; margin-bottom: 0pt;”>PNN #254
Man Nails Scrotum to Ground
Prosecutor Spends 10 Days in Jail over Sending Man to Prison for 25 years
Yesterday, an artist nailed his scrotum to the ground. Hey everybody, Welcome to Peace News Now, your daily journal of peaceful resistance! I’m DerrickJ. Today’s day, November th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 343 dollars. This episode was made possible by S-U-N-S . Trade in your pesky Federal Reserve Notes for their Fine Silver Quarters. They look great, and unlike dollars, they’re actually made of something valuable! If you want truly tradable silver, look no further than S-U-N-S
A Russian conceptual artist known for his extreme political protests shocked tourists visiting Moscow’s Red Square yesterday by nailing his scrotum to the cobblestone pavement as part of a protest marking Russia’s annual Police Day. Petr Pavlensky first gained international attention after he sewed his mouth shut following the arrest of the Russian punk group Pussy Riot. He followed that up several months later with a protest he dubbed “Carcass,” which involved him being wrapped in a “multilayered cocoon of barbed wire,” and “laying still in a half-bent position” outside the building that houses the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg.
His latest political action, called “Nail,” saw Pavlensky sit down naked in front of Lenin’s Mausoleum and proceed to strike a large nail directly into his scrotum, attaching himself to the stone street below. Pavlensky’s performance was ultimately dismantled using a claw hammer. The artist was arrested and taken to the hospital where he declined to be admitted. He stated, quote,
“As the government turns the country into one big prison, stealing from the people and using the money to grow and enrich the police apparatus and other repressive structures, society is allowing this, and forgetting its numerical advantage, is bringing the triumph of the police state closer by its inaction. A naked artist looking to his balls nailed to the Kremlin pavement – is a metaphor of apathy and political indifference and fatalism of the modern Russian society. It’s not bureaucratic mayhem that deprives society of the ability to act. But it is our fixation on our defeats and losses that nails us stronger to the Kremlin’s pavement, creating from people an army of apathetic robots, patiently waiting for their fate.” Petr Pavlensky, Nov 2013
In other news, a corrupt former prosecutor will face a rare penalty for intentionally withholding evidence in a trial that sent a man to prison 25 years ago. For robbing an innocent man of decades of his life, the ex-D.A. will spend now have to spend 10 days in jail.
The prosecutor, named Ken Anderson, was sitting on evidence that could have redeemed the man he was convicting, but he made sure none of the evidence was released during the trial. Even though the prosecution knew that they had the wrong man, Ken convicted him anyway. Michael Morton was given life in prison for murdering his wife, even though he didn’t do it. Ken coldly and knowingly ruined an innocent man’s life to advance his career. The conviction made Ken look like a hero, and he went on to enjoy a fruitful 25 year career, which eventually propelled him to the position of Williamson County State District Judge.
Finally in 2010, DNA testing revealed that Michael was innocent and he was released in 2011, after spending nearly 25 years in prison. The real killer was convicted in March of this year.
A month after Norwood’s conviction, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Judge Ken Anderson. He was charged with 3 felonies related to evidence tampering.
After initially fighting the charges for several months, Ken finally struck a bargain with prosecutors. They dropped the criminal charges of tampering with evidence, and this week, Ken plead guilty to being in contempt of court in 1987, when he lied to Morton’s trial judge that he had no favorable evidence to give to Morton’s lawyers. Contempt of court is a mild charge that a person might get for speaking out of turn in front of a judge.
The court has sentenced Ken to forced early retirement, community service, and ten (10) days in jail.
Some are celebrating the rare occasion that a corrupt prosecutor is facing any punishment at all. Others are cringing at the incredibly light sentence. Are the courts incapable of justice? How many others were victims of this man’s criminal conscience?
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