Government Agents are Officially Gangsters


PNN #221

Grocery Store has $35,000 seized, no charges filed

People Shock Collar

Handcuffed to Bench While Daughter Dies,0,2963964.story?page=1

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The owners of a family grocery store have teamed up with the Institute for Justice this week to file a federal lawsuit. The lawsuit seeks an answer to the question, “Can the government use civil forfeiture to take your money when you have done nothing wrong—and then pocket the proceeds? “ That’s exactly what happened to Terry and Sandy Dehko in January, when agents of the federal government seized their *entire* checking account without warning, even though the Dehkos did *nothing* wrong. Federal forfeiture allows the government to take your entire bank account just because it doesn’t like the way you deposit or withdraw your money. Like most grocery store owners, Terry and Sandy receive cash every day from their customers.  Their commonsense practice has always been to avoid letting too much cash accumulate in their store. And their insurance policy specifically limits coverage for theft to $10,000—which is common for small-businesses.

In 2012, the IRS conducted an anti-money-laundering examination of Terry and Sandy’s store, thoroughly reviewing their books and policies, and gave the Dehkos a clean bill of health.  After the audit, the IRS sent Terry and Sandy a letter clarifying that quote, “no violations were identified.”

But nine months later, the IRS obtained a secret warrant and cleaned out Terry and Sandy’s entire bank account (over $35,000) on the grounds that their frequent cash deposits—deposits of which the IRS should have been well aware when it issued its clean bill of health—violated the law. The government never charged Terry and Sandy with any crime and refuses to return their money.  

Terry and Sandy are still waiting for a hearing before a judge.  So-called civil forfeiture laws allow government agents to seize your private property from without ever convicting or even charging you with wrongdoing.  The government then pockets the proceeds while providing no prompt way to get a court to review the seizure.

Last year alone, the government took in more than four billion dollars in forfeiture money. Taking money from innocent people like Terry and Sandy is wrong.  Thankfully, the Dehkos are prepared to go all the way to the Supreme Court if that’s what it takes to vindicate the right to private property.

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A jail in Missouri has implemented new quote “stun cuffs” to control the behavior of inmates. With the press of a button on a remote control, 80,000 volts are sent from the electronic shackles through the wearer’s body. Critics call this technology cruel and unnecessary, with a serious potential for abuse.

Earlier this year, Kevin Russell and his son, Brant, were charged with three misdemeanors each for assault, disturbing the peace, and obstruction. Now they’re peacefully resisting the cops’ false charges in court. Kevin found his daughter Brooke in a park near their house, unconscious from a single gunshot wound to the head. He loaded his dying daughter into their car and met an ambulance near the police department. Russell said to the EMT, quote, “Let’s go, get her to the hospital, hurry up, hurry up.'” The EMT turned away from Brooke to scold Kevin for rushing him. Had he been turned toward Brooke, he would have seen her fall off the gurney. At that time a police officer ran up and sprayed 19-year-old Brant in the face with pepper spray and threatened to tase him. Then the cop sprayed the father’s eyes too, and both men were taken to the jail and handcuffed to a bench. Three and a half hours later, when they were finally released, they learned that Brooke had died.

Now, their attackers have offered them a deal: plead guilty to assault and take anger management classes, but he says that would be admitting he did something wrong, and he insists all he did was scream.

Kevin said, Quote, “I didn’t assault anybody, I didn’t threaten anybody, I didn’t obstruct justice.”

The police chief does not deny the allegations, but he said the behavior is inconsistent with their code of ethics. Despite this admission, the officer involved has not been reprimanded or corrected in any way.

The only known document of this account that exists is an incident report, but police refuse to release it to the public yet.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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