Is It Legal to Shoot Down Government Drones?

PNN #199 Show Notes

Drone Hunters

Ensuring Safety at Suspicionless Checkpoint

Ian Now Pastor at Parsonage


Saturday, September 7th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 120 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of Learn about bitcoin at

A small town in Colorado has found itself overwhelmed with requests and cash for a unmanned aircraft hunting license that doesn’t exist  – yet. What started out a whimsical protest against government surveillance tactics is now being taken seriously.

In June a resident of Deer Trail, Colorado proposed a town wide ordinance that would offer $25 licenses to hunt and shoot down government drones if they flew within 1,000 feet above private property — with a $100 reward for returning one.

After the requests for licenses including personal checks made out to the town hit over a thousand, the town clerk stopped counting.

The town’s board had a chance to approve the license ordinance last month but deadlocked 3-3. If you know anyone in the Deer Trail, Colorado area, get this message to them! Deer Trail residents vote on the ordinance in one month, Oct. 8.

The Federal government has warned, quote, “Shooting at an unmanned aircraft could result in criminal or civil liability, just as would firing at a manned airplane.”

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New Hampshire state police established a suspicionless checkpoint on Route 12 in Walpole last week. About twenty cop cars waited to ambush oncoming drivers. Most people endured the blinding flashing lights and handed the authorities proof of permission to be driving. Occasionally drivers were asked to accept sobriety tests.

The checkpoint, while intended to catch people by surprise, was announced in advance in the Keene Sentinel as is required by New Hampshire law. In violation of New Hampshire law, however, these detentions are not based on suspicion of a driving offense.

Liberty Activists in Keene responded by setting up signs warning of the checkpoint ahead and indicating where the final turnoff was to avoid the checkpoint.

There *were* reports of complaints about the cops bright lights, but there *weren’t* any reports of belligerent, impaired, or otherwise dangerous individuals taken off the road that night thanks to the checkpoint. But there was a man who was arrested for Failure to Obey an officer. Seems like the greater danger for most drivers is not drunk driving, but fascism.

But it’s not all hopeless: one activist, Garret Ean of, drove through the checkpoint with cameras rolling and captured some pretty interesting video. He drove through sipping an unlabeled brown glass bottle, did not offer any proof of license, identification, or registration, and was sent on his way without a citation. Officers *do* have discretion, and I applaud the officer in *this* interaction for exercising it, although it probably had everything to do with the video camera and not his own motivations.

Want more from the scene? Check out the raw footage from Free Concord’s camera coverage in these shownotes.

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Speaking of Keene, Ian Freeman posted to this week that he and Darryl W Perry delivered notice to the people calling themselves “The City of Keene” that 73 and 75 Leverett St. are ministers’ parsonages and that Ian and Darryl will no longer participate in their system of coercive taxes. However, the new church may elect to give the city bureaucrats a voluntary contribution to support the programs they *do* support (like road repair).

An excerpt from the notice reads, quote, “You are on notice that you have no authority from god to rule your fellow man. Our church’s ministers and members also have not granted you any authority over their lives.”

In other news, in a video that went viral this week, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd appeared on a TV talk show. In it, he shares that his views on homosexuality have changed because his heart and mind have been changed. This is another good sign that little by little, the world is becoming more rational.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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