Jumping Fences at Zion Natl Park

(Photo courtesy of Steve Griffin | The Salt Lake Tribune)
The Salt Lake Tribune reports this week that quote, Frustration with the partial federal shutdown literally spilled over the gates of Zion National Park on Saturday morning, with 15 protesters entering despite rangers’ objections. James Milligan is the manager of Springdale’s Zion Outfitter store, and he helped organize “Occupy Zion.” It’s part of a broader social media effort dubbed “Occupy National Parks” on Facebook and #breakthebarrier on Twitter.

James said, quote, “Obviously, I’m not too happy about it. This shop is my livelihood here, and I haven’t had a customer in a week. Rangers will get their backpay, but what will people in these communities get?”

James and his crew walked up the trail for two hours filling a garbage bag with the trash they picked up along the way. Federal Park Rangers with guns took photos of the trespassers and warned that they might receive fines in the mail. A government spokeswoman said that attempts to enter the park, quote, “are extremely taxing on us. We just don’t have the staff. I really hope it doesn’t become a trend.” She said that instead, the protesters should write their congressmen.

h/t http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/politics/56963139-90/park-milligan-zion-fence.html.csp

New Trend: Open Defiance of Government

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Blue Ridge Inn Defiance


Deep Web Users Ready to Launch Silk Road 2.0


New Trend: Jumping Fences at Natl Parks


Now trending: Open defiance of government. Today’s Tuesday, October 7th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 122 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com. You’re heard of bitcoin. Learn more about it at http://WeUseCoins.com

Bruce O’Connell and his family run the Pisgah Inn on a concession contract along the Blue Ridge Parkway since the late 1970s. A public service concession is when a private company enters into an agreement with bureaucrats to have the exclusive right to operate or maintain so-called public land. Because of the so-called “government shutdown” federal agents told Bruce to close the doors to his Inn.

Instead, he pledged to defy orders and stay open to serve his customers, drawing over 1000 “Likes” on the Inn’s facebook page. But when National Park Rangers showed up with their guns and ordered Bruce to close, Bruce quote, “decided we weren’t prepared to be a symbol, and we closed.” But after a night of sleeping on it, Bruce said, quote, “I simply decided ‘If not now, when? If not me, who?’”

The Inn serves about 20,000 tourists during a typical October, but Bruce said his defiance was not about the lost revenue. quote, “It’s about the visitors. It’s about the staff and employees who are now having to move off the mountain — they live here — with no notice. They have no jobs. That’s the concern.”

Men with guns blocked off the entrance to the Inn with their cars to prevent anyone from entering. With no way for new customers to enter, Bruce caved and shut the Inn’s doors until further notice from the benevolent overlords at the Federal Government.

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Once you get some bitcoin, you’re going to want to store them in the free wallet at http://Blockchain.info

The former admins and users of the Silk Road are planning to resurrect it. User RR writes on the no-longer-operational anonymous marketplace Atlantis quote: “We have SilkRoad v2.0 ready to launch and is now in its final testing stages. Our site has all the features of the original one and we have kept the same style of forum for your ease.”

The new SilkRoad will be sending out anonymous invites to former vendors and then open to the Tor-using public soon after.

The representatives of Atlantis wrote, quote:

From a quick scout around I’ve counted at least 5 publicly stated projects with the said aim of becoming “Silk Road 2.0″ and many many more gathering info and building alliances.

And this is what Law Enforcement is now parading as a victory? Over two years of investigation, millions of dollars spent and for what so a couple of armchair programmers can build it again in a few days while in the meantime vendors simply move to other site’s .

Users are already planning ways to keep the new site secure. The Silk Road won’t be dead for long. Hackers will produce more Silk Road variants than any government can police.

There seems to be no shortage of well educated American males in their late 20′s willing to sacrifice bright futures and their own personal liberty to highlight the downright totalitarianism being inflicted by agents of government. Make no mistake: We are witnessing a revolution in progress, and the internet is the battlefield. Are you fighting?

In other news, The Salt Lake Tribune reports this week that quote, Frustration with the partial federal shutdown literally spilled over the gates of Zion National Park on Saturday morning, with 15 protesters entering despite rangers’ objections. James Milligan is the manager of Springdale’s Zion Outfitter store, and he helped organize “Occupy Zion.” It’s part of a broader social media effort dubbed “Occupy National Parks” on Facebook and #breakthebarrier on Twitter.

James said, quote, “Obviously, I’m not too happy about it. This shop is my livelihood here, and I haven’t had a customer in a week. Rangers will get their backpay, but what will people in these communities get?”

James and his crew walked up the trail for two hours filling a garbage bag with the trash they picked up along the way. Federal Park Rangers with guns took photos of the trespassers and warned that they might receive fines in the mail. A government spokeswoman said that attempts to enter the park, quote, “are extremely taxing on us. We just don’t have the staff. I really hope it doesn’t become a trend.” She said that instead, the protesters should write their congressmen.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!


Catholic Priests Risk Arrest for Mass


Video by SonikHipHop.com

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Catholic Priests Face Arrest Performing Mass During Shutdown


Man Self-Immolates in DC


Field Day for Trolling Govt Agents


Cheapest Ad Ever

https://blockchain.info/tx/ef4ca91a6ef2b9a6a39f68a9982b33b761d1c7af0bed64d83bcc8837fa197edd https://blockchain.info/address/1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX

Silk Road Alternatives


Switzerland to give out money


Dead People for ObamaCare


WaPo Mocks Obamacare


MSNBC Abandons Govt


Hogwash Movie Trailer


Jailed for giving mass? Only in America! Today is Sunday, October 6th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 122 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today, that’s suns with a “u” http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com .

Government is showing its teeth.

First, it was the World War II veterans who had to break down barriers to see the open air memorial erected in their honor.  A memorial which is on so-called public land, but is maintained by private funds. There was more security surrounding this memorial keeping elderly veterans out than there was at the embassy in Benghazi.

And for what? To inflict as much pain as possible through this government shutdown. It’s called Washington Monument Syndrome, and it’s pure political theater.

But now there’s a story just coming to light that takes things even further. Because of the shut-down, government-paid priests are being forbidden from celebrating Mass, even on a volunteer basis. Do you feel this is a violation of the first amendment? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.

A man set himself on fire on the National Mall Friday afternoon. Joggers used their shirts to douse the flames, and the man was air-lifted for medical attention. The reason for the self-immolation was not immediately clear and the man’s identity was not disclosed.

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Download the free bitcoin wallet at http://Blockchain.info

Friday was a field day for trolling government agents. Bitcoin users sent small tips to the federal agents who seized the Silk Road money. Attached to their tips are public notes which anyone can read, turning the fed’s public wallet address into something of a digital bulletin board where anyone with a few cents can leave a permanent message. Some advertise goods and services, and others plead for the wallet’s owners to consider their conscience and stop participating in a senseless war on drugs that solves nothing but only hurts people. Of course, Peace News Now got in on the action early, just after a humorous ad from http://Mandrik.com 

Some of the tippers posting on the FBI’s blockchain.info wallet page boast of alternative websites for people to buy drugs. They couldn’t have found better advertising space at a cheaper price! Black Market Reloaded, Atlantis, and Sheep Marketplace are all new popular Silk Road alternatives. Can the government win the fight against people buying drugs online? Share your thoughts on the Peace news Now facebook page!

Bureaucrats in Switzerland have written a law that the government has to guarantee an income of $2,800 a month for all adults. This unconditional money from the state is alleged to provide a financial safety net for the population. Swiss Bureaucrats will vote on this law in November.

In a confusing display this Friday, supporters of the guaranteed income law paid a dump truck to dump 8 million swiss coins on the ground, one for every Swiss person. What do you think? Tweet us at Peace News Now.

Enrollment in state-run healthcare schemes began this week, and applicants in Kentucky learned that they can fill out a form for someone who has recently died. It turns out the government will cover health expenses for individuals who died while eligible for Medicaid benefits, even if they weren’t enrolled at the time they died. Do you think this is compassionate or hazardous? Share your thoughts in the comments section on YouTube.

Even the most Obama-worshipping news outlets have been mocking the massive fail that is Obamacare. The Washington Post reported on how they and other news outlets can’t find *anyone* who has signed up for the scheme. Even MSNBC abandoned a segment demonstrating how to sign up for Obamacare due to glitches with the websites. Others who have been able to get past the glitches have been shocked to learn that Obamacare offers less coverage than their current plan, and at a higher cost. Imagine that! A government program that doesn’t deliver on its promises!

Bakers Green Acres put out an awesome trailer on their channel recently. A documentary called “American Hogwash” is in production and tells the tale of Mark Baker and his family. They are small farmers who up against big government. Bureaucrats want Mark’s family to slaughter their own perfectly healthy pigs because they don’t meet the standard description of factory farm pigs. That’s Hogwash. Support the Bakers today at http://BakersGreenAcres.com

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Little Old Lady Takes on Big Govt

Episode 226 Video by Rachel Bussell

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Random Woman Killed by DC Police



Woman Jailed, Refuses Census Form



Badass Lavabit Defies FBI for Snowden


Today’s Saturday, October 5th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 122 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today, that’s suns with a “u” http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com .

The big news today is that a random woman has been shot by law enforcers outside of the White House. Miriam Carey, who was fired as a dental assistant for being too rough with patients took her baby for on an extremely dangerous car ride around the White House this past Thursday. Despite multiple news outlets reporting a shooter in DC, she was not armed. The only shooters were the police who killed her. Her body was so badly torn apart by the gunfire, that in the end, the gunmen were not even sure who it was they had killed. At this time it is unknown what will become of her 2-year-old child who was in the back seat.

In Peaceful Resistance news, Blogger Dean Tea tipped off Peace News Now about a little old lady who is standing up to big government. Government agents in Canada are working to punish 89-year-old Audrey Tobias for failing to comply with a law called the Statistics Act. Even though the law was written in 1918 by politicians who’ve long been dead, the Statistics Act makes it a crime to refuse to submit to a government survey, and carries a penalty of 90 days in jail. Audrey refuses to comply with government demands because of American Weapons Producer Lockheed Martin is involved in the census. She says that the Canadian census should be run by Canada and not a private US weapons manufacturer. Because of that, she won’t check the boxes on their form, and she’s willing to take the maximum penalty. She says paying a fine is like admitting guilt, and she doesn’t think she’s doing anything wrong. She’s not the only one. In 2011, 54 other Canadians were targeted by their government for not filling out this piece of paper. Should people lose their freedom for refusing to fill out a census form? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page!

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Download the free bitcoin wallet at http://Blockchain.info

The founder of Lavabit is a total badass. Not only did whistleblower Edward Snowden use Lavabit’s secure email service, but Lavabit’s founder won’t comply with government demands to spy on its users. It’s like this: The FBI wanted certain information about Snowden’s emails. Lavabit told them that while they had the ability to decrypt their customer’s email info and send it to the government, they weren’t going to do that. A government judge threatened to jail the site’s owner, Ladar Levison, if he refused to comply with the government’s demands. Ladar refused. On July 9, government lawyers asked the judge to jail Levison for disobedience. A week later, they demanded a search warrant for the information needed to decrypt communications, such as encryption keys and SSL keys. With the SSL keys, and a wiretap, the FBI could have decrypted all web sessions between the site and it’s 400,000 users. Levison went to court on August 1st to fight the demands, but the judge ruled in favor of the government.

Now here’s why Lavabit’s founder is so awesome: Levison complied the next day by turning over the private SSL keys as an 11 page printout in 4-point type. The government lawyers complained to the judge, quote, “To make use of these keys, the FBI would have to manually input all 2,560 characters.” One wrong keystroke, and it won’t work. The judge ordered Levison to provide an electronic copy. By August 5, Lavabit was still resisting the order, and the judge ordered that Levison would be fined $5,000 a day beginning August 6 until he handed over electronic copies of the keys. Instead, on August 8, Levison closed Lavabit, making any attempt at surveillance moot. He was still under a gag order, so he posted an oblique message saying he’d been left with little choice in the matter. Quote, “I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly 10 years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul searching, I have decided to suspend operations.”

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Silk Road Shut Down – What You Need To Know!


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Silk Road Shut Down

http://news.yahoo.com/fbi-raids-alleged-online-drug-market-silk-road-153729457.html VIDEO: http://screen.yahoo.com/fbi-takes-down-billion-dollar-141125284-cbs.html

The Silk Road is Shut Down! Here’s what you need to know! Today is Friday, October 4th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com . Get started using bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

Government agents have shut down the Silk Road. The website was a first-of-its-kind, online anonymous black market for goods and services, such as fake id’s, and recreational drugs.  

The FBI arrested the website’s alleged owner, Ross William Ulbricht, age 29, known online as “Dread Pirate Roberts,” on Tuesday in San Francisco. A bail hearing has been set for friday. His lawyer at the moment is a public defender named Brandon LeBlanc. A pack of Lawyers Prosecuting on behalf of the Federal Government are coming after Ross with 3 charges: conspiracy to traffic narcotics, conspiracy to hack a computer, and conspiracy to launder money. He isn’t been charged with doing these things himself, but rather with providing people a safe place to make illegal transactions online. The site operated in secret from San Francisco. It was in operation since 2011 and at the time of its closing it hosted several thousand merchants. They were able to anonymously trade their goods and services with more than 900,000 registered users in exchange for bitcoin.

In their complaint, government agents note Ross’ libertarian economic philosophy, and that he followed Liberty On Tour and often posted videos from the Ludwig von Mises Institutue, an institute famous for its Austrian Economic study. The government agents also claim that someone threatened to expose the identities of thousands of the site’s users to police, and that Ross requested a hitman to kill the person making that threat.

Armed agents raided Ross’ servers and seized 3 and a half million dollars worth of bitcoin, which was used instead of cash or credit cards to complete transactions on Silk Road. They did this by taking control of the digital “wallets” Silk Road used to store bitcoin, but they don’t have access to the bitcoins he had already stored away somewhere safely.

The charges allege the Silk Road facilitated more than 9.5 million bitcoin in trades. That’s roughly $1.2 billion dollars in volume over the course of the two years the site was active.

Nearly a million users were already using the site, and now thanks to this story, millions more will be waiting for the next imitation. How can you benefit from this knowledge in the time in between now and the next Silk Road? One way is to learn how to use bitcoin, a new currency that’s becoming the default currency of the internet. Go to http://WeUseCoins.com to get started.

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Download the free bitcoin wallet at http://Blockchain.info

Jeffrey Tucker offers his thoughts, quote, “The Silk Road was shut down yesterday, thereby destroying a peaceful way for buyers and sellers to serve each other instead of having to risk their lives in turf wars and massive danger. It was a place of peace. No one was ever hurt. The government — supposedly shut down — smashed it. So what about government is shut down? Passport offices, monuments, gov websites, other things that people actually use. What does this prove? It proves that the state is the enemy of all that is socially beneficial, good, productive, and that instead of serving us, it has targeted all of us as the enemy. It’s time we realize this. Everyone needs to realize this. The state is not your friend in any of its manifestations. Does it need to be shut down? Yes, but REALLY shut down. If it really shut down, the Silk Road would be operating right now.

Jeffrey Tucker makes a great point. Has the government really shut down, or is it still business as usual in Washington? They require You to give them your tax money in return for essential services. But what about when they’re shut down and no longer providing services? Yup, you’ve still got to pay then, too. So what exactly are you paying for? The “War on Drugs” continues despite a majority of Americans opposing it. American soldiers at the infamous Guantanamo Detention Camp in Cuba continue to force-feed prisoners who have not been charged with a crime.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said that “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.” What do you think about the Silk Road and bitcoin? If the government stops providing services, should you get your tax money back? Share your thoughts on our facebook page. And for more content like this, subscribe to Peace News Now on Youtube.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Stop Acting Free, Or I’ll Shoot!

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Hair Braider Handcuffed, Jailed


Vets Cut Police Tape to Gain Entry to WWII Memorial During Shutdown


Cop Fired for Firing at Man During Routine Traffic Stop


Manchester Woman Executed by Police


Check out this episode

They Can Take Our Guns, But Never Our Bitcoins

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Cop Steals 2nd Amendment Signs


Police Take Guns




Pay Rent in Bitcoins


And Groupon! eGifter


Wednesday, October 2nd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 127 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com

A man living in Somers, New York, discovered that someone was coming on to his private property and repeatedly stealing his pro-Second Amendment signs.  To catch the perpetrator, the gun rights advocate purchased a security camera and placed it near the entrance to his driveway, where he placed his signs, and filmed away. Sure enough, the sign was stolen again, but this time the homeowner had the evidence he needed to find out who the sign thief was.

It turns out the thief is a law officer. The homeowner captured several photos of the law enforcer pulling up to his property, kicking over his sign and placing it in the back of his squad car. He posted the whole thing online the night it happened. What would you do if local law enforcers were stealing from you? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.

Speaking of armed bureaucrats taking things without permission, law enforcers in Massachusetts recently stole all 3 of Matthew Plouffe’s firearms. Even though he followed all the laws, the law enforcers claim that Matthew is too immature to own guns. They went to his home and confiscated his 2 shotguns and rifle. He’s suing the city and the police chief to get them back. Thank goodness Matthew is peaceful. Not everyone would let armed bureaucrats walk into their homes and take their guns. In fact, gun confiscation happened once before in Massachusetts, inspiring the shot heard around the world. Please forward this story to your friends who say, “Don’t worry, no one is coming for your guns…”

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Download the free bitcoin wallet at http://Blockchain.info

Government agents may be able to use force to take your guns or your gold, but they can’t use force to get your bitcoin! They’re encrypted! But how to turn cash into Bitcoins? Go to CashIntoCoins.com and click “Get Bitcoins!” It’s the only button. You can’t miss it. A short form asks you for the important information: Your email address. The bank you want to use. The deposit amount. And the address where you want the bitcoin sent. An exciting new feature of this form is the question, “Would you like to donate your fee?” And if you answer yes, the question, “Where would you like to donate your fee?” will appear. If you choose to donate, a portion of your fee will go to either Bitcoin Not Bombs, or Sean’s Outpost.

Confirm all the information is correct, and agree to the terms (which are only about a paragraph long), and you’re set. The site will give you the account name and number that the bank clerk needs and you’re ready to make your deposit. Once you get your receipt, snap a photo including the transaction ID, account number, store number, deposit amount, and date, Send that to transactions@cashintocoins.com and you’re done. Your Bitcoin should hit the blockchain within 30 minutes to 4 hours.

As Davi Barker points out at Bitcoin Not Bombs, this means that people and organizations who want to donate bitcoin to Bitcoin-based charities can now do so using federal reserve notes, thanks to CashIntoCoins.com — try it out and tell us how it works for you at our facebook page.

Speaking of bitcoin, Free State Project participants are now able to pay rent in bitcoins. Matthew Ping of Porcupine Management thinks alternative currencies are a perfect fit for the FSP, as both are decentralised and represent independence. Ping collects the majority of rent money from tenants in person, so he uses a smartphone app to receive payments from those who want to pay in bitcoin.

According to the organizers, about a quarter of registration payment and sponsorships for the Porcupine Freedom Festival came from bitcoin.

Not sure where to spend your bitcoin? http://eGifter.com allows you to buy gift cards for groupon, barnes and noble, home depot, gamestop, gap, and much more, all with bitcoin. And you can ditch the wallet. Just save and spend the gift cards right from your smartphone. The currency of the future is here today. If you’re not already using bitcoin, get started at http://WeUseCoins.com today.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Bare-Chest Equality for Women

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Topless Equality


Why Occupy NH Failed


20 Years for Pot


Cops Target Terminal Cancer Patient for Drug Raid


Happy October! Tuesday, October 1st 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 127 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com. Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com .

A transsexual in Massachusetts does everything topless. Stacey Schnee says she does it to promote equality.

She is a member of activist group, Topless Equality, which advocates for women to be able to be bare-chested outdoors. She said not being able to go topless in public is a violation of rights, and that women should be able to be topless in public just like men. Stacy, who was born a man, was surgically transformed into a woman last year. She said, her past ”puts me in a unique position to fight for topless rights since it is a right that I lost when a single letter was changed on my driver’s license — from M to F.”

Police recently stopped her for riding her bike around town shirtless–something they wouldn’t have done last year before she had surgery. Fortunately, they didn’t arrested her because she wore small stickers, which marks the fine legal distinction between criminal and compliant. Stacey said, “They were trying to tell me I was doing something wrong, and I argued back that no, it’s not.” What are your thoughts on this? Should women have the same rights as men? Tell us your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.

In other news, New Hampshire Liberty Activist Ron Helwig wrote a blogpost at RonHelwig.com this week in which he expounded upon his ideas of why Occupy New Hampshire failed. In it, he provides some helpful insight for those who want to be effective advocates for a free society.

Using a system of colored stickers to vote up or down certain concepts to focus their attention, the group learned that they agreed strongly on the following:

  • End corporate personhood

  • Only allow individuals to donate to political campaigns

  • Ensure total government transparency

  • End the wars

Ron speculates that the New Hampshire Occupiers ultimately failed after this because so many people were unwilling to focus on achieving shared goals with people who disagreed with them about others. This information may be useful to you as you reach out to people who might believe differently from you. Why do you think your local Occupy group fizzled out? Tell us at http://PeaceNewsNow.com

This story brought to you by friends of http://Blockchain.info — Download the free bitcoin wallet at http://Blockchain.info

While Colorado and Washington have decriminalized recreational use of marijuana and twenty states allow use for medical purposes, this week a Louisiana man was sentenced to twenty years in prison for possessing 15 grams of cannabis. The FBI reports that every year cops put almost a million people in handcuffs for cannabis. That’s about half of all drug arrests.

In a related story this week, Benton Mackenzie is 47 and set to die, suffering from terminal cancer. Benton uses cannabis for his pain and cannabis oil for his skin lesions, which some doctors say is worth studying for the benefit of science. Prohibition makes it illegal for him to obtain the cannabis that alleviates his pain and improves the quality of his life, so Benton grows it himself. When law enforcers searched Benton’s trash cans, they found stalks from his cannabis plants. Benton said, quote “I woke up to a bunch of people screaming ‘search warrant!’ They had me on the ground. They had my wife on the ground. They were throwing stuff around in my son’s room. I heard them trashing the house.”

State agents have brought charges against Benton and everyone in his house: his wife, his adult son, even his parents, who are in their 70’s. Benton spent 42 days in jail awaiting trial so far, all the while battling a cancer that doctors say will soon take his life. Support the Mackenzie family as they defend themselves from the State in trial this December 2nd, 2013 @ 9am at the Scott County Courthouse, Davenport, Iowa. Regardless of what politicians write on paper, it would be nice if cops would stop arresting people for a flower.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and http://SunsOfLibertyMint.com . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to http://Donate.PeaceNewsNow.com/. I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!