PNN #162 Show Notes
Hero Cop Refuses to Participate in Evil
Dolphins Use Names .. Who knew?–abc-news-tech.html
Dolphins Banned from Captivity … Humans next, please?
Prisoners dilemma tested … unexpectedly positive results!
This is your Peace News for Friday, July 26th 2013. Silver is trading at 20 dollars per ounce. Bitcoin is trading at 97 dollars per bitcoin. Peace News brought to by friends of and by listeners like you.
It’s not everyday a cop makes the peaceful resistor list, but Justin Hanners of Auburn, Alabama makes the grade! He thought the police were about protecting and serving the people. That’s why it didn’t sit right with him when his new boss pressured the force to make quotas for traffic stops and citations. Justin felt that this was harassing behavior. When he stood on principle and refused to pester innocent people for petty victimless crimes, he was fired. This happens all the time in police forces, but what makes Justin different is that he had the courage to record conversations with his superiors discussing the quotas. This type of information, while known about, is very rare. Here’s a clip:
In just a few days, Justin has garnered support from thousands of people on his facebook fan page. This is an example of why good people who stand up for what’s right are better than people who go along to get along. Do what’s right, and good people will support you.
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They escape from aquarium tanks. They locate underwater mines. They can recognize themselves in a mirror. Now, a new paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science claims that dolphins recognized their own name when called.
The dolphins produce and respond to high pitched signature whistles that have a little bit of a melody. They come to the boat when their own name is called, but they tend to their own business when the names of other dolphins are used. The research also seemed to indicate that they learn and use the names of their families and friends.
In a related story, well-intentioned bureaucrats in India have banned the use of dolphins in captivity for commercial purposes such as entertainment. In doing so, India joins Costa Rica, Hungary, and Chile, giving the justification that dolphins share so many characteristics with other sentient beings that they have been declared “non-human persons”. Funny—human persons can be in captivity, but non-human persons can’t. Maybe eventually this principle will be universally applied so that one day all people can be free of captivity, traveling the earth freely without carrying their permission slips from agents of the state.
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The “prisoner’s dilemma” is a familiar concept to just about anybody that took Econ 101.
The basic version goes like this. Two criminals are arrested, but police can’t convict either on the primary charge, so they plan to sentence them to a year in jail on a lesser charge. Each of the prisoners, who can’t communicate with each other, are given the option of testifying against their partner. If they testify, and their partner remains silent, the partner gets 3 years and they go free. If they both testify, both get two. If both remain silent, they each get one.
In game theory, betraying your partner, or “defecting” is always the dominant strategy as it always has a slightly higher payoff in a simultaneous game.
This theory has been around for a long time, but it hasn’t been tested…until recently. The results were not what you’d expect. Prisoners and students each had an opportunity to participate, and the results revealed a much stronger inclination to cooperate to reach a mutually-desired outcome. What’s interesting is that the game requires blind trust from both parties, and you don’t have a chance to retaliate or make up for being betrayed later. Yet prisoners are still significantly more cooperative in that scenario than expected. Can you explain the results, or is it just human nature to cooperate with our fellow man?
Peace News brought to by friends of and by listeners like you. Please share this episode with your friends and donate bitcoin at Remember to Subscribe, Share our Youtube videos, and catch us on the Next News Network. For Peace News Now, I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!