PNN #247 http://WeUseCoins.com
Man Buys $24 Worth of Bitcoins in 2009…
Leaving Medicine for Wall St
Rand Paul Ties Fed Audit to Yellin Nomination
Build Bridges for Reps and Dems
A man bought 24 dollars worth of bitcoin in 2009 and forgot about them, only to find out this week they’re now worth $1 million. Today’s Sunday, October 27th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 23 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 180 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of . If you want to learn about bitcoin, that’s where I recommend you get started:
A Norwegian article reports that a student named Christopher Koch was hunting for a job when he remembered his small investment in the new currency. He racked his brain for the password and finally unlocked his encrypted wallet. When he originally purchased the bitcoins, he was able to pick up about 5,000 bitcoins for less than $25 bucks. Today, that sum is worth in excess of one million dollars. Christopher immediately purchased a large apartment in a metropolitan area of Norway. Now, politicians are demanding a cut. Bureaucrats in Norway say that people who make money investing should give a third of their earnings to them for what they ironically call a “value-added tax.” Bitcoin is problematic for politicians like this. Unlike in the past when governments could seize a person’s money through a third party like a bank, bitcoin can be held privately and anonymously. Without access to specially encrypted passwords, you can’t take someone’s bitcoins. Should Christopher pay the tax? Would you? Share your thoughts on the Peace News Now facebook page.
In other news, medical doctor and journalist Michael Lofti published an open letter to Obama in a blogpost at this week. In it, he shares that he sacrificed 8 years of his young life to study medicine. He took on $300k in debt so that he could be a doctor. Now, because of Obamacare, he’s hanging up his white coat and leaving medicine to pursue a career on Wall St. He says that bureaucrats have slowly chipped away at natural incentives that make it attractive to become a doctor. Quote,
“Since the passage of Obamacare everything has changed. When I started college I never intended to work for the government. I never thought I’d have a government bureaucrat dictate what I was worth to the market, and I certainly never imagined those same bureaucrats (who have absolutely no medical training) telling me how to treat my patients.”
Dr Lofti’s sentiments are not uncommon. Obamacare has forced many practices to become cash-only businesses, while discouraging bright young people from becoming doctors and forcing others into early retirement. Doctors in the US: would you start medical school today, knowing what you know now? Share your thoughts us at
This story brought to you by friends of — Once you get some bitcoin, you’re going to need to store them somewhere. I use the free bitcoin wallet at
In the District of Criminals, Rand Paul is playing politics. He’s creating a Win-Win situation by attaching an “audit the fed” bill to Obama’s nomination of Janet Yellen as Federal Reserve Chair. This means that he will attempt to make it so that if the Senate votes to approve Yellen as the new head of the Fed, they would also be approving a bill that would audit the Federal Reserve, returning transparency to the money supply. While it’s unlikely that Rand’s bill will get approval, it will at least bring attention to the Federal Reserve, which has never been audited in its 100 years of operation. The Central Bank was created with the stated mandate of keeping inflation low and to prevent booms and busts. How’s it doing with that?
In other news, Radley Balko reports that one activist in Utah is bringing conservatives on board the police reform movement. Tired of reading endless stories about police shooting innocent people and facing no consequences, 31-year old Connor Boyack founded an organization called Libertas. Among other things, Libertas seeks to reduce the violence perpetrated by law enforcers. Connor reached out to legislators, police organizations and activists to craft a bill that would restrict the use of SWAT teams to emergency scenarios, ones where lives are at risk. No more battering rams, flash grenades, and raiding houses with guns, just to find some drugs. Connor said, quote, “We’re interested in saving lives. And we’re as interested in saving the lives behind the gun as those in front of it.”
Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!
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