166 Scores Arrested for Unpermitted Singing

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PNN #166 Show Notes http://bit.ly/11A7OKB



Arrested for Unpermitted Singing



Armed Deer Raid



FSP Demands Apology



White Rose Society Pamphlet



Saturday, August 3rd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 20 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 104 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by you, the listener.


In the past week, law enforcers have arrested and issued tickets to over 120 people for singing without a permit inside the Wisconsin Capitol. The disobedient singers have returned each day to sing songs making fun of Republicans and the governor. A conservative group has sought and obtained the government’s permission to sing inside, but the other singers argue they don’t need a permit to exercise their free speech rights. The first amendment of the constitution supposedly guarantees, quote, “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”. Somebody might want to inform the law enforcers. Singing is not a crime.


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A Wisconsin animal shelter took in a baby deer who lost his mother. Giggles, named for the laughing sound he made, was happy, healthy, and friendly. After being nursed back to full health, he was scheduled to be released to a wildlife reserve. But instead, just one day before returning to the wild, a swat team of armed bureaucrats raided the animal shelter with guns drawn. Sheriffs along with agents of the Department of Natural Resources busted in shooting, and the baby deer left in a body bag. When the shelter asked why the police couldn’t simply call the shelter on the phone, they actually replied that they don’t ask people to voluntarily give them what they want, comparing the shelter raid to a drug bust. Similar to a drug bust, the police were tipped off about the baby deer from an anonymous tip. Don’t be that guy.


Speaking of charity, a recent poll shows that more than half of all bitcoin transactions so far have been donations. Learn about bitcoin at http://WeUseCoins.com


The militarization of police has escalated measurably in recent years. The Concord Police Department in New Hampshire, like many police departments across the country, is attempting to purchase a tank using free money from the Department of Homeland Security. They made national headlines, however, when it was discovered that in their application, they planned to use the tank to combat, quote, “daily challenges” from members of the nonviolent group the Free State Project. The Free State Project is a New Hampshire based non-profit organization with the sole mission of attracting 20,000 pro-freedom people to the Granite State. Their website specifically states, quote, “Anyone who promotes violence, racial hatred, or bigotry is not welcome.”


To discriminate against “Free Staters” for their pro-liberty, pro-peace, small government ideological beliefs, and to defame an organization in the manner set forth in the DHS grant is unconscionable, and unconstitutional.


On behalf of FSP participants, President Carla Gericke has published an open letter in which she respectfully demands, quote,

1) A retraction and amendment of the grant application to remove all references to “Free Staters.” You are reminded that a condition of receipt of the grant’s funding is: “Funding may be suspended or terminated for filing a false certification in this application or other reports or document as part of this program.”

2) An itemized list by calendar day of the “daily challenges” presented by “Free Staters” to the CPD. Please list individuals, not a class of people.

3) A written letter of apology from both the City and CPD, which includes the following statements: “The Free State Project is not a domestic terrorist organization,” and “Free Staters do not pose ‘daily challenges’ to the Concord Police Department.”


If you want liberty in your lifetime, learn about the Free State Project at http://FreeStateProject.org .


In 1942, a group called the White Rose Society issued a series of prophetic warnings to all humanity. Unfortunately at the time the warnings fell on deaf ears. The White Rose was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany, consisting of students from the University of Munich and their philosophy professor. The group became known for an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign that called for active opposition to dictator Adolf Hitler‘s regime.


The six most recognized members of the group were arrested by the Gestapo and beheaded in 1943. Today, the members of the White Rose are honoured as heroes.


All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Don’t just sit there. Do something to spread peace today. The future depends on it.


Peace News Now is brought to you by friends of http://WeUseCoins.com and by listeners like you. Share this episode, catch us on the Next News Network, and send some bitcoin to http://PeaceNewsNow.com/Donate. I’m Derrick J. Peace is the way!

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