Government Agents are Officially Gangsters


PNN #221

Grocery Store has $35,000 seized, no charges filed

People Shock Collar

Handcuffed to Bench While Daughter Dies,0,2963964.story?page=1

Monday, September 30th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 127 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at

The owners of a family grocery store have teamed up with the Institute for Justice this week to file a federal lawsuit. The lawsuit seeks an answer to the question, “Can the government use civil forfeiture to take your money when you have done nothing wrong—and then pocket the proceeds? “ That’s exactly what happened to Terry and Sandy Dehko in January, when agents of the federal government seized their *entire* checking account without warning, even though the Dehkos did *nothing* wrong. Federal forfeiture allows the government to take your entire bank account just because it doesn’t like the way you deposit or withdraw your money. Like most grocery store owners, Terry and Sandy receive cash every day from their customers.  Their commonsense practice has always been to avoid letting too much cash accumulate in their store. And their insurance policy specifically limits coverage for theft to $10,000—which is common for small-businesses.

In 2012, the IRS conducted an anti-money-laundering examination of Terry and Sandy’s store, thoroughly reviewing their books and policies, and gave the Dehkos a clean bill of health.  After the audit, the IRS sent Terry and Sandy a letter clarifying that quote, “no violations were identified.”

But nine months later, the IRS obtained a secret warrant and cleaned out Terry and Sandy’s entire bank account (over $35,000) on the grounds that their frequent cash deposits—deposits of which the IRS should have been well aware when it issued its clean bill of health—violated the law. The government never charged Terry and Sandy with any crime and refuses to return their money.  

Terry and Sandy are still waiting for a hearing before a judge.  So-called civil forfeiture laws allow government agents to seize your private property from without ever convicting or even charging you with wrongdoing.  The government then pockets the proceeds while providing no prompt way to get a court to review the seizure.

Last year alone, the government took in more than four billion dollars in forfeiture money. Taking money from innocent people like Terry and Sandy is wrong.  Thankfully, the Dehkos are prepared to go all the way to the Supreme Court if that’s what it takes to vindicate the right to private property.

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A jail in Missouri has implemented new quote “stun cuffs” to control the behavior of inmates. With the press of a button on a remote control, 80,000 volts are sent from the electronic shackles through the wearer’s body. Critics call this technology cruel and unnecessary, with a serious potential for abuse.

Earlier this year, Kevin Russell and his son, Brant, were charged with three misdemeanors each for assault, disturbing the peace, and obstruction. Now they’re peacefully resisting the cops’ false charges in court. Kevin found his daughter Brooke in a park near their house, unconscious from a single gunshot wound to the head. He loaded his dying daughter into their car and met an ambulance near the police department. Russell said to the EMT, quote, “Let’s go, get her to the hospital, hurry up, hurry up.'” The EMT turned away from Brooke to scold Kevin for rushing him. Had he been turned toward Brooke, he would have seen her fall off the gurney. At that time a police officer ran up and sprayed 19-year-old Brant in the face with pepper spray and threatened to tase him. Then the cop sprayed the father’s eyes too, and both men were taken to the jail and handcuffed to a bench. Three and a half hours later, when they were finally released, they learned that Brooke had died.

Now, their attackers have offered them a deal: plead guilty to assault and take anger management classes, but he says that would be admitting he did something wrong, and he insists all he did was scream.

Kevin said, Quote, “I didn’t assault anybody, I didn’t threaten anybody, I didn’t obstruct justice.”

The police chief does not deny the allegations, but he said the behavior is inconsistent with their code of ethics. Despite this admission, the officer involved has not been reprimanded or corrected in any way.

The only known document of this account that exists is an incident report, but police refuse to release it to the public yet.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Peaceful Evolution Coming into View



PNN #220

NH State Rep raises 1600 in bitcoin

NH Poker for Objectivism

Jury Null Fundraiser

3D Printed Semi-Automatic

Pussy Riot Hunger Strike

Chicago Police Pay $1M to man whose life they ruined

Sunday, September 29th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 128 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at .

When New Hampshire State Rep. and friend of Peace News Now, Mark Warden last ran for reelection, his campaign staff urged him to try something that no other political candidates in the US had dared to do: accept contributions in bitcoins. He raised about 160 bitcoins, which at the time was equivalent to about $1,600 dollars. Today that’s over $20,000. He received donations from as far as Europe and South America, and since his successful campaign, several other freedom-loving candidates have followed Mark Warden’s lead.

The Atlas Society hosted its first annual New Hampshire Charity Reverse Raffle Poker Tournament which featured live entertainment, the opportunity to mingle with celebrities in the NH liberty movement and entrepreneurs from the ‘Live Free or Die’ state, and the chance to win big at poker. Proceeds benefited The Atlas Society, which promotes the philosophy of open Objectivism, advocating reason, individualism, achievement, and free markets.

Prizes included tickets to the Liberty Forum, Porcupine Freedom Festival, dinner with the CEO of The Atlas Society (including a ride in his Tesla), and a VIP pass to the filming of the movie Atlas Shrugged Part III. Learn more at

James Babb of Philadelphia organized a gofundme campaign to pay for 1 month of a large advertisement in the DC Metro advertising Jury Nullification. The suggested text reads, quote:

Jury Duty? Know your rights! You may, and should, vote your conscience. You cannot be forced to obey a “juror’s oath.” You have the right to “hang” the jury with your vote if you cannot agree with other jurors! Google Jury Nullification. Good jurors nullify bad laws.

There are only 7 days left to raise the $1,200 to fund this project. Donate through a link in the show notes.

According to a post on the forums at, plans for a 3D printed semi-automatic pistol are in the works.

The design is a .22 that uses a 3D printed magazine based on the Ruger 10/22 design.

It uses the AR-15 fire control group and firing pin to increase reliability and durability.

The author of the plans also noted that it would be easier to build a fully automatic than a semi-auto.

Your next firearm could be composed of readily replaceable 3D printed parts, if not the entire firearm itself. Learn more at

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Jailed Pussy Riot member, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, who is on hunger-strike to protest against inmates’ “slave life conditions”, has been transferred to the prison’s medical unit.

The 23-year-old began her hunger-strike on Monday in protest against alleged violations of prisoners’ rights in the Mordovian colony.

In an open letter published in the media last week, she claimed that inmates were treated “like slaves”, being made to work excessive hours sewing police uniforms and getting no more than “four hours of sleep” a day.

Seven years ago John Collins was charged with aggravated battery of a police officer, a felony in Illinois. He was sent to a Cook County jail and bond was set at $75,000, which he couldn’t pay. The jail was overcrowded, so John slept on the floor. He remained there for 385 days, during which time he missed the birth of his first child, a baby boy. His fiancé brought his infant son to visit but he was not allowed to hold him, separated by a pane of glass. Sometimes, those visits were canceled “ when the jail was put on lock-down for stabbings and murders.” Eventually, his fiancé left him, saying his time in the jail had changed him — he wasn’t the same person anymore. Today Collins is a free man, acquitted of all charges, and the Chicago Police owe him $1 million. His seven-year odyssey may have finally ended this week, when a jury unanimously found the two officers involved guilty of malicious prosecution for fabricating the case against him. There were three independent witnesses to the altercation. And what they saw diverged greatly from the police officers’ account.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Your Government is in Control

Your Government is in Control


PNN #219

Creepy ObamaCare Ads

Will Jay Carney Have Obamacare?

Affirmative Action Bake Sale

Gay Okay NJ

Saturday, September 28th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of . Learn about bitcoin at

Have you seen the new ObamaCare Ads? What appears at first to be a typical doctor’s visit turns thriller when the doctor leaves the patient alone in the room, and suddenly a costumed Uncle Sam with a giant head and creepy fixed smile pops up from the doctor’s table and snaps a blue latex glove onto his hand.

White House Liar in Chief Jay Carney was asked if he will be enrolling in Obamacare. He tried to weasel out of answering and buy himself time by deriding the reporter who asked him the question. Eventually, though, he was pressed to answer, and said, quote, “Absolutely…” but then followed that up with a big “if I didn’t already have health insurance from my employer.” Of course, the White House already does provide him with health insurance, so “absolutely” actually means “no.” He will not be enrolling in Obamacare anytime soon.

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The University of Texas chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas put on a pretty hilarious and poignant bake sale this week, one aimed at pointing out that affirmative action is discrimination. They priced their brownies based on race. $2 for a white person, $1.50 for an asian person, $1 for a black person, and $0.25 for a Native American. $0.25 off for any woman. According to the group’s president Lorenzo Garcia, the group hopes to demonstrate several things with the bake sale:

1) It may be demeaning to minorities to say that they need affirmative action to succeed.

2) A society cannot truly be color blind until they stop making decisions based on race.

3) Affirmative Action may create reverse discrimination.

4) Because of affirmative action, a minority may beat out someone more capable for a job or school, simply because of race or gender.

Garcia, the group’s leader, said they were inspired by a recent affirmative action case at their school that went all the way to the Supreme Court, but also by the general practice of using race as a factor for admissions. He said, quote, “We’re against it. We don’t feel that it’s fair. It should be based on merit alone, instead of something you can’t control. If you really want equality, to quote Martin Luther King Jr., judge a man not by the color of his skin but the content of his character, and that’s what we strive to abide by or live by, and they [liberals] are completely hypocritical about it. We’re just sick of it, so we’re just trying to prove a point, and stick it to them, to show them why they’re wrong.”

In the affirmative action lawsuit Fisher v University of Texas, two white girls sued the University for discriminating against them because they are white. Justice Thomas said that the use of race in higher education admissions decisions violates the Equal Protection Clause. Comparing university admissions with desegregation cases, he wrote, quote, “there is no principled distinction between the University’s assertion that diversity yields educational benefits and the segregationists’ assertion that segregation yielded those same benefits.”

One ironic consequence of affirmative action is that it lowers the value of a university degree for minorities. First, admitting students who are academically less qualified than their peers sets them up for lower GPAs than they would have in a university on their academic level. Second, people of color who do not take advantage of affirmative action, but who graduate from universities that employ affirmative action, face skepticism about their merits when entering the workplace. Potential employers now suspect that minorities haven’t put in the same effort into earning a diploma as their peers. We’re all taught as children that it’s wrong to treat a person differently based on the color of his skin. It’s still true.

A state judge yesterday ruled to legalize same-sex marriage in New Jersey, saying gay couples would be denied federal benefits if the state kept allowing only civil unions.

Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson granted an emergency request by six gay couples, ordering state officials to begin giving same-sex marriages on Oct. 21. But Gov. Chris Christie, who opposes gay marriage, vowed yesterday to appeal the ruling all the way to the state Supreme Court. It’s good to know that governor Christie is focusing on what matters.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Cops Arrest Man, Force Wife to Delete Video


PNN #218 (link to episode post)

Can’t Park in Your Own Driveway

Cops Accused of Making Woman Delete Footage

IndieGoGo: Get My Son Back

USB Dead Drops

Friday, September 27th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and  Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at

No, this isn’t a joke. Residents in Pittsburgh are being fined because of a law that says they aren’t allowed to park…in their own driveways. Yes, your benevolent overlords in government knows what’s best for you. Eileen Freedman has been parking in her driveway for almost 20 years, but now because of a letter from bureaucrats at the Bureau of Building Inspection, she is parking in the street and taking up spaces she says visitors to the business district would normally be able to use. Armed bureaucrats sent a message to the community when they issued a fine to one family for thousands of dollars. A pregnant mother of seven who can’t afford to break the rule, now can’t get out of the driver’s side of her van anymore. Because of the law, she has to crawl out of the passenger’s side when she parks the vehicle between her home and her neighbor’s. In a free society, would strangers have the right to tell you how you may or may not park on your own property?

Speaking of your property rights, a man in Michigan named Donald called the police to assist him with chasing away a suspected intruder. When police arrived, they instead arrested Donald because he was carrying a shotgun. Even though it’s legal to carry a gun on your own property, it’s hunting season, and the man was openly displaying that the gun was unloaded, law enforcers fumbled for their guns and pointed them at him. They ordered Donald to get on the ground. They bound his wrists in metal cuffs and made him lay face down in the dirt in his own front yard.

When the law enforcers realized the man’s wife was recording them on her cell phone, they wrestled the camera from her hands and forced her to delete the videos. She was able to recover and upload them to the internet thanks to the help of special software. She said, quote, “It was very disturbing, and all of this happened in front of my children. Police are supposed to be the good guys.” No, people who use violence are *not* the good guys. Do good guys usually try to hide their actions?

Brian Aitken of New Jersey was arrested in 2009 for possession of firearms that he had acquired legally. The system depends on people like Brian taking a plea deal, but he refused and decided to stand on principle. Instead of setting him free, the New Jersey judge decided to make an example of Brian by sentencing him to 7 years in prison for the crime of possessing firearms that he had purchased legally. After serving 4 months in prison, Governor Christie commuted his sentence and had 2 of his 3 charges dropped. But Brian is still classified by the state as a felon, and bureaucrats won’t allow him to see his young son. The NJ Courts won’t hear the case, so Brian is taking it all the way to the Supreme Court. You can help him on his inspiring journey to restore his family by checking out his IndieGoGo campaign. Link in the show notes.

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‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. USB flash drives are embedded into walls, buildings and curbs accessible to anybody in public space. Everyone is invited to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your laptop to a wall, house or pole to share your favorite files and data. Each dead drop is installed empty except a readme.txt file explaining the project. ‘Dead Drops’ is open to participation. If you want to install a dead drop in your city/neighborhood follow the ‘how to’ instructions on their website, and submit the location and pictures. I found 15 listed in Philadelphia alone. I’m going to share Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree with all of them! What are some other creative ways you could use these sharable, location-locked USBs?

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

SWAT Steals Money from Prostitutes


PNN #217

Apple Fingerprint Data to be Shared with NSA?

SWAT Raid Massage Parlor

NJ Corrections Officer Kills Self at Work

NJ Cop Kills Self At Work

Peace Day Memorial

Adam Kokesh No Longer Shield Mutual Customer

Thursday, September 26th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin from friends of . Learn about bitcoin at

In a post-Snowden world, the release of Apple’s new iPhone 5s with fingerprint scan has consumers concerned about Apple sharing their personal biometric data with governments. A group of independent hackers was able to crack the biometrics system within 4 days of the new phone’s release. If recent history is any indication of what is to come, then companies like Apple cannot be trusted to tell the truth to their customers. The heads of Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and Facebook have already teamed up in a lawsuit against the Federal government for threatening them with jail time if they didn’t turn over private user data. Apple is suspiciously missing from that lawsuit. Do you want government agents treating your phone as their dog tag? Remember, they only have the power and authority that you grant them.

In other news, law enforcers in Tennessee stormed a spa and arrested 3 Korean women in their 50’s. They’ve been charged with suspected quote, “massage of an erogenous zone.” The incident has people asking themselves, can peaceful exchanges between consenting adults really be called “crimes”? Law enforcers deployed a masked paramilitary SWAT team — led by a guy with a ballistic shield — to make a dramatic entry into the spa with guns drawn to try and find evidence of unauthorized happy endings. Are guns, shields, and body armor the standard tools of detective work?

Violence doesn’t solve complex social problems; it creates more victims. The three ladies, whose only alleged crime is making their customers feel good, could spend their golden years in a concrete cell. Police seized about $5000 in cash from the business, which they are allowed to keep and use to expand their occupation. The law doesn’t require a conviction for police to grab loot from suspects of vice crime. The women must now protect themselves from further jail time in expensive legal battles — without being able to use their own money. And if convicted, will their prosecution really do anything to end prostitution? According to a University of Michigan study, 1 million people in the US have worked as prostitutes and 70% of female inmates in American prisons were initially arrested for prostitution.

Speaking of imprisoning victimless criminals, on Saturday a New Jersey man working as prison guard shot himself just outside of the federal prison which employed him for almost 20 years. The next day, another Jersey man shot himself outside his place of work–the Ewing police department–He enforced laws for a decade and a half. Is this a coincidence, or is a heavy conscience a predictable result of participating in evil?

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About half a million people were killed, wounded or went missing during *just* the Battle of Normandy. To mark international Peace Day this year, a pair of artists created a visually stunning temporary exhibit of 9,000 silhouettes on a D-Day Landings beach, one for each man who died the first day of the month-long bloodbath. The project, named, ‘The Fallen’ is a sobering reminder of what happens when peace is not present.

The artists made the shape of a person by putting down a stencil and raking the surface to create a distinctive figure. The silhouettes were then carried away by the sea. The artists turned up to the beach with a team of 60 people but by the end, over 500 volunteers were taking part. One of the artists said, quote ‘Watching the tide come in and wash the bodies away was symbolic of all the lives lost in all wars, not just during the Normandy Landings.’

In other news, the popular activist support network Shield Mutual has publically dropped Adam Kokesh as a customer, citing, quote, “failure to renew, failure to remedy damage, and grave breach of trust.” Read the extensive blogpost filled with first-hand screenshots and emails, and listen to the mp3 recordings yourself at .

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

PeaceKeeper Creator Cody Drummond


Direct download: PNN_Live_027_PeaceKeeper_Poetry_w_Cody_Drummond-variable_9.mp3


Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.


In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.


Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.


It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

Just to set the tone for this evening


Tonight we’ll be joined by:


Cody Drummond


Farah Adam


I’ve got some exciting news stories of peaceful resistance I’ll be sharing with you tonight:




Baltimore Sun: Charges Dropped Against Parent Who Spoke Out Against Common Core at Town Hall,0,6741032.story


Help a father publish his book, take his case to the Supreme Court, and get his son back.


Peaceful Resistor Arrested During Miscarriage


Andre Rosa Arrested


Peacemaking Starbucks Trip


Michael Douglass VS US Prison System


Arizona Boycott Causes Loss of $140M over Immigration Law


Biometrics Fail


Special Announcements:

Occupy Philly is Having a Family Reunion


Keenevention Nov 1-3


Andre Rosa has a trial Nov 4


Freedom Summit (Phoenix February)


If you’ve got special announcements for the liberty community, tweet them to @PeaceNewsNow or email them to

Unusual Candidates for Keene City Government



PNN #216

City Council Votes To Expand Black Market in Keene

Politician Questionnaire: Ian Freeman

Politician Questionnaire: Darryl W Perry

Wednesday, September 25th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 125 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

In the Shire, the Keene city council voted this week 15-0 to ban synthetic drugs. Well-intentioned though this may be, this will have the predictable consequence, as it always does, of putting more money in the hands of local illegal drug dealers. The seven-page ordinance proscribes fines in the hundreds of dollars and will result in the products being removed from local store shelves.  While the concerned moms and dads pat themselves on the back for successfully achieving the illusion the drugs are no longer available, local drug dealers now have another product they can add to their repertoire.

Oh, and of course they can now raise the price so customers who are hooked will be more likely to steal and rob people to get money to continue their habit.

It’s simple: Prohibition doesn’t work.

Some have argued that the city has no authority to ban substances–that that is a matter for state legislators. But as if living in the Twilight Zone, City councilor and state rep Kris Roberts proposed legislation to, quote, “remove the ability of anyone to challenge the city’s ordinance based on its lack of authority to enact it”. In other words, he wrote law that says City Council can do whatever they want, and no one’s allowed to challenge it. Does the government really rule by consent of the governed?

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It’s election time in New Hampshire, and some famous Free State liberty activists are running for positions in local government. Ian Freeman is running for Keene City Councilor at Large and Darryl W Perry is running for Mayor of Keene. While it’s unlikely they’ll win, this is a nearly free but very effective way to get radically new ideas about government to a large geographic area. For example, the two candidates recently had their ideas published in a local newspaper in response to a candidate survey.

When asked why he was running for Mayor, Darryl wrote, quote, “In a State that prides itself on political involvement, it is somewhat ironic that there are so few candidates for local office. I am running to give the voters a choice. On November 5, voters will have two choices for mayor, had I not filed, they would not have had a choice at all.”

Ian and Darryl put forward similar plans: both seeking the abolition of coercive taxes and ending the prosecution of victimless “crimes.” Ian also put forward a suggestion to abolish the parking enforcement in favor of allowing downtown property owners to own the spaces adjacent to their property and let downtown merchants and owners figure out the best policy for their own spots.

One of the most interesting questions of the survey was, What role should the city take in dealing with its population of homeless people?

Ian responded, quote,

As a regular financial supporter of Hundred Nights, I’m familiar with how their shelter actually encourages the homeless to make their lives better, while the city’s shelters just provide a way for homeless people to take advantage of the system.  The city should get out of the business of trying to help people and leave that to community members who actually have the correct incentives to care.

Darryl responded in a similar fashion, with the addition of a historical example. Quote, “Mary Ruwart explains how the government of New York City prevented the homeless from being helped by the Missionaries of Charity. “In 1988, Mother Teresa’s order, the Missionaries of Charity, bought two abandoned buildings from New York City at $1 apiece and raised $500,000 for repairs. The city approved their plans for a homeless shelter, but after construction had begun, inspectors demanded installation of a $100,000 elevator. The nuns didn’t want to spend 20% of their funds on something that wouldn’t really help the poor, but the city wouldn’t budge. In frustration, the good Sisters abandoned the project. The street people of New York City, who would have been thrilled to live in these buildings even without an elevator, remained homeless.”

The City of Keene should reduce the costly tax burden and eliminate zoning ordinances that prohibit more individuals from providing help to those who need it.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Is Government Turning the World Into A Prison

Michael Douglass VS US Prison System

Arizona Boycott Causes Loss of $140M over Immigration Law

Andre Rosa Trial – Nov 4

Biometrics Fail


PNN #215 (link to episode post)

Tuesday, September 24th 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 22 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 126 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

Michael Douglas won the Emmy for Lead Actor in “Behind the Candelabra,” a story written by Liberace’s former lover, who is currently in prison. Douglas’ oldest son, Cameron, has been incarcerated on drug charges since 2010, and has been in solitary confinement for the past two years. During his acceptance speech, Douglas got emotional when he publicly declared he hoped “they’ll allow me to see my son soon.”

Backstage after his speech, Michael continued to slam the U.S. prison system to the media and stated that he was “very disappointed in the system.” I wanted to share his exact quote with you, but because of copyright laws that threaten media producers like me with jail and other punishments for sharing a soundbyte with you, I’ll read his words: Quote:

“My son is in federal prison. He’s been a drug addict for a large part of his life. Part of the punishments — if you happen to have a slip, and this is for a prisoner who is nonviolent, as about a half-million of our drug-addicted prisoners are — he’s spent almost two years in solitary confinement. Right now I’ve been told that I can’t see him for two years. And I’m questioning the system. Obviously at first, I was certainly disappointed in my son. But I’ve reached a point now where I’m very disappointed with the system. My last comment on that is the United States represents 5 percent of the world’s population and we have 25 percent of the world’s prisoners.”

Cameron is scheduled to be released in 2018. He has also criticised the prison system. In June, he penned a drug policy essay from jail for The Huffington Post.

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Have you been boycotting Arizona-based goods and services? Many have, and it’s costing the state’s businesses millions. The reason? The politicians in Arizona have given the police there the authority to ask anyone for proof of citizenship. This “papers please” reaction to immigration stinks of Nazism, and people planning to vacation in Arizona have changed their plans for fear of being harassed. Businesses have lost lucrative contracts and conventions have relocated, performers called off concerts, and cities and counties in about a dozen states passed resolutions to avoid doing business with Arizona. They argue that regardless of how one feels about immigration, the solution is not to turn Arizona into a prison. A report released Thursday says the boycott has cost the state over $140 million in lost meeting and convention business. The study found that canceled meetings and conferences could cost the state nearly 2,800 jobs, $87 million in lost wages and more than $250 million in lost economic output over the next three years.

Looking to join the boycott? US Airways, U-Haul, and of course Arizona iced tea are all based in Arizona and easy to boycott in favor of a competitor.

However, critics argue that the boycott doesn’t help, but hurts the Hispanic community in Arizona. CEO Joe Stegmayer lost a bid for a California building contract, even though it was the lowest bid, because his company is based in Arizona. He said the homes would have been built at a plant near Phoenix, which would have led to more work for the primarily Hispanic work force there.

And in activist news, New Hampshire liberty activist Andre Rosa has a trial November 4th to answer to the crime of driving without state permission. Please attend to show your support.

Thinking of picking up the new iPhone? Apple says the new fingerprint ID is impenetrable. Wrong! Within 4 days of the release of the new phone, the biometrics hacking team of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has successfully bypassed the biometric security of Apple’s TouchID using easy everyday means. A fingerprint of the phone user, photographed from a glass surface, was enough to create a fake finger that could unlock an iPhone 5s. Skeptics argue that the purpose of the biometrics were not intended for security but for surveillance. What do you think? The Department of Homeland Security is testing their new facial recognition software at a junior ice hockey game this weekend.

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

Check out this episode

Cop Breaks Window, Drags Student from Car


PNN #214

Peaceful Resistor Arrested During Miscarriage

Andre Rosa Arrested

Peacemaking Starbucks Trip

Monday, September 23rd 2013. 1 ounce of silver is 24 dollars. 1 Bitcoin is 130 dollars. Peace News Now is brought to you by Bitcoin and Silver from friends of and

Trade value for value with “Fine Silver Quarters” from the Suns of Liberty Mint. 4 quarters to a troy ounce. The most divisible, usable silver on the planet. Order some today at Suns of Liberty Mint (dot) com.

In early childhood, we all learn the simple rules to coexist peacefully:

Play nice with others. Don’t touch other people’s things without their permission. Respect other people’s personal space and don’t put your hands on strangers. These fundamental principles are integral to a free society.

But there are some people in the world who act as if putting on a tin badge or a fancy hat makes them exempt from these rules. They believe that even though it’s morally wrong to initiate force against someone…it’s okay when it’s done under the pretence of protecting law and order. Is it really true that arming a small group of men and granting them authority over everyone else, is going to lead to a more peaceful and just society?

Ask Victoria King. This month the college student was on her way to the doctor when a law enforcer sirened for her pulled over. Her brake light was out. In most cases, this is a warning–a simple ticket at most. But this law enforcer decided to break the front window of King’s car, forcibly unlock her door and open it without her permission, and grab her and throw her to the ground.

She was charged with Resisting a Law Enforcer with Violence, Resisting a Law Enforcer *without* Violence, and Battery on a Law Enforcer. In a video going viral this week, the law enforcer’s own body-cam footage reveals that King remained peaceful–that in fact *she* was the *victim* of battery *by* the law enforcer, not the other way around. And exactly how can a person be alleged of both Resisting an officer *with* violence AND *without* violence? The only one acting violent in the video is the man who damaged this woman’s property and then forcefully pulled her from her car to the ground. Does she own her body or do the cops? Does they work for us or do we work for them?

Kudos to Victoria King for maintaining a peaceful demeanor, calm attitude, and considerate volume in the face of violent aggression by a so-called authority. Your peaceful actions not only make apparent the violence inherent in the system but also provide an example for other peaceful resisters to follow.

In a related story, New Hampshire Liberty Activist and Friend of the show Andre Rosa was recently arrested for the “crime” of driving a car, after agents of the state sent him a piece of paper in the mail explicitly informing him that he no longer has their permission to use the roads. They claim that traveling on the road is a state granted privilege, and if you do it without their permission, then they are allowed to violate the universal principles of “don’t touch and don’t steal” when they forcefully take your body and put it in a cage until your friends or family pay them a ransom. Is this moral? Does it suddenly *become* moral when the agents have blue costumes and guns?

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And now a beautiful example of how we can spread peace in our daily lives: this week a woman in a Starbucks drive-thru mistakenly thought the driver behind her was trying to butt in line. She angrily charged forward and launched a laundry list of expletives at the driver, who blogged about the incident online this week. Quote,

I left her a wide berth, and smiled at her splotchy face. She shot me a sideways scowl. Pulling up to the loudspeaker behind her, I said “I want to pay for whatever the woman in front of me has ordered. And please tell her I hope she has a better day.” The woman idled in front of me for a good four minutes, talking to the barista. She shook her head and handed over a bill. She drove around the side of the building slowly, this time no gunning. Hmmm. “No takers, huh?” I said to the barista as I pulled forward. “Nope. She said she couldn’t believe you wanted to pay for her drink after all the names she called you. She said she couldn’t allow it, and said to tell you she was sorry. She felt really bad.” “Did you tell her I hoped she had a better day?” “Yep. She said thanks— that she already was.”

Peace News Now is on the Next News Network and is brought to you by friends of and . Share this episode with your friends, and if you enjoyed it, send some bitcoin to I’m Derrick J, reminding you that Peace is the way!

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