Rich Paul is a 420 Activist Facing 81 Years in Prison for Selling a Flower — Here is his story.…
Category: Blog
Garret Ean Talks Activism to Peace News Now
Garret Ean of joins DerrickJ for a discussion of Robin Hooding. Follow Garret’s videos at and at
James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland on Peace News Now
James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland joins DerrickJ on Peace News Now to discuss the popular activism known as “Robin Hooding.”
Seattle’s Food Forest
There’s no such thing as good government, but the smaller and more local it gets, the less corrupt it tends to be. Look at Seattle’s Food Forest.
The 7-acre forest consists entirely of food which is free to anyone who wishes to pluck from its bounty. The forest is self-sustaining with volunteers, and cost less to build than a single family home.
The money was raised by local taxes. The people of Seattle didn’t make anyone else foot the bill for Their garden.
The garden has become a community meeting place where different cultures unite around common values.
There’s no reason you can’t start a garden like this where you live, but to go one better, try raising the money from the people rather than the state. Only when it is your money is it really your park.
Pirate Party Crowd-Sources File-Sharing Fine Settlements
Anyone, at anytime, could be pinched for illegally downloading movies or music. That can sometimes mean jail time, but it usually means hefty fines.
Some argue that artists are entitled to their money for their work. Even so, the ransom money is paid to the State; neither the record company nor the artist sees a dime for their so-called “victimization” at the hands of their audience.
Now, the Pirate Party has come up with a solution to overcome this monstrously evil arm of the state: crowd-source file-sharing fine settlements.
To the people calling themselves State, serving justice is simply another way of saying “taking your money.” So why not skip all the pomp and circumstance and just start a fund that cuts checks to the state every time a member of the community gets pinched?
That’s exactly what the group calling itself “Sharing is Caring” is doing. Sharing is Caring says that the laws governing people’s use of the internet is changing all the time, and it’s not often clear what rules apply to you. What happens if people’s kids download illegal stuff?
Sharing is Caring raises money to shell out settlement cash for individuals found guilty of sharing material non-commercially. Their protection service costs a one time $39 fee.
The online file sharing community has discovered that they can continue sharing files online for very low cost if they contribute to a pool which buys the freedom of those who get pinched.
For now, the community continues sharing infinite files for very low cost, intentionally buying off the state in the most efficient way.
Wesley Snipes Out of Prison
Actor Wesley Snipes is out of prison after 3 years in a government cage for not paying taxes. He must wait another 3 months on house arrest while he serves the remainder of his sentence.
At a restaurant, your server brings you a bill, and you pay it. If you dispute a charge, you can talk it over with the server, manager, or owner.
Unlike most businesses, however, the government claims to provide you with innumerable services for which you must pay, and it requires that you figure out your own bill once per year.
The tax code which you must use to complete your taxes is 73 thousand pages long, and if you make a mistake on your form, you can be arrested and charged with a federal crime.
Obviously, this system is patently ridiculous, and so each year, millions of Americans choose not to file taxes despite allegedly owing Uncle Sam.
Occasionally, the taxers makes an example of one of these people to frighten those who might otherwise keep their money into complying.
If you’re not brave enough to risk prison time, perhaps this year you will join the millions of Americans who are sending a signal to Washington by filing for an extension today.
Show the District of Criminals that you’re on to their game, and that one day you might exercise your freedom to keep your money.
Ron Paul Peace & Prosperity Think Tank
Ron Paul is no longer in Congress, which has freed up his time to do more productive things. A few weeks ago, Tom Woods announced the release of a new Ron Paul homeschooling curriculum. Now Ron Paul trumps that announcement via a press release on his website revealing the formation of a new Institute, the focus of which while be education and future generations. According to the press release, quote,
“The Ron Paul Institute will provide the tools and the education to chart a new course with the understanding that only through a peaceful foreign policy can we hope for a prosperous tomorrow”
Strategies for Peace
I watched a fast-paced episode of Abby Martin’s “Breaking the Set” recently in which her 3 guests represented different schools of thought for solving common social problems.
Abby Martin does a great job of this, by the way, using her show “Breaking the Set” (a play on words with TV-set) to bring forward a point of view or a subject-matter which is not being touched in the SameStream Media.
In this case, an Anarchist, a Libertarian, and a Socialist discussed topics ranging from the problems of war and defense in the 21st century to the best way to help the homeless.
Utah Rally for Drug War Victims
A peaceful march outside a West Valley City, Utah, police department is taking place throughout the week. The peaceful congregations serve as a reminder that people want and expect the police to be peaceful in their interactions with members of the public, especially following the death of 21-year-old Danielle Willard at the hands of Valley City Police.
For months, that’s all anyone was allowed to know. Danielle’s friends and family grieved her death without knowing the reason.
Now, documents previously kept secret by the police reveal that they followed her after she left a house they suspected of selling drugs. According to police, when they approached her car, she sped off, and they shot her in the head.
Peace News Now applauds the efforts of Danielle’s community to peacefully hold those responsible accountable for their actions.
There’s something wrong with a Justice System that allows people with badges to indiscriminately, and without justification, harm and even kill the badgeless.
The courts will not bring justice against their thin blue line brethren. and violence against them is certainly not the answer. Some people choose to starve the beast.
If you love peace,
If you believe the rule of law is supposed to apply to everybody equally,
If it doesn’t sit right with you that police can now kill you and not say why,
Perhaps it is time to STOP expecting justice from the courts and DEMAND justice of yourself.
If you feel it is an INJUSTICE to fund an organization which commits senseless acts of violence,
perhaps it is time to STOP funding them.
Real-Life Robin Hood Having Impact
Keene bureaucrats are furious about Robin Hood! Robin Hood of Keene is the most popular act of engagement with the community that FreeKeene has experimented with so far. Robin Hood employs a handful of individuals to feed the parking meters in downtown Keene. They are funded by private donations, usually from people they save. The Robin Hooders leave a type of calling card on the windshields of cars that they rescue, and when people return to see that they’ve been saved, they often donate and “Like” the Robin Hood of Keene Facebook page.
But Facebook “Like” or not, it’s clear that the people of Keene DO like Robin Hood. The group continues to receive private donations, evidenced by the regular pictures on its Facebook page.
But despite Robin Hood’s popularity with the people of Keene, a certain group calling themselves “The City of Keene” is fighting back.
Bureaucrat John MacLean says that Robin Hood is harassing the meter enforcers because he walks with a camera and records them: “It’s harassing behavior.”
To find out whether or not it’s harassing behavior like John says, John put ex- Keene Police Chief “Sturdy” Thomas back on the city payroll at a rate of about $30 an hour to walk with a camera and record Robin Hood.
Ian Freeman got some awesome quotes into the Keene Sentinel yesterday including,
“If they don’t like it, they should shut down the parking enforcement department. That would solve the problem, and I think that would make people very happy. But they have to maintain the illusion of legitimacy, because essentially government is a coercive monopoly; if you don’t do what they say, they’re going to possibly put you in a cage (jail).”