Athena Roberts on AZ Anti-Trans Bill

Athena Roberts on AZ SB1432, which makes it illegal for transpeople to use the restroom in AZ, is up before the AZ House Committee on Appropriations Wednesday March 20th @ 2pm.

If you can’t make it, please call and/or write these committee members today:
Chairman: John Kavanagh (R) 602-926-5170
Vice-Chair: Justin Olson (R) 602-926-5288
Lela Alston (D) 602-926-5829
Rick Gray (R) 602-926-5993
Michelle Ugenti (R) 602-926-4480
Paul Boyer (R) 602-926-4173
Adam Kwasman (R) 602-926-5839
Chad Campbell (D) 602-926-3026
Stefanie Mach (D) 602-926-3398
Thomas Foreset (R) 602-926-5168
Andrew Sherwood (D) 602-926-3028

Talking points:
It will effectively require all Arizonans to carry a birth certificate if they want to use a public restroom, making it unenforceable.

It will realistically only be used against transgender people, which is selective enforcement against a harmless, struggling community.

It solves no problem. There are no documented incidents of anyone being harmed in this state from a transgender person using a public restroom.

It is a mean-spirited attack on transgender people brought on by CAP as revenge after having lost the Phoenix LTBT-antidiscrimination ordinances fight.

It is unconstitutional per the Romer v. Evans decision to write a law that specifically attacks a minority. This law will be overturned eventually.

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