Bradley Manning Apologizes for Heroic Actions

PNN #177 Show Notes


Bradley Manning Apologizes for Espionage


FSP Architect Makes the Move to NH


The First Annual Keenevention is Coming Up


Friday, August 16th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 111 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


The military sentencing of heroic whistleblower Bradley Manning began yesterday, and much to the disappointment and confusion of his supporters, Bradley was profusely apologetic in his written statement. He said, quote, “First, your honor, I want to start off with an apology. I am sorry that my actions hurt people. I’m sorry that they hurt the United States. At the time of my decisions, as you know, I was dealing with a lot of issues, issues that are ongoing and continuing to affect me. Although a considerable difficulty in my life, these issues are not an excuse for my actions.”


Manning is responsible for one of the largest disclosures of confidential or classified information in U.S. history when he released the video “Collateral Murder” which features a US Apache helicopter firing indiscriminately on innocent Reuters journalists for fun. While the operators of the death machine who murdered handfuls of innocent people have not even been pursued for admonishment, Bradley was dragged into military prison and tortured for 3 years, and was just found guilty late last month of charges including espionage, theft and fraud, for revealing their actions to the public. He faces up to 90 years in prison.

Manning said that he saw the “unintended consequences” of his actions, but when he made the decision to release the trove of government data, quote “I believed I was going to help people not hurt people.”


Looking back, Manning said, he wondered why he thought he could be the one to “change the world” better than those above him with more information. In retrospect, he said, he should have, quote, “worked more aggressively inside the system.”


Yeah Brad, I’m sure you mean that. As if you really believe that those higher ups in the military are just waiting for the right moment to investigate and prosecute…themselves!


It’s unclear to me whether or not Bradley is saying these things in the hopes that he can save himself from a lifetime spent in military prison.


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Jason Sorens invented the Free State Project over a decade ago in an academic paper theorizing a strategy for achieving real liberty in a single lifetime. Today the Free State Project is a reality, boasting a community of over thousand movers and over 14,000 pledged participants. Those who pledge with the FSP commit to move to New Hampshire within 5 years of the FSP reaching its goal of 20,000 signers.


Yesterday, Jason wrote on his blog that he and his family made the move this past Saturday. While a typical move-in can take days, he writes that his only took 20-minutes, thanks due to the 59 people who greeted the family when they arrived at their new home. New movers to the Free State often enjoy this type of hospitality upon arrival simply by posting on a message board about the time and place of their move. No doubt Jason received an unprecedented level of support due to his connection to the project.


Jason explains in his blogpost that while the move did mean leaving behind financial security and some close friends, ultimately his move is self-interested, not sacrificial. Quote, “The things that really matter in life are family, friends, community, a sense of purpose. Financial security is secondary. We’re participating in a historic effort to create a society of free and responsible individuals, which would be an impossible dream almost anywhere else.”


If you’re considering a move to New Hampshire, check out Keene! Keene is one of the most popular liberty destinations. The Keenevention, a 3-day convention in Keene focusing exclusively on New Hampshire based activism is happening this fall, November 1st to the 3rd. Fall is the prettiest time to visit New Hampshire. Your peaceful news anchor will be hosting a panel on civil disobedience. Get your feet wet by participating in Robin Hooding and other fun forms of liberty activism. Get tickets and plan your stay at That’s


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!


Check out this episode

Will Birthplace of State Become Deathplace

PNN #176 Show Notes


Shiny Badges Fundraiser for Rich Paul


Farm Owners Demand Police Apology


Deadliest Clashes in Egypt Since Arab Spring Began


Thursday, August 15th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 113 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


Today is the last day to participate in the one-of-a-kind fundraiser being run by . Davi Barker has created numbered police badges nearly identical to those worn by the Keene Police. Badge #420 is up for bid at . The current bid is $420. Bids can be placed in amounts other than dollars, such as silver and bitcoin, and every last satoshi goes to Rich Paul. Support courageous activist Rich Paul and win a one-of-a-kind prize by bidding today at But hurry! This fundraiser ends at midnight.


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Ben Russell of NBC News reports that the owners of a small organic farm outside of DC are demanding an apology from police who raided the property two weeks ago in what amounted to be a fruitless search for marijuana.

Arlington police and city Code Enforcement officers raided the Garden of Eden, a 3.5-acre farm searching for marijuana in the gardens. Police did not find any drugs, but Code compliance officers found several alleged code violations.

30-year-old Quinn Eaker, a resident of the farm, who was arrested during the raid for an unrelated, outstanding warrant over unpaid parking tickets, said, quote, “We live a very peaceful life here. We’ve never hurt anybody. This is our land. We have the right to be secure in our person and our property. Period. That’s undebatable.”

The six adults who live at the farm are a community that has come together with the common values of freedom, sustainability and consciousness. They were each handcuffed when SWAT officers from the Arlington Police Department came to their home with weapons drawn.

Police say the handcuffs are standard procedure during the search of suspected narcotics operations.

According to a statement posted on the Garden of Eden’s website, the raid of the farm lasted for an estimated 10 hours.

Code compliance officers mowed the grass on the property and removed wild, cultivated plants including blackberries and okra, as well as other items that the members said they used for their sustainability projects.

Pay attention, fellow activists: According to a search warrant, undercover narcotics officers with Arlington police visited the Garden of Eden to investigate possible criminal activity prior to the raid.

The property owner, Shellie Smith, gave the officers a tour of the property and Eaker spoke with them about gardening techniques and workshops that he conducts on the property, according to the warrant.

In June, an anonymous source provided police with information that Eaker was growing marijuana.

On July 30, a Texas Department of Public Safety aircraft conducted aerial surveillance of the Garden of Eden property.

According to government documents, the Garden of Eden farm first came to the attention of city code inspectors in 2011. the farm’s website indicates that the home shares its vegetables with the community, but there are no food handler permits on file for the property or its residents. Owner Shellie Smith stated the alleged code violations, such as plastic barrels collecting rainwater, would not be removed to comply with the government.

The members of the Garden of Eden demand an apology from police. The community wants police to admit they were wrong and to compensate them for the damage caused to their property during the raid.

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It has been 2 ½ years since the uprising in Egypt that removed Hosni Mubarak from the throne, but today, violence between police and people continues. 525 people died and 3,717 were injured yesterday, making Wednesday by far the deadliest day since the Arab Spring began. Mubarak was removed by the force of the military, a military that still rules and massacres the people now years later. It is unclear whether or not any police have been killed or injured.


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!


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Farmer on Trial Over Warm Eggs, Delivery

PNN #175 Show Notes


Concord BearCat Meeting Recap


Raw Milk Farmer on Trial for Warm Eggs


War on Weed Winds Down?


Slaughterhouse Five


Wednesday, August 14th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 112 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


The Concord City Council heard testimony from members of the public this Monday night in New Hampshire regarding the acquisition of a Ballistic Armored Attack Truck by the local police. According to the Concord Patch, the turnout for the hearing had 48 speakers: 44 people spoke against the militaristic tank sought to crush Free Staters and Occupiers, and 4 spoke in favor of it.

Ian Freeman writes at that the meeting room itself was maxxed out, and there were at least 150 more people protesting outside. Thanks to all who came out to support freedom! Now the question is, will any city councilors change their vote and vote against this monstrosity? Apparently they put off the vote to a future meeting – a sneaky, cowardly, and all-too-common political move, likely in hopes of dampening turnout at the vote meeting.


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Yesterday began day one of the trial of Alvin Schlangen, a raw milk farmer who is being charged with violating the peace and dignity of the state of Minnesota by keeping his eggs at a temperature so high, it’s criminal!


Schlangen says, quote, “The co-op members like their eggs being refrigerated at 50 degrees just fine. After 25 years of egg production, I might have some insight.”


Who would have ever thought providing a free community service, like driving groceries to people, would be a crime? Well, that’s another misdemeanor Schlangen is being charged with.


Even though a jury acquitted Schlangen of selling adulterated food in Hennepin County, the state is going to try him *again* for the same “crimes,” committed on different occasions.


This is organized crime at the highest level, where government picks and chooses the winners, especially when it concerns what we, the government’s serfs, eat and drink.


Is it just coincidence that Hormel, Land O’ Lakes, and General Mills happen to be headquartered in Minnesota?


Please consider donating to the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, whose lawyers are dedicated to preserving your freedom to consume the foods of your choice.


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It could be that the Federal Government’s War on Peaceful Pot Smokers is winding down…or is it just transforming? Prisons are operating at 40% above capacity. Incarceration rates have increased 800% since 1980. Over 200,000 people were caged in federal prisons this year. Half of those inmates are incarcerated for drug-related crimes, costing $80 billion a year. This is not sustainable. Eventually, you run out of people to cage and dollars with which to cage them. The solution is obvious, but politically unpopular, since it means backpedalling on nearly a century of government propaganda. Turns out weed doesn’t make people violent, it is far less of a gateway drug than alcohol, it has never killed anyone, it’s not addictive, and yet the government has been caging peaceful pot smokers for almost a hundred years. Now it can no longer afford to do that, and surprise! Government and media types alike are coming out in favor of legalization. Critics fear that this endorsement has more to do with political control than benevolence. Monsanto is already developing a Genetically Modified form of marijuana. Peace News Now will continue to follow this issue with critical eyes.


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Philly’s first bitcoin meetup is happening tomorrow. Philly BTC is a group of business owners and professionals who wish to integrate bitcoin into their businesses. Tomorrow, Thurs, Aug 15, they will be meeting at the Starbucks at Rittenhouse at 8p to 9p. This event is free and will feature a brief presentation on bitcoin, demo, and Q&A by your peaceful news anchor.

Also happening now is Slaughterhouse Five at the Fringe Festival. I encourage all peace-lovers to check out the stage-adapted version of the famous Kurt Vonnegut novel. The play brings concepts from the book to life: love, fate, and the mind-tearing trauma of war now known as PTSD. Highly recommended. Ends August 20th – Tickets at

Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

Long Awaited Bitcoin ATM Machine PreOrder

PNN #174 Show Notes


Bitcoin ATM Machine IS On Pre-Order


Pirate Bay Launches Anti-Censorship Browser


Alt Media Source “Ron Paul Channel” To Launch Soon


Teen Denied Heart Transplant because he is disobedient to the law.


Americans Are Renouncing Citizenship


Police Use Occupy Protesters as Ganja Guinea Pigs


Eric Holder Removes Mandatory Minimum Sentence Requirements for Non-Violent Crimes


Judge Rules “Stop & Frisk” Violates Rights


Tuesday, August 13th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 107 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


The long-awaited bitcoin machine IS now available for pre-order at . If you go to you can read about its perks and pre-order one to be sent to you this fall. Scan your QR code, and insert cash. You have bitcoin. Check it out at  


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Radio Host and blogger Angel Clark writes at The Pirate Bay has released a self-configured browser package, which allows users to skate around the anti-piracy censorship of certain governments. Now one can access TPB and other file-sharing websites blocked by internet providers in ‘one click’.

The team running the Pirate Bay (TPB) – one of the web’s largest file-sharing sites – has launched a special PirateBrowser that allows users “to circumvent censorship that certain countries impose onto their citizens.”

Rather than being standalone software, PirateBrowser is a combination – or a ‘bundle’ – of a portable version of the Firefox internet browser and a popular client of the anonymous Tor network, Vidalia. The package is said to have the FoxyProxy add-on and “some custom configs” built in, while assuring that none of the programs had been modified, and that it does not contain any adware, trojans, or toolbars.

In other news, Ron Paul is back in a big way by spreading the message of Liberty. Joining the wave of alternative media, will soon provide a solution to the statist quo. While it appears they haven’t fully launched yet, the website offers a video introduction and tour of the studio guided by Ron Paul. Sign up for the mailing list to get the latest info on


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The life of 15-year-old Anthony Stokes hangs in the balance today just outside Atlanta. He suffers from an enlarged heart, and doctors say he only has 6 months to live. But they won’t give him a heart. Anthony’s family was told it was because he had low grades and has a history of non compliance with the law. While apologetic, the doctors claim they are “just doing their jobs” following the guidelines given to them.

In other news, The Wall St Journal reports this week that a record number of Americans are renouncing their citizenship for lives in places with less intrusive governments. One major trigger for divorce from Uncle Sam is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or Fatca, which requires foreign banks to disclose the overseas assets of Americans to the U.S. government. That’s increased the attraction of moving to places such as Hong Kong, where the individual tax rate is capped at 15%.

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Davi Barker reports at that Occupiers in Minneapolis are suing the police for what they call an unethical clinical trial each approached by armed police officers, assured they would not be arrested and provided ten bowls of pot “obtained from police evidence in other cases.” Then the officers drove them to a government warehouse for “observation.” Talk about paranoia inducing.

Also in the news yesterday: Eric Holder Removes Mandatory Minimum Sentence Requirements for Non-Violent Crimes, and a federal judge rules that “Stop & Frisk” Violates Americans’ Constitutional Rights


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!


PNN Live #15: Mad Bitcoins and Jesse Forgione

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On this episode of Peace News Now Live, Derrick J was joined by artist/journalist MadBitcoins. In the second hour, Jesse Forgione joined in the conversation to explain praxeology and how modern myths affect and reflect a culture!

MadBitcoins can be found online at and on Youtube (madbitcoins)

MadBitcoins is a daily web show about Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies aiming to be funny, but informative.

MadBitcoins is looking for subscribers, donors, sponors, links, anyone who would like to make MadBitcoins bigger and better. 

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Clever Man Beats Banks at Their Own Game

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PNN #173 Show Notes


Dog the Bounty Hunter to Pursue Snowden


Undercover DC Cop Exposed 2.0


Russian Man Outwits Banks by Writing Own Fine-Print Terms


Monday, August 12th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 105 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


The internet chronicle reported this Thursday that Duane Chapman, better known as Dog the Bounty Hunter, announced plans to enter Russia illegally in order to capture fugitive whistleblower Edward Snowden. Dog, in an impromptu press conference held outside Da Kine bail bonds, said, “Sometimes you gotta bend the rules to save America, and if I can catch this traitor Snowden and bring him back to God’s side, then it’ll be worth the risk of a lifetime of hard labor in a Siberian gulag.”

The reward for the capture and return of Edward Snowden has been set at one billion US dollars, prompting many bounty hunters to take the risk of capturing a fugitive who is protected by the Russian KGB. Dog was recently arrested and released by Mexican authorities for illegally bounty hunting outside of US territory.

When asked if he had a message for Snowden, Dog became agitated and began to rant, “Every Dog has its day, but Snowden, your days are numbered. Me and Beth are gonna catch you and bring ya to justice, the American way. If you’re listenin’ slick Eddy, the Dog’s comin’ for ya. You can run, but you can’t hide brah. The Dog has picked up your trail.”

Dog and his wife Beth were reportedly spotted boarding a jet for Hong Kong, where the couple intends to search Snowden’s hotel rooms for evidence.


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Lemonade Freedom Day 2013 was a huge success in Philadelphia. Activists turned out from as far as New York City and Baltimore to engage in civil disobedience together in historic Rittenhouse Park. At one point, police showed up to shut down the stand, but Robert Fernandes, Chris Cantwell, Nicholas Shankin, Mike Salvi, and other super-activists were there to resist. They politely refused to close down their stand and continued openly selling Lemonade without a permit. Children even used sidewalk chalk on the ground to write advertisements such as “Illegal Lemonade” and “Freedom in progress.” I applaud the efforts of these brave activists who risked arrest to stand up for free enterprise and set a positive example for freedom lovers. One of the reasons this event was such an overwhelming success was because there were video cameras and live-streaming phones. Police are far less likely to wish to engage an activist if that law enforcer is aware that he is being audio and video recorded. Not only will the world will judge his actions on youtube, but he may be held personally accountable in court for any violations of federally protected rights. Check out video from the event at Mike Salvi’s blog, Mike Salvi’s World, and at Chris Cantwell’s YouTube channel. And if you missed it this year, be sure to participate in Lemonade Freedom Day next August! Learn more at


This story brought to you by Learn about bitcoin at reported earlier this week about a unique twist on contract law: The idea of beating the banks at their own game may seem like a rich joke, but Dmitry Agarkov, a 42-year-old Russian man, may have managed it. Unhappy with the terms of an unsolicited credit card offer he received from online bank Tinkoff Credit Systems, Agarkov scanned the document, wrote in his own terms and sent it through. The bank approved the contract without reading the amended fine print, unwittingly agreeing to a 0 percent interest rate, unlimited credit and no fees, as well as a stipulation that the bank pay steep fines for changing or canceling the contract.

Agarkov used the card for two years, but the bank ultimately canceled it and sued Agarkov for $1,363. The bank said he owed them charges, interest and late-payment fees. A court ruled that, because of the no-fee, no-interest stipulation Agarkov had written in, he owed only his unpaid $575 balance. Now Agarkov is suing the bank for $727,000 for not honoring the contract’s terms, and the bank is hollering fraud.They signed the documents without looking. The bank said what usually their borrowers say in court: We didn’t read the fine print! The shoe’s on the other foot now, eh?


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

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PNN 172 FSP Pres Lets Concord PD Have It

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PNN #172 Show Notes


Green Beam Back with A Vengeance!


NHPR Bearcat Talk


Lavabit Forced to Shut Down and Shut Up


Sunday, August 11th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 103 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


Peace News Now reported on the Green Beam, an activism tool employed by Free Staters in Manchester, and owned by Bill Dominico. Shortly after being threatened by police for broadcasting to drivers about a DUI Checkpoint Ahead, Bill ran an online fundraiser to cover court fees. On Thursday, he received a letter from Manchester Police Captain Robert Cunha. It read, quote,

“On July 26th you were issued a city ordinance summons by the MPD for using a laser signage device in violation of the city’s zoning ordinance (9.07). Research into the enforceability of that ordinance revealed that it is enforceable by the Director of Planning and Community Development Dept. Therefore , the police dept. will not be pursuing this matter in the court system. The ordinance summons you received has been voided. There is no need for you to answer this ordinance violation.”

So what’s next? Green Beam Bill has announced that he plans to be at the next checkpoint with, quote, “beams blasting,” and says he hopes to meet the “enforcers” of the Planning and Community Development Dept. I am sure that since the ordinance is “enforceable” that they will be anxious to preserve the, quote, “peace and dignity of the state.” Thanks to everyone who is supporting this effort. Bill will continue to retain counsel for the expected future confrontation. Stay tuned to Peace News Now for more updates from the Free State.


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Speaking of the Free State, New Hampshire Public Radio was abuzz with talk of police militarization this week. John Duvall, Concord Police Chief, and Devon Chafee, of the NH Civil Liberties Union sat down on call-in show “The Exchange” to answer questions about the acquisition of a ballistic armored attack truck for the Concord Police. In the application for the grant for this vehicle, Duvall wrote that the Concord police deal on a daily basis with local terror threats from the Free State Project. Carla Gericke, President of the Free State Project, called in to hold Duvall accountable for his slanderous accusations.


30 sec (CLIP)


Duvall is asked point blank by the interviewer to list some examples of the daily challenges presented by the Free Staters. He completely ignores the question. This is important to emphasize because he *lied* on an application for federal grant money in the amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars. When you lie to the federal government, you go to jail. When this man lies to the federal government…well, let’s see what happens.


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The creator of, a secure email service, has been threatened by the Feds to either turn over his information to them, or shut down his business of 10 years. Rather than comply, he has chosen the latter. He has been told that if he were to speak about the events that led to his decision, he will be punished. This is where we are today. Peace News Now _strongly_ recommends against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the criminal United States government. Support Lavabit’s legal fund at .


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!


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171 Cops Shut Down Lemonade, 100s More Appear

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PNN #171 Show Notes


Saturday, August 10th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 103 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


The following article was written by Robert Fernandes at, and was picked up by FOX NEWS in Reno.

A summer cannot go by without hearing more news reports of kids’ lemonade stands being shut down by a bureaucrat. And this summer is no different. This time the “illegal” lemonade stand was in Reno Nevada, and the “perpetrators” who were running the stand were 12 year old Emma Farrell and 14 year old Alex Farrell.

The family lives inside the housing development where  the Reno Tahoe Open PGA Tournament is hosted every August. Alex and Emma sell ice cold lemonade, homemade cookies, and gently used golf balls that they custom decorate for customers. They have been operating this stand in front of their house for the past five years with nothing but compliments and support from the community. They have even built a loyal and established customer base that returns year after year.

But this year on August 3rd, they were shocked to receive a visit from the Washoe County Health Inspector. They were told to cease operations immediately. They received a written warning and were told that they would be fined if they did not comply.

According to the girls’ mother Kelly, the Washoe County Health Inspector stated that the girls’ stand was being shut down this year because another vendor launched a complaint claiming that sales were low because of the girls’ lemonade stand.

Like many entrepreneurs, these two girls took advantage of an opportunity, and decided to do something positive with it. They decided to set up a stand and make some money.  According to their mother Kelly, the girls usually make anywhere between $100-$150 at their stand. After running their stand, they like to treat themselves to ice-cream with some of their earnings. They save some of the money, use some to invest in new equipment, and donate some to their church. A few years ago, they purchased their “official” lemonade stand, and this year they purchased a new 4 gallon lemonade container.

At Lemonade Freedom, we applaud these girls’ actions, but the state bureaucrats obviously do not appreciate these motivated girls’ contributions to society. Maybe it is because the agents of the state have absolutely no understanding for the free market and voluntary exchange. How could they? They “earn” a living on taxpayer money. Their entire livelihood is funded at the expense of the productive members of society.

You see… 14 year old Alex, and 12 year old Emma understand more about the free market and voluntary exchange than any bureaucrat or government employee will ever know. In the last 5 years of their young lives, they have been operating a business. They have learned important messages about providing a good product at a reasonable price. They have learned about the importance of re-investing into the business to make it grow. They have learned about the importance of keeping a good reputation and to remain in good standing in their community. They learned about being accountable to their customers.

A private business, such as Alex and Emma’s lemonade stand has to cater to its’ customers. If a private business does not provide quality products at a reasonable price, then the customers will go elsewhere. This promotes innovation, efficiency, and accountability in the marketplace.

The “public” sector doesn’t understand this, because they will receive funding whether they provide high quality service, or poor service. Money doesn’t enter the “public” sector because they provide such great services which people demand. Money comes into the “public” sector because they demand it from taxpayers. This is why quality, innovation, efficiency, and accountability will always be lacking, at best, when services are provided by the government.

You see… Alex and Emma are peaceful girls. They weren’t harming anyone. Nobody in their right mind could disagree with that. Yet, because of the law, this government employee believed that it was necessary to intimidate these two young girls for providing a beneficial service to others. Think about the message that this sends to Alex and Emma, as well as many other creative and motivated kids across the country.

Show your support for these two young entrepreneurs by setting up a lemonade stand. August 10, 2013 is Lemonade Freedom Day. For more information please visit

If you happen to be in the Reno, Nevada area, please set up a stand in support of these girls. Let them know that they are not alone.

They may be able to shut one lemonade stand down, but they can’t shut them all down!


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

170 Raw Milk Farmer Alvin Schlangen Back in Court

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PNN #170 Show Notes


Another Raw Milk Farmer Faces Jail Time Again


Support Real Food Farmer Alvin Schlangen


Free Staters Are Not Terrorists


Friday, August 9th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 102 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


At 4:30 yesterday morning (Thursday, August 8), during routine deliveries to his buying club customers, a law enforcer pulled over peaceful farmer Mike Hartman. The law enforcer called the MN department of agriculture, who told them to immediately impound the truck and everything in it–which consisted of farm food for Mike’s community. After the truck was unloaded of the remainder of the farm food, they left the truck in a gas station parking lot for Mike to pick up later. They took the property and labor of an honest, hardworking peaceful farmer and the families who depend on him. This is another example of the police state and their effort to eliminate access to real food. We WILL NOT quietly tolerate this aggression against the producers of our food! PLEASE attend the hearing for Mike’s friend and fellow Minnesota farmer, Alvin Schlangen.


Alvin Schlangen is another peaceful farmer who faces five criminal charges with a possible penalty of up to 15 months imprisonment and $5,000 in fines at his trial slated to run August 13-15, in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Schlangen is no stranger to the inside of a courtroom, having already been prosecuted–and found not guilty by a jury–on three charges in September of last year related to delivering food to members of a private buying club.

Attorney Nathan Hansen, retained by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, is representing Schlangen. Hansen also handled the first trial.

Schlangen offers members of the private buying club, Freedom Farms Co-op, the benefit of his volunteer delivery service as he picks up members’ food items, including raw milk, from other farms and delivers it along with products from his Freeport farm. Horse-and-buggy farmers, who otherwise would have difficulty getting their farm products distributed, especially appreciate Schlangen’s delivery service.

Mothers, handicapped people, and blind customers are some who rely on Schlangen’s food and delivery service. They are irate at the prospect of losing their food supply if he is jailed on any of the five misdemeanor charges.  The charges include not having a food handlers license, delivering adulterated and/or misbranded food, and failure to maintain the proper temperature requirements for eggs. These things are considered crimes against the State according to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the agency pressing charges against the peaceful farmer.

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods.Those concerned can support the 501(c)(4) nonprofit, by joining or donating online at and support the Farm Food Freedom Coalition at


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The former president of the Free State Project, Verrin Swearingen, wrote an op-ed for the Concord Monitor. It reads, quote:


Concord’s grant application for yet another BearCat tank to be based here in New Hampshire reveals the depth of delusion on the part of some government officials.

The application, signed by City Manager Thomas Aspell contains the following quote: “The State of New Hampshire’s experience with terrorism slants primarily towards the domestic type. . . . the threat is real and here. Groups such as the . . . Free Staters . . . are active and present daily challenges.”

The goal of the Free State Project is “the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of individuals rights to life, liberty, and property.” What part of that mission is so threatening that it requires the response of a tank? The Free State Project detests violence and has a long-standing policy of disassociating with people who advocate violence, racial hatred or bigotry. The only threat Free Staters could pose in their advocacy of freedom is one of non-violence. Meeting that so-called threat with a tank is terrifying.

Mr. Aspell, I respect your opinion if you think government should do much more than protect our freedom. I respectfully disagree and am happy to use non-violent means to advance my position. You appear happy to collect arms to enforce your position. Calling me a terrorist and threatening me with a tank does little to support your position that I am a terrorist and you are not. In fact, the opposite is clearly true.


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