PNN #214
Peaceful Resistor Arrested During Miscarriage
Andre Rosa Arrested
Peacemaking Starbucks Trip
Monday, September 23rd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 130 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and
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In early childhood, we all learn the simple rules to coexist peacefully:
Play nice with others. Don’t touch other people’s things without their permission. Respect other people’s personal space and don’t put your hands on strangers. These fundamental principles are integral to a free society.
But there are some people in the world who act as if putting on a tin badge or a fancy hat makes them exempt from these rules. They believe that even though it’s morally wrong to initiate force against someone…it’s okay when it’s done under the pretence of protecting law and order. Is it really true that arming a small group of men and granting them authority over everyone else, is going to lead to a more peaceful and just society?
Ask Victoria King. This month the college student was on her way to the doctor when a law enforcer sirened for her pulled over. Her brake light was out. In most cases, this is a warning–a simple ticket at most. But this law enforcer decided to break the front window of King’s car, forcibly unlock her door and open it without her permission, and grab her and throw her to the ground.
She was charged with Resisting a Law Enforcer with Violence, Resisting a Law Enforcer *without* Violence, and Battery on a Law Enforcer. In a video going viral this week, the law enforcer’s own body-cam footage reveals that King remained peaceful–that in fact *she* was the *victim* of battery *by* the law enforcer, not the other way around. And exactly how can a person be alleged of both Resisting an officer *with* violence AND *without* violence? The only one acting violent in the video is the man who damaged this woman’s property and then forcefully pulled her from her car to the ground. Does she own her body or do the cops? Does they work for us or do we work for them?
Kudos to Victoria King for maintaining a peaceful demeanor, calm attitude, and considerate volume in the face of violent aggression by a so-called authority. Your peaceful actions not only make apparent the violence inherent in the system but also provide an example for other peaceful resisters to follow.
In a related story, New Hampshire Liberty Activist and Friend of the show Andre Rosa was recently arrested for the “crime” of driving a car, after agents of the state sent him a piece of paper in the mail explicitly informing him that he no longer has their permission to use the roads. They claim that traveling on the road is a state granted privilege, and if you do it without their permission, then they are allowed to violate the universal principles of “don’t touch and don’t steal” when they forcefully take your body and put it in a cage until your friends or family pay them a ransom. Is this moral? Does it suddenly *become* moral when the agents have blue costumes and guns?
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And now a beautiful example of how we can spread peace in our daily lives: this week a woman in a Starbucks drive-thru mistakenly thought the driver behind her was trying to butt in line. She angrily charged forward and launched a laundry list of expletives at the driver, who blogged about the incident online this week. Quote,
I left her a wide berth, and smiled at her splotchy face. She shot me a sideways scowl. Pulling up to the loudspeaker behind her, I said “I want to pay for whatever the woman in front of me has ordered. And please tell her I hope she has a better day.” The woman idled in front of me for a good four minutes, talking to the barista. She shook her head and handed over a bill. She drove around the side of the building slowly, this time no gunning. Hmmm. “No takers, huh?” I said to the barista as I pulled forward. “Nope. She said she couldn’t believe you wanted to pay for her drink after all the names she called you. She said she couldn’t allow it, and said to tell you she was sorry. She felt really bad.” “Did you tell her I hoped she had a better day?” “Yep. She said thanks— that she already was.”
Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!