Cops Pay Bitcoin Ransom to Hackers


bitcoin_logo_plainFor the first time ever, a police department was forced to pay several hundred dollars in bitcoin in order to reverse a virus that locked up their computers. Known as a “ransomware virus,” it allows its creators to lock the affected computers from a remote location. This particular ransomware program was named “Crypto-Locker” It cost the department $750, or a little under two bitcoin at the time of this report, to unlock its computers. The virus did not seek anybody’s personal information, but police have asked computer analysts to tighten the department’s security protocols. That’s a fancy way of saying, “They need a class on learning not to open random email attachments.” This is a historic first, however, in that bitcoin is mainstream enough for police to get their hands on and use to pay ransoms to hackers.


Ex-CIA Agents Suing Feds over Pot Bust



PNN #256

Jeremy Hammond Sentenced 10 years

FR33Aid Help the Philippines

Ex-CIA Agents Suing Feds over Pot Bust

Hey everybody, Welcome to Peace News Now, your daily journal of peaceful resistance! I’m DerrickJ. Today’s Saturday, November 16th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 21 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 438 dollars. This episode is brought to you by friends of . You’ve probably been hearing a lot about bitcoin in the news. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use this new currency, I recommend you visit . It’s the perfect launching pad to get started. That’s reports that Hacker Jeremy Hammond was sentenced yesterday to 10 years in prison and three years of supervised release for a computer intrusion at the private intelligence firm Stratfor in 2011. The 28-year-old Chicagoan pleaded guilty earlier this year to hacking the servers of Strategic Forecasting, Inc., where he wiped out files and databases and stole 5 million private email messages and 60,000 customer credit card numbers. The emails went to WikiLeaks, while the credit cards were used by Anonymous to rack up $700,000 in fraudulent donations to non-profit groups.

Jeremy’s lawyers sought a sentence of 20 months time-served. They described Jeremy as a whistleblower working to expose wrongdoing at private contractors tied to law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Before sentencing, Jeremy said, quote,

“I targeted the manufacturers and distributors of military and police equipment who profit from weaponry used to advance U.S. political and economic interests abroad and to repress people at home. I targeted information security firms because they work in secret to protect government and corporate interests at the expense of individual rights, undermining and discrediting activists, journalists and other truth seekers, and spreading disinformation.”

Jeremy Hammond has a long history of liberal activism and direct action, including work for the anti-war group Food Not Bombs. May the rest of us on the outside continue his important work.

When the disastrous typhoon hit the Philippines this week, FR33Aid responded right away. is a stateless charity that specializes in mutual aid. Never before has the importance of a stateless currency been made so apparent. Fr33Aid stopped taking donations in US dollars last year, and since then, they’ve been 100% funded by bitcoin. That’s had some pretty amazing advantages this year. One of the organizers, Teresa Warmke, was able to put up a quick blog post with a unique QR-code at the bottom where people can donate bitcoin. She offered to match donations up to 10 BTC. In just one week, that goal has nearly been achieved. Despite the climbing bitcoin price, concern for others won out over greed, and dozens of people donated. There is someone on the ground in the Philippines exchanging the bitcoin for local currency and using it to buy thousands of kilograms of rice, sardines, instant noodles, saws, matches, and sterile alcohol. The donations have been delivered around the clock for days with constant updates at How will we help each other in a free society? It might look like jackboots on the ground sent by governments and militaries, or it might look like neighbors helping neighbors. You decide what reality we see when you vote with your dollar…or your bitcoin.

Armed bureaucrats stormed into the home of Adlynn and Robert Harte searching for marijuana on April 20th 2012, but all they found were some innocent tomato plants. The couple believes they were illegally targeted after purchasing indoor hydroponic systems to raise vegetables. Now these two ex-CIA agents are considering making this lawsuit into a federal civil rights case.

Government agents acquired a search warrant to inspect their home because they purchased equipment that allows gardeners to grow plants indoors.The lawsuit reads, quote, “With little or no other evidence of any illegal activity, law enforcement officers make the assumption that shoppers at the store are potential marijuana growers, even though the stores are most commonly frequented by backyard gardeners who grow organically or start seedlings indoors.”

The owner of the store stated that he was unhappy that his customers were being watched. He said, quote, ”Why should they be? This isn’t a communist country.”

The Hartes had been under surveillance for months. During the raid, the police accused their son of using cannabis. Has the drug war come so far as to end up on the doorstep of former federal agents? If you disagree with the actions of these individuals, consider your part in it. Do you pay their salaries? Maybe you should stop.

Stay tuned to for all the latest updates on the ongoing peaceful evolution! If you enjoyed the show, send us some bitcoin at This episode was made possible by S-U-N-S . Trade in your pesky Federal Reserve Notes for their Fine Silver Quarters. They look great, and unlike dollars, they’re actually made of something valuable! If you want truly tradable silver, look no further than S-U-N-S

Check out this episodeBlockChain-Banner

Worlds 1st Bitcoin Subway Purchase



PNN #255


Buy Subs with Bitcoin in PA

Secure Google Alternative

Hey everybody, Welcome to Peace News Now, your daily journal of peaceful resistance! I’m DerrickJ. Today’s Tuesday, November 12th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 21 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 350 dollars. This episode is brought to you by friends of . You’ve probably been hearing a lot about bitcoin in the news. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use this new currency, I recommend you visit . It’s the perfect launching pad to get started. That’s got you down? Sure, you may be no fan of Obamacare, but one of the things the site promised to do that was actually helpful was to show you the prices of different plans. You want to know how much coverage costs so you can shop around for the best option for you. Well, 3 engineers from Silicon Valley saw the need that was failing to fulfill, and what the Federal Government was unable to do in 3 years, they accomplished in a weekend. makes it easier to navigate the world of confusing healthcare options and find contact info to get the ball rolling on health insurance coverage. These 3 guys with zero budget did in a few days what the Federal government couldn’t do with a few years and a billion dollars. Maybe everyone *can* have health care, but also maybe government shouldn’t be in charge of it.

You can now purchase sandwiches at Subway with bitcoin! Customers in Allentown, PA have been lining up to buy their lunch with the new currency. The owner, Sapal, gave a brief video interview with his second bitcoin customer, a man going by the name “DestroyerOfWorlds” on Reddit. The news appeared at the top of the Reddit page yesterday, and is spreading like wildfire. How soon will it be before regular retail chains near you accept bitcoin? Oh, and as a bonus, the owner offers a free cookie with every bitcoin purchase. Some users are suspicious, however, that the cookies contain malware.

Jacob Cook is a 23-year old university student who is now building an operating system that anyone can use to replace all of the services that Google provides. Email, chat, file sharing, web hosting: With a new Linux-based Operating System for servers called “arkOS,” you’ll be able to run all of those essential services on a secure, private server in your own home that’s about the size of a credit card.

ArkOS is designed to run on the popular Raspberry Pi hardware, a full-blown computer small enough to hold in your hand. Running on top of arkOS is Jacob’s open-source Genesis application, which provides a web-based interface for controlling the different services running on your server. Genesis is open source, and all the files are available on GitHub, and you can also download the arkOS files and install them yourself. However, the project is still at an early, “alpha” stage of development.

Jacob started a crowdfunding campaign to raise money so that he can focus on arkOS full time. He’s hoping to raise $45,000 in the next 24 days, and has already collected $5,645 in pledges from over 100 backers.

In addition to the long-term unreliability of Google’s services, the recent revelations that the NSA can access so much online data, gave Cook’s project an additional impetus. If the NSA is able to extract data from Google, Microsoft, Facebook, AOL, Twitter, and who knows what other services, who can you trust with your data?

Cook said, quote, “The idea that the NSA and its global counterparts can have nearly free reign in the networks of these large companies makes users a target. Moving users out into self-hosted nodes makes sense from this perspective: It makes wholesale data collection many times more difficult. And when coupled with proper cryptography and secure setups by design, it makes NSA-style snooping practically impossible.”

When it’s complete, the arkOS project will provide users with a small device they could plug into an Ethernet port at home in order to host their own cloud services.

Other secure open-source operating systems exist as well, most notably Tails, which gives you a secure desktop environment to do your business. But Tails is a desktop operating system, while arkOS is for servers.

Cook said, quote, “If you host your data with arkOS then access it on your other computers with Tails, it’s a winning combination.” He hopes to have the framework stable enough to use by March, 2014, and will continue adding features for the next year.

Stay tuned to for all the latest updates on the ongoing peaceful evolution! If you enjoyed the show, send us some bitcoin at This episode was made possible by S-U-N-S . Trade in your pesky Federal Reserve Notes for their Fine Silver Quarters. They look great, and unlike dollars, they’re actually made of something valuable! If you want truly tradable silver, look no further than S-U-N-S

Check out this episodeSoLM-banner-600

Buy Subs with Bitcoin in PA


You can now purchase sandwiches at Subway with bitcoin! Customers in Allentown, PA have been lining up to buy their lunch with the new currency. The owner, Sapal, gave a brief video interview with his second bitcoin customer, a man going by the name “DestroyerOfWorlds” on Reddit. The news appeared at the top of the Reddit page yesterday, and is spreading like wildfire. How soon will it be before regular retail chains near you accept bitcoin? Oh, and as a bonus, the owner offers a free cookie with every bitcoin purchase. Some users are suspicious, however, that the cookies contain malware.



PNN Live #41 Bitcoin Helps Philippines Recover

Direct Download Podcast Audio


PNN Live #41 http://WeUseCoins.com

Silver: $21, Bitcoin $362


FR33Aid Help the Philippines


Secure Google Alternative


$4M Missing as Chinese Bitcoin Trading Platform GBL Vanishes


New Home Food Law


Squats to Ride Russian Subway


Norway: Ban on Circumcisions Under Age 18?


Carlos Miller Investigated


Spain to Search People’s Homes for Unauthorized Solar Panels (fine of $80M)


1 Million in CA Lose Healthcare thanks to Obamascare


Adorable Talking Porcupine


Ex-CIA Agents Suing Feds over Pot Bust


Jailtime for Obamacare Violators


Govt Controls Porn Now


Govt Steals $14M from Kobe Bryant


Light Bullets


No 2-for-1 in Philly Bars!


FR33AID Campaign to Help Phillippines


Unpatriotic Inmates Get Bread & Water


Forced to Rap to Leave Jail


Bystanders Shot by Cops Face Uphill Battle


No More Breastfeeding


NJ Homeless Man Penalized


Dash Cam Show Truth of Beating


Racist Strategy Wins Election


James Babb Jury Nullification FOX Interview


Police Murdered 5,000 since 9/11


Uncrackable Encryption for Skype?


Civil Resistance Works


Crying Cop


Federal Lawsuit Against Cop Who Tasered Woman When She Didn’t Show Breasts


School Trashes Breakfast Over 30 Cent Debt


Boy Arrested for Not Getting Out of Bed


Family: Louisiana Police stun father as son died in house fire


Cops Kill Man, Neighbors Attack Cops


Library Offers Free 3D Printer,0,2607372.story


Man Nails Scrotum to Police State


SoLM-banner-600; margin-bottom: 0pt;”>PNN #254

Man Nails Scrotum to Ground

Prosecutor Spends 10 Days in Jail over Sending Man to Prison for 25 years

Yesterday, an artist nailed his scrotum to the ground. Hey everybody, Welcome to Peace News Now, your daily journal of peaceful resistance! I’m DerrickJ. Today’s day, November th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 343 dollars. This episode was made possible by S-U-N-S . Trade in your pesky Federal Reserve Notes for their Fine Silver Quarters. They look great, and unlike dollars, they’re actually made of something valuable! If you want truly tradable silver, look no further than S-U-N-S

A Russian conceptual artist known for his extreme political protests shocked tourists visiting Moscow’s Red Square yesterday by nailing his scrotum to the cobblestone pavement as part of a protest marking Russia’s annual Police Day. Petr Pavlensky first gained international attention after he sewed his mouth shut following the arrest of the Russian punk group Pussy Riot. He followed that up several months later with a protest he dubbed “Carcass,” which involved him being wrapped in a “multilayered cocoon of barbed wire,” and “laying still in a half-bent position” outside the building that houses the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg.

His latest political action, called “Nail,” saw Pavlensky sit down naked in front of Lenin’s Mausoleum and proceed to strike a large nail directly into his scrotum, attaching himself to the stone street below. Pavlensky’s performance was ultimately dismantled using a claw hammer. The artist was arrested and taken to the hospital where he declined to be admitted. He stated, quote,

“As the government turns the country into one big prison, stealing from the people and using the money to grow and enrich the police apparatus and other repressive structures, society is allowing this, and forgetting its numerical advantage, is bringing the triumph of the police state closer by its inaction. A naked artist looking to his balls nailed to the Kremlin pavement – is a metaphor of apathy and political indifference and fatalism of the modern Russian society. It’s not bureaucratic mayhem that deprives society of the ability to act. But it is our fixation on our defeats and losses that nails us stronger to the Kremlin’s pavement, creating from people an army of apathetic robots, patiently waiting for their fate.” Petr Pavlensky, Nov 2013

In other news, a corrupt former prosecutor will face a rare penalty for intentionally withholding evidence in a trial that sent a man to prison 25 years ago. For robbing an innocent man of decades of his life, the ex-D.A. will spend now have to spend 10 days in jail.

The prosecutor, named Ken Anderson, was sitting on evidence that could have redeemed the man he was convicting, but he made sure none of the evidence was released during the trial. Even though the prosecution knew that they had the wrong man, Ken convicted him anyway. Michael Morton was given life in prison for murdering his wife, even though he didn’t do it. Ken coldly and knowingly ruined an innocent man’s life to advance his career. The conviction made Ken look like a hero, and he went on to enjoy a fruitful 25 year career, which eventually propelled him to the position of Williamson County State District Judge.

Finally in 2010, DNA testing revealed that Michael was innocent and he was released in 2011, after spending nearly 25 years in prison. The real killer was convicted in March of this year.

A month after Norwood’s conviction, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Judge Ken Anderson.  He was charged with 3 felonies related to evidence tampering.

After initially fighting the charges for several months, Ken finally struck a bargain with prosecutors. They dropped the criminal charges of tampering with evidence, and this week, Ken plead guilty to being in contempt of court in 1987, when he lied to Morton’s trial judge that he had no favorable evidence to give to Morton’s lawyers. Contempt of court is a mild charge that a person might get for speaking out of turn in front of a judge.

The court has sentenced Ken to forced early retirement, community service, and ten (10) days in jail.

Some are celebrating the rare occasion that a corrupt prosecutor is facing any punishment at all.  Others are cringing at the incredibly light sentence. Are the courts incapable of justice? How many others were victims of this man’s criminal conscience?

Stay tuned to for all the latest updates on the ongoing peaceful evolution! If you enjoyed the show, send us some bitcoin at This episode is brought to you by friends of . You’ve probably been hearing a lot about bitcoin in the news. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use this new currency, I recommend you visit . It’s the perfect launching pad to get started. That’s

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Penis Removed During Botched Circumcision



PNN #253

No Cops, Family Wins Private Justice

Circumcision, No More Penis

What if you took your child in for circumcision, and he come out with no penis? Hey everybody, Welcome to Peace News Now, your daily journal of peaceful resistance! I’m DerrickJ. Today’s Sunday, November 10th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 280 dollars. This episode is brought to you by friends of . You’ve probably been hearing a lot about bitcoin in the news. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use this new currency, I recommend you visit . It’s the perfect launching pad to get started. That’s

Here’s an uncomfortable reality: You CAN’T rely on police. It’s far better to rely on friends and relatives. Allison Geller writes at that the family of a kidnapped woman in Louisiana took justice into their own hands. This Friday, they rescued Bethany Arceneaux from her captor, killing him in the scuffle that ensued. Bethany is 29 and was kidnapped on Wednesday by the father of her son, Scott Thomas. Bethany’s family received a tip that she was being kept in an abandoned house nearby. The police hadn’t begun doing anything to help solve the case, so a half dozen of Bethany’s family members took private justice into their own hands. They assembled at the house and kicked down the door. There they found Bethany, bloody but alive, and Scott. They shot and killed Scott and took Bethany to the hospital, where she is recovering.

Bethany had a protective order issued against Scott in June. He was arrested in August for violating the order and charged with aggravated assault and aggravated flight from an officer. Bethany wrote in her complaint to police, quote “He keeps threatening to kill us. He put a knife to my neck countless times.” Looks like a piece of paper sitting in a police station does a poor job of protecting people.

In other news, reports this week about Maggie Rhodes, a mother heartbroken after a catastrophic mistake on the operating table of her son’s circumcision. Though it is almost unheard of in every part of the world except the United States, using a knife to remove the pleasure center from a child’s penis is rooted in tradition. Today, parents who examine the facts are questioning the necessity of the procedure. Maggie says she is sorry she ever took her young son to get circumcised. quote, “After I went home and I discovered that my son’s penis was not there, I immediately froze, like, oh my God.” The mother said she couldn’t believe what happened when she took her three-month-old son Ashton for a circumcision. She says doctors told her the procedure would take about 20 minutes. But after a couple hours, Ashton was still in surgery. Quote, “It took them about three hours to do the circumcision and so my baby screamed the whole three hours, like the whole process. Then even when she gave him back to us, he was still screaming.” Maggie says the doctor performing the surgery obviously botched the procedure. But when it was over, she says they simply returned her screaming son to her, never telling her about the devastating mistake that had happened in the operating room. quote, “They gave me back my baby like nothing was wrong.” She didn’t find out until she went home with a still screaming son, and a diaper filled with blood. Maggie said, quote, “When my sister pulled the cloth back, it was covered in blood and it was no penis there.” All that was left was a partial penis and his tiny testicles. Maggie said Ashton urinates through a hole in his penis. She says she can’t imagine what she’ll say to her son, when he’s old enough to understand what happened to him. Quote, “‘Momma like, how could this happen to me? How could you explain that to your child that you don’t have a penis, that they have to reconstruct one, or you probably have might not never be able to have kids?” Maggie hired an attorney and is pursuing a medical malpractice suit against Christ Community Health Centers. As for little Ashton, a reconstructive surgery is scheduled for early next year. Christ Community Health Centers has been reached for comment but won’t return repeated calls. One easy solution to make sure this doesn’t happen again is to keep knives away from a baby’s penis. Instead, why not wait and let him decide for himself if he wants to undergo surgery that will result in 25% less of a penis and 75% reduced sensitivity!? Who knows, he may thank you!

Stay tuned to for all the latest updates on the ongoing peaceful evolution! If you enjoyed the show, send us some bitcoin at This episode was made possible by S-U-N-S . Trade in your pesky Federal Reserve Notes for their Fine Silver Quarters. They look great, and unlike dollars, they’re actually made of something valuable! If you want truly tradable silver, look no further than S-U-N-S

Check out this episodeSoLM-banner-600

PNN Live #40 Penis Accidentally Removed During Circumcision

Direct Download Podcast Audio

Penis Accidentally Removed During Circumcision


PNN Live #40 http://WeUseCoins.com


Circumcision, No More Penis


No Cops, Family Wins Private Justice


Dash Cam Show Truth of Beating


Racist Strategy Wins Election


James Babb Jury Nullification FOX Interview


Carlos Miller Investigated


Police Murdered 5,000 since 9/11


Uncrackable Encryption for Skype?


Civil Resistance Works


Crying Cop

Federal Lawsuit Against Cop Who Tasered Woman When She Didn’t Show Breasts


School Trashes Breakfast Over 30 Cent Debt


Boy Arrested for Not Getting Out of Bed


Family: Louisiana Police stun father as son died in house fire


Cops Kill Man, Neighbors Attack Cops


Library Offers Free 3D Printer,0,2607372.story

Watch Out: IRS Jails for Contempt



PNN #252

Owe IRS $0, Go to Jail

Hey everybody, Welcome to Peace News Now, your daily journal of peaceful resistance! I’m DerrickJ. Today’s Saturday, November 9th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 354 dollars. This episode was made possible by S-U-N-S . Trade in your pesky Federal Reserve Notes for their Fine Silver Quarters. They look great, and unlike dollars, they’re actually made of something valuable! If you want truly tradable silver, look no further than S-U-N-S

Brian writes at  that Doreen Hendrickson is spending what might be the last weekend she has with her family for a few years. On Monday, a jury is expected to return a verdict on her contempt charge. If she’s found guilty, she will go to jail.

The IRS put her husband Pete in jail for 3 years; now they’re anxious to do the same to Doreen.

Doreen’s charge is not signing a Form 1040. A 1040 is a legal document that you sign under penalty of perjury:

quote, “Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete.”

It is signed under penalties of perjury because a Form 1040 is your sworn legal testimony regarding your income taxes. If you lie on a form 1040, you will go to jail. Doreen can’t sign the 1040 because she doesn’t believe it to be true, correct, and complete. The 1040s are for 2002, ‘03, and ‘08. The total taxes due using the government’s figures are $0. That’s Zero. There is no tax due.

Doreen is not charged with being a tax protester. She is not charged with falsifying a document. She is not charged with evading taxes, or willful failure to file.

She’s charged with contempt for not signing a form. A form which, if she is forced to sign it, will cause her to commit perjury.

She offered to sign the form with the words “under duress” written in next to her name. The IRS said not good enough.

She offered to sign under the line so that she would not be subject to perjury charges. The IRS said not good enough.

Judge Victoria Roberts suggested that Doreen sign the form and attach an affidavit stating her reasons for not wanting to sign. Doreen said “Great!” and went home to write up the affidavit. The IRS called: not good enough.

The IRS demands Doreen sign the form on the line, swearing it to be true, correct, and complete even though she does not believe that. The IRS is demanding she change her testimony to suit them. It is dictating her testimony.

In addition, Judge Roberts lied to the jury that the jury may not judge the law. The judge said that SHE will tell them what the law is and they must judge the case based on the what she says the law is.

This is a flat out lie, one being told by judges all over the country.

The fact is that it is the jury’s obligation to judge the law by way of jury nullification. The first chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay, said, quote, “The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy.” John Adams echoed the same sentiment, as did 2 major Supreme Court cases in the 20th century: US v Moylan, and US v Dougherty, which declared, quote, “the jury has an unreviewable and irreversible power… to acquit in disregard of the instructions on the law given by the trial judge.”

The IRS requested that the judge give the following instruction: quote,

“It is not a defense to the crime of contempt that the court order was unlawful or unconstitutional.”

From this ridiculous statement, it follows that anyone in authority can order you to do something illegal and you have to do it. Unbelievably, the judge actually gave this instruction.

The jury is deliberating now. They spent two hours on Friday doing so and will return on Monday morning to continue. The fact they did not reach a verdict quickly means that at least one juror is arguing for Doreen, for sanity and for common sense to prevail.

Some believe the jury is the conscience of the people and the last bastion between tyranny and the accused.

Doreen’s husband, Pete, wrote a book a few years ago called Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America.* The IRS tried to ban the book for years, suing Pete four times, but they were unsuccessful. They did get to put Pete in jail for 3 years, however, convicting him of filing fraudulent documents. Now they are going after Doreen.

Stay tuned to for all the latest updates on the ongoing peaceful evolution! If you enjoyed the show, send us some bitcoin at This episode is brought to you by friends of . You’ve probably been hearing a lot about bitcoin in the news. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use this new currency, I recommend you visit . It’s the perfect launching pad to get started. That’s

Check out this episodeBlockChain-Banner

Silk Road Rises Again, Govt Gives Up



PNN #251

Govt Gives up Fighting Silk Road

Prosecutor Wants to DUI Pot Smokers

Fla Teacher Suspended for Forcing Pledge

Boy Suspended for Purse

Mother Jailed for Sending Child to Better School

Hey everybody, Welcome to Peace News Now, your daily journal of peaceful resistance! I’m DerrickJ. Today’s Friday, November 8th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 327 dollars. This episode is brought to you by friends of . You’ve probably been hearing a lot about bitcoin in the news. If you’d like to learn more about how you can use this new currency, I recommend you visit . It’s the perfect launching pad to get started. That’s

Has the government given up on attacking Silk Road? Senator Tom Carper is the Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and the Governmental Affairs Committee. He released the following statement this week, after the launch of the Silk Road 2.0:

quote, “This new website – launched barely a month after Federal agents shut down the original Silk Road — underscores the inescapable reality that technology is dynamic and ever-evolving and that government policy needs to adapt accordingly.”  

But will government policy be able to adapt? Senator Carper hopes so. He’s having a hearing this month on virtual currency. Will this mean more governmental controls over your internet use?

Give ’em an inch and they’ll take a mile. That’s usually how government regulations work. Arizona is no exception, where you can use cannabis as medicine…if you ask permission from government. 40,000 people so far have, seeing little or no downside to registering with the government as cannabis users. But now that those lists have been compiled, the government could now ban those 40,000 users from driving. A prosecutor is attempting to convict a man of a DUI for having trace amounts of THC in his blood. Unlike alcohol, THC can stay inside a person’s system for months after consuming cannabis. If this prosecutor is successful in caging this peaceful pot smoker, he will be setting a precedent that if you smoke one joint today, you can’t legally drive for at least 2 months, or it’s a DUI. Does this make any sense to you?

An 4-th grade government school teacher was suspended this week after forcing a student to say the pledge of allegiance against his religious convictions. Quote,

“(The parents) reported to [the vice principle] that Ms. McDonald had pulled (the student’s) arm to force him to put his hand on his heart and told him that he is an American and needed to show respect.”

The 10-year-old explained that he is a Jehovah’s witness and that he does not worship or pledge allegiance to objects, including flags.

The teacher responded, quote, “If you don’t want to say the pledge, you still have to put your hand on your heart and if you don’t want to do that, you should move out of the country.” The teacher was suspended 5 days without pay and ordered to undergo diversity training.

Speaking of suspensions, a 13-year-old boy was suspended this week, indefinitely, for wearing a purse to school. Please Note: This is real life. Skylar Davis bravely refused to take the purse off, so the school called his mom. She doesn’t see the problem. He and the school are now in a stalemate, with Skylar refusing to return until they let him wear the purse, and the school threatening more suspensions if he does. Talk about a zero-“tolerance” policy. Indiana Jones worked at a school, and he wears a purse.

In a related story, a homeless mother enrolled her 6-year-old son in a nearby school. The only problem is…she doesn’t technically “live” there. She lives in a van. So now the government has charged her with fraud. Clearly acting with the best of intentions for her 6-year-old son, her case drew national attention and support from civil rights leaders and other advocates who wanted the charge dismissed. This week the government convicted her for the crime of stealing $15,000 worth of ‘free’ education. Since she can’t afford to keep fighting the charges, the mother accepted a plea deal from the government even though she insists she is not guilty. The mother was sentenced to 12 years in prison, suspended after she serves five years, and five years probation. Has the government solved any problem here? This boy’s mother, his only guardian, will now be taken away from him from ages 6 to 11. Is this what’s best for the child?

Stay tuned to for all the latest updates on the ongoing peaceful evolution! If you enjoyed the show, send us some bitcoin at This episode was made possible by S-U-N-S . Trade in your pesky Federal Reserve Notes for their Fine Silver Quarters. They look great, and unlike dollars, they’re actually made of something valuable! If you want truly tradable silver, look no further than S-U-N-S

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