Farmer on Trial Over Warm Eggs, Delivery

PNN #175 Show Notes


Concord BearCat Meeting Recap


Raw Milk Farmer on Trial for Warm Eggs


War on Weed Winds Down?


Slaughterhouse Five


Wednesday, August 14th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 112 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of and by you, the listener.


The Concord City Council heard testimony from members of the public this Monday night in New Hampshire regarding the acquisition of a Ballistic Armored Attack Truck by the local police. According to the Concord Patch, the turnout for the hearing had 48 speakers: 44 people spoke against the militaristic tank sought to crush Free Staters and Occupiers, and 4 spoke in favor of it.

Ian Freeman writes at that the meeting room itself was maxxed out, and there were at least 150 more people protesting outside. Thanks to all who came out to support freedom! Now the question is, will any city councilors change their vote and vote against this monstrosity? Apparently they put off the vote to a future meeting – a sneaky, cowardly, and all-too-common political move, likely in hopes of dampening turnout at the vote meeting.


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Yesterday began day one of the trial of Alvin Schlangen, a raw milk farmer who is being charged with violating the peace and dignity of the state of Minnesota by keeping his eggs at a temperature so high, it’s criminal!


Schlangen says, quote, “The co-op members like their eggs being refrigerated at 50 degrees just fine. After 25 years of egg production, I might have some insight.”


Who would have ever thought providing a free community service, like driving groceries to people, would be a crime? Well, that’s another misdemeanor Schlangen is being charged with.


Even though a jury acquitted Schlangen of selling adulterated food in Hennepin County, the state is going to try him *again* for the same “crimes,” committed on different occasions.


This is organized crime at the highest level, where government picks and chooses the winners, especially when it concerns what we, the government’s serfs, eat and drink.


Is it just coincidence that Hormel, Land O’ Lakes, and General Mills happen to be headquartered in Minnesota?


Please consider donating to the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, whose lawyers are dedicated to preserving your freedom to consume the foods of your choice.


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It could be that the Federal Government’s War on Peaceful Pot Smokers is winding down…or is it just transforming? Prisons are operating at 40% above capacity. Incarceration rates have increased 800% since 1980. Over 200,000 people were caged in federal prisons this year. Half of those inmates are incarcerated for drug-related crimes, costing $80 billion a year. This is not sustainable. Eventually, you run out of people to cage and dollars with which to cage them. The solution is obvious, but politically unpopular, since it means backpedalling on nearly a century of government propaganda. Turns out weed doesn’t make people violent, it is far less of a gateway drug than alcohol, it has never killed anyone, it’s not addictive, and yet the government has been caging peaceful pot smokers for almost a hundred years. Now it can no longer afford to do that, and surprise! Government and media types alike are coming out in favor of legalization. Critics fear that this endorsement has more to do with political control than benevolence. Monsanto is already developing a Genetically Modified form of marijuana. Peace News Now will continue to follow this issue with critical eyes.


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Philly’s first bitcoin meetup is happening tomorrow. Philly BTC is a group of business owners and professionals who wish to integrate bitcoin into their businesses. Tomorrow, Thurs, Aug 15, they will be meeting at the Starbucks at Rittenhouse at 8p to 9p. This event is free and will feature a brief presentation on bitcoin, demo, and Q&A by your peaceful news anchor.

Also happening now is Slaughterhouse Five at the Fringe Festival. I encourage all peace-lovers to check out the stage-adapted version of the famous Kurt Vonnegut novel. The play brings concepts from the book to life: love, fate, and the mind-tearing trauma of war now known as PTSD. Highly recommended. Ends August 20th – Tickets at

Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

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