PNN Live #62 Sheriff Attacks Man in Court

Recording Video is the Easiest, Safest Form of Peaceful Resistance

Sheriff Deputy Attacks Shackled Man in Courtroom


Dubai Drones Before Amazon Does


Don’t Call 911- Use Lyft Instead


Travel free!


Death Penalty Repealed in NH


Edward Snowden has Entire Roster of US Govt Names and Home addresses including Law Enforcement ready to release if he dies


School Officials Outmanned Outfoxed Free Keeners


Mediation Unlikely in Robin Hood Case


Cops Disarmed Arrested Man Open Carrying and Now they’re Going to Pay


Rapist Trooper Wants His Job Back


“Who’s the daddy?”


CT Massive Civil Disobedience on Gun Confiscation


How bitcoin is helping the Homeless


Angry Mobs Look Ridiculous


Check out this episode!

PNN Live #61 CopBlock Founder Felonies Dropped

CopBlock Founder Felonies Dropped, NH Gun Confiscation, & Legal Land

Ademo Freeman, Founder of the decentralized police accountability website, had 3 charges of felony wiretapping dropped this week. The DA can now charge Ademo with all new crimes. Hear the man explain it all for himself in this episode of PNN. PLUS! Gun confiscation. Is it coming to New Hampshire? And much more!


443-424-8347 / Hi-Fi-Civ-Dis / “PeaceNewsNow”

10:00 Ademo Wiretapping Charges Dropped

10:20 Josh Wiley of The Cerebral Industrial Complex

10:33 Tyler Crosson on ITL 1589

10:47 Eric Freerock


“Where the Great Minds of the Modern Freedom Movement Come Together”

This weekend, February 14-16 Phoenix AZ

Speakers Include:

James Babb – Davi Barker – John Bush/Catherine Bleish – John Buttrick – Tim Frey – Will Grigg – Charles Goyette – Anthony Gregory – Patrick Byrne – Ernest Hancock – Rosa Koire – Greg Peterson – Larken Rose – Paul Rosenberg – Butler Shaffer – Phranq Tamburri – Tarrin Lupo– Marc Victor – Cody Wilson – Meghan Lords February 20-23 Nashua NH


Mark Baker Trial March 11-14 in Lake City, MI Missaukee County Courthouse

Pig Farmer on trial


Commercial 1:

Commercial 2:

Piano Music

Commercial 3: Jayson Madore

Commercial 4: Jordan Page – War Machine

Commercial 5:

Commercial 6:

Commercial 7: Listen – Jordan Page

Boston Mayor – “We need to know where these guns are, who has these guns, so we can get them off the street.”

Gun Confiscation in NH soon a reality?


Sheriff Beats Up Woman In Handcuffs, Still at Work  VIDEO:


Google Person wants to CrowdFund a Private Militia


Crazy Emerson’s Towing Guy Threatens Shire Society Member

Pensacola Encampment Attacked by Police


Oklahoma Restaurant Won’t Serve Faggots gets Internet Push as best Gay Bar


Gov Maggie Hassan Smoked Pot in College!

Debt Ceiling Increased Today

WASHINGTON — The House of Representatives approved a rise in the nation’s debt limit Tuesday, setting up passage of a bill in the Senate that would allow the nation to continue paying its bills this year.

The measure, which boosts the current debt ceiling of $17 trillion before the government would have been forced to default at the end of the month, passed 221 to 201, with 28 Republicans joining 193 Democrats in voting yes.


Cop Shoots Service Dog at 9 Year Old’s Birthday Party

Man Arrested for Drawing Penises on a Cop’s SnapChat Photo:

Day Prison Update:

School Plays Game Where Children Snitch on Family Members


Sick Health:

Cancer Patient with Obamacare Turned Away from a NY Hospital

Ron Paul Nazi Book

Don’t forget!


Free State Project


Bitcoin PHL

Direct download: PNN_061_Feb_11_2014.mp3
Category:general — posted at: 4:40 PM

Ladies of CopBlock Calendar Debacle Documents made Public

Yesterday, I was approached by Alma Sommer via Facebook. She asked if she could use as a platform to blog about a recent dispute within her community. I created her a username and password, and she wrote everything below, without any edits by me. My goal in allowing this to be published on my website is, as I told Alma, to solve this problem without the use of the state. Courtrooms used to be the place to bring all of your facts and info and stories and get it all out in one place. In the 21st century, a blog post can do this better. I hope that in the spirits of peace, truth, and cooperation, this issue can be resolved through investigation of the facts and peaceful dialogue. I never censor or delete comments. To show that I have no bias, I invite any of the Ladies of CopBlock, or anyone who seeks a peaceful resolution to a conflict, to blog about it here on – Derrick J Freeman

The Ladies of CopBlock calendar debacle has been kept secret from the public. It is now time to make public the information within.

Six Ladies withdrew from the calendar before publication for many different reasons. Mostly due to each individuals concerns being disregarded.

Most of the group was documented before it was closed off to some of the Ladies. The threads have been put together for your viewing pleasure.

Also here are a few statements as to why the Ladies opted out.

Kate Ager:

“I chose to disassociate myself from the Ladies of CopBlock calendar project due to a lack of respect regarding major concerns with the final project voiced by myself and other participants.”

Kristen Meghan:

“After the project was delayed, the original intent of the product was lost. When evidence of where funds were could not be produced when asked, adhominem attacks were the only reply we got. This is why I chose to withdraw my involvement; however I continue to support CopBlock and the new Women of CopBlock.”

Toni Bones:

“I regret to inform my friends and supporters than I can no longer consent to involvement in a project I was led to believe was for copblock due to profound differences in principles. I have witnessed very little transparency, accountability or any other values I’ve learned to appreciate through cb. While I can not promise a calendar, I can promise I will not stop until the truth of the funds is made available and our generous donors be made aware of such. I am currently comfortable claiming that I believe Lauryn has committed fraud and gathered these funds on behalf of my friends and I to promote herself.”

Alma Sommer:

“I chose to withdraw from the Ladies of CopBlock calendar due to philosophical differences. My goal is to promote spontaneous order and Agorist principles in all things. Concerns were met with a blatant disregard, instead of transparency, therefore loosing my support of this project. I strongly urge the donors to ask for their money back”

Josie Wales: (Josie the Outlaw)

“My choice to disassociate from this project is due to lack of organization and major concerns voiced by many of those involved left unaddressed. However, I remain a strong supporter of CopBlock and new Women of CopBlock”

Meg McLain

“After months of delays on the Ladies of CopBlock calendar, we were told the final product would be “amazing”.  I think we all assumed a calendar was not that hard to make look good, and after such extreme delays, I was expecting something great. What we were shown as the ‘final product’ was not only hideous, it was filled with spelling and grammatical errors (my name wasn’t even spelled right).  All the girls voiced their concerns, including the fact that the calendar was now so late that a couple of the months were no longer of use. Rather than address the concerns, our comments were met with anger and resentment. We were told it couldn’t change, cause the printers had already been paid a nonrefundable deposit. When I asked about this policy, the story changed to “no deposit, but the printer was prepaid, and we couldn’t get the money back”. Again, I asked about this policy, and the story changed again to “the money is in the bank account of Lauryn’s mother.” Because the story of where the money was kept changing, myself and others thought it would be best to get financial records and/or move the donated funds to a neutral 3rd party. Once again our requests were met with anger and verbal attacks. The general behavior came off as dishonest and angry; and the concerns of the girls regarding changes needed to the calendar were being disregarded and treated with utter contempt. For these reasons, I was no longer comfortable being a part of this project, as it was no longer clear where the money was or what the message of the project was. I hope the money is returned in full to the donors; however, I still have concerns that the money may be partially missing. I would hope that the donors could contact me if they are not refunded in full.”

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

PNN Live #60 Namecoin, Bitcoin Buys Guns


PNN Live 060 Feb 9, 2014

Namecoin is Useful, but Bitcoin Buys Guns!


We’re on LMR! Feb 20-23th

Mark Baker trial March 11-14

How to Help the Baker Farm

1.  Show up to The Missaukee County Courthouse in Lake City Michigan on March 11-14, 2014, in support of Mark Baker and the inherent right to peacefully farm.

2.  Help fund his legal and living expenses:

3.  Call the DNR, the attorney General’s office and the Governor’s office (link to the video) and let them know we are watching… and tell them to drop the case.

Free Speech Me dot org – Michael W Dean


Wearable Armband Identity Unlocker + Pay in bitcoin?

Chuck Weed’s “None of the Above” Bill (Made it to Drudge Report)


Darryl W Perry has a related bill


NJ Weed Man Released from Jail


Central Texas Gun Works Michael Cargill Accepts Bitcoin for Guns and Training


Real-time Brick and Mortar Price Tags for Bitcoin (Or Any Crypto-currency)


Man Not Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sheriff’s Deputy


Bitcoin Is Helping Young People


‘Dumb’ Starbucks – Parody Law Gone Crazy


Direct download: PNN_060_Feb_9_2014.mp3
Category:general — posted at: 4:38 PM

PNN Live #59 Voting with Your Wallet

Is Voting With Your Dollar Really Worth It?


Surviellance Edward Snowden


Ladar Levison in Hot Water as Courts May Dismiss Civil Liberties



Chinese Lady Is Not Having her Car Towed!


NH Lawmakers Target NSA


School Ditches Rules and Loses Bullies


Man Fills Potholes Himself, No Waiting for Govt


81-year old Mary Mussleman Continues to Feed Animals Despite Orders to Stop. She was arrested

Check out this episode!

BREAKING: BitInstant CEO Charlie Shrem Arrested!

Charlie Shrem, the CEO of the Bitcoin-based company BitInstant, was arrested at JFK Airport today upon arriving home from the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami. According to the federal criminal complaint, Shrem is charged with “one count operating an unlicensed money transmitting business, one count of money laundering conspiracy and one count willful failure to file suspicious activity report.”

According to U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara:

“As alleged, Robert Faiella and Charlie Shrem schemed to sell over $1 million in Bitcoins to criminals bent on trafficking narcotics on the dark web drug site, Silk Road. Truly innovative business models don’t need to resort to old-fashioned law-breaking, and when Bitcoins, like any traditional currency, are laundered and used to fuel criminal activity, law enforcement has no choice but to act. We will aggressively pursue those who would coopt new forms of currency for illicit purposes.”

Is this the beginning of a bitcoin man-hunt? Are government agents seeking to use force, surprise arrests, and threats of furter intimidation to stifle growth and innovation in bitcoin? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. I will update this story as it develops.

United States vs. Charles Shrem and Robert M. Faiella

h/t Jessica Roy of

PNN Live #55 Bitcoin Better than Banks!

Cop Goes Berzerk


Joël Valenzuela

on, you can see New Hampshire has twice as many brick-and-mortar places accepting Bitcoin (20) than MA (10), despite having a fraction of the population


France Flirts with Coupon Money


Banks Can’t Take Dollars, JOB FOR BITCOIN!


Chase & Shootout of Man Killed Because they Can



Wave of Police Brutality Confronts Nation, thanks to Video cameras


Check out this episode!

PNN Live #54 Dennis Rodman in North Korea


Get the F*** OUT!


18-yr old shot by cops


Explain Bitcoin Like I’m Five


Seabrook NH Police Throw Man Against Wall


Bitcoin Transaction from North Korea


Dennis Rodman Goes a Little Nuts

Who the Heck is Kenneth Bae?



Roderick Long: An Open Letter to the Peace Movement




Marijuana Sales Exceed $1M in a single day in Colorado:


Statue of Satan in Oklahoma


Life in the Electronic Concentration Camp: The Many Ways That You’re Being Tracked, Catalogued and Controlled


The Long Shadow of US Imperialism



Police Abuse from Window (video)


Inmate turns himself in (too cold)


Andre De Castro

eCoin Cashier (a RightClick LLC property) Becomes the first US Company to be given FinCEN Authority to transact Virtual Currency for it’s own purposes. No need to register as an MSB (Money Service Business). No money transmission regulations, nothing. We have redefined and clarified U.S. Federal guidance. Hopefully I have paved the way for many companies in the U.S. to no longer need to leave the country and now can understand how to properly develop a business process to stay within the law. To the NY Bitcoin Community, Guys I told you we could do it and we did it!! Virtual currency will take 2014 by Storm!!



Check out this episode!