Cops Anally Rape Man During Traffic Stop



PNN #250

Food Attorney Mysteriously Detained

Traffic Stop Ends in Anal Probing

Hey everybody, Welcome to Peace News Now, your daily journal of peaceful resistance! I’m DerrickJ. Today’s Thursday, November 7th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 290 dollars. This episode is brought to you by friends of . You’ve probably been hearing a lot about bitcoin in the news. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use this new currency, I recommend you visit . It’s the perfect launching pad to get started. That’s

Quote, “ Civilization is the progress of a society towards privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men. ” – Ayn Rand

What would *you* do if you were seated on a plane, ready to take off, and suddenly two airline employees tell you to get up and leave?

Around 8am this morning, Attorney Ajna Sharma-Wilson was detained without explanation on a Frontier Airlines flight in LA.  She is a lawyer who plays a critical role in defending the rights of people to consume and procure the foods of their choice. Fortunately, Ajna recorded the interaction. In the audio, which was recorded by her smartphone, Ajna can be heard asking all the right questions.

She asks the names of all involved, though they are reluctant to answer, and says, quote, “Please repeat what you said to me.” She also asks a nearby passenger to write down his phone number so that she may call him as a witness.

Ajna was eventually escorted from the plane under duress. Instead of offering an explanation to their customer, the airline employees threatened to call the authorities. She missed her flight because of the ordeal, and is now stuck at the airport. No explanation has yet been given. Stay tuned to Peace News Now for updates as they develop.

In the meantime, listen to the shocking audio that Ajna captured. And take a note from her! If something is happening around you that isn’t right, it is *your* responsibility to be prepared and to act quickly to get an objective record like Ajna did. She also sent out a blast email to friends and supporters to spread the word of this far and wide. This shouldn’t happen to anyone, but it can serve as an excellent model for others to follow if you find yourself in a similar situation.

Being asked to leave a plane and missing your flight is pretty disruptive, but it’s nothing compared to what some are facing at the hands of the Deming Police Department in New Mexico. One man is filing a Federal Lawsuit against the department after reports surfaced earlier this week that the police there forced doctors to anally rape him. This is not satire. Police pulled the man over after he allegedly rolled through a stop sign. They said that he was clenching his butt cheeks, and they were determined to find out if there were drugs in there. Police took the man from his car and brought him to the hospital, where they demanded doctors in the emergency room search his anus. They refused, saying it was unethical. So police brought the man to another hospital, where the doctors complied. Without his consent, they put their fingers in his anus 3 times and found nothing. They forced him to endure involuntary enemas and defecate into a pan in front of police and doctors twice, but they found no drugs in his stool. They took an x-ray of his abdomen, and still found no drugs. Finally, they sedated the man and explored the inside of his anus, colon, and large intestine with a small, insertable video camera during a full colonoscopy. They didn’t find any drugs. Now the hospital is charging the man for the procedures, and they’re threatening to send a collections agency after him if he doesn’t pay.

Now after that report surfaced, another man came forward with the same claim. He was detained and forced to be anally raped by a different police department for allegedly turning without using a blinker. This story would be too bizarre to believe–if there weren’t medical records to back all of it up. New Mexico Attorney Shannon Kennedy is filing a federal lawsuit on their behalf. The police involved will be investigated by their own departments. The doctors who inserted their fingers and surgical equipment into the anus of a man who did not consent could also lose their ability to practice medicine, but that’s up to bureaucrats.

Stay tuned to for all the latest updates on the ongoing peaceful evolution! If you enjoyed the show, send us some bitcoin at This episode was made possible by S-U-N-S . Trade in your pesky Federal Reserve Notes for their Fine Silver Quarters. They look great, and unlike dollars, they’re actually made of something valuable! If you want truly tradable silver, look no further than S-U-N-S

Check out this episode

Adam Kokesh Guilty, Out of Jail


PNN #249

Keenevention 2013

Adam Kokesh Pleads Guilty

Pussy Riot Member Missing

Hey everybody, Welcome to Peace News Now, your daily journal of peaceful resistance! I’m DerrickJ, today’s Wednesday, November 6th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 245 dollars. This episode is brought to you by friends of . You’ve probably been hearing a lot about bitcoin in the news. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use this new currency, I recommend you visit . It’s the perfect launching pad to get started. That’s

Peace News Now has been away this week in Keene, New Hampshire, for the Keenevention! It was an amazing and historic event organized by Free State Project early-mover Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live. Over 100 people attended, coming from all over the country to check out Keene and listen to speakers and panel discussions. JJ Schlessinger gave a rousing speech on Saturday night that captivated a swelling audience. Panel discussions included topics such as “Ladies in Media,” “Robin Hooding,” “Direct Action,” “Tech,” and “LGBT.” There were also organized hikes so people could get out and explore the New Hampshire mountains, plus a Karaoke and Bowling Night! Some people took the opportunity while in Keene to visit Rich Paul in the Cheshire County House of Corrections. My favorite parts were probably the Peace Roundtable featuring Chris Cantwell and Ian Freeman, and the closing keynote speech given by Bryan Tann, a former jail guard at the Cheshire County House of Corrections. If you missed it, don’t worry. You can still make it to the other great liberty events happening in New Hampshire, like the Liberty Forum in February or PorcFest in June! Plus, catch videos of the panels and presentations at That’s .

In other news, Adam Kokesh pleaded guilty today to a variety of charges associated with videotaping himself loading a shotgun a few blocks from the White House.

The 23-second video shows Adam a few blocks from the White House, loading live shells into a 12-gauge, pump-action shotgun while saying, quote “We are the final American Revolution. See you next Independence Day.”

Adam was released from D.C. jail, where he has been for four months. At his arraignment, Adam pled not guilty, saying, quote, “Due to the oath I swore to the Constitution when I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, by virtue of the universal human right to self-defense, in accordance with the Supreme Court case D.C. v. Heller, which affirmed that the statutes under which I am being charged are unconstitutional and thus null and void, and on behalf of all freedom loving Americans, I plead not guilty.”

A trial was set for Nov. 18, and Adam’s supporters advocated for jury nullification in his case. Now, two weeks later, at an unscheduled hearing, he announced that he has fired his attorney and hired a new one, and is now pleading guilty to carrying a shotgun, possession of an unregistered firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition. He also pled guilty to possession of marijuana. Kokesh is scheduled to be sentenced Jan. 17. The judge ordered Adam to stay out of DC, to report to supervising authorities weekly, and to ditch all his firearms. Adam faces more than six years in prison on the combined charges.

Speaking of jailed activists, a member of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot has disappeared after being transported from a prison 10 days ago, according to her family.

Nadya Tolokonnikova’s family has reported that she was last heard from October 21, when she was unexpectedly taken from her prison cell in the Russian Republic of Mordovia and moved with no explanation from Russian officials.

“No one knows anything,” her father Andrei Tolokonnikova said. “There’s no proof she’s alive, we don’t know the state of her health. Is she sick? Has she been beaten?”

In a protest against poor prison conditions, Tolokonnikova, who is 23 years-old, launched a hunger strike and also penned an “open letter” denouncing the “slave-like” work conditions at the prison colony she was housed at.

Her husband and a group of supporters regularly protested outside the prison’s walls, causing tension with prison officials.

Tolokonnikova and fellow band member Marla Alyokhina are set to be released in March after serving a two year sentence for, quote “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred” stemming from a protest the group staged at a church. Stay tuned to for all the latest updates on the ongoing peaceful evolution!

Stay tuned to for all the latest updates on the ongoing peaceful evolution! If you enjoyed the show, send us some bitcoin at This episode was made possible by S-U-N-S . Trade in your pesky Federal Reserve Notes for their Fine Silver Quarters. They look great, and unlike dollars, they’re actually made of something valuable! If you want truly tradable silver, look no further than S-U-N-S

UPDATE: (Video) Food Attorney Ejected

UPDATE: Video Interview w/ Ajna

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What would *you* do if you were seated on a plane, ready to take off, and suddenly two airline employees tell you to get up and leave?

999907_10152466559193475_1611945775_n Around 8am this morning, Attorney Ajna Sharma-Wilson was detained without explanation on a Frontier Airlines flight in LA. She is a lawyer who plays a critical role in defending the rights of people to consume and procure the foods of their choice. Fortunately, Ajna recorded the interaction. In the audio, which was recorded by her smartphone, Ajna can be heard asking all the right questions.

She asks the names of all involved, though they are reluctant to answer, and says, quote, “Please repeat what you said to me.” She also asks a nearby passenger to write down his phone number so that she may call him as a witness.

Ajna was eventually escorted from the plane under duress. Instead of offering an explanation to their customer, the airline employees threatened to call the authorities. She missed her flight because of the ordeal, and is now stuck at the airport. No explanation has yet been given. Stay tuned to Peace News Now for updates as they develop.

In the meantime, listen to the shocking audio that Ajna captured. And take a note from her! If something is happening around you that isn’t right, it is *your* responsibility to be prepared and to act quickly to get an objective record like Ajna did. She also sent out a blast email to friends and supporters to spread the word of this far and wide. This shouldn’t happen to anyone, but it can serve as an excellent model for others to follow if you find yourself in a similar situation.

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PNN Live #38 Keenevention

Nicholas Shankin and Steve Zemanek helped me cohost this very special episode from LRN studios in Keenevention. Unfortunately, I had some audio issues where I pushed a button I wasn’t supposed to, and the audio stops after 45 minutes. For now, this is all that I’ve got from this long-lost episode. Maybe one day I’ll find the full audio. For now, enjoy!

Fascist Cops Raid Reporter’s Home


PNN #248

Pre-Dawn Raid on Reporter’s Home

Cops Illegally Confiscate Firearms

Amish Girl & Parents Flee US Govt

Inhuman Sounds Cause Alarm

Hello, you’re listening Peace News Now, bringing you pro-peace propaganda 7 days a week. Today’s Wednesday, October 30th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 205 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and I recommend you check out the “Fine Silver Quarters” at 4 quarters to a troy ounce, they’re the most divisible, usable silver on the planet. S-U-N-S . Tell ‘em PNN sent ya!

Audrey Hudson was the victim of a pre-dawn raid by armed Federal agents, allegedly in order to find a novelty potato gun. Quote, “I think they found a great way to get into my house and get a hold of my confidential notes and go through every other file in my office.” Audrey is a journalist with the Washington Times, and she wrote several articles that were critical of the government. In return, they came to her house, and took her files. Now the federal government knows the identities of the reporter’s confidential informants. This type of violent home raid and seizure of private documents can have a chilling effect on journalism. The Washington Times is suing the government over the raid.

A group in Austin, Texas holds outreach events with the goal of informing the public of their right to self-defense. Thanks to bureaucrats, the laws surrounding firearms can be tricky to navigate, and often the public could use some help knowing what is legal and what is not. Apparently, so can the cops, because this week they mistakenly arrested several members of the group who were out informing the public about their rights. They originally arrested 4 individuals for wearing handguns holstered on their hips. The cops lied later in their police reports and said that the arrest was for disorderly conduct and failure to identify themselves. Since everyone was gathered around the cops recording and live-streaming with their phone cameras, no one is going to believe that lie. Can you imagine how this scene would look if these men weren’t wearing badges? Does this kind of blatant fascism make you angry? Maybe you should move to New Hampshire, where you don’t need permission from the government to strap a pistol to your hip. In fact, there are lots of reasons to Move to New Hampshire. Check out over a hundred of them at

This story is brought to you by friends of — That’s the best place to get a free bitcoin wallet. Their app easily syncs with your iPhone or Android. Get it now at

A tricky case of parents rights is happening in Ohio. Andy and Anna Hershberger are an Amish couple, and their daughter Sarah is tragically suffering from lymphoblastic lymphoma. After suffering terrible pain, Sarah pled for the treatments to stop. The hospital won’t allow it, and the court agrees that the parent’s have no right to decide on medical treatment for their child. Now they’ve fled the US to avoid the court-mandated treatment.  With Sarah now cancer-free they want to return home to their 6 other children, but they’re afraid they’ll be arrested. They’ve reached out to alternative media to get the following facts straight:

1) Andy and Anna Hershberger claim they were never told by Akron Children’s Hospital staff that the chemotherapy was part of a research project using experimental chemicals.

2) Andy and Anna’s signature was not obtained by the hospital for the second phase of chemo which uses different chemicals.  Only Sarah, a minor child, was asked to “put her name on the line.”

3) The serious side effects of the experimental chemo were never disclosed to the parents or to Sarah.

4) In blatant violation of Federal privacy laws, Sarah’s confidential medical information was given to the news media.

What do you think? Should parents have the final say on medical decisions about their children? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page!

Families in Massachusetts complained to police this week that they heard “inhuman sounds” nearby. They were told to ignore it. The police department posted to their facebook page, quote, ““Residents in the area of Sunshine Dairy Farm may notice loud noises coming from the dairy cows at all hours of the day and night. We’ve been informed that the cows are not in distress and that the noises are a normal part of farming practices.” “Not in distress”? This is a great reason to know your farmer. If you don’t already, learn about where your food comes from. Healthier food, healthier you!

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

PNN Live #37 Indy Media Will Save Us!



PNN Live #37

Guest John Cieser of

Pre-Dawn Raid on Reporter’s Home

Woman Strip Searched for Ticket

Amish Girl & Parents Flee US

Residents Told Not to be Alarmed by Inhuman Sounds

3D Printer can Print a House in 20 Hours

ObamaCare Defender Pissed at Losing her Health Insurance  

Cop Beats Disabled Man, Rips Colostomy Bag

Texas State Troopers Illegally Disarm Citizens

Fashion Designer Blackface

Police Seize 40LBs of Weed Candy

NYC Photographer Pairs Strangers

Cop Kicks Daughter on Video

Check out this episodeBlockChain-Banner

Rand Paul’s Fed Audit Could Block Yellin



PNN #247 http://WeUseCoins.com

Man Buys $24 Worth of Bitcoins in 2009…

Leaving Medicine for Wall St

Rand Paul Ties Fed Audit to Yellin Nomination

Build Bridges for Reps and Dems

A man bought 24 dollars worth of bitcoin in 2009 and forgot about them, only to find out this week they’re now worth $1 million. Today’s Sunday, October 27th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 180 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of . If you want to learn about bitcoin, that’s where I recommend you get started:

A Norwegian article reports that a student named Christopher Koch was hunting for a job when he remembered his small investment in the new currency. He racked his brain for the password and finally unlocked his encrypted wallet. When he originally purchased the bitcoins, he was able to pick up about 5,000 bitcoins for less than $25 bucks. Today, that sum is worth in excess of one million dollars. Christopher immediately purchased a large apartment in a metropolitan area of Norway. Now, politicians are demanding a cut. Bureaucrats in Norway say that people who make money investing should give a third of their earnings to them for what they ironically call a “value-added tax.” Bitcoin is problematic for politicians like this. Unlike in the past when governments could seize a person’s money through a third party like a bank, bitcoin can be held privately and anonymously. Without access to specially encrypted passwords, you can’t take someone’s bitcoins. Should Christopher pay the tax? Would you? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.

In other news, medical doctor and journalist Michael Lofti published an open letter to Obama in a blogpost at this week. In it, he shares that he sacrificed 8 years of his young life to study medicine. He took on $300k in debt so that he could be a doctor. Now, because of Obamacare, he’s hanging up his white coat and leaving medicine to pursue a career on Wall St. He says that bureaucrats have slowly chipped away at natural incentives that make it attractive to become a doctor. Quote,

“Since the passage of Obamacare everything has changed. When I started college I never intended to work for the government. I never thought I’d have a government bureaucrat dictate what I was worth to the market, and I certainly never imagined those same bureaucrats (who have absolutely no medical training) telling me how to treat my patients.”

Dr Lofti’s sentiments are not uncommon. Obamacare has forced many practices to become cash-only businesses, while discouraging bright young people from becoming doctors and forcing others into early retirement. Doctors in the US: would you start medical school today, knowing what you know now? Share your thoughts us at

This story brought to you by friends of — Once you get some bitcoin, you’re going to need to store them somewhere. I use the free bitcoin wallet at

In the District of Criminals, Rand Paul is playing politics. He’s creating a Win-Win situation by attaching an “audit the fed” bill to Obama’s nomination of Janet Yellen as Federal Reserve Chair. This means that he will attempt to make it so that if the Senate votes to approve Yellen as the new head of the Fed, they would also be approving a bill that would audit the Federal Reserve, returning transparency to the money supply. While it’s unlikely that Rand’s bill will get approval, it will at least bring attention to the Federal Reserve, which has never been audited in its 100 years of operation. The Central Bank was created with the stated mandate of keeping inflation low and to prevent booms and busts. How’s it doing with that?

In other news, Radley Balko reports that one activist in Utah is bringing conservatives on board the police reform movement. Tired of reading endless stories about police shooting innocent people and facing no consequences, 31-year old Connor Boyack founded an organization called Libertas. Among other things, Libertas seeks to reduce the violence perpetrated by law enforcers. Connor reached out to legislators, police organizations and activists to craft a bill that would restrict the use of SWAT teams to emergency scenarios, ones where lives are at risk. No more battering rams, flash grenades, and raiding houses with guns, just to find some drugs. Connor said, quote, “We’re interested in saving lives. And we’re as interested in saving the lives behind the gun as those in front of it.”


Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

PNN Live #36 Jailed Over a Parking Ticket



PNN Live #36

Michele Seven of

Benjamin Bartholomew of

A Mormon Unites Reps & Dems to End Police Abuse!  

Leaving Medicine for Wall St

Rand Paul Ties Fed Audit to Yellin Nomination

Marines Spend Millions on New Hats, & More!

Check out this episodeSoLM-banner-600

Free State Project Reaches 15k



PNN #246 http://WeUseCoins.com

Big Hedge Fund Says Bitcoin Will Be Worth A Lot

MD Attorney General At College Party,0,5177481.story

Seattle Uses Eminent Domain to Turn Parking Lot into Parking Lot

HOOTERS Fires Waitress for Blonde Highlights

FSP Reaches 75% of Goal


The Free State Project reached ¾ of its goal! Saturday, October 26th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 178 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and Trade in those pesky Federal Reserve Notes for something that holds value. The “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint are a perfect solution. That’s suns, with a “u”. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Check ‘em out for yourself, that’s s-u-n-s, “Suns”, .

Now for the news:

“Put a little money in bitcoin.” Those are the words of Michael Novogratz, the Chief Investment Officer of a hedge fund worth 55 Billion dollars. Quote, “Come back in a few years and it’s going to be worth a lot,” he says. He proudly said that he owns some bitcoin. Do you?


In other news, a man who is running for Governor in Maryland was caught on camera at a college party where teenagers were drinking alcohol. The man, named Doug Gansler, used to be the Attorney General in Maryland, meaning, like the Attorney General in *your* state, he was responsible for prosecuting hundreds or thousands of people, most of them for crimes that don’t involve any victims, such as underage drinking. As Attorney general, he not only produced a video discouraging underage drinking, he also argued in court for those who drank underage to be fined or jailed. He claims he was at the college party only for a few minutes to speak with his son. He said it wasn’t his responsibility, and in the photographs that surfaced online, Doug can be seen using his cell phone to record the dancing college students. Is this a man you trust with political power?

In other news, Glen Morgan of the Freedom Foundation writes that Seattle’s city council voted unanimously Monday to steal private property from the 103-year-old rightful owner. In a bureaucratic justification for theft called “eminent domain,” the bureaucrats grant themselves the right to take private property from individuals if it’s in the public interest. Whether or not it’s in the public interest, is up to the bureaucrats. In this case, they said they must seize the property, which is currently being used as a private parking lot, in order to turn it into … a parking lot for bureaucrats. You can read the shocking documents for yourself in this show notes at

In other news, a HOOTERS waitress was fired for wearing bleached highlights in her hair. She claims the owner is being prejudice for firing the waitress based on aesthetics. But…isn’t the whole concept of the HOOTERS restaurant built on the servers’ appearance? Is that not made clear to everyone who works there? Shouldn’t the employer choose what image he or she wants to pay for? They may be stupid and bigoted, but shouldn’t employers have the right to make dumb or unpopular choices? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.

This story brought to you by friends of — Download the free bitcoin wallet at

Ian Freeman writes at , quote,

Control freaks in NH beware: the Free Staters are coming. Well, some of us (over 1,400) are already here, but we’re the “early movers”. The best part is yet to come! The goal of the Free State Project is to get 20,000 people to pledge to move to New Hampshire and get active to help achieve liberty in our lifetime.

Today, that goal is closer than ever with the FSP eclipsing 15,000 signers! We’re now over 75% of the way there! Once 20,000 is reached, the official move period will begin where the thousands of signers have five years to pick up their lives and move to the Shire!

If you love liberty and are willing to DO SOMETHING about it, you can be a part of the most exciting and successful liberty movement out there. Please join the Free State Project today and start planning your move to New Hampshire.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode