Twelve cartoonists at the Parisian offices of the satire newspaper Charlie Hebdo have been killed by a Muslim extremist. Maybe if they had guns to defend themselves, it wouldn’t have been such a massacre. In this episode, I am joined by John Vibes of The Free Thought Project, Dave Ridley of the Ridley Report, and NH State House Rep John Burt (who gave a rousing speech on something called “Rule 63”). Topics include:
Henry David Thoreau Puppet Show
Rumain Brisbon Killed on Doorstep
The Onion – No One Murdered for this Cartoon
Case Against Heroic Peaceful Resistor Julian Heicklan Dropped
Everybody Loves an American Sniper
Give That Money Back! by David Crawford
What Was the Explosion at the NAACP Building About?
How the Silk Road Trial Will Change Everything
Silk Road Event: Peaceful Demonstration Outside US Courthouse
Pat Robertson Recommends Hitting Children Who Reject Religion
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