Raw Milk on Trial | Day 1

Today is day one of the Trial of Raw Milk Dairy Farmer Vernon Hershberger of Wisconsin.

Yesterday, I left Philadelphia for DC to meet up with Liz Reitzig. We drove 12 hours to Chicago to pick up heavy-hitter Michael Badnarick and videographer extraordinaire, Blane. After 3 more hours of driving, we arrived at The Weary Traveler, a wholesome food restaurant which sources its meat from local Wisconsin farmers. The owner, Breggan, is a customer of Vernon’s.

After finishing a late-night dinner around midnight, we headed to the hotel where we checked in and rested up for the big day.

As of 2pm (the time of this post), a jury has been selected, and opening arguments are set to begin shortly. About 60 people are convened inside the Ringling Bros. theater, where they are eating a donation-supported lunch and talking about food freedom.

More updates as they come. Follow @PeaceNewsNow on twitter for live updates on the trial.

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