PNN #151 DC Phantom Planter Faces Jailtime

PNN #151 Show Notes


Metro Rips Out Phantom Planters Flowers at Dupont Circle Station


Female Inmates Sterilized in CA Prisons

…Dr Defends…


UK Bitcoin Exchanges Do Not Have To Register with Gov (Netherlands, UK, Canada)


Costa Rica Accidentally Legalizes Gay Marriage

Check out this episode

PNN #150 Mos Def Suffers Gitmo Force Feeding

PNN #150 Show Notes


App Vindicates Man Falsely Accused of Rape


Mos Def Suffers Gitmo Force Feeding


Tatiana Fundraising for Tour


Shrooms Reduce Fear, Grow New Brain Cells


This is your Peace News for Tuesday, July 9th 2013.


Silver is trading at 19 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 78 dollars per bitcoin.


This episode brought to you by View charts and store your bitcoins free at



A taxicab driver in the UK was falsely accused of rape this week. After being thrown into a jail cell, the man was finally vindicated when he presented evidence on his phone proving that he was innocent. Though many rail against the surveillance state, private surveillance is a useful tool for providing an objective record of your innocence. The cabbie knew his CCTV was broken that evening, and so he switched on an audio recorder on his phone. That was enough to prove that Astria Berwick was a passenger like any other — simply rode in the cab and went on her way. But after the ride, Astria called police and told them that she had been the victim of a serious sexual assault inside Asif’s cab. It was a complete lie.

Now thanks to the objective record held by Asif’s phone, Astria’s lie is exposed. She now sits behind bars on a sentence of 16 months for a charge of perverting the course of justice.



This next story brought to you by . Curious about bitcoin and want to know more? Start at



As Ramadan begins, 120 hunger-strikers in Guantánamo Bay continue their protest. More than 40 of them are being force-fed. A leaked document sets out the military instructions, or standard operating procedure, for force-feeding detainees. In a four-minute film made by Human Rights organisation Reprieve and Bafta, award-winning director Asif Kapadia, US actor and rapper Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def), experiences the procedure first-hand.


What is happening in Guantanamo Bay is hidden from public view. There are people who, for months, have been dressing up in American soldier uniforms, strapping down innocent people to chairs, and forcing baby formula into their stomachs through tubes inserted into their noses.


Nobody likes to see what is happening in Guantanamo. But if the public refuses to look at what’s happening, then it will continue.


Most of the men remaining at Guantanamo have been cleared for release from the detention center not only by the Obama Administration but also by the Bush Administration years ago! They are wholly innocent both in reality and in the eyes of the government, however the government continues for years to torture their bodies in a secretive facility outside of US soil.


I encourage listeners of this program to get creative and produce media highlighting the abuses of Guantanamo Bay and challenging others to face the reality of what’s happening there. It’s good to focus on the positive, but noncooperation with evil is as much a responsibility as cooperation with good. Do your part to withhold your support for torturers.



One way to withdraw your support for the US Government is to stop using its money. Visit to try bitcoin instead.


Tatiana Moroz is a singer-songwriter and independent musician for the Liberty Movement, and she is going out on tour this summer in support of her album, “Love and Liberty”!


Tatiana has launched an indie-go-go campaign to raise $5,000 to cover airfare, fuel, car rentals, hotels, and food!


To show how much she appreciates your support, the campaign is offering tiered-level rewards for those who donate.


Tatiana’s music reach people, inspiring discussion about what you and I can do as a united front against injustice.


Peace, Love and Liberty are messages that everyone can get behind. The more opportunities that Tatiana has to sing and perform around the continent, the more people she can reach and connect with.


If you can’t offer financial support, Help spread the word! Are you on Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Do you have a newsletter? A website? A radio program? Reach out to your family and friends!


Following Tatiana on Twitter, Facebook, and sign up for Tatiana’s newsletter by going to


You can also donate in bitcoin. Use a free wallet from


Intellihub reports that Psilocybin Mushrooms Promote Growth of New Brain Cells, and can Even Cure PTSD And Depression, according to a recent study by the University of South Florida.


Dr. Juan Sanchez-Ramos, who co-author of the study, exclaimed of his lab mice, “They simply lost their fear.”

Much more research could be done by ordinary people and professors alike, if governments around the world weren’t at war with peaceful drug users. Psilocybin mushrooms are illegal in the United States, and other countries. Scientists are eager to look into the idea of using Psilocybin Mushrooms to cure (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), chronic depression, and a wide range of other mental and physical ailments, but doing so would require disobeying agents of the state. These mushrooms are harmless, cannot cause overdose, and unlike disobedience to the state, cannot cause death.



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Subscribe at and watch us on the Next News Network.


For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

PNN #147 The Rise of New Improved Bitcoin

PNN #147 Show Notes


Agora Seed Exchange


Financial Times: Rise of Bitcoin


Significant Improvements Planned for Merchants in V0.9


Free Speech Atty Joins Robin Hood Pro-Bono


Danny Panzella, Crime Stopper


This is your Peace News for Saturday, July 6th 2013.


Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 67 dollars per bitcoin.


This episode brought to you by


Agora Seed Exchange is an internet based company connecting farmers to heirloom seeds.

Heirloom seeds yield plants whose DNA comes from early periods in human history. For generations they have been maintained by gardeners and farmers, particularly in isolated or ethnic communities. This keeps the DNA of the plants rich and diverse. Seeds from monocultural plots lack this biodiversity and nutrition.

Since heirloom seeds are not used for large-scale commercial agriculture, they are ideal for everyday people like you to plant in your home garden. Organic and 100% natural, these heirloom seeds are available through their Facebook page.

Run by activist Eddie Free and organic farmer Melissa Moran, the Agora Seed Exchange has been in operation since April of 2013.

Part of the strategy for survival in a tumultuous world is to become self-sufficient in producing your own food, and to eat foods that are rich and nutrient dense.

Procure your own heirloom seeds from Agora Seed Exchange by sending them a message through Facebook.


Did I mention they accept bitcoin? Learn about Bitcoin at



The Financial Times produced a video yesterday in which Maija Palmer reports from a Bitcoin Conference. Several Free Staters appear in the video, including Zach & Josh Harvey, and Erik Voorhees. In a brief interview with Josh, he makes the point that the Bitcoin landscape  is developing around tech centers like Silicon Valley, New York City, and Boston, where bars, restaurants, grocery stores, and nightclubs all accept bitcoin. Erik notes that bitcoin’s growth has been totally organic and adds that it will continue to grow as long as people find it useful. And with ever-increasing bank fees, regulations, and controls on investments, more & more people are opting for alternatives. Whether you are paying your friend at the bar or programmers in India, bitcoin can be sent instantly and for negligible cost. With the high speed and low cost of transmission, digital money is an inevitability.

The video also features one of the reporters from the Financial Times using the Lamassu bitcoin ATM to transfer her currency from Great British Pounds to bitcoins in just a few seconds. The design of the machine is sharp and this video does a great job of highlighting the most important facts about bitcoin.


You can watch the financial times video through the link in this episode’s show notes.


And Learn more about bitcoin at, and set up your own free wallet at



Speaking of bitcoin, Phillip Archer writes in a blogpost at yesterday that significant improvements are planned for the next version of the bitcoin software. These changes are pretty technical, and I recommend reading the article to grasp its full meaning, but in essence, there will be improvements in 4 major areas: ease of use, recurring payments, dispute resolution and immediate feedback.


I am most excited by the prospect of easily implementing recurring payments, something that would benefit most bitcoin-based charities.


Plus, subscription services have been hesitant to implement bitcoin as a payment feature because of the lack of ability to bill customers at regular intervals.

These changes will likely lead to more adoption of Bitcoin as the technology and the market matures.

Looking for a secure place to store your bitcoins? Try the free wallet at


Ian Freeman blogs at


Jon Meyer is an attorney based in Manchester, New Hampshire, whose normal focus is on employment-related cases, however he is also renown as one of the best lawyers in America on the subject of free speech.


Formerly an attorney with the NH Civil Liberties Union, in recent years Meyer won a major free speech case at the NH Supreme Court involving a man in a bigfoot costume on Mt. Monadnock. Additionally and more recently he trounced then-Cheshire-Sheriff Dick Foote in court and had Foote’s no trespass orders against local liberty activists (banning us from court property) overturned as unconstitutional.


Now, Meyer has made the time in his busy schedule for the Robin Hood of Keene case where the people calling themselves “the city” are suing several Robin Hooders in hopes of creating a 50ft anti-freedom radius around the meter maids.


Meyer filed his appearance this week in Cheshire superior court on behalf of five of the six defendants, with‘s Pete Eyre deciding not to opt-in to having an attorney.


To be clear, Meyer is donating his valuable time to the cause, pro-bono, and is up against the city people’s hired gun (paid by your tax dollars) private attorneys, including renown civil rights attorney Charles P. Bauer.



You can donate to Robin Hood of Keene using bitcoins. To learn how, visit


Danny Panzella of TruthSquad.TV posted a video this week in which he tracks down the owner of an illegally parked vehicle and finds that it belongs to a New York City Councilwoman. He walks right up to her, camera rolling, and addresses the situation, asking her if she thinks it’s right or necessary to park where others would get a ticket.


Danny perfectly highlights the hypocrisy of those in power and takes a personal stand against people acting as if they have extra rights.


Kudos, Danny! If everyone held bureaucrats personally responsible for their actions, what a different world it could be.


Subscribe at and watch us on the Next News Network.


For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

PNN #146 Will Egyptians Demand True Independence?

PNN #146 Show Notes

New, Improved 3D Printed Cast

Timetable Set for New Egyptian Elections

Sovereign Living TV’s message for Egypt

Pirate Party Provides Peace from Prosecutors:

This is your Peace News for Friday, July 5th 2013.

Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 81 dollars per bitcoin.

This episode is brought to you by Learn about Bitcoin at


A 3D-printed cast has been invented.

After many centuries of splints and cumbersome plaster casts that have been the itchy and smelly bane of millions of children, adults and the aged alike, the world over, at last, fracture support joins the 21st century.

The Cortex exoskeletal cast provides a highly technical and trauma zone localized support system that is fully ventilated, super light, shower friendly, hygienic, recyclable and stylish.

The cortex cast utilizes the x-ray and 3d scan of a patient with a fracture and generates a 3d model in relation to the point of fracture.

Lighter, tighter, and waterproof, it allows wearers a more free experience while their bones heal.



In CAIRO, Egypt’s military suspended the constitution Wednesday and ordered new elections, ousting the country’s first freely elected president after he defied army demands to implement radical reforms or step down.

Army chief of staff Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, speaking on national television in front of a row of prominent political and religious leaders, said the military was forced to act after President Mohammed Morsi had refused for weeks to set up a national reconciliation government.

Al-Sisi said the chief judge of the constitutional court, backed by technical experts, would have full powers to run the country until the constitution is amended and new elections are held. Adli al-Mansour, the 67-year-old head of Egypt’s supreme constitutional court, is to be sworn in Thursday as interim president, state media reported.


This next story brought to you by For Bitcoin charts, plus a free & secure bitcoin wallet, visit


John Bush posted the following message to the blog at SovereignLiving.TV:

“Egyptian protestors – give self-governance a try! It is likely that the next ruler will be just like the rest of them. It may take a while but as Lord Acton said, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You may not be able to have total liberty all across the country, but at least take a couple million of you and create a sustainable and autonomous region or two. What better opportunity than now do you have a chance at experimenting with a radical new way to organize society. Give mutually beneficial voluntary association a try and abandon the old way of coercion, hierarchy, and despair. If democracy is what you desire, explore direct democracy, where the individual chooses if he or she wishes to participate. You may not get another shot at it in a while. Why not try something new? We’ll be watching. Good luck. Peace and Freedom for ALL.”


One huge step toward personal independence is trading in a free person’s money. Learn about the digital currency you control, at


Despite sweltering heat and barely tolerable humidity, hundreds marched through New York City on Thursday to protest against mass spying by the U.S. National Security Agency.

About 500 people met in Union Square to listen to a number of privacy advocates and civil liberties groups discuss Fourth Amendment rights as they stand today, in light of recent revelations about the U.S. government’s spying capability.

According to the organizers, Independence Day is a poignant day to protest in support of citizens’ constitutional rights for protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, which they claim have been eroded under both the Bush and Obama administrations.

People of all ages, from children to elderly folk, joined in the march, which snaked through the midtown area of Manhattan. The police presence was heavy — more so to control the traffic than the crowds. Many marchers were chanting slogans, but the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly.

More than 100 protests are being held around the U.S. and Europe, as far as San Francisco; Chicago; Washington, D.C.; London; and Munich, according to the Restore the Fourth group.

The protesters are calling for an end to dragnet surveillance conducted by U.S. intelligence agencies, an investigation into domestic spying, and accountability on the part of public officials for what the protestors call quote “unconstitutional surveillance.”

Also, in a move reminiscent of the anti-SOPA actions of 2012, dozens of popular and high-profile Web sites, such as Mozilla, Reddit, WordPress, and Imgur, joined in publicly protesting the scope and reach of the Patriot Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which paved the way for NSA programs like PRISM.


Speaking of government spying, the parliamentary members of the Pirate Party in Iceland are pushing for to grant immediate citizenship to Edward Snowden. Iceland has taken a strong stance on internet freedom, coming to the defense of Julian Assange when WikiLeaks first came under attack. There were even 3 members of the Pirate Party elected to Parliament this year.

You can’t stop an idea whose time has come.


Speaking of technologies whose time has come, learn about bitcoin before it becomes the default currency of the internet, at


Subscribe at and watch us on the Next News Network.

For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!


PNN #145 Egyptian Military Ousts Morsi

PNN #145 Show Notes

Military Ousts Morsi

Manning Prosecution Rests, Defense Begins:

Toy Gun

Magpul Floods Colorado with 20,000 Magazines

Inventor of Internet Joins Effort to End Warrantless Surveillance

This is your Peace News for Thursday, July 4th 2013.

Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 80 dollars per bitcoin.

This episode is brought to you by


Early reports yesterday revealed that the Egyptian military ousted Muhammad Morsi, the man who (until yesterday) called himself the leader of all the people in Egypt. At this time, it’s unclear what this means for the people.


This Independence Day, Russian media reports that in the land of the free, federal prosecutors rested their case against Bradley Manning, the Army private turned whistleblower who admitted to revealing incriminating video and communications to WikiLeaks in 2010.

Manning’s video leak embarrassed the army, and in response, they had Manning arrested and charged with, quote, “aiding the enemy.”

The 25-year-old Oklahoma native has maintained that he only sought to publicize wrongdoing by the US Army.

He is charged with 21 total offenses, having already pleaded guilty to reduced charges on seven counts of espionage and two counts of computer fraud. For those charges, along with a guilty plea for violating a military rule against storing information, Manning would spend no less than 20 years in prison.

Despite that, the government is seeking a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

Prosecutors questioned 80 witnesses since the trial began on June 3 at Fort Meade near Baltimore, Maryland.

The defense is expected to begin arguing its case when the trial resumes, which could be as soon as Monday, July 8. They are likely to request a dismissal of all the charges, a typical motion after the prosecution rests. Manning’s fate will be decided by the judge.

Despite 14 days of testimony over five weeks, experts said the prosecution struggled to prove Manning acted with malicious intent to aid Al Qaeda.


This next story is brought to you by!


Gun rights advocates marched to the National Mall from Arlington while “armed” with water pistols before hosting a rally and a water fight yesterday.

Organizers of the Toy Gun March said they were promoting responsible gun ownership and trying to place gun owners in a better light. Participants were asked to carry toy pistols with orange tips, water guns, & nerf guns.

Austin Petersen, editor of the Libertarian Republic, said, quote “The Toy Gun Marchers are here to say that we believe in the second amendment right to bear arms, we believe in the Supreme Court decision, and we are here to say we come in peace. … We are non-violent; we want to show people that we’re respectful, and that we are responsible gun owners.”

The kid-oriented focus extended beyond water guns & face-painting: The group was also protesting harsh punishments that some schoolchildren have faced for having or playing with toy guns.

The Toy Gun Marchers held a tongue-in-cheek contest in which competitors nibbled Pop Tarts into the shape of guns.

The group also collected toys and money for Toys for Tots. At the conclusion of Wednesday’s event, organizers presented a Toys for Tots representative with a $1,200 check and several boxes of donated toys.

Kudos to the Toy Gun Marchers for spreading peace!


Another great way to spread peace is to give donations in bitcoin. Learn more at


Magpul has already moved most of their massive magazine making operation out of the state of Colorado, as they promised they would if expanded background legislation was signed into law (it was). However, the company, not one for fading quietly into the night, decided to go out with a bang.

Just two days before a magazine ban went into effect in the state of Colorado, which would make it illegal to buy/sell/trade magazines that can hold over 15 rounds, Magpul flooded the state of Colorado with 20,000 of their 30 round, standard capacity AR-15 magazines.

An estimated 5,000 people lined up to get the magazines, the first 1,500 of which were given out for free and the rest were discounted.

Kudos to Magpul for doing it right!


Bans may have worked in the last century, but with the internet and bitcoin, you can buy anything you want! Learn more at


The Electronic Frontier Foundation reports this week that Over five hundred thousand people have signed onto the Stop Watching Us campaign, a nonpartisan, grassroots campaign opposing the surveillance programs of the NSA.  The Stop Watching Us coalition is seeking public accountability and tangible reform to rein in unconstitutional surveillance.

Since launching just over two weeks ago, the campaign has already garnered the support of Internet companies like Namecheap, reddit, and Mozilla as well as dozens of advocacy organizations from across the political spectrum.

Yesterday, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, also added his support to the campaign. Other prominent supporters include Icelandic Parliamentarian Birgitta Jónsdóttir, author Cory Doctorow, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, and actor John Cusack.


Subscribe at and watch us on the Next News Network.

For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

PNN #144 Bank of America Chalker Found Not Guilty

PNN #144 Show Notes


Chalk Trial: Not Guilty!


Badass Activist Tony Bones


Silver Circle Movie on iTunes!–Download-it-today-.html?soid=1102632184452&aid=isRoLSGRFfg


Lamassu Bitcoin ATM in the News


Paleo Blogger Wins in Court


Charges Dropped Against NRA T-Shirt Wearing Student

Check out this episode

PNN #143 Gun Maker Gives Away High Capacity Magazines

PNN #143 Show Notes


Gun Parts Manufacturer Encouraging Civil Disobedience


Tech is Winning


Bakers Green Acres Fundraiser


This is your Peace News for Tuesday, July 2nd 2013.


Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 89 dollars per bitcoin.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ reports that the day before laws restricting magazine capacities for guns in Colorado, gun manufacturer Magpul joined with the non-profit Free Colorado to raise money for the fight for the state’s gun rights. This week they gave away 1,500 magazines at the event on a first-come-first-serve basis.


Magpul’s facebook page read, quote, “Come on out and join the festivities at Infinity Park in Glendale, CO, this Saturday, June 29, celebrating FREEDOM on the last weekend before the unconstitutional mag ban takes effect, and get your last shot at purchasing PMAGs. … Food, live music, and a helo-borne aerial delivery of PMAGs. Proceeds from mag sales go towards the legislative and legal fight for 2A rights in CO.”

Magpul also sold 20- and 30 round magazines at the event. Tickets were $5-35 dollars as a fundraiser for, and included up to three PMAGs.

The event, called “Farewell to Arms,” was a final big thank-you from Magpul to the people of Colorado who have supported them.

The magazine ban, along with several other new gun laws including mandatory background checks, went into effect Monday, July 1. The law prohibits the sale or transfer of magazines with a capacity greater than 15, although it does provide for magazines already owned. Any magazines with capacities greater than 15 will be legal so long as they were purchased prior to the deadline.

With these new stiff gun control measures in place, many manufacturers in the firearm industry have decided to leave the state. Magpul alone is estimated to support about 600 jobs, in-house and contractors.

Opponents of the new laws have filed a federal lawsuit against the state of Colorado, starting with most of the state’s sheriffs, Magpul and about 20 other companies and gun and civil rights organizations.

No matter what, Magpul is still planning to relocate from Colorado.

Perhaps they’ll find a new home in the Free State?



In other news, reports this week that for the first time, the government admits that encrypted communications kept them from decyphering text which they had a warrant to obtain.

What does this mean? Keep using encryption for as much communications as you possibly can! The government spends valuable time and energy trying to decode it, and in the end, they can’t!





Speaking of winning, Have you heard of Bitcoin?

It’s a new currency that works faster than credit cards.


Use it to send money to friends and merchants DIRECTLY, without using a bank.


They’re free to accept, plus generate new business from the bitcoin economy.


They aren’t tied to your name, so your identity is safe.


Spend them online or in retail stores using your smartphone.


Learn more about bitcoin at




Mark Baker of Baker’s Green Acres will be facing off with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources & the Michigan Attorney General in court for the first time, on Friday, July 12, at 2pm.


Both sides are asking for summary disposition, which means the judge will say that there isn’t a legitimate case and therefore one side wins by default.


The Bakers are also asking for a Jury for the trial in August.


The government bureaucracy does not want to have to make their case to a group of regular people, so they are strongly resisting the motion for a jury trial.


Come show your support for small family farms and the right to procure the foods of your choice from the producer of your choice!

Let’s fill the courtroom and respectfully show the judge that people care about their rights and are supporting Mark Baker.

The following day, July 13, Bakers Green Acres is hosting a pig roast and celebration of the farm!
They will be roasting a couple of these infamous beasts and they invite YOU to join them. Or should I say, US, because *I* will be there.

There will be a farm tour hay ride given by the feral farmer himself, Mark Baker, plus games, inspirational speakers, a silent auction, and even a greased pig contest! There will also be music by the fire, so bring your instrument and talent to share.


The Bakers will also have lots of their GMO free chicken in the freezer for sale. This is a great way to support the farm as a way to raise the funds needed to get through till August.


The event is free but there will be a donation piggy at the Celebration to show your appreciation for good food, farm fun, and Mark Baker’s courageous stand.

If you can’t attend the hearing or the celebration but want to support Mark’s stand, you can donate through the link at And please spread the word by linking to the donation on your website, twitter, or facebook page.



Links are in the show notes.


This has been Peace News, your daily update on the peaceful evolution.


Get more Peace News on the Next News Network, and for daily videos, subscribe, at


For, I’m DerrickJ, reminding you that Peace is the way!


PNN #142 Bradley Manning Trial Week 4 Recap

PNN #142 Show Notes


Keenevention Earlybird Extended to August!


Meanwhile, in the rest of the country…


Bradley Manning Trial Week 4 Recap


This is your Peace News for Monday, July 1st 2013.


Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 97 dollars per bitcoin.


Good news! The Earlybird discount for Keenevention tickets has been extended to August 1st!


The Keenevention is your opportunity to explore New Hampshire in the fall – particularly, the arguably most famous activist destination – Keene.


Plus, participate in panel discussions, enjoy great speakers,  the camaraderie of like-minded individuals, fun social events, and get a taste of Keene activism in real-life.


KeeneVention is focused on the activism and activists of the Shire.  All speakers and panelists in the KeeneVention are comprised entirely of Free State Project participants and New Hampshire natives.

Keene is a beautiful place, and you’re encouraged to meet new and old liberty-loving friends to hit the town and explore the local restaurants.

Plus, you’ll also have the chance to take part in some of the Keene activism you’ve seen on  Team up with Robin Hood’s Merry Men and save people from the King’s parking enforcers, join up with Keene Cop Block, or call-in to WKBK’s “Talkback”.

Keene’s activist community is special. Social Sundays is the longest-running regular activist social meetup in the Shire.  Saturday night Cecilia from Ladies in Keene will host a bowling and Karaoke party.

Happening in Keene, New Hampshire the weekend of November 1st to the 3rd. Learn more at



Why is supporting the peaceful resistance in Keene so important? Because of what’s happening everywhere else!


Fox 5 Atlanta revealed video yesterday that shows law enforcers hauling unconsenting members of the public into jail cells where they forcibly strap people to gurneys and remove their blood. These people haven’t been charged with a crime; they’re only suspected of being drunk.


Videos like these reveal the nature of the state as nothing more than a group of thugs in black costumes who act like they own the lives of others.


This would be depressing if there weren’t a solution. Fortunately, the Free State Project is bringing together liberty-lovers from around the globe to imagine and employ tactics for achieving liberty in our lifetime.


If you want to live a freer life today and get support from others, you should move to New Hampshire. Learn more at


Bitcoin is an empowering new currency.


It’s peer to peer, so it’s totally outside of government control.


Bureaucrats can attack trading posts, but never the currency itself.


Unlike dollars, the number of Bitcoins grows to a certain limit at a predictable rate.


They can be traded instantly and securely across the globe.


Bitcoin is changing the way people pay for things the way email changed communication.


Get started with Bitcoin at





Nathan Fuller of has published his dialy firsthand reports.


The week began with testimony from Rear Admiral Donegan who claimed that the Apache (Collateral Murder) video did not reveal the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures as previously asserted by other testimony.


Nathan Fuller writes, quote, “For Manning to have violated the 1917 Espionage Act, the information had to have been ‘relating to the national defense.’ Included in the government’s burden of proof is the requirement that the cables were ‘closely held.'”


However, Charlie Wisecarver, the principal deputy chief information officer and chief technology officer at the Department of State (DOS) testified that the system from which Bradley copied files had 20,000+ users and that no top secret information was contained within that database.


Manning’s commander at the time, Col David Miller, said that morale, quote, “took a hit,” after the released documents. However, in an apparent bombshell, he stated that the “secret level internet” – SIPRNet – was actually not restricted, thus not precluding the need for any special downloaded software to access it. This calls into question exactly what Manning had access to and what type of information he potentially could have released with the same access as more than 20,000 others within that system.


On the final day to close out the week, Judge Lind found two tweets admissible involving circumstantial communications between Manning and WikiLeaks, despite the argument of the defense that these were obtained by third-party Google Cache records.


The trial resumes today.


Read all of Nathan’s daily updates on this monumental trial at


Links are in the show notes.


This has been Peace News, your daily update on the peaceful evolution.


Get more Peace News on the Next News Network, and for daily videos, subscribe, at


For, I’m DerrickJ, reminding you that Peace is the way!