle East.

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A video sent to PNN recently features a black woman retelling a story of a racial injustice that she experienced. She was at a checkout counter where a register clerk had just accepted the check of a white woman without question, but doubted to no end the legitimacy of this black woman’s check. The white woman noticed this double standard and asked the clerk why she is giving this other customer a hard time about her check when she was given no trouble at all. When other customers overheard this, they gasped and condemned the actions of the clerk. The manager came over and all was explained to him, and eventually all was made right. If the black woman had complained, she may have been perceived as argumentative. However, since the white woman complained about the injustice, the complaint was given legitimacy. The moral of this story was that it is not only possible to use one’s privilege to draw attention to injustice, but that it can be particularly effective. Remember this and speak up for your fellow man today.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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