Ron Paul Calls Syria a False Flag Event

PNN #192 Show Notes


Permit to Baptize

Ron Paul Calls Syria a “False Flag” Event

USDA Permits Gardening

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Fox News reported yesterday that agents of the federal government began enforcing a policy recently that required churches to obtain special use permits in order to baptize in public water. As part of the same permit process, the National Park Service also mandated that churches give *them* 48 hours advance notice of pending baptisms.

This immediately caused controversy among pastors like Dennis Purcell, who said quote, “If the Holy Spirit is working on Sunday morning, you’re going to baptize Sunday afternoon. You may not know ahead of time.” Many Christians believe that the Bible commands new followers of Christ to be baptized immediately after their conversion. It’s a public expression and celebration of their new-found faith in Christ. Agents of the State told the pastors they are protecting the park from the people, or as they put it, quote, “maintain park natural resources and quality visitor experiences.”

But police wouldn’t *arrest* anyone for performing a baptism without a permit, right? That’s true. While no one has been cuffed and caged for performing a baptism without a permit, in 2011 agents of the state *did* shut down an ocean church baptism in Miami. We all know what happens if you keep doing something police have told you to stop doing.

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The New York Times reported yesterday that the Syrian president’s son posted a strange and provoking diatribe to facebook. Although apparently “liked” and commented on by several people who appear to be the children and grandchildren of the Assad regime, it’s unlikely the post is authentic. As the Times itself notes, quote, “the owner of the account wrote that he was a graduate of Oxford University and a player for a Barcelona soccer team, neither of which would be likely to appear on the résumé of an 11-year-old boy in Damascus.” This may offer a glimpse into the mindset of Syria’s ruling elite as the country braces for a potential Western invasion.

Here is an excerpt from the post allegedly by Hafez Assad, quote, “I just want them to attack sooo much, because I want them to make this huge mistake of beginning something that they don’t know the end of it.”

Ron Paul commented on the unfolding situation in Syria on Fox Business this Wednesday. In the interview, he called the recent chemical attack a ‘false flag’ likely carried out by the US backed Al Qaeda filled rebels. Quote, “I think it’s a false flag…Why don’t we ask about the Al Qaeda? Why are we on the side of the Al Qaeda right now?”

Good questions.

Meanwhile, JG Vibes over at reports yesterday that the primary “witness” that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments.  Recent video evidence proves that “Syria Danny,” the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on CNN, is really just a paid actor and a liar.

Peace News Now does not deny the death and violence happening in Syria right now. However, in your own pursuit of the facts, be aware that the mainstream media is scripted and staged propaganda.

Ending on a positive note, congratulations activists! Peace News Now reported on 4-year-old Rosie, whose family was being threatened over her backyard garden. Their property managers claimed the Federal Government doesn’t allow them to alter their landscaping to include a garden because they live in government housing. After food freedom activists generated a maelstrom of publicity highlighting this gross infringement, the USDA’s Rural Development Agency responded that it has no such policy, and Rosie’s family will be left to garden in peace.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you in part by friends of I want you to share this episode, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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