Utah Rally for Drug War Victims

A peaceful march outside a West Valley City, Utah, police department is taking place throughout the week. The peaceful congregations serve as a reminder that people want and expect the police to be peaceful in their interactions with members of the public, especially following the death of 21-year-old Danielle Willard at the hands of Valley City Police.

For months, that’s all anyone was allowed to know. Danielle’s friends and family grieved her death without knowing the reason.

Now, documents previously kept secret by the police reveal that they followed her after she left a house they suspected of selling drugs. According to police, when they approached her car, she sped off, and they shot her in the head.

Peace News Now applauds the efforts of Danielle’s community to peacefully hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

There’s something wrong with a Justice System that allows people with badges to indiscriminately, and without justification, harm and even kill the badgeless.

The courts will not bring justice against their thin blue line brethren. and violence against them is certainly not the answer. Some people choose to starve the beast.

If you love peace,

If you believe the rule of law is supposed to apply to everybody equally,

If it doesn’t sit right with you that police can now kill you and not say why,

Perhaps it is time to STOP expecting justice from the courts and DEMAND justice of yourself.

If you feel it is an INJUSTICE to fund an organization which commits senseless acts of violence,

perhaps it is time to STOP funding them.





Real-Life Robin Hood Having Impact

Keene bureaucrats are furious about Robin Hood! Robin Hood of Keene is the most popular act of engagement with the community that FreeKeene has experimented with so far. Robin Hood employs a handful of individuals to feed the parking meters in downtown Keene. They are funded by private donations, usually from people they save. The Robin Hooders leave a type of calling card on the windshields of cars that they rescue, and when people return to see that they’ve been saved, they often donate and “Like” the Robin Hood of Keene Facebook page.

But Facebook “Like” or not, it’s clear that the people of Keene DO like Robin Hood. The group continues to receive private donations, evidenced by the regular pictures on its Facebook page.

But despite Robin Hood’s popularity with the people of Keene, a certain group calling themselves “The City of Keene” is fighting back.

Bureaucrat John MacLean says that Robin Hood is harassing the meter enforcers because he walks with a camera and records them: “It’s harassing behavior.”

To find out whether or not it’s harassing behavior like John says, John put ex- Keene Police Chief “Sturdy” Thomas back on the city payroll at a rate of about $30 an hour to walk with a camera and record Robin Hood.

Ian Freeman got some awesome quotes into the Keene Sentinel yesterday including,

“If they don’t like it, they should shut down the parking enforcement department. That would solve the problem, and I think that would make people very happy. But they have to maintain the illusion of legitimacy, because essentially government is a coercive monopoly; if you don’t do what they say, they’re going to possibly put you in a cage (jail).”


PNN #92 Massive Bitcoin Selloff

PNN #92 Show Notes http://bit.ly/12Mq2um



Bitcoin Tanks 50%:



Entire Hakken Family Now Property of Florida:



Danish CopyWrong:



Parents Opt Out of Standardized Tests:



Teachers No Longer Exist:


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PNN #91 Hakken Family Escapes to Cuba

PNN #91 Show Notes



Why Does Putin Like FEMEN, But Not Pussy Riot?



Maryland Overwhelmingly Passes Medical Marijuana Bill



Is Arizona Going Gold?



Bladeless Wind Turbine Unveiled



Hakken Family In Cuba



Okay, Bitcoin?



One Big, Happy, Incestuous Family:


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PNN #90 Who Owns Your Children?

PNN #90 Show Notes http://bit.ly/10wgfow



All Your Kids Belong To Us:



Lawyer in Robe Orders 8 Children to Be Injected by State Agents Against Parents’ Will:



Gun Owners vs Criminals:


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PNN #89 How Bitcoin Undermines the State

PNN #89 Show Notes http://bit.ly/10FYwt2



Bitcoin Threatens the Modern State:



Texas Family Sells Porsche for Bitcoins:



Sign of Success? Bitcoin Trojan:



The Definitive Info-Graphic:


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PNN #88 The New Ron Paul Curriculum

PNN #88 Show Notes http://bit.ly/10EGzeE



Google Refuses Hollywood Meta-Censorship:



Trader Joes, Whole Foods, Refuse to Sell GM Salmon:



Grandfather A Terrorist?



Tom Woods Homeschool Curriculum:


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State Abducts 2 Children, Parents Take Them Back

PNN #87 Show Notes http://bit.ly/Y2rsdi



Anti-Drone Demonstrations



Jim Crowe 2013



Hakken Child Abduction Story Started with Marijuana Arrest


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PNN #86 Will BitcoinStore Convince Amazon to Accept Bitcoin

PNN #86 Show Notes http://bit.ly/10zsNKu



Mandrik on FoxNews.com:



Ben Swann Leaving Fox News:



BitcoinStore Sells $500,000:



Drudge Report Hurts Obama Agenda:


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