Gay Reporter Hijacks Russian TV for Free Speech



PNN #211

Reporter Uses Opportunity To Spotlight Abuse of Gays

Inflatable Kangaroos Against McDonald’s

World’s Largest Polar Bear


Thursday, September 19th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 128 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you in part by friends of and .

According to a new Russian law, people calling themselves Agents of the Russian Government have the authority to jail anyone who quote, “glorifies non-traditional relationships to minors.” Yes, they argue that violence must be used against people peacefully exercising free speech…to protect the children, of course. The problem is that wearing rainbow, or just about any non-disapproving mention of gay rights and relationships is characterized as grounds for jailing.

That’s what inspired James Kirchick this week to use his opportunity as a guest commentator on a Russian TV News panel as a soapbox to decry the violations of human rights by the Russia government. Donning a pair of rainbow suspenders, he said, quote,


Ironically, the topic the panel was *supposed* to be discussing was Chelsea Manning, the woman who, after releasing the largest set of restricted documents ever leaked to the public, was sentenced to 35 years for violations of the Espionage Act.

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WGNTV in Chicago reports that The Rock ‘n’ Roll McDonald’s was overrun by dozens of inflatable kangaroos on Monday. 32 inflatable kangaroos were planted outside the building. The stunt was organized by an Australian community group that objects to a plan to build a McDonald’s in their hometown of Tecoma, Australia which sits next to a national park. They say putting a McDonald’s there would be like building one next to Mount Rushmore. I personally wouldn’t mind that, but to each his own. At least they’re taking personal responsibility and using direct action rather that begging the government to use force to shut down the McDonalds. Yesterday they delivered 100,000 petition signatures to McDonald’s headquarters in Oakbrook, asking McDonald’s to put its new restaurant somewhere else.

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The Guardian reports this week that a 41-foot long polar bear was paraded through the streets of London, signed with the names of over 3 million people in protest of oil companies drilling for oil in the Arctic. A Greenpeace rep who helped organize the protest said that the use of oil is contributing to climate change, and that in turn is causing polar bears to lose their homes. Touching visual, but is it true?

Actually, Earth gained about 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record. There is more sea ice now than there was on this date in 2002.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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