Cops Punish Driver for Supporting Activists

Last night there was a DUI checkpoint in Manchester. This is a federally-funded program. Some activists held signs to warn drivers of the impending stop so that they could avoid it. One man who appreciated this honked his horn in support, and he was arrested. Here is the video of that arrest:

Here are the full raw videos from that night:

Philly Liberty Activist Kidnapped, Facing 10 Charges & $35k Bail, All Victimless Crimes

**UPDATE** 2013-02-13 9:37PM

Fernando has been released on bail and awaits trial for his charges. Here is a link to an ABC News report on Fernando’s victimization at the hands of the Camden County police: LINK

It’s a good thing the police violated Fernando’s rights when he refused the search. A parking infraction *is not* a probable cause to search a vehicle, but thank goodness they did or he might have blown up the police station with his signal flares and pepper spray. Lame. Now faces a decade in prison? Sounds like nj IS the prison.

Fernando Antonio Salguero is still in custody of the Somerdale Police Department, facing 10 charges and a bail of $35,000

The accused charges are:

(2C39-3A) 3 counts of possession of destructive devices

(2C39-3E) 1 count of possession of certain weapons

(2C39-5D) 3 counts of possession of a weapon

(2C39-9D) 3 counts of transportation of weapons

Time of arrest was around 1:30am. Bail is set at $35,000.

Information above according to Jason Laughlin (Cell: 609-820-7630) of the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office.

Somerdale Police: (856) 428-6324

Camden County Prosecutor’s Office (856) 225-8400

Fernando’s trial date is not known at this time. Check for future updates.