Is Government Turning the World Into A Prison

Michael Douglass VS US Prison System

Arizona Boycott Causes Loss of $140M over Immigration Law

Andre Rosa Trial – Nov 4

Biometrics Fail


PNN #215 (link to episode post)

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Michael Douglas won the Emmy for Lead Actor in “Behind the Candelabra,” a story written by Liberace’s former lover, who is currently in prison. Douglas’ oldest son, Cameron, has been incarcerated on drug charges since 2010, and has been in solitary confinement for the past two years. During his acceptance speech, Douglas got emotional when he publicly declared he hoped “they’ll allow me to see my son soon.”

Backstage after his speech, Michael continued to slam the U.S. prison system to the media and stated that he was “very disappointed in the system.” I wanted to share his exact quote with you, but because of copyright laws that threaten media producers like me with jail and other punishments for sharing a soundbyte with you, I’ll read his words: Quote:

“My son is in federal prison. He’s been a drug addict for a large part of his life. Part of the punishments — if you happen to have a slip, and this is for a prisoner who is nonviolent, as about a half-million of our drug-addicted prisoners are — he’s spent almost two years in solitary confinement. Right now I’ve been told that I can’t see him for two years. And I’m questioning the system. Obviously at first, I was certainly disappointed in my son. But I’ve reached a point now where I’m very disappointed with the system. My last comment on that is the United States represents 5 percent of the world’s population and we have 25 percent of the world’s prisoners.”

Cameron is scheduled to be released in 2018. He has also criticised the prison system. In June, he penned a drug policy essay from jail for The Huffington Post.

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Have you been boycotting Arizona-based goods and services? Many have, and it’s costing the state’s businesses millions. The reason? The politicians in Arizona have given the police there the authority to ask anyone for proof of citizenship. This “papers please” reaction to immigration stinks of Nazism, and people planning to vacation in Arizona have changed their plans for fear of being harassed. Businesses have lost lucrative contracts and conventions have relocated, performers called off concerts, and cities and counties in about a dozen states passed resolutions to avoid doing business with Arizona. They argue that regardless of how one feels about immigration, the solution is not to turn Arizona into a prison. A report released Thursday says the boycott has cost the state over $140 million in lost meeting and convention business. The study found that canceled meetings and conferences could cost the state nearly 2,800 jobs, $87 million in lost wages and more than $250 million in lost economic output over the next three years.

Looking to join the boycott? US Airways, U-Haul, and of course Arizona iced tea are all based in Arizona and easy to boycott in favor of a competitor.

However, critics argue that the boycott doesn’t help, but hurts the Hispanic community in Arizona. CEO Joe Stegmayer lost a bid for a California building contract, even though it was the lowest bid, because his company is based in Arizona. He said the homes would have been built at a plant near Phoenix, which would have led to more work for the primarily Hispanic work force there.

And in activist news, New Hampshire liberty activist Andre Rosa has a trial November 4th to answer to the crime of driving without state permission. Please attend to show your support.

Thinking of picking up the new iPhone? Apple says the new fingerprint ID is impenetrable. Wrong! Within 4 days of the release of the new phone, the biometrics hacking team of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has successfully bypassed the biometric security of Apple’s TouchID using easy everyday means. A fingerprint of the phone user, photographed from a glass surface, was enough to create a fake finger that could unlock an iPhone 5s. Skeptics argue that the purpose of the biometrics were not intended for security but for surveillance. What do you think? The Department of Homeland Security is testing their new facial recognition software at a junior ice hockey game this weekend.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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