Bureaucrats in California passed a law nullifying the NDAA, making it the 3rd state to do so. The NDAA is the National Defense Authorization Act, and it’s unpopular because it grants agents of the federal government the authority to detain anyone forever without trial. Do you want to nullify this law where *you* live? The Tenth Amendment Center has provided model legislation to nullify indefinite detention in each state.
The new law in California states, quote, “It is the policy of this state to refuse to provide material support for, or to participate in any way with, the implementation within this state of *any federal law that purports to authorize indefinite detention* of a person within California.” The new law not only seeks to nullify the NDAA, but any law allowing the feds to legally kidnap Californians. Go to http://TenthAmendmentCenter.com to learn what you can do to nullify federal laws in your state!
h/t http://benswann.com/breaking-california-nullifies-ndaa-indefinite-detention/